Chereads / You are the only Flower of my Life / Chapter 1 - A Song for A Veela

You are the only Flower of my Life

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Chapter 1 - A Song for A Veela

I'm so foolish! She screamed in her head as she paced around her room after closing the door with a big slam. She could not believe that someone she had called a little boy could score more points than her. Her Headmistress had warned her that she should not underestimate the boy who lived, but Fleur had ignored her; after all, he was just a fourth year, way over his head, who had entered the Tournament to keep his fame, but she was proven wrong on the first task.

Before the first task started, she saw he was just as nervous as her; after all, facing a dragon was madness.

When she entered the arena, she used her Veela allure to affect the dragon. With her voice, she had been able to make the dragon fall asleep. However, due to the audience consisting of imbeciles, the dragons woke up before she retreated back to the safety of the tent. This resulted in her uniform getting burned, but she still managed to complete the task without much trouble.

The same hadn't been for Arry; the boy's dragon had been a Hungarian Horntail; she didn't know much about dragons besides that they were able to breathe fire, but she had heard from Bagman that Arry's dragon was the most dangerous out of all of them, upon hearing that, she was sure, the boy would fail, or they would need to save his life, but instead. The one she had called a little boy had summoned his Broomstick and had somehow managed to grab the golden egg right under the dragon's nose. She was sure the boy had used a strange language while flying around the dragon's head, but whatever the case, he had managed to grab the golden egg without a single scar; not even his robes were on fire, and he had managed to earn more points than her, and she was dead last. Cedric had more points than her, and Krum was in first place.

She was sure the Famous Quiddicitch player was impressed with Harry's way of getting the golden egg from the dragon. But not her, after the task ended, her Headmistress kept giving her looks as if to say, 'I told you so.'

Now, a whole week had passed. Many of her fellow Beauxbatons wizards and witches were giving her mocking looks, and many spoke behind her back when they thought she couldn't hear them.

'All she has are her looks, and Allure. I bet she enchanted the Goblet of Fire to select her as the Champion.'

'She's just a dirty whore.'

'All she does is act like she's better than all of us, now look at her. She's shaming our school. Now the Englishdogs think they are better than us.'

Fleur felt foolish. She was the best of Beauxbatons; the Goblet of Fire had chosen her after all, yet instead of showing her skills and being on top, she was dead last. With a frustrated huff, she left her room. She didn't even know where she was going, but she needed to be somewhere else, and being in her room by herself felt like she was suffocating.

Once she walked outside, she was greeted by the lawn that surrounded Hogwarts; the place was beautiful. The castle was built on top of a cliff by a lake; she heard from Hogwarts's students that it was called the Great Lake.

Feeling the fresh smell on her face, she hummed and decided to explore the place; her eyes lingered on the Forbidden Forest in the distance; she wondered whose genius idea was to build a school near a forest that possibly had many dangerous animals, some rumors even said that giant spiders could be found in the forest and werewolves. She hoped protective wards were placed around the forest; the last thing she wanted was for their carriage to be attacked by giant spiders during the night.

As she walked down the hill, she was a little perplexed that no one was around. If she was studying in this school, she was sure she would spend most of her time in this place, by the lake. No one would be close enough to feel her Allure, and she would be able to read in peace without anyone bothering her. She escaped her thoughts when she heard it.

She stopped dead in her tracks. It sounded like someone was singing. She quickly spun around, but there was no one near her. She looked back forward, down the hill where the Great Lake was, and the voice was coming from there. Fleur couldn't see anyone, but as she squinted her eyes, she saw that someone was sitting behind the tree by the lake with his back against the tree. The tree obscured her vision, but she could tell this one was a wizard.

Huh, who could be singing, she wondered as she tiptoed towards the tree down the hill; whoever was singing was very good at it as she drew closer, now hearing his voice more clearly. She knew whoever this was wasn't from her school, no student she knew of was good at singing, and she doubted this someone was from Durmstrang, the student from that school didn't seem like the fun type, they all were too serious for her own taste.

Before her was a small drop that led her to the bank of the lake, she could see his dark hair and half of his body that wasn't hidden by the tree as he kept singing. She kneeled, her legs moving over the small drop. She jumped down, and with a quiet thud, she landed. As she tiptoed closer, she almost gasped to see that it was Arry. He was looking at the Great Lake with an owl sitting on a nearby branch.

She told herself that she should walk away. This was probably his spot where he could be alone in peace, and she had no business being here, spying on him, but Fleur did not walk away as she listened more to his song; she realized it was a French song called 'The Rose of Versailles.'

