Chereads / My Hero Academia: Restless Gambler / Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: Slice of Life

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: Slice of Life

Once the exam was done the school day was basically over so I changed my clothes and headed out, walking alongside Ida. Honestly, the dude wasn't that bad, a bit uptight and overly serious but is good at holding conversation, it was fun to hear him talk nonstop about his insights into the hero life thanks to his brother.

As we were walking I decided to just bite the bullet and roll my roll. I was pretty lucky, recently at least. And I didn't want to develop a dependency on Toganium to fuel my gacha, if I did and the Toganium market crashed I would be left helpless.

So with bated breath that didn't show on my face as I chatted with Ida, I rolled it.


Rolling Advantage Gold Gacha Ticket...

[Elite Perk - Nothing Wrong Here]

|Rarity: Elite|

People tend to overlook what you do most of the time and find ways to rationalize your actions. You will always have the benefit of the doubt.


[Rare Item - Wind Gods Ring]

|Rarity: Rare|

Let the winds carry you. Increases the wearer's speed when worn as the winds will do their best to assist your journey.


Well, this was a no-brainer. The perk definitely. Considering it's an elite perk it's bound to be potent, and I already had plenty of mover options as well, I was fast enough as it is, no need to add another ring to the equation.

As I got the perk I had an instinctive understanding of how it worked along with the description. And it sure was strong. I could probably wear a high visibility vest and get into anywhere as long as I looked like I belonged.

While it wasn't to the level of mind control it made people more willing to overlook my actions and try to justify them, I could probably go into a convenience store, grab a drink from the shelves and drink it, the clerk would probably assume I was the owner's son or something, and if they did confront me, if I acted like I actually was the owner's son they would do the mental gymnastics for me.

Nothing that would help me survive but a godsend.

As we approached I heard an upbeat voice call out to me from behind which snapped me out of my deliberations. Turning slightly I saw Mina, followed by Toga and Hardboy.

"Yahoo~! Hakari-kun hold up a second!" Ida and I stopped in place as the little group approached us, Mina slapping a hand on my shoulder.

"Damn Hakari-kun, I knew you were cool from the exam but I didn't think you would be in the first place! And even in the test today too? Ya sure are something else!" Mina smiled at me as Hardboy joined her too.

"Yeah, dude! That was so manly! I heard from Mina how you saved her too so thanks for that. I'm Kirishima Eijiro, nice to meet you, dude!" He held his hand out and I shook him, dude was very built and had a firm handshake.

"Likewise, 'names Kotaro Hakari, feel free to call me whatever you'd like." As I shook his hand I noticed Toga subtly gravitating to my side as Mina slyly grinned.

"Anyway! I never really got to thank you properly for saving my butt at the exam. SO! I wanted to treat you guys to some ramen. I heard from Toga-chan that you guys knew each other so I decided to invite her too." Well, I haven't had ramen in a while and I am not keen on rejecting a pretty girl inviting me out for food.

I turned to Ida next to me.

"Well? Wanna tag along Ida-kun?" After a second Ida shook his head in denial.

"Unfortunately, I cannot as I have an appointment. I do appreciate your offer however." I nodded and waved him farewell as he left for whatever he needed to be early for.

"Well then! What are we waiting around for? Let's go already!" Mina commanded as we all followed her to wherever she wanted to take us.


After half an hour we arrived at a rather fancy ramen stall and sat down, I ordered myself a helping of Tonkotsu Ramen, I was starving, ability usage made me really hungry and eating was the best way to recover my energy as I have learned.

As we ate together, we made light conversation, like complaining about the test and general things. I was happy to see Toga acting so social with others, having some friends should help her curb some of her more psychopathic tendencies.

And on the matter of the test, the topic naturally gravitated to quirks.

As she was slurping her ramen Mina suddenly pointed to me.

"By the way, Hakari-kun what even is your quirk anyway? You do all that whoosh and strength stuff but you also teleport? What's up with that?" Mina said, making exaggerated motions to make her point while Toga looked at me with unease as Kirishima joined in.

"Yeah, I was also wondering the same, most strength-type quirks don't have teleportation." Hearing their inquiries I rubbed my chin while slurping my ramen.

Well, no harm in telling them I suppose, I never intended to keep it a secret.

If someone finds out about my power and tries to kidnap me that just means more rolls. And frankly, my abilities are uniquely suited for survival. I thrive in conflict after all.

Finished my noodles I spoke maintaining my expression carefully.

"Well, it's a little complicated to explain but basically I just keep developing new quirks and just cycle through them depending on whatever I need at the moment."

Hearing my words Mina looked at me in blank silence like I had grown a second head.

"Like... you have multiple quirks?" She asked carefully.

"Yup, I have a few, can't use 'em all at once though. As I said I mostly cycle through 'em. I mostly used Phase Shift and Blink in the test." After a few moments, Mina looked at me with stars in her eyes with a grin.

