Chereads / HP : living a new life / Chapter 12 - SO I AM OLD

Chapter 12 - SO I AM OLD

We exited olivanders.

"Ahhh... should I come tomorrow too??"

I asked mom.

"Yes ofcourse don't you want get your wand??"





Next day the same thing happened I tried one after one, hour after hour. Nothing worked I even broke something.

"Don't worry Mr weasley there are many wants to try we will find it"

' I'm not worried'

the bell rang and we stopped. As we were returning, we saw Mrs. Griffins. she and mum talking for some time at last she asked "Molly... what's your boy's age again."


Is there something I don't know??.

Wait a minute Now that I think about it I don't know my full condition is,after the accident. When we reached home I asked Mom.

" it's nothing really, you are perfectly okay"

mom was hesitant to say it.

" mom shouldn't I know my own condition to take care of myself"

mom didn't talk for a while.

" ron.. the healers couldn't find what spell you used, all they could say was that in your present condition you have a different mind, it is as if you have lived a different life. you have different feelings, different ways of thinking, different values. And now you are 16 years old, your mind had grown and your magic had grown"

'that makes sense.'

" do you think it has something to do with me don't getting a suitable wand?"

" your father says. it could be... because you know, by the age of 14 your magic starts to stabilise and automatically you start to do your magic on your own way which decreases the wands that will suit you well" 'that also makes sense.'





The next day we tried wands till noon, "this is the last want." he give me without the description. he had just stopped describing since yesterday he just gives me a wand and take it back. This one just jumped out of my hand

'Can't you be a little polite'

"sadly Mr weasley there's no wand suitable for you in my possession.It's not really... it's not really a problem You can select a wand. It's not that important for the wand to select it's owner You can choose a wand "

it was fun to watch he say that after he gave that wand chooses wizard speech the day before yesterday.

" okay why don't you suggest something for me"

"Let me see... wands that had a neutral reaction for you had one thing in common, it had defence surplus, they were wands that had more different abilities then offensive capabilities. At the same time the wands which reacted widely are the wands that focuses on its offence capabilities. especially the last one it was specially made for offence. Soo..why don't you try something that has good defence?... oh yes.....why not....'s okay....not good....." he was debating with himself. "what is it ?" I asked.

" there is a wand that you hadn't tried. Which may suit you" he said hesitantly

" let's try it" I said. "trying won't harm, right?"

he stood there for some time then got inside. We waited for a bit and there was many sound of moving things from inside After some time we returned with a wandbox It wasn't the usual one, rather it was akin to a small plant with small leaves covering around it. "This was made by my great great grandfather. In his 120 years he only made one wand. He was trying to imitate 'the great wand' inthe legends. As it turned out it was really really really good in defence, It had a great power to be a support in a team. but when it comes to its offensive abilities it lacks it really really relax you could try it, but I don't suggest it. as it doesn't really have any offensive ability. 11 inch flexible try it. He opened the the box and gave me the wand inside. It was just a wood peice. Like a branch broken from a tree. It gave off an ancient feel as I hold it in my hand it felt just right, the feeling you get when you wear the correct size of gloves. "this is good.... I think??" I asked.

Mr Oliver had a complicated look "Are you sure about this Mr Wesley You can't attack with that. I mean stupify made by that one can't even hurt someone"

"No it's okay I'm not planning on attacking anyone anyway and I think I can attack with my fists right??"

"Given you can reach a wizard" he answered.

" what do you think Mrs weasley.?"

" isn't good that he got a wand that is fit for him? And harming someone is not good"

'wow that exactly is my ideology. enjoy my life doing nothing. Do my