Not even knowing the name of the grass in the field

If it's a flower that's blooming

Just let it sway in the wind

It's fine if it's just like that

I was born into the fate of a rose

Born to live vividly and intensely

The rose, the rose

Blooms nobly

The rose, the rose

Falls beautifully

When the time comes for any star to revolve

And scatter

Who am I?


My ordinary


May be a dream that can't be fulfilled

I am entrusted with the life of a rose

Always burning with passion

The rose, the rose

Blooms nobly

The rose, the rose

Falls beautifully

I am entrusted with the life of a rose

Always burning with passion

The rose, the rose

Blooms nobly

The rose, the rose

Falls beautifully

Fleur didn't realize that she was not really trying to hide anymore; all it would take was for him to turn his head a bit to his left, and he would see her. But she was too enthralled by his voice to remind herself that she was spying on him. His voice, there were no other words to describe it, it was majestic, she had heard people sing before, her mother loved songs, and so did Gabriella, she had never been a big fan of them, but now, she could understand what it meant hearing a good singer.

Unknown to Fleur, as she looked at him, the way he was patting the white owl, she didn't realize that her cheeks had turned a little pink. She wondered how it was possible that from all the rumors she had heard about him, none of them mentioned anything about him being good at singing. She wondered if that was because the other rumors about Basilisks and killing Professors sounded more entertaining than him being good at singing, or the more likely option, he had never sung like this in front of other people. It would make sense why he was here and alone; he didn't want anyone to know he could sing.

Fleur couldn't understand why he wouldn't want other people to know of his talent. She wondered how he knew that song; she would understand if he sang an English song but not a French one.

Suddenly, she remembered her comment towards him, calling him a little boy. Thinking of him as lesser, she felt guilty for that comment. She wasn't sure yet if he put the name in the Goblet of Fire, maybe he didn't, she didn't know the answer to that question, but even if he put the name in that Goblet, so what? The Goblet had chosen him and recognized him as a worthy wizard; all she had done the past month was act like a stupid girl.

That's it; she needed to apologize.

She wondered if he would even accept her apology. If the roles were reversed, she knew she wouldn't accept it, at least not right away. After his name came out of the Goblet of FireFire, Fleur and her friend had asked around about Harry, wanting to know more about him. The majority of Hogwarts students described him as a fame seeker, someone who would do anything to keep his fame.

They called him arrogant and said he always broke the rules; some even said that Professor Dumbledore would always back up Harry and forgive everything he did during the school year. Some students mentioned something about him attacking another student during the second year with a snake. Everything she heard about Arry Potter made him sound like an unpleasant boy, someone she would rather avoid. Of course, the other houses weren't the only ones who dragged his name through the mud; she had heard the same from Gryffindors, too, that he was a cheater and nothing else.

Of course, everyone did a complete one-eighty the moment he completed the first task; Fleur had never seen people change their opinion so fast; from the worst student in Hogwarts, he quickly became the best one again. Many acted as if what they had said about Arry was never said, and she had noticed that no one tried to apologize to him, and the boy didn't seem to care about it; the only real friend he seemed to have was the girl with bushy brown hair.

Well, I can always be the first to apologize for my less-than-ideal behavior. She coughed softly to gain his attention. Harry blinked a few times and turned to face her; his eyes widened a little.

"...Miss...Fleur, how long you have been here?" He stuttered a little as he quickly rose to his feet, dusting off his clothes.

She couldn't help but giggle at his flustered expression. "Long enough. I didn't know you were such a good singer." She couldn't help herself as she walked closer. His face turned redder, but she knew it wasn't because of her Allure; only now she realized that she couldn't remember him being affected by her Allure. Usually, being so close to someone would already put them in a drooling state, but Harry showed none of that; his eyes didn't even turn fuggy, and she was sure the flush on his cheeks was because she heard him singing.

"You think so?" Harry asked insecurely.

Fleur was sure he was japing, but she realized that he didn't know that his singing voice was amazing, something one would hear from a very talented singer. "Oui, Arry. Your voice, eet's wonderful merveilleux." Harry looked very pleased by her compliment, but she was confused as to why he thought his voice was bad. Surely, anyone who could have heard him sing would tell him as much. She quickly remembered that she was supposed to apologize to him.

"Bonjour, Monsieur Potter." She spoke with a small smile. "May I 'ave a moment of your time?"

