Chereads / James Potter and The Court of Owls / Chapter 96 - The Prince of Enchanters

Chapter 96 - The Prince of Enchanters

James shook his head as he watched Bellatrix get pushed back and kicked against the wall. He felt something strange and turned his head around wondering what it was as he drew his peacemaker.

"Human. What are you doing?" Bellatrix asked him in a fearful voice.

James frowned shaking his head. "Do you feel that?" He said.

"I feel nothing for you human. What are talking about?" Bellatrix said demanding an answer.

"Shut the hell up. Focus your senses. Feel the internal magical source inside. Breath in and focus. Do you feel that?" He said.

Bellatrix's eyes were closed. He was breathing in and out. She went motionless as she was quiet for a few seconds. "Mother is hurt!" She said and opened her eyes meeting his gaze. "What are you doing to me?" She asked in a fearful whisper.

James apparition to the workshop where Angus and Dago were arguing about something but stopped when he appeared and picked up an extra peacemaker and from the safe and threw Angus a piece.

"James! What is it?" Dago asked.

"Dago stay here put the ranch on alert and be ready for an attack. If you can modify the sword device weapons for extra power. Tell Mara I'm going to help a friend. I'll be back." James said.

"I got you mate. Handle your business. Is Bellatrix still under my bed?" He said.

James nodded. "Yeah. She's still in training. Almost got her ready but she's not ready yet bro." He said.

"James. Where we headed?" Angus asked.

"To the Calhoun. Their under attack." James said closing the weapon's case. He turned and attempted to leap into an apparition. He couldn't. "What the hell? I can't apparition to them." He said to their location.

Angus grimaced and nodded. "Me neither. Their being attacked by wizards. We'll have to apparition a few miles as close to the location as possible. Do you have map of their place." He said.

James shook his head. "Hold on. Dad. When I get there I need to you come as soon as you can. I'm going to fly there." He said.

"Fly! James. Aren't they seven hours away? You won't be able to make on time flying." Angus said.

James smiled. "I can. Just be ready." He said and took off running for the entrance of the workshop and then when he was outside he launched up into the sky and took off. The miles flew by as he focused on the location he needed to get to and then suddenly it seemed he ran into a energy bubble of light that flung him back and down to the ground.

Angus caught him before he hit the ground and they floated back the ground in the woods near the Guadalupe Mountains. Angus smiled shaking his head at his son. "Damn son. You are really advancing at an amazing rate." He said.

"Yeah. Well. We're here. Let's get to work." James said.

They got to their feet and drawing their peacemakers and fired on the wall blasting a giant hole through it. They quickly started running and entering inside the shield. The shield closed behind them as they walked inside.

Angus put a hand to James shoulder stopping him. "We don't know what we're up against here. You got anything in your bag of tricks we can use to help us navigate through this to our advantage." He asked.

James started to shaking his head but stopped and he smiled. "Yeah. I got something dad. Thanks for reminding me. I haven't done this in years." He said.

Angus frowned as a thick mist started to appear around them and then he looked at James' grinning face. "Stay close dad. This about is about to get interesting." He said the mist began to surround them in a thick shield of mist.

James drew his peacemaker as he got down low and started running low on the ground. Angus followed James example staying close.

They began to hear the sound of loud boom sounds over head as something powerful spells were being launched at the shield bubble.

"Is that Nick and the guys attacking the shield?" James asked in a whisper.

"Yeah. It shouldn't take them long to break through. They'll be coming in to help." Angus said.

They kept low. Angus shook his head. "How the hell are you able to see anything in this crap son?" He said quietly.

James chuckled. "I haven't really thought about it dad. That will have to be something I figure later. Enemies will be lite up like a candle in the darkness. Just keep your peacemaker ready and look around." He said.

Angus shook his head. He looked around as he walked with James. He caught sight of the first enemy sending a grin blast of a killing curse toward them. He took aim and blasted the wizard with shot of lightning.

The wizard dropped to the ground but they kept moving as they approached a group of wizards screaming at the mist and started running way leaving several bodies on the ground.

Angus put a hand on James as something fast started ramming into the wizard that were escaping and bringing them down. "That's Nick. The others broke through the shield. We should be good now. Let's help the Calhoun on the ground. Don't bring down your mist shield yet though." He said.

James nodded and he led the way toward the Calhoun on the ground. The approached two adult females and a tall young male. They were motionless and still Angus stared to say something but James was reaching out his hand and touching one female on the shoulder.

The woman opened her eyes and got up taking a position to James shoulder and then he touched the others bringing them awake. The man came awake with gasp but James covered his mouth. The young male stared at him with a wide eyes.

James stared at him. "Be quiet now. We're still in a battle." He said quietly.

The male nodded his eyes staring at him. James let go his mouth and he looked at one of the females. "Dixie. Where's Ariel?" He asked.

Dixie shook her head. "She's dead your Highness. They took her out when we got here with the killing curse and then everything went to hell." She said.

James stared at her. "She isn't dead. She is connect to me and under my protection. Where is her body?" He asked calmly.

Dixie just stared at him. James sighed and turned to the other female. "Willa. Where is the Calhoun?" She said.

Willa nodded. "She is in the center of the den. I can go show you where that is your Highness." She said.

