Chereads / The Bored God / Chapter 36 - Preparing for an attack

Chapter 36 - Preparing for an attack

Saor escorted Edmir and his entire clan to the fox clan, they brought enough food and water for the travel, during it's entirety Edmir talked about how great and wise the previous chief of the foxes was and how he much curious he was about the new one.

After quite the time they all arrived arrived at the foxes clan, the place seemed better than it was last time, some huts were built around the chief's home.

The insecure gazes of the wolves made it clear that seeing the once great clan in such ruin didn't help with the atmosphere, at the sight of the malnourished kids even Edmir looked quite touched by their suffering.

He slowly approached one of them before giving him some berries that he had with him, Edmir then showed a really big smile hoping to give some happiness to that kid, the kid was in tears a little smile could have been seen on his small face, soon other kids began surrounding the big wolf each of them with many question.

The two clan soon got contact with each other, the wolves helping the poor foxes, it was a beautiful scene that even the old, cold heart of Saor couldn't resist.

All of that continued for a bit before the foxes chief, Artis arrived to meet Edmir, the two entered a room saying that they had to talk about important things, things so important that even Saor got left out, with a sigh Saor decided to put his strength to work, at least he could help someone with it.

After helping for a while moving the food into some rudimentary storehouses some kids of the two clan began asking him question, the first, a little female fox with icy blue eyes that could have probably been only ten years old asked "Hey kind Sir, but what are you ? You don't look like us, nor like the wolves and the bears, I never met such a strange animal".

Saor hearing that question left out a laugh, after he stopped laughing only then he answered "Well child, let me tell you all a story, this is the story of the Ones Before, are you willing to listen to it ? ".

All of them seemed intrigued by that, soon after Saor began telling them a tale, one with immortal being, war, betrayal, endings and new starts.

At the end of the story they were all asleep, even if Saor told them only a oversimplified version of the story tell one thousand years of history was by no means easy, it was the opposite, the fact that they didn't all fell to sleep in the first ten minute surprised him quite a bit.

Only one of the was still up, even if almost asleep the little fox kept herself awake asking "What happened to the evil Emperor then ?" Her eyes were filled with anticipation, only to be met with a bold answer "Welp, I don't know, now go to sleep, hart times are coming".

The answer left the kid with her mouth open, only them arrived her mother that together with the others parents of the kids took them away to their houses.

Also one of the fox chief's guard came to him saying that the others two chief called him for the organisation of the war plans.

Once Saor entered the chief house he saw the two of them looking at what seemed to be the map of the continent on an animal skin, the continent looked like the skulk of a wolf, whoever made that probably didn't had that much imagination.

They gazes met Saor's eyes, the first one to speak was Artis that asked "Saor you have been a great help to us, but now you don'tneed to help us anymore, will you still help me even now ?" His eyes had an hint of fear and sadness in them.

But Saor didn't let him at bait for too long "You can cont on me kiddo, what are we going to do?".

Edmir interjected saying "We have a new objective in mind, we are to few and too weak to attack the bear clan directly now, but we can gather many more soldiers by attacking the silver mines that the bears controll, almost all the slaves from the clans that they attack go there so its the perfect place for manpower and weapon".

Saor asked with a hint of skepticism "and how are we going to know if that isn't a trap".

At that point Artis smiled proudly saying "I stationed some spies there, from what they gathered it doesn't seem to be any change to their mines, they are too arrogant of too proud to admit that something capable of attacking them exists".

"Well if you say so, what are our next moves?" Asked Saor intrigued by the plan.

The three of them talked all the night, the morning after they were ready to strike, the war was starting.