"Sure, Miss Fleur. What can I do for you?" Harry asked as he walked closer to her.

Fleur took that time to study him. He was dressed in Gryffindor robes, which went well with his eyes. His windswept hair gave him a wild look that did nothing to hide his famous scar.

Fleur noticed that Harry didn't fall for her Veela charm. This might as well be her first conversation in Hogwarts where the one she was talking to didn't turn into a drooling idiot or was jealous of her. Other than her one friend, that is.

"Miss Fleur." Harry's voice brought her out of her musings. "You wanted to talk about something?"

"Ah, yes. Eet's very beautiful, oui?" She asked as they sat on the grassy ground. She made sure to use a private charm; the last thing she needed was for anyone to hear them talking. She had seen how fast rumors could spread in this place, and she didn't need the first page of the newspaper the following day to cover how Fleur Delacour had seduced Harry Potter. The thought of that was quite amusing, and it is not like he was bad in the eyes; he was quite good-looking.

She watched as the white owl flew and landed near them, but far enough away for them to have a private conversation. "I didn't know thix plaze could 'ave such beautiful owls; everything I 'ave seen so far eets dull looking," she said with a giggle, expecting him to get defensive for insulting his own school, but instead, Harry laughed along with her.

"Her name is Hedwig. Come here, girl." She watched as the owl spread her wings and flew over to his lap, his fingers caressing her little head before he dug into his pocket and gave her a few treats.

"She's beautiful," Fleur remarked before turning her attention to something else. "Are your pockets full of owl treats?" she asked amusedly, watching as the owl let out a hoot. She wasn't sure what she was trying to say.

"Not really, but whenever I come here, I make sure to bring some treats for her; she loves hearing me sing," Harry answered softly as the owl took the last treat from his palm.

Fleur couldn't help but feel stupid for believing all these rumors about him, but a part of her couldn't help but wonder why the students of Hogwarts seemed so quick to give Arry the cold shoulder.

"It might look dull now, but you should see Hogwarts during winter. It gets very cold, but it looks like something straight out of a book. Especially if you are flying, there are many places you can visit." Harry said with a hint of passion in his words.

She could tell from his words alone that the school was very important to him. "I would like to see that. You know you could show me the castle during winter, eef eet's as beautiful as you are saying, eet weel be quite a sight, and wiz me zere, eet weel only make the sight more memorable." Fleur said as she fluttered her eyelashes at him. This had the desirable effect on him; his face turned a little red, and she couldn't help but find his expression adorable. It was a bonus that she knew it wasn't because of her Allure.

"You know people are already calling you ze boy who outflew a dragon." Fleur continued with her teasing; she expected him to boast about it, and he would have the right to do it; after all, flying faster than a dragon was quite a feat, but instead, Harry groaned loudly, taking her by surprise.

"Not another nickname. I hope they spare me." Harry said miserably; the white owl quickly flew over to his shoulder before nipping at his ear, almost trying to comfort him.

Fleur wondered why he wasn't gloating about it, and the way the owl flew over to him the moment he felt miserable, she knew their bond must be quite strong. "You are a very interesting wizard, Arry Potter." She noticed the way he shuddered when she said his name with her accent; this made her smile smug, a perfect weapon to tease him with, but she reminded herself why she was having this discussion to begin with.

"Monsieur Potter, I would like to apologize for my harsh words toward you. Weel you accept my apology?" she asked seriously, hoping he would, but instead, Harry looked at her confused.

"Miss Fleur. I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are talking about."

Fleur blinked; surely, he was messing with her. Perhaps he was trying to drag this out so he could make her feel worse, but one look in his eyes and she knew he was being honest with her. Fleur was starting to see that Arry was nothing like they had described him and was unlike anyone else she had ever met.

"When your name came out of ze Goblet of Fire, I called you a little boy, and I 'ave been quite rude to you ze past month, especially when you wished me 'Good Luck' before ze first task." Fleur clarified and watched as he looked deep in thought before having an 'aha' moment and remembering what she was talking about.

Alright, this is probably the moment he will..."Don't worry about it."

Fleur felt like she needed to cheek her ears. She blinked several times before looking at him oddly. "You don't 'ave a grudge against me?"

"Miss Fleur, if I had a grudge against anyone who said a bad word to me. I might as well hold a grudge against the entire school. Trust me, when you said those words to me. I wasn't even paying attention. You apologised, that's more than almost everyone else did in this school." Harry answered with a small huff of frustration.

