"Messy.. go call your brother for breakfast."
A soft voice spoke inside the house. The house was not particularly a big one. 4 rooms, a common room, a dining area and a kitchen.
Messy, the youngest one in the family run through the stairs to her brothers room.
the door was open.
The room was... elegant.
The bed was on the left corner. Sunlight was streaming through the open window, which lightened the whole room.
On the opposite was another window. to which a table and a chair was put. At night Adam sits there,writing his notes and diary with star-filled sky.
On the centre was a couch. On which Adam presently lay.
His head was on the arm of the couch.
There was a round glass on his crimson eyes.
He doesn't have any eye problem, but it was convenient as it helped him to focus.
His black hair was near his brows as he was reading a book.
A time piece dangled in his Index, it was a habit of him to rotate it on his hand.
"Ad.. mommy is calling you"
The milky voice said.
no reaction.
he was immersed in his reading.
Messy, already know the trick.
she got on the bed and closed at the curtains
" He..eee..., mom is calling for breakfast"
" I'm coming"
back to reading...
second step.
She got down from the bed and walk to the couch and jerked his legs.
"Brother, come on"
Third step
She got close to his face and closed his eyes over the glasses.
" *sign* what? "
he asked, diverting his eyes from the book.
" Food.. mum is calling"
"Okay "
He closed his book and slowly stood from the couch.
he placed the book in the shelf behind. There were many thick books neatly set in the shelf.
"Lets go"
He took her hand and walk down the stairs.
as messy walked step-by-step down the stairs, Adam supported her.
As they walked down a woman was setting the table.
" mommy..."
Alicia benson
adam loves her.
he knew how she looked after him from the day his mom put him in front of their doorstep.
he still remembers she trying to make him pronounce 'mom'.
And when he called her 'aunt' for the first time.
The look on her face.....
he will never forget it.
"come.. ad.. eat"
he broke out of his thought.
" yes, mom"
he said.