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Agent 66

One Agent, One Man, One Goal, Raishin Oremaki is the deadliest Agent of the EUA, Agent 66 is feared across the seas he locks his pistol and sharpens his sword as he embarks on a hunt, Raishin encounters many people as he traverses the world but are they friend or foe. Raishin travels with the purpose of revenge, this is a story about blood, death and the tragedy of the human instinct.

Chapter 1 - Raishin Oremaki

It is the Age 1804 or Year 1804 and it is time of many advancements, inventions such as the lightbulb, electricity and trains have been invented and put to great use for mankind, it is also a perilous times as the World is on brink of War between two sides The Puscan Country who are allied with Euphoria and other Eastern Countries against Brittania Kingdoms who were allied with Soleanna Empire.

Chapter One

Raishin Oremaki

In a City called Whayno City which was located in the far east of the Euphorian Empire lived a man named Raishin Oremaki, he lived in a one bedroom apartment in the poor district of the city, the buildings were higher than the people but not too high and the city was busy but not too busy the city boomed with noises with car horns and chattering voices, Raishin in particular wasn't too busy himself he was lying down flat with his back on his white brown stained sheets of his bed in his very cramped one bedroom room that seemed impossible to walk because of the various guns, clothes and boxes of foods, a black cat that was lying at the window sill sleeping, opened its eyes as the sunlight started to come out and shine the room through the window, the black cat jumped off from the window sill and stretched its arms and back as felines usually do, the cat sat up on its four paws staring at the snoring Raishin, the cat licks Raishin's fingers as his arm was hanging off the bed, Raishin moves his arm and opens his eyes slowly to see his black cat Sparkles walking along his belly on top of his duvet cover, he picked up Sparkles placed the feline down to the floor and stroked its fur "Hey Sparkles" the cat meowed as Raishin said its name "Ya hungry" he took up the box of cat food sitting next to the small white box television and sprayed the floor with cat food.

Raishin had short messy black hair and chinky brown eyes, his face had wrinkles that were light and not too defined over his pale face and he had quite a bit of facial hair, his body was lean and muscular and he was considered to be quite a tall man being seven foot, Raishin had a gun on his desk a nine millimetre silver Glock thirty calibre he also had a samurai sword that was pinned up on the wall above the small box black and white television, Raishin also didn't have many clothes but almost all of them were scattered about on the floor not kept neatly in his empty wardrobe, he also had a lot of empty glass bottles of alcohol and bits of old food lying around as well this gave Raishin's room a not too pleasant smell, Raishin immediately goes into his first draw that had lots of socks and boxer shorts inside he takes out a small telephone and a sheet of paper with various numbers on it, he places his finger on the name Yamamoto and begins dialling in the number and lets it ring.

"Hello" the man named Yamamoto said.

"Moto? We still meeting?" Raishin asked.

"Yes, meet me outside the shopping centre at two o clock" Yamamoto said.

"The one near Kuru Street?" Raishin asked.

"Yeah" Yamamoto said.

"I'll be there" Raishin said

"Call me when you have reached" Yamamoto said, he locked off the call, Sparkles jumped on the desk looking at Raishin and meowed, Raishin rubbed his cat behind the ear it will all be over soon enough Raishin thought to himself as he stroked his cat.

"It starts now Sparkles, the hunt" Raishin said.

Raishin starts getting himself ready, first he brushes his teeth and shaves his facial hair, then he goes in the shower and puts his clothes on, he packed some spare clothes inside his bag and packed a couple guns and strapped his samurai sword around his waist, Raishin puts Sparkles down and locks his room door and goes to the bottom floor of the apartment and sees his landlord standing next to the exit of the building.

"Yomi!" Raishin shouted, he slapped a chunk of money into Yomi's hand.

"Raishin?" Mister Yomi pronounced as if he didn't want the wok of cash that was in his hand.

"That's to pay rent for the next two months" Raishin mentioned.

"Raishin? There's no need to do that" Yomi disclosed.

"I may not be back for a while" Raishin stated his tone changed to a serious one and his eyes had a burning fire.

"Where are you going?" Yomi asked, he looked at Raishin who was wearing a full black tuxedo suit that had a yellow handkerchief on the inside pocket, Sparkles was walking following Raishin.

"Work" Raishin said expressionless, he took his big bag and strapped it around his right arm, he walked out the apartment building and jumped on his motorbike he had parked outside, Raishin had a built-in seat compartment where he strapped Sparkles into and off, he sped into the road. 

As Raishin was riding full speed on his motorbike he heard his phone ring again, damnit who the fuck could be calling me Raishin thought to himself "Hello" Raishin answered.

"It's your boss!" the man shouted through the phone so loud Raishin removed the phone from his ear "Get your ass down to base immediately we need you Agent number 66!" Raishin's boss named Kenzuki shouted through the phone.

"I've been looking for my family's killers for three years now I'm fifty now I'm getting old and nowhere close to finding the murderers" Raishin commented his face was black and his voice growled with a hint of hate.

"Get your head in the game Agent we're on the brink of a world war that will send the world into chaos If you don't want to lose your job working for government get your ass down here immedia-" Kenzuki shouted, Raishin locked off the phone before his boss could finish his last word, he placed his phone in his pocket and let it ring out on vibrate.