Remembering Ernie from the second year, who was too quick to claim him as a dark wizard, but then later apologies to him after Hermione became the next victim of the Basilisk, but that didn't stop him from insulting him again during the fourth year after his name came out of the Goblet of Fire. Hermione had reported his Broomstick during the third year without telling him, but she, too, had apologized for doing it behind his back. Ron's apology for being a prat during this year was barely an apology.

Harry could somewhat understand why those from Hufflepuff were angry with him, but why the hell were the Gryffindors and the Ravenclaw angry with him? Slytherins, well, they were Slytherins. Their entire reason for existing was to be a pain in the ass.

Fleur was caught off guard. Something that was quite difficult to achieve, but she was happy that this surprise was a welcomed one. "You are very sweet, Arry Potter. But I wonder, unlike your fellow students, you 'aven't tried to seek me out."

"Well, I was too busy trying to survive this bloody Tournament, and I have to be honest, you are quite scary, Miss Fleur. Almost as scary as Hermione."

"Oui?" Fleur was once again lost for words. How was she scary?

"I mean, you are beautiful, smart, confident; despite the way your fellow classmates look at you, you ignore them. The way you walk, you walk gracefully, and that's respectable." Harry listed off the things he found special about her, and she felt her cheek warm up once again; a giggle escaped her lips, and suddenly, she felt like a silly girl. She realized that Arry paid attention to things, especially after his comment about her classmates.

"Well, eef we are gonna list spécial things about each other. Your voice ees ze most marvellous thing I 'ave ever 'eard, and trust me, I 'ave been to many different concerts. I don't know much else about you Arry, but I wouldn't mind knowing you more and learning everything else that makes you spécial." Fleur didn't know why she was flirting with him, but it felt natural to talk with him, and the way he blushed at her words was just adorable.

She wondered if he had a girlfriend, but from what she remembered, the girl with bushy hair seemed to be the only one who might be his girlfriend. She reminded herself that he was alone here, so they were most likely just good friends.

"You and Hedwig are the only one here who knows that I like to sing. Can you keep it a secret?" Harry asked a little nervously, not noticing the way she frowned at his words.

"Why are you trying to eep a secret? Your voice ees beautiful."

The smile from his face disappeared, and she heard him murmuring something, but she didn't quite hear what he said.

"I feel better when I sing by myself, and this spot is my spot. This is where I go when I want to be alone, and singing calms me down." Fleur knew he wasn't fully sincere with her but decided to respect his boundaries. She knew he would tell her whenever he felt like he could trust her.

She decided to change the topic slightly. "You still 'aven't answered my question. Are you willing to fly me wiz your broom, and show me 'ogwarts during Winter?" She asked with an alluring smile that made him red once again.

"Do you like flying?" Harry asked. And then Fleur witnessed an almost magical change in the boy when she nodded. "Really? That's so cool. There are so many places to see around Hogwarts..." Gone was the laid-back teen; instead, a child took his place as the teen chattered on and on about all the places they could see while flying.

The tower of Gryffindor, the Great Lake, the Forbidden Forest, the Shrieking Shack, the majestic view of Hogwarts from the lake, the stone Bridge, the Suspension Bridge, the Astronomy Tower, the Bell Towers, the Headmaster's Tower... Fleur listened with growing fascination as Harry described the many places of Hogwarts and surrounding areas. His eyes sparkled with joy as he described his favorite places.

"You know a lot about zis castle." She commented idly when he stopped speaking.

"Yes." He ran a hand through his hair and stared at the ground in embarrassment. "I sneak around a lot. This place is like a home to me."

She saw a glimpse of sadness in his eyes but decided to ignore it. She didn't want to say anything that would make him uncomfortable.

"Then, I would love to see all these places wiz you, Monsieur Potter." She said softly and briefly smiled at the teen.

"Arry, ze song. Where deed you hear eet?" Fleur asked, wanting to know from where he heard that song.

"Ohh..." a sad smile was on his face now, a look of longing in his eyes. "Before I learned I was a wizard, in the muggle school. There was this professor, she was my favourite, and she often sang this song to me." Arry admitted with a smile.

"That's sweet of 'er." Fleur cooed at the thought before taking a look around and realizing her Headmistress would be looking for her by now.

"Eet's getting late." Fleur said after a few moments of silence. "I weel see you tomorrow. That ees eef you don't mind my company."

"No, no. Of course, I won't mind talking with you again." Harry stood and helped her up. "Let me walk you to your carriage."