James shook his head and he turned around. "No need. Let's go wake her up." He said moving fast and then just a few seconds later they approached several bodies on the ground among them is Ariel. A green mist was in the air around them as the sound of wizards fighting and spells going off.

The mist followed James and his group and then surrounded the bodies. He touched one shoulder of females on the ground and shook her but she didn't get up. James frowned but moved on to the next one. A five of the nine females woke up at his touch and then looked at Ariel.

"Ariel." James spoke her name.

Ariel opened her eyes and covered his body under her before Angus put a hand on her shoulder. He smiled at her. "You don't need to worry we're all inside a protective shield of mist James made." He said.

Ariel slowly uncovered James from the protection of her body. They touched foreheads before they moved apart. James stared at her. "What happened?" He asked.

Ariel shook her head. "Your Highness. You shouldn't have come. It's a trap. They only came here to draw you out from your domain." She said.

Lightning began to rain down around them. James glared up at the skies as he heard female laughter. "The old lady is starting to take risks." He said.

Nick walked into the mists and glared at James. He approached James but Ariel and the others blocked him putting him behind them and snarling at Nick. He stopped and stared at them.

"It's alright. It's alright. Nick is good company." James said.

Ariel shook her head. She glared at Nick. "You are not safe here your Highness. You need to return to your domain. Now." She said.

"What about the others?" James asked.

"No. You must leave now." Ariel said and sighed. "Please your Highness. Your safety is our safety and survival. You must leave now." She said.

"I agree with her. You need to return to your ranch now." Nick said.

James held out his hand and the mist twisted and turned around them and then he snapped his fingers. The mist fell away and they were in the ranch.

James sat on the ground and the The remaining Calhoun sat around him blocking Nick from coming near him.

Nick sighed and stared at him as Angus sat beside James. "James. Things are heating up fast and hard. You will stay here on your ranch for the time being." He said.

"You will not command his Highness." Ariel said snarling at Nick in anger.

Dago appeared between them. Ariel sniffed him and stared at him. "Easy. Miss Calhoun. Nick and his Highness have a close relationship."

Ariel glared at him. "They are not equals. Highness is above him Nick Cole is just another king of this age. His Highness is of destiny and fate. Chosen by magic itself with the title Prince of Enchanters. We do not follow him. He has no right talk down to the man of man of the mist. They are not equals. You will explain this to the president of congress of wizards." She said.

Dago smiled nodding his head and turned to Nick. "Mr. Cole. Can you understand our position?" He said.

Nick nodded his head. "I can. I apologize for being disrespectful to Highness and his people. The Calhoun is correct. I've been a little to comfortable and lacks in my behavior I will correct it and respect his position." He said.

Dago looked at Ariel. "Is that good?" He asked.

Ariel frowned but she nodded her head stiffly. "What would be good is for the wizards to resolve their issues among themselves. His Highness wants nothing to do with these petty feuds. He wants to be left alone to rule his domain and push our mastery and evolution in magic." She said.

Dago nodded. "I know and his Highness is doing that but he's also a member of brotherhood of kings. They have their agreement and space to talk in open honesty in that space communication is on equal terms as brothers." He said.

Ariel stared at Dago. "Then such talks should be done in that place and never in public or on his own damn land and domain." She said.

Angus nodded. "Yes. I agree with Ariel's take. Nick let's take these talks upstairs for a bit." He said getting to his feet.

James got to his feet at the same time the others did. He smiled at Ariel.

"Take your people to my house. Mara should be up making dinner soon. Tell her I'm upstairs." He said.

Ariel bowed to him. She looked at him. "You must be respected your Highness. No matter whatever the hell anyone else says you have earned your due. The world will acknowledge it or I will break the knees of the world and make them acknowledge it." She said.

James nodded to her. "I like you a whole bunch to. I'll be back. Bellatrix's training is coming along a bit slow. She's starting to get it. Can you help me out!" He said.

Ariel straightened up. "I will speak her make her understand and obey." She said.

James snorted in laughter. "Not what I meant but I know you'll make her understand that she needs to improve faster. She has no other choice. I'll be back. Take your people in my house to get something to eat." He said and he went into apparition and appeared in center of Camelot.

Nick and a few others started appearing in the center of the court of Camelot. James frowned. "Sorry about that. Ariel likes and respects me a lot." He said.

Nick frowned shaking his head. "You perfected the love sacrificial enchantment protection spell." He said.

James nodded. "It's also a by product of my mist magic. I can't tell you when it evolved to the point it is now. It's been a long time and it would take me a long time to explain. But for a general explanation it works like the pack and pride group magic. How's the hunt going right now for her generals?" He said.

Nick stared at him. "Yeah. It's slow going. How many people are protected by your protection enchantment?" He asked.

James shrugged. "The Calhoun, my family who else. My teacher and her children and everyone whose given their loyalty and friendship to me." He said.

Nick closed his eyes and rubbed hand down his face before he looked at James. "Okay. Okay. Until we finish this war with Anastasia we really need you to avoid leaving your ranch. I'm not ordering you." He said.

James sighed. "You don't need to say that. I get you. I'm busy enough at the ranch. I'm all for keeping my head out of the war. I ain't a warrior Nick." He said.

Nick nodded along with every member of the owls. "Your Highness is not a warrior." He said.

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