I can't let myself have any distractions, I must find them, I must kill them, I must kill them all Raishin thought to himself as he was speeding past cars on the busy road.

Raishin makes it to the outside of the shopping centre, he takes Sparkles out of his front seat and they both walk into the shopping centre being watched strangely by many, Raishin didn't pay much attention to them he walked straight in and went to a restaurant called Burger House "Oi!" he walks up to the counter "Give me a double cheeseburger and a small coke" Raishin asked impolitely, the bored depressed looking man stared at Raishin for a bit before responding.

"Ok that will be five yen?" the worker stated sardonic, Raishin took out a green paper note and gave it to the man who gave him back around five silver coins as change, Raishin waited a good fifteen minutes for his order as the shop was extremely busy today, Raishin took his food and walked to the outside of the shopping centre where he parked his motorbike and began eating some fries, he took cat food and a cat bowl out from his motorbike compartment and fed Sparkles and the two ate together outside the shopping centre.

"Yo!" someone said suddenly, Raishin looked behind himself to see Yamamoto walking towards him, Yamamoto had short spiky brown hair and tiny brown eyes, he was older than Raishin with a bit more wrinkles and bits of grey sticking out of his hair.

"Yamamoto!" Raishin said surprised "It was looking as if I would never see you friend" the two gave each other a firm hug Yamamoto patted Raishin's back.

"It's been too long" Raishin revealed radiantly, the rare sight of a smile.

"I had to come, thirty years we've known each other I had to help" Yamamoto expressed seemingly pained by his friends' anguish.

"it means a lot friend" Raishin put his hand on Yamamoto's shoulder, trying to hide his grin diverting his eyes away from Yamamoto having a slow change of thought he removed his hand from Yamamoto's shoulder his eyes were at the floor it couldn't take an expert that Raishin heavily wore shame.

"Let's go somewhere more private where we can talk" Yamamoto said seriously and sternly, Raishin nodded an even more serious look in his eyes, he packed Sparkles empty bowl and put it back inside motorbike.

"Wait is that your cat Raishin?!" Yamamoto asked shockingly.

"Yes" Raishin affirmed.

"I didn't take you for a cat person" Yamamoto said quizzically.

"I'm not" Raishin insisted, he looked down at Sparkles his face was doleful that turned into a dead black haze of blank expression.

"I see" Yamamoto wore a sad look on his face.

"Let's go now" Raishin said, they walked off with Sparkles following them.

They walked through the main street laughing and talking about past things whether they had fun or not, they then began walking through many quiet backroads until they made it to an old park that was seemingly empty.

"So Raishin, I need you to tell me everything that happened?" Yamamoto proposed.

"I had come home and saw that my wife had been hanged in the kitchen, my daughter Yuki was bleeding from her stomach, my son Zenbu his head was removed from his body, I couldn't find my eldest son Kevin so I asked the residents what had happened to him, she said a cult called the Supremist killed my family in cold blood, my eldest son Kevin hid and ended up killing one of them so they captured him to torture him and make an example out of him he's dead" Raishin said, Yamamoto was at a loss for words he had a sad expression as he looked at Raishin as if he were trying his hardest to hold back tears.

"It is a lot to take in isn't it" Raishin commented on Yamamoto's shocked expression.

"It really is" Yamamoto said, he then put his hand over his eyes and tears began running down his face and he began to weep "I'm so sorry this happened to you Raishin" Yamamoto wept.

"It's fine friend it's not your fault" Raishin stated smiley placing his hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry about my tears" Yamamoto wiped away his tears, Raishin smiled I'm lucky to have such an understanding friend he thought.

"It's ok, it's been three years for me now I'm done crying tears I want my revenge nothing else" Raishin's face was dead as he spoke.

"B-But how are you planning on doing it?" Yamamoto asked.

"Simple, I shall hunt down every single Supremist until they are no longer of this world" Raishin's face changed to a rage inducing look.

"Wait Supremists?" Yamamoto muttered back to himself "I have heard of this group how can I forget; they believe in an ordered society where there is no interbreeding and crossing over to other countries, they achieve their goals through a mass of violence, protests, influencing the youth and business men" Yamamoto said.

"Business men?" Raishin repeated back to himself his face changed into confusion; Yamamoto nodded his head.

"It may not be hard to find where the Supremists are" Yamamoto said, he took out a leaflet from the inside of his pocket, it was a picture of a temple.

"Isn't that the Yuji Temple?" Raishin asked.

"Yep, there holding an auction tonight various important people will be attending the Puscan Government has sent me on an important mission at this auction myself, maybe there are Supremists disguised it's worth a shot to find out" 

"When is it?" Raishin asked.

"Tonight, at eight o' clock it starts" Yamamoto said.

"I'll be there!" Raishin nodded his head, the two looked at each other very serious and determined.

"You have to bring you're a- game, the higher ups are expecting something bad to happen at this auction" Yamamoto said.

"I'm ready" Raishin said, to bring a whole load of death to Supremists Raishin thought to himself.

Later that day Raishin and Yamamoto discuss a plan for Raishin to go in disguise, as there will be other Puscan agents there trying to stop a rumoured assassination set to take place, Raishin is a well-known deadly agent known throughout the East and even Pusca itself Yamamoto came to the conclusion that Raishin will look like the assassinator in a framing attempt therefore causing a war to break out between the EUA and Pusca.