Chereads / My Hero Academia: Restless Gambler / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: Luck of Luck

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10: Luck of Luck


That's huge.

I whistled in appreciation of the exam ground C. UA really does not pull its punches, they really prepared a literal city for this exam. I know it does get reused for a bunch of things but it was still impressive. Although I say city it's still a miniature one, only about 3 x 3 km long and wide.

My ears picked up on the people making either idle chatter or exclaiming about how amazing UA was but I elected to ignore it, I was just focused on hyping myself up for the upcoming exam. While warming a little I saw a bit of familiar faces like Earjack Girl and Pink Acid Girl around.

But my attention wasn't mostly focused on their nice figures but instead on the notification in front of my face.


[Quest: YOUR Hero Academia]

Description: This is your chance to get into UA, you won't get another one, well, you can, but it won't be as impactful and you will miss some important stuff so make sure to get it right on this try and try not to mess it up.

Objective: Gather more than 30 Villain or Rescue points.

Reward: 1 Silver Ability Ticket

Optional Objective: Reach 1st place

Optional Reward: 1 Advantage Gold Ticket, Ticket to the ITOPOD


Safe to say, I was not settling for anything less than the best for this. Time to put my name in the Hall of Records and put All Might's record to shame.

I had my eyes peeled for when the giant set of double doors opened.


And when they did I booked it. Getting into a crouching stance as my muscle legs strained before I shot off like a cheetah sprinting like a maniac as everybody looked at me in bafflement.

"Huh? What is that idiot doing?" Some extras commented from the behind before Present Mic's voice rang out.

"Come on! What are you all waiting for? That guy's got the right idea, there is no countdown in a real fight! Go go go!" Hearing his words they all started moving but I had already gotten a large lead on them thanks to momentum.

My current ability set was Momentum and Danger sense, both low-cost abilities that would make sure I would cross to the other part of the city safely.

Why would I do that instead of just releasing my load and frying all the robots near me? Because if I did that then only I would pass, and I don't know which future classmates are attending this exam so I would like to avoid mucking up cannon more than I already have.

"/I have found you hero. Prepare to perish./"


Feeling danger sense ping me I ignored the faux villain and swerved to avoid the gunfire of plastic pellets, soon enough my momentum built up enough that the robots could not target me fast enough and at the same time.

*Boom!* *Crash!* "Hey man! That was mine!" "Then maybe you should have beaten it idiot!"

I could hear the distant sounds of other examinees fighting the faux villains. But I ignored them, it would only take a few more seconds to reach where I wanted.

As I expected there were still plenty of villains even this far out, my plan was working. Also, I had gathered a decent line of faux villains following me like I was a Pied Piper, which was even better.



[Rare - Danger Sense] => [Rare - Radio Waves]

[Uncommon - Momentum]

"Let's get this show started! [EMP Blast]!"

I raised my finger to the sky as pale yellowish waves rolled off of my body faster than I could see and instantly reaching all the robots in my general area.

*Crackle!* *Bzzt!*

A cacophony of mangled electronics being shorted rang out as every robot in my line of sight shut down.

Feels good to be a cheater.

Time to clean the rest of this joint.

Changing my path 90 degrees I started sprinting again while mentally calculating the rough distance I was running before releasing another EMP.

It was almost kind of disappointing really. The exam is only halfway through and I am pretty sure I already have gathered a bare minimum of 200 points probably closer to the 300 range. Only makes sense when neither of your abilities consumes much stamina or energy and you have the ability to shut down any electronic within 100 meters.

So after clearing out most of the robots on the other side of the city, I made my way back to where the other examinees were fighting their own battles to see if I could also get some hero points and kick some Robass.

And within my expectations kicking robot ass was indeed fun, I switched dangersense for Phase Shift before going to offensive form and picking off any straggler robots, their soft metal bodies(aluminium maybe) felt like styrofoam and moved like turtles while I was in offensive form, I would say I was around as strong as a 5% Deku which made it rather trivial.

But in the end, I prioritized saving some of the more troubled from their Robot aggressors by debilitating the robots and letting the candidates finish them off, which should earn me some brownie points.

As I was idly kicking around, still having over 30% left in my battery due to my sparing use of abilities I felt an earthquake happen turning my head just in time to see a giant robot kaiju towering over the buildings looking at all the contenders.

Wow, this is considerably more terrifying than seeing it on the television I can say that for certain.

'Fight it.'

Huh? Why should I? I am no Deku, no damsel in distress and nothing to prove.

'Big Robot give Big Ticket.'

Ahh, nice catch primal monkey brain. Alright, let's do this.


As everyone around me started running away I did the opposite, pouring energy into Phase Shift's offensive form and sprinted toward the metal kaiju, with my enhanced speed and strength easily scaling the side of the building before jumping to one of its slow arms reaching out to me and using it as a platform to climb even higher up its body, it was so slow and clunky it was barely a threat this up close.

With the finesse and grace of a monkey wearing ballerina shoes, I managed to use the gaps in its plating to climb up its head before smoothly landing on the very top and placing my hands down on its head.

Truthfully, I did not need to bother with that, I could've just EMP'ed from a good distance away but theatrics are important.

"[EMP Blast]!"

