Chereads / James Potter and The Court of Owls / Chapter 90 - The Calhoun

Chapter 90 - The Calhoun

James appeared a few miles in front of the large pride of running were-cats as they advanced toward him. He started loading his peacemaker and then holstered his weapon. Angus appeared suddenly beside him with his peacemaker as well and the lightning sword resting in on his left shoulder.

"Looks like we got company son. Are they friends of our new resident?" Angus said.

"You might be right about that dad." James said. "It's going to be an interesting afternoon." He said.

"Hmm. Are my eyes fooling me or are there a couple of teenagers among the mix large group of females?" Angus said introspectively.

James frowned and studied the group. The large group of were-cat females were comprised of mostly tall all beautiful looking females with wild blond hair and muscled legs. He saw more then a few tall gangling youths among the adult females and only two males leading the charge out of the large body of people.

James smiled. "Okay. Interesting. What the hell do we have going on here? Perhaps. If we could do for a bit of talking first before we start scraping a bit." He said.

"Hmm. I think your right son. But, they all are coming on all strong as shit. How about we show them what they're coming to. What do you think?" Angus asked.

James nodded. "Yeah. Yeah. You want to do the honor. Dragon of the West." He said.

Angus scratched his chin but he shook his head. "James you been keeping up your wuxia skills." He said.

"Yes Sir. What you want to see bro? Fighting Firestorm or the water dance?" James asked with a grin.

Angus smiled winking at him. "None of that form shit. I want them to see what kind of men they've come against and fight against the lightning. I'll spark up the skies to provide you an opponent." He said pointing a finger at the stormy skies and then lightning stroked up at the skies.

James stepped forward as the lightning began to strike the ground near him. He rolled and flipped avoiding lightning strikes and then suddenly his fist punched the lightning. He moved spinning his body around and he kicked the lightning as it openly began to attack him openly with fearsome opponant.

The pride of were-felines started to come to slow walk as James shadow boxed and kicked the lightning around him. It was a strange show of power and skill in magic.

James kept going as the lightning began to show on his body and wrap around his body like a jacket and boots. He came to a stop finally as one of the taller females of the were-felines approached him.

James stood staring at the woman. His body a glow in lightning and then he punched his fists together cancelling out the lightning. He nodded to her. "Greetings. I am James Potter. The man behind me is Angus Potter The dragon of the West. Welcome to Potter Ranch. What brings you to our domain?" He said in echoing voice.

The woman stared down at him. "You are the man of the mist!" She said as a statement.

James nodded. "I am." He said in an echoing voice. "Are you a relative of Bellatrix Lastrade?" He said.

The woman nodded still staring at him. "We are. We've comet to take her home now that she has been released from her father's people. Why are you holding her here? What is your purpose for her?" She said.

"I'm training her to be useful. I'm sorry. But, how may I address you officially?" He asked.

She frowned at James. "I am Ariel Jones Calhoun of the Calhoun pride. You are keeping Bellatrix Calhoun Lastrade here to train to be useful as a slave to you." She said.

James shook his head. "No Miss Calhoun. I am training her to useful because she is a dangerous monster and her mate is a wizard and she's dangerous to everyone around including her own self." He said.

Ariel stared at him. "You are a Seer?" She said.

"Yes." He said simply. "Do you wish to see her?" He asked.

Ariel stared at him frowning. "Yes. I wish to see her. Now. You will take me to her." He said.

James nodded. "Sure. I see you and her family are concerned with her well being more so then her father and his people were. You can ask her questions and if she wanting to see go then she can go with you but she can never return here again. You have to make that clear to her if she so chooses to leave." He said and held out his hand to her. "Oh one more thing. It would be helpful if you didn't explain to her who and what I am." He said.

Ariel stared at him. "Your asking me to keep secrets from my daughter? I have no intention on helping you do anything. What are you training to become?" She demanded.

James smiled staring at her eyes. "As I said. I'm training her to become someone useful. Right now she is just a monster untrained with a weak mind easily controlled by dark wizards and people such as yourself and your former lover. None of this would be a problem for me if she wasn't mated to my best friend and brother. So I have to train her master her beast and magical energy inside of her mind." He said.

"Wizards do not train were-" She said but stopped suddenly and stared at him.

"Excuse me! You are assuming shit about me. You know nothing about what I am. I am a magi Miss Calhoun. She is magic-kind as I am. As you are. She must learn to control her power or she will butcher her soul in blood." He said bluntly.

Ariel stared at him and then she shook her head. "I don't understand you. I don't trust you. You hunt my kind and then you try to say we share a root similar to each other." She said.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked with a smile.

"What the hell are you?" Ariel said with a snarl in her voice as she glared at him in a frustrated and confused voice glaring at him.

