Chereads / The Raptured World / Chapter 1 - The Sad Man

The Raptured World

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Chapter 1 - The Sad Man


The Sad Man 

It is said that the best trait of the human mind is being oblivious to what it 

shouldn't perceive. It is because of this trait that humanity has survived so long 

without perceiving what lies beneath its birth and its ongoings. The gods that 

may dwell beneath and the precursors that came before. 

It was the 3rd day since the Rapture. Well, it is called the rapture because no 

one knows what to call it. On the fateful day of 25th October 2005, a majority of 

Humanity suddenly howled out in Screams of pain with Howls of billions 

covering the globe. A few who witnessed it and survived were plagued with 

nightmares for the rest of their lives. As in front of their eyes, people for some 

even their loved ones suddenly grew out branches as the sounds of bones 

breaking and their screams filled the area. Their faces taking a queerly calm 

expression as they turned into unliving walking talking abominations. Their 

sounds human but words far from what the human larynx was ever meant to 

utter. Branches twisting their bodies in unique ways with the only similarity 

between all being the branches sprouting from the back and forming a vague 

shape of wings from Michelangelo's works and the unnatural expression. For 

those who witness them after their transformation, know that these things 

aren't alive. 

Eric was laying in the pouring rain next to his daughter. Or her grave that is. He 

had come in West Arvada with her, severely wounded. She had died that very 

day due to blood loss. He had been grieving ever since. She was buried in a 

Marked sight near Block A away from the others. Mama Luna came up and sat 

next to him. "Come inside, you will catch a cold like this. She would want you to 

live you know." Mama Luna was a sweetheart. She was a 70 something year old 

woman who had lost her husband to cancer long ago. She was the self

appointed caretaker of the settlement she was the head cook and cared about 

others like her own children. No one knew how she survived the rapture. "Just 

a bit more. I want to stay a bit longer" Eric replied. Luna sat beside Eric and 

placed his head in her lap "I didn't have anything the rapture could take from 

me but it left me alive. I think I still have a purpose to serve in this Broken 

God's world. I didn't have any children before as tom passed away before we 

were ready. But when I came here and saw the bodies of all the children, I 

knew others have lost more than I ever did. Tom although he lived short, at 

least I internally know that he lived to the fullest. Those kids couldn't even get 

to enjoy their first pint. I think I said too much, my point is that if the world let 

you live if only a bit more, live it and don't waste it sulking. I think Ellie would 

have wanted it too." She looked down on Eric. Even though it was pouring 

heavily, she knew he was crying as the tears looked like drops of crystal over 

the pale muddied face in comparison to the dirty droplets of rain. "Now get up 

and come inside, I made some roast, it's not much but I hope you like it and sip 

it down with the weird tea you guys are drinking now." Eric's expression 

changed as a slither of smile came up on his face as he nodded. "But first, you 

need to get cleaned. You have been sitting in the mud too long." "Yes Mama. 

Which way were the showers again?" Eric inquired. It had only been 3 days 

since the rapture and he wasn't accustomed to his new abode. "Over there my 

dear." Luna pointed to a building to the right. It probably used to be the gym for 

the school but now it was just used for showers and storing supplies. "Thank 

you, Mama." Eric tried to mutter but stuttered and choaked on his words. Luna 

just nodded as she walked off. 

Eric started walking off to the gym but turned around as he realized he forgot 

to take a change of clothes. Eric walked towards his assigned room. Each 

survivor in the place had been given a private room. Eric's room was on the 3rd 

floor, 2nd to the left from the staircase. He had placed a sign saying 3-2L on the 

door as it seemed fitting for some reason. He opened the duffle bag he had 

started with as he left with his daughter, Ellie when the rapture began. It had a 

few sets of clothes for the duo and a few essentials that he had packed in a 

hurry. Eric ruffled through the bag and took out a pair of t-shirt and pants. 

While going through the items his hand came across a familiar texture, not any 

cloth but one of a plastic raincoat. As Eric picked up the small yellow raincoat 

in his hands, a mass of memories fluttered into his mind. The memories of his 

daughter's second birthday and her first one without her mother. Eric's wife 

had passed away half a year prior to when Ellie turned 2 but had prepared a 

gift for her before she died so the child would have something to remember 

her mother by. A yellow raincoat. For practical use for a short and to remind 

Ellie that things don't last forever. Its better to get as much use out of them as 

possible in the current and always live in the present. As Eric pondered how 

the coat might have gotten there, he thought of the possibility that Ellie must 

have put it in the bag when it was time to leave. She never went anywhere far 

away without it. And as much as it was meant as a lesson for Ellie it was also 

proving as a lesson for him. To always live in the present and focus on what is 

there in life. But the realization and consideration of the fact that now both his 

wife and his daughter had died was as if a speeding bus had hit him straight on 

and its impact leaving Eric collapsed on the ground as his body felt weak with 

grief. Collecting himself, he stood up, picked up his clothes and started walking 

off to the showers. 

