The person under the sofa saw the attackers have left. She then released the life signal she had his to pretend she is completely dead.
A few minutes later three man walked into the room and saved her before she lost consciousness.
Papillon woke up with a gasp and immediately got into an attack stance sensing the magic active in the room.
A warm palm landed on her head soothing her muddled brain. Soon after she fell asleep.
Devon bent down and touched her head, his palm glowed rubbing it carefully. He muttered a name full of warmth under his breath.
After a few minutes he opened his closed eyes and the storm in them raged loudly, the inner demon in him raged to let loose.
"I know who took her" He said angrily.
Tobias held his breath and enjoyed the remaining moments of his head still on his neck!
Winter opened her eyes groggily and spat out the blood filled saliva in her mouth. She realized she is in a cell somewhere, she stretched her arms and her eyes flickered playfully.
'Am not chained?'
A mocking yet playful smile appeared in her eyes.
She looked out of her cell window and saw the sky turning fish belly white, already morning.
'the boys must be panicked!'
Winter took a casual glance around and silently memorized everything. Since she is kidnapped all she has to do is remain calm and look for the perfect way to escape even one mistaken might be big trouble.
Seems like the person that took her either trust too much in their drugs and abilities or underestimated her cause they didn't lock the cell door.
Winter tried standing using the wall as a means of support. She held her belly in pain and took in a cold breath..a few ribs had cracked last night!
She should have gotten more injuries worse than this but something about ' don't hurt her' kept going among the attackers. The only reason why she got this injured is because she took several blow for Papillon who had entered at the wrong time to help her. She had almost escaped but Papillon came in to support her and too several blows making her stay back to aid her! The girl is probably dead or on the brink of death now.
Prince himself got out and knocked her down.
That man looks polite on the surface but beneath is a cold and decaying heart full of venom and ruthlessness.
She didn't regret not leaving the private room when she had the chance. Her only worries now is about Papillon.
Her mother can't notice since she is ok a business trip and Joseph isn't around for the next week.
The boys only have a week to save her.
She walked out of the call and into a bedroom, the cell is just one of the spaces in this huge bedroom that looks..bigger than her room back at her mother's house.
The owner of this room must be someone living in luxury, almost everything is covered with diamonds and precious stones making the room brighter than it's supposed to be.
Winter went to the fruit bowl ahead and kept the knife, she casually took a banana and gobbled it up!
The fruit slid down badly into her stomach hurting her a lot, she rather not eat that. However she needs all the energy she can get and more
Winter took a mental sweep of the room, every little dirt not skipping her eyes. There are dozens of doors with only one window overlooking a garden.
She can feel the faint but strong magic in the air and can't identify which supernatural creature it belonged to. One should note that Prince have a physical quality other supernatural creature doesn't.
The magic feels like some sort of illusionary spell and an anti theft spell, the room have regarded her as no threat that's why no action have been taken against her. The owner must have added her to the non threat list.
She picked up an apple and took a bite, the fruits have little magic in them, they are nourishing spell helpful to her. That's why she could eat with no caution.
Winter looked out the window and saw the maids and male servants walking around.
They all look normal, like humans, some with average looks some with way above average looks. Their physical traits doesn't seem special.
They aren't be humans!
That's the conclusion Winter came to. The power emanating from their body is something she can feel from way up here. And the slight change in their eyes whenever they pass by the window shows they know she is awake and are communicating telepathically.
Winter shifted away from the door and walked into each doors, each doors leads to the same place...the bathroom.
"Are they trying to tell me to take a bath?" Winter sneered and walked out.
She went back to the room and sat down on the huge bed.
Suddenly something caught her eyes in the corner. A large book placed on a large pillar shaped like a hand. The book is half opened and a mysterious light shined on it from nowhere.
Her eyebrow twitched faintly. Why all the over drama.
"Just like their Prince"
She went to the book and peeped into its content.
" are interested in the history book" Prince deep and rough voice rang behind her.
Winter stayed stiff there and kept her eyes on the book.
Prince walked up to her back and bent slightly.
"I can show you what is in the book" His sinister voice crawled on her skin like millions of tiny ants.
Winter turned swiftly like a blur and held the fruit knife to his neck keeping it in a tight neck locked.
The cold blade inched deeper and closer to the plump and tender flesh.
"Tch" Prince clicked his tongue "you are still as impulsive as ever"
Winter squinted her eyes and removed the knife.
He is right.
She is cold and unapproachable, indifferent to may things but underneath she is still very impulsive.
"Why did you bring me here?"
Prince eyes turned to half moons as he beamed with great joy!
"To teach you a lesson"
Sorry for the late update.
I had a terrible fever last week and just caught up with the chapters this week.