"That's a little freaky but at the same time that's so cool! That must be so hard to use though, right? I mean I only have one quirk but even then it's hard to know how to use it in a fight. I can't imagine having to juggle learning how to use multiple at once." Kirishima also nodded his head, he held a look of respect in his eyes.

"Yeah, dude! That is so manly! However, I still have no idea how you can have multiple quirks at once and still use them together. I have my hardening." I briefly using hardening on his hand, making gain a rock-like texture. "But I still can't figure out many ways to use it other than the basics, I couldn't apply it at all in the exams." I felt his pain, I felt mostly the same when I was stuck without any combat capabilities for 10 days.

Then I had an idea.

I scratched the back of my head.

"Well, if you guys want I could help you train? Due to the nature of my quirk, I am good at analysing quirks and have experience in training a variety of them."

Both of their eyes lit up and Toga also flashed a smile.

"Wow really? Dude that would be totes super! Can't believe I'd get training from Mr. First Rank himself! I'm totally in thank you so much!" Mina jumped in celebration making the other customers look at her weird looks but she had too much social confidence to get affected.

"Yeah me too! I never had the opportunity to see how I could use my quirk for fighting all that much." I nodded in sympathy, I studied the laws in this place in my spare time just in case and quirk laws were brutal.

"Me three! I wanna join you guys too!" Toga also chimed in from the side, eager to not be left out as I nodded.

"Alright, UA has plenty of gyms with state-of-the-art equipment and training grounds, I am pretty sure we can use those. I need to get some training in myself too, I don't wanna get rusty after all." After that we kept eating our fills, I made sure to use her generosity to full and took down 5 bowls of ramen to satiate myself. I had an incredible metabolism what can I say?

I quite like Mina, she was fun and liked teasing and could take a teasing back. Maybe I would target her too.

Kirishima was fun to hang out with, if not a bit intense. I have a feeling he wouldn't get along well with Ida.

"By the way, Hakari-kun, why do you talk like a Yakuza?" Mina asked out of nowhere making me nearly choke on my noodles. I was?

I mean, probably because I was a Yakuza that I was talking like one but Mina was not really privy to such details.

"Why do you talk like a gyaru? It's just a habit."

"Well, I just talk like that. Besides, can you say something cool like "It was the Boss' orders?" or something? C'mon, it would sound really cool with your voice."

"Yeah! Come on Hakari-kun!" Toga also joined in on the peer pressure as Kirishima mouthed sorry to me.

I sighed.

Damn, teens.

Whatever, she better not regret this.

I cleared my throat before suddenly sliding over to Mina, I leaned on the counter and brought my face closer to hers while dropping my voice and flexing my full acting skill.

"Sorry princess, it's the boss' orders."

I made sure to make my voice as sexy(my boss' wife liked it when I talked like this) as possible, making eye contact with her. And the result as Mina's pink skin turned an almost purple red.

"I, uh, wow. That's... intense." Mina said in an unusually subdued tone as I chuckled.

"Well, I hope that satisfies your desires." Mina quickly shut down as the clueless Kirishima piped in.

"Woah dude! Your voice is so manly! You do voice acting or something?" To his words, Toga nodded sagely.

"I know right? He has such a cool voice." Watching Toga and Kirishima talk about me from a meter as Mina mumbled to herself I sighed to myself.

At least it was nice to have some friends again.


Well, other than the hero stuff, UA seemed to be a relatively normal school. Except for one detail.

All of the teachers were heroes.

Active ones too.


Sure, it makes sense that they would teach at a hero school but why was Present Mic teaching English? Putting aside the teaching qualifications I know his ass doesn't have...

What are the logistics of him teaching here? It's not like he is doing any better than the average English teacher, in fact, I'd say he is worse. So why make him teach it instead of an actual English teacher? I have a feeling they would be a better teacher too.

My English was already far above everyone else's due to learning it naturally from consuming abnormal amounts of Western media so it wasn't exactly a struggle for me.

His class was pretty boring but I learned to just tune it out and train my body with short bursts of cellular overdrive while in class.

Well, I guess it's just another quirk of this world. I will just have to get used to it.

Besides, I'm gonna have Midnight as a teacher so I will not deny fan service. From the pics online Midnight was hotter than the mid-day summer sun.

As the first class neared its end our teacher Present Mic approached me.

"Hey! By the way! Hakari-kun, the principal wants to see you and it seems urgent so get to chopping alright?"



I feel like this is going to take a while.

A/N: Here is a little slice of life with one of the best girls Mina. Hakari is naturally an easygoing guy so it's easy to make friends with him and he himself does not mind making friends. Although the lust curse is skewing a bit with how he sees others. Also, he naturally scores crits of girls thanks to his previous experiences. This ain't his first rodeo.

His trait is very useful too, one of the best quality of life ones that does not contribute to combat in any meaningful way but life is seldom about 24/7 combat. And also now he has to face the principal about... well basically everything about him.

What did you guys think about the character interactions and chapter? I would love to know, comments help motivate me to write so make sure to comment.