The talk with Mama Luna had helped clear Eric's mind a bit although it was still 

running through thoughts. "She is truly a good person. Even in these times all 

she thinks about is others. She has been alone for long but all she cares about 

is others. Truly selfless." As Eric came back to reality, he was standing in front 

of the shower area. His thoughts had enveloped his mind so much that he did 

not realize when he had covered the distance between his room and the gym. 

As he extended his hand to clench the handle, the door swung open revealing a 

man of medium stature and a good build. Eric immediately recognized him as 

Mark, the second in command and the military genius of the West Arvada. Mark 

too seemed to recognize Eric as he said "you're the guy whose daughter died 

right?" Hearing those words which seemed to come from a place of insolence 

put Eric in a sour mood and as he did not want to start a verbal stand-off, just 

controlled his urges to shout and uttered "yes". Mark realizing his mistake 

quickly said "hey, sorry didn't mean to put it that way I just hope you are taking 

your time to cope. You should probably socialize more. It won't take the blunt 

force of trauma but it will help you divert your mind a bit. I would advise you to 

come to the meeting tomorrow. We are planning something not per say exciting 

but it gives me the thrills." Eric now a bit more relaxed replied "I will try to see 

what is going around tomorrow and will be sure to attend the meeting. Thank 

you for letting me stay here I owe you bunch a lot." Mark grinned, said "it's 

alright, west Arvada is now your home too" and walked off. Eric was thankful 

as he started to feel guilty about not helping around the settlement more. "I 

will start my work from tomorrow and try to socialize more. Maybe I should 

also check out the meeting. It might take my mind off Ellie." Eric stepped into 

the shower as the cold embrace of water started washing off the murk, he 

shivered at the ice-cold temperature. As the world had come to a halt so had 

the amenities people had taken for granted as they towered atop the animal 

kingdom hierarchy. Things such as electricity and hot water were no longer a 

normal part of life. Eric just took the grievance and completed his shower. 

At the dinner, Mama Luna and her people had prepared a boar that had been 

roaming by and some bread. There was also the weird tea everyone had been 

talking about. The tea smelled as horrendous as a rotting corpse yet had 

people going amok over it. "Has the humanity come this low that even this 

wretched tea is getting to people because there is nothing left to enjoy the 

taste anymore." Eric took a sip. The tea was quiet opposite to its smell. It tasted 

fine and smooth like an alcoholic beverage yet it was sweet and a bit jarred. 

Although it did leave a bitter aftertaste in the mouth. The person next to Eric 

suddenly opened up and said "you know I am the inventor of that tea. I found 

this edible plant and a few mushrooms growing nearby and from my camping 

experience I knew they were full of nutrients and a full meal if made into a 

stew." Eric nodded with his mouth full as the person kept going on "I tried to 

first make it into a combined stew but that tasted horrendous. Then I saw the 

blender and came up with a perfect technique to make something delicious yet 

filling from it. You see the mushrooms and plants are ground up and then dried 

to make a fine sheet of batch which is then broken into smaller pieces and 

made into tea. We also add a small number of spices to satiate the buds" Eric 

listened as the person kept babbling about the tea and food. The food was of 

course good as it always was with Mama's cooking. 

Eric finished his food and went off to sleep. As he was walking by, he heard a 

man complaining about the frequent headaches everyone was suffering from. 

"Yeah, the headaches we get when we sleep" Eric wondered. They carried no 

cause and no effect, just terrible pain as people slept or tried to. Maybe it was 

due to the cold or maybe it was something else. Whatever it was due to it made 

life just a bit more miserable. Eric climbed up the stairs to his room and laid 

down on his bed as the pain took over him. Suppressing all urges to give way 

and break his skull Eric tried to sleep but when he couldn't, he just gave up on 

the sleep and went out to take a stroll. This seemed to work as the headache 

faded away in a quick succession "this is weird. Everything is weird now. The 

angels, the deaths everything. I haven't even seen an angel properly but the far 

sight was scarring enough. How do these things even exist. Why did this even 

happen." The thoughts gripped Eric as he took a stroll around the closed off 

gates, the park and ultimately arriving at Ellie's grave. He looked around and 

found a few flowers which he picked and put down on the grave. Eric sat next 

to the grave and in a hushed tone said "I will socialize a bit tomorrow. Try to 

get to know the people around. I will try to find a purpose. People say that you 

would want that. I hope they are right." Eric placed his head on the stone and 

dozed off not caring about the seething pain in his head.
