*Back to blind eon* eon emovore says "I wonder what the creator looks like or what his aura or soul is like" don starts to choke and eon emovore sprints up and helps don breath eon emovore asks "are you good don how did you choke!?" Don then said "yes I'm fine I choked on my water" eon emovore said "thats good you scared me how do you even have water here?" Don said "by going to floor 3* eon said "wo-" eon emovore gets cut off as a blood dragon destroys the house so eon emovore grabs rain and looks at the bloody dragons level and the blood dragon roars as eon looks at the level and sees its level is 528 eon emovore then looks at his level and sees he is level 367 eon emovore said "dang it im to weak to fight it but i might as well try" eon emovore then getz in a stance "Voidflux Mirage 3rd form: Afterimage Voidflux Mirage 1st form: Fluctuating Speed Voidflux Mirage 2nd form: Voidfire Flares" eon emovore gets stronger but starts to bleed all over from over use so he runs to the dragon and sliced the blood dragon(BD) the blood dragon roars a blood curdling roar and the bd starts to burn its mad but doesn't know what the real eon emovore is and eon emovore keeps getting faster and faster then eventually he kills the BD getting 102 levels now being level 469 but passed out from using to many forms at once