"My, aren't you a gentleman." She giggled and took his hand.



Harry Potter placed his head on the breakfast table with a muffled groan. He did his best to ignore both of his friends. At a moment like this, he felt like facing the dragon all over again wouldn't be such a bad idea. His best 'friend' was too busy filling his plate with food before eating as if he had never seen food before, while Hermione was busy glaring at the boy. This wasn't the first time she had glared at him in the past years they had known each other, but he had never seen her glare at him this way. She looked like she wanted to hex him, and the only thing stopping her was that they were in the Main Hall, and many teachers wouldn't be pleased with her.

Last night, when he had been walking Fleur back to her carriage, apparently, Hermione and Ron started having quite a heated argument, so much so that the first years had run away to their rooms out of fear. He wasn't sure what happened between the two, but from what Fred told him. Hermione had gotten angry with Ron. It seemed he said something bad to her, which resulted in the argument starting, and the same argument ended with Hermione slapping Ron in the face. A five-finger red print was still visible on his cheek, but he had made sure to use a spell to cover it this morning.

Harry knew that slap would hurt for some time, but he still remembered the way Hermione punched Draco last year. Usually, he would have wished to have been there, perhaps to calm things down, but eventually, he was glad he wasn't there; talking with Fleur and forgetting about the bloody Tournament had been much more relaxing than having to deal with Ron and Hermione's bullshit, and knowing Ron's big mouth, he was sure he must have said something hurtful for Hermione to act like that, he wasn't sure what it was, and she refused to tell him.

As he ate his food, the whole Gryffindor table suddenly went quiet. He wondered what caused this to happen but decided to ignore it and focus on his food. Once he was done with it, he would start looking at the bloody egg and try to understand what he needed to do; perhaps Hermione had already figured out the secret behind the egg, as he swallowed the food, he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, and he was sure this one wasn't Hermione.

"Bonjour, Monsieur Potter. I was hoping we could talk more." A beautiful voice was heard from behind, and Harry was thankful he had no food left in his mouth. He quickly realised why everyone had fallen silent as he turned his head to look at the French beauty.

"Bonjour, Manquer Delacour. Do you want to sit?" Harry offered a seat for her and saw the way she smiled, amused by his French greeting.

"Oh, I deed not know you could speak French," she said, amused, especially when he was flustered a little by her blue eyes.

"Only a little. I hope I'm not butchering it." Harry said with a cheeky smile, knowing his accent would need a lot of work before he was able to talk French fluently.

"Only a little." Fleur countered with a smile before looking at the ginger boy and Hermione over Harry's shoulder.

"Weel you introduce your friends?" Fleur asked as she grabbed a plate, ready to fill it with food and enjoy the breakfast with him.

"Ohh, right." Harry thought out loud, earning a playful swap from the bushy-haired witch next to him. "She is Hermione Granger. Hermione, this is Fleur Delacour, the Champion of Beauxbatons." He leaned back when the two shook each other's hands, but he didn't miss the way Hermione looked at him with a playful grin, that kind of grin she used when she knew everything. Harry was sure she could read his mind somehow. That would explain everything.

"Ravi de vous rencontrer, Mlle Delacour. J'espère que vous appréciez Hogwarts. (Good to meet you, Miss Delacour. I hope you are enjoying Hogwarts.)" Hermione greeted the French girl as they stopped shaking hands. Fleur arched an eyebrow, but no one was more surprised than Harry when she spoke French.

"Okay, since when do you know French?"

"I know enough, Harry. I started learning it when I visited France with my parents." Harry quickly remembered her telling him that.

"That's good, but you 'ave to work on ze accent," Fleur said with a smile, and Harry realized that he hadn't introduced his second friend.

"And his name is Ron Wea-" He stopped mid-sentence when he saw that Ron had his mouth wide open, with a chunk of food sliding down his chin, looking at Fleur with a foggy expression, with drool on his lips.

"I'm not hungry anymore. I think I need to take a walk." Harry said, sliding away the plate before him, something that Hermione and Fleur did as well.

"I will go and read in the Library. Have fun, Harry." Hermione said with a teasing smile as she walked away, patting him on the back as she did.

Harry looked at her, confused. He didn't understand what she meant by that. "What is she talking about?" he wondered out loud.

"Don't worry about 'er, Monsieur Potter." Fleur smiled. "Why don't we go out for a walk? I 'ave 'eard many interesting things about you. Maybe you can help me discern ze truth out of ze rumours."

