As they saw them Shanna gets caught by a earth dragon and gets dragged away eon saw and ran to them with rain(rain is now a teen dragon) Jessica was surprised and tried attacking the earth dragon but failed she was surprised as she is now level 278 and Shanna is level 348 so Shanna throws 2 kunai that blow up in the earth dragons nose and she gets freed and since Jessica did some damage she leveled up to and so Shanna is level 379 and Jessica is level 321 Jessica said "I hope nothing happens" foreshadowing at its finest but eon emovore greets don and Jessica and Shanna but then a dragon mole appeared and dragged eon underground but eon grabs the barren floor and don grabs the mole and flinged it out of the ground but eon then said "voidflux mirage 7 form: Abyssal Echo" eon then proceeds to make multiple echos that turns to ripples that you can see making the dragon mole get multiple scars everywhere eon then starts to fall so he said "voidflux mirage 13 form: Astral Voidstep" and eon starts to float and then when he moves he can walk in the air as he is walking down the dragon mole(level 231) jumps out and trys to eat eon but don sprints to the dragon mole and slices the mole in half and cut it into multiple pieces and kills it he then levels up but doesn't say anything and eon gets to level 572 for dealing a lot of damage to the monster