This chapter is not related to the main story, I apologize if I got your hopes up but I had a few things I wanted to get off my chest and didn't want to write them at the end of another chapter.
The first thing I want to talk about is the fact that I finally got a book cover! I know this was probably one of the first things I should have done when creating a story, but unfortunately, there were some issues on my end that didn't allow me to create a cover in the usual way. Thankfully, I found a substitute, and I think it came out great.
The second thing I want to talk about is my consistency with uploading. In the beginning, I aimed to upload a chapter every four to five days. I thought that would give me enough time to come up with new chapters and keep readers like you engaged and not bored
As we all know, that didn't happen. There was almost an entire month between chapters four and five. I've mentioned before that the hiatus was due to issues in my personal life, so I won't go into too much detail about that here.
I'm only bringing this up again to make it clear that I have no intention of dropping this story anytime soon. If, in the future, I find myself in a position where I can no longer continue writing this story, I promise to let all of you know.
The third topic is something I've been dreading to bring up: feedback. I know most authors ask their readers to leave feedback in the comments so they can review it and improve
I originally planned to write something similar at the end of my first chapter, but due to some mistakes on my part, I uploaded my first chapter unfinished. I had to rush to take it down and complete it to a point where I was satisfied with it, at least for the time being.
After forgetting to include it in my first chapter, I've been dreading adding it to the end of any other chapter. I'm too nervous about what you guys would say. Like anyone, I don't enjoy it when something we love is viewed negatively—doubly so when the thing being criticized is something we created ourselves.
But I want to improve as a writer. To do so, I need to receive criticism so I can identify and fix my mistakes, as well as eliminate any bad habits in my writing.
That is all I really wanted to talk about so I'm going to publish this and head to bed.