I released a powerful wave of electromagnetic pulses that caused the giant to seize up as its electronics were fried like chicken, causing it to shut down and start falling down like Goliath.

Only problem.

Fate would rather bend over backwards than to make things easy for me.

"Urgh! Shit!" I saw a pink figure below who had her eyes wide open as the Goliath was slowly falling down toward her, even worse I saw that her leg had gotten crushed by one of the rubble that fell down when the no pointer reached out for me.

"Dammit!" Cursing internally and externally I mustered up all of my speed as I jumped toward the ground toward her, slightly outpacing the falling goliath in speed before switching to my Defensive Form as I landed on the ground headfirst, numbness spread up my legs but it stopped at only that instead of broken legs thanks to my new durability, and thanks to the high recovery of defensive form and battle continuation I was able to shrug it off before swiping Pinkie off of the ground as she looked at me shocked.

"What!?" I promptly ignored her exclamation of surprise as I switched back to Offensive Form and dashed with all I had as the Pinkler screamed and hung onto my neck.


I felt the shockwave of the mechanical goliath impacting the ground hit my back but thankfully I managed to clear the distance just enough to not get squished. I stilled, still holding the girl in my arms while turning off offensive form to get rid of the strain on my body.

"Umm... thank you for the help? Hehe." The girl in my arms awkwardly chuckled as I looked her over, she had light pink skin, with large soft thighs I could feel while holding her, and she had rather large breasts and very exotic black and yellow eyes.

Damn, she was totally my type.

On the same note, what relatively attractive woman wasn't?

I was maybe looking at her too much as she squirmed a little.

"Hey thanks and all but I think I can walk on my own big guy." That snapped me out of my focus as I blushed slightly and averted my gaze intentionally to cover up.

"Oh sorry, I got lost in your eyes for a moment." Hearing my words she blushed a darker pink as I gently let her down.

"G-geez, you are a dangerous one, aren't you? Just saying stuff like that. Anyway, I'm Mina Ashido, thanks for the save, I thought I was almost toast there, and nice to meet you hot stuff!" She grinned and showed me a thumbs up but I could still see her cheeks lit up, she seemed like someone who had strong offence and weak defence.


"No problem, 's nice to meet you too Ashido-chan, the names Kotaro Hakari, but you can call me whatever you want." She blushed some more as I smiled at her, I was a decently handsome boy that just saved her so makes sense I guess.

"Then I'll stick to Hakari-kun 'kay? Now I- ouch!" Mina tried to say something while walking but it seemed like her leg was pretty sprained. So I decided to be a gentleman and threw her arm over my shoulder and supported her while she yelped and blushed.

"Your legs seem a bit busted, Don't worry the exams are pretty much over anyway. I'll help carry you." Mina said thanks as I helped her walk over to the entrance of the mock city while Mic Head screamed, proclaiming the end of the exam.

A bit later I saw the familiar old lady Recovery Grandma walking over to us, upon seeing me she raised her eyebrow and her expression got a tad softer.

After treating Mina and her leaving but not before giving me her number for me to "Call her later" recovery girl turned toward me with something completely unexpected.

A slight smile.

"Boy, you certainly seem to be doing better for yourself. I didn't expect to see you here. Here, have some gummies." Ooh! Gummies! I eagerly stretched my hand as she placed some gummies in my hand, and most of them were red, my luck seems to be looking up for once.

"You've got some blood on you, here, lean down a little." I listened to her words and leaned down as her lips extended in a rather grotesque manner and gave me a big wet smooch on the cheek as I felt my body cry out in joy and jubilation from my mortal wounds getting healed after an entire week of suffering. Also, my energy reserves tanked almost instantly as she did so.

It feels weird not to be in pain.

I flashed her a thumbs up as I stuffed the gummies in my face, feeling my energy start spiking down.

"Thank you, Recovery Gran- Girl. I feel better already." She smiled lightly again.

"Alright now get going boy, I have other patients to attend to. I hope your exam went well." I smiled and left as she said, what a nice grandma. Definitely not like mine.

As I was walking out of the entrance grounds my system finally pinged me again and I swear to RNGesus and Lady Luck my eyes went wide open like it was a cartoon because...

'Holy shit.'


[Quest: YOUR Hero Academia] Complete!

Gather more than 30 Villain or Rescue points

+1 Silver Ability Ticket

Reach 1st place in the exam

+1 Advantage Gold Ticket +Ticket to the ITOPOD

Hidden Objective Complete! Defeat the 0 Pointer

+1 Gold Ability Ticket

Unprecedented Achievement! Break All Might's record!

+1 Diamond Ability Ticket


I froze in place.

I have never been so goddam hard in my life.

A/N: Hakari broke some things. Radio Waves completely trivialized what was supposed to be a challenging and exciting exam he was going to be very challenged to complete the second part of but no. With his bullshit power, he completed a set of on paper incredible feats as easy as cake. And fortunately for him, the gacha feat tier does not take his powers into account just his power level.

But yeah, Hakari has finally reconciled with Lady Luck and in fact, they are right now making out fiercely on the couch. Hopefully, UA and the world is ready for the Snowball that has started rolling down Everest called Hakari.

What did you guys think about the exam and the new Hakari bullshit? I would love to know, comments and engagement help motivate me to write faster.