"Just call me, Harry." He said, he didn't want this to feel like he was talking to a Professor.

"Only eef you call me, Fleur." She added with a flirty smile that made his face turn red.

"...I wouldn't pay attention to the rumors you can hear here, Fleur." Harry quickly said as they walked outside through the front door. They walked into the Hogwarts grounds; the place was beautiful, and many students were around in groups; many stopped whatever they were doing and turned to look at them the moment they walked outside. "People here can spread the most wildest of rumors within a day," Harry added, remembering when the whole school turned against him in the second year. "So, tell me which rumor you want me to talk about?" He asked as they walked out of Hogwarts grounds through the double gate. In front of them was a long path made of cobble; the path led to the large fields surrounding Hogwarts, one path led to Hogsmeade, and another led to the Forbidden Forest.

"Oui." She hummed thoughtfully, thinking of the many things she could ask him, like the rumor that he had killed a professor in the first year and the rumor about him killing a Basilisk in the second year, but the one rumor she wanted to know whatever it was true or not was the rumor that he could fully perform a charm, that she herself could not perform.

"I 'eard that you could perform ze Expecto Patronum charm?" She asked with a hint of seriousness as they walked along the path that split into two different directions, one to the left, which led to the Forbidden Forest, and the other to the Hogsmeade.

Harry was ready to continue towards Hogsmeade, but Fleur grabbed his wrist and turned to the left. His body tensed up for a moment, and he remembered his experience with this forest. Almost getting killed by Voldemort in the first year, the spider almost killing them, and Professor Lupin when he became a Werewolf.

"I 'ope you are not afraid to walk through ze Forbidden Forest, " she said with a full grin as they approached the forest. She noticed how his body tensed up a bit, and she was ready to turn around; perhaps he had bad memories, but Harry's body relaxed and continued forward.

"I have been here many times before. In the second year me and Ron almost got eaten by Giant Spiders." Harry commented with a small shrug, not noticing the way Fleur looked at him incredulously.

Fleur could not understand why he was talking about 'dying' as if it was a normal occurrence. Perhaps the rumors about him weren't all lies. As they walked through the outer part of the Forbidden Forest, Harry asked about her own school, and Fleur was happy to tell him everything he wanted to know, pleased by his question. Once they reached a big lake, she was sure this was a perfect place for him to perform the charm.

"You didn't answer my question. Can you perform ze Expecto Patronum charm?" she asked as she looked at the vast lake before them. There was a cold feeling in the air, and she shuddered slightly.

"Yes. Professor Lupin taught me how to perform it last year." Harry answered with a distant look in his eyes.

"Can you show eet to me?" Fleur clasped her hands together and pleaded.

Harry took a steady breath and nodded. He took his wand out from his hostler, raised it in the air, and thought about his happy memories.

The moment he learned he was a wizard from Hagrid.

Performing his first spell.

The memory of his first Broomstick ride.

Being able to put images and faces to the names of his parents for the first time as he opened Hagrid's gift.

The happiness he felt when he saw Hermione after she woke up from her petrification.

Receiving the first hug of his life from his brown-haired friend in the middle of the Great Hall.

Celebrating Gryffindor's victory in the House championship in the second year with friends.

Listening to her mother's final words when he was close to Dementors. 'Not Harry... No... Have mercy... Have mercy...' Then a shrill laughter and his mother's screams.

Sirius's offer of a home.

Fleur watched in fascination as the tip of Harry's wand glowed brightly. White mist swirled around the tip, and for a moment, the glow dimmed before it became blindingly bright.

"Expecto Patronum." Fleur heard Harry speak in a loud, clear voice and looked up at his face. She was astonished to find tears falling down his cheeks, and his eyes were squeezed tightly.

Fleur tried to speak but stopped and watched in amazement. The glow at the tip of his wand brightened, and out of the end of his wand burst, not a shapeless cloud of mist but a blinding, dazzling, silver animal.

Fleur watched in awe as a majestic silver stag took form and ran around them. The corporeal stag was almost solid, and Fleur would swear to her last days that she had heard the sound of its hooves striking the ground as it ran in the forest.

"Sweet Morgana..." she muttered, feeling the air charge with positive emotions and happiness. She felt the cold banish away and be replaced by warmth. A smile formed on her face as she felt the happiness radiate from the stag.

She could not believe it, but she found something else that made Harry special. It was not just his voice; he was a kind boy and quite a talented wizard.

"Good to see you again, Prongs." Harry said, caressing the deer's head.