James stared at her. "I am not teaching her wizard magic. I am training her how to control the magic already inside of her. We are similar to each other. We are magic-kind. We were gifted with touch of it. Our souls call to it. We cousins. We are family dragon blood and magic flows the same between you and I." He said staring at her.

Ariel took a step back feeling the magic in his voice as he brushed against her and she closed her eyes and took in his scent. She opened her eyes. "You are not a wizard." She said.

James sighed. "Do you wish to see your daughter Miss Calhoun?" He asked her calmly and offered her hand to him.

Ariel jumped back snarling at him. Her face flushed in embarrassment. She glared at his hand but she still slowly and carefully reached out her hand to him took hold of his arm.

They went into an apparition. Ariel screamed for few a seconds as she felt the twisting and pulling then they appeared in the holding room. Bellatrix was facing off against her ghost and then she speared her hand through the ghost.

The ghost disappeared and Bellatrix turned and stared at Ariel. "Mother. What are you doing here?" She asked.

Ariel quickly approached her hugging her and took a hold of her face. "They've released you and I'm taking you away." She said.

Bellatrix shook her head looking at James. "I've defeated your ghost. Will you allow me my hour?" She said.

James nodded. "Yes of course. You can have the day to see him and then when the day is over you will return here to face your next challenge." He said.

James lifted his hand they appeared outside on the ranch. He started walking away as Ariel started attempting to drag Bellatrix away.

"Raven. Raven." Bellatrix called after James.

James turned and everyone in the pride of were-felines froze. He looked at Bellatrix. "Yes." He said.

Bellatrix stopped. "What happens if I leave this place?" She asked.

"You will not be allowed to return again. You stay here you will be required to be trained and take control over your beast and take responsibility of who you are. I will accept nothing else. If you want to see Dago he is in the workshop library." He said and then he looked at Ariel Calhoun was glaring at him in a challenging manner.

She froze at his direct stare. James smiled and then he frowned putting out his hand a protective shield surrounded them. As lightning came down attacking them.

James looked up as several Wizards sat on brooms or floated in the skies attacking them with lighting and fire balls.

Angus appeared beside James. "You ready?" He asked.

James drew his peacemaker from his holster and took exploded off the ground flying up along side Angus toward the wizards that attacked them. He took fired.

An explosion went off from the nose of the peacemaker. Gold flames and shot out from the peacemaker striking at the wizard knocking him off his broom and falling and disappeared.

"JAMES LOOK OUT!" Angus called to him.

Jade green energy beams came toward James' back as he raced through the skies attempting to evade beams of energy as the tracked him through skies and then disappeared appearing behind the wizards only to see them disappear.

James lifted his hand turning it toward beams of killing cursed energy. The beams hit a magical shield.

The shield lite on fire with green flames and they absorbed into the wards into the shield. The circular shield spun around and around taking in the killing curse energy until the spell energy was put out.

James searched the skies seeing that the enemy were all gone. He fixed his face down below and raced back down appearing before Calhouns and Bellatrix. He put away his peacemaker in his side holster.

There was an after glow of energy around him as Angus came to stand before them. James waved away his shield around the were-felines pride and people.

"Bellatrix. Your mother wishes to take you away from here. It is your choose." He said to Bellatrix and then looked at Ariel. "I'm sorry for the attack on you and your pride. You and your pride are my father's guests so we are respectful to our guests." He said.

Ariel stared at James. "Is friendship in your offering?" She said.

James frowned. "Of course. I like friendship and my father are loyal friends to respectful people that respect to us." He said.

"You've attacked and hunted down my kind before at the command of your king." Ariel said.

James shook his head. "I hunted down people that attacked magi and wizards in this country. Anyone loyal to me I will not attack. That's the agreement I have with Cole." He said.

Ariel bowed to her feet. Bellatrix frowned and then stared as the others followed suit all bowing to one knee. Bellatrix frowned shaking her head. She looked at James.

"What is this?!" She asked him.

James shook his head. "I'm not following what your asking me?" He asked her.

Bellatrix glared at him. "Why are they bowing to you? What is this?" She said.

"Silence girl! You must not speak of to his Highness." Ariel said.

"What?! What is this bullshit?" Bellatrix said.

James glared at her. "I don't answer questions from you. You will obey me or you can get the hell of my domain." He said.

Bellatrix flinched back at the authority and dominance in his voice. "I want to see my mate first. May I see him please!" She said.

James nodded waving her toward the ranch. "Go." He said.

Bellatrix lifted up her wrists showing her bracelets. "When will I be freed of these shackles?" She said.

James stared at her. "Your done talking to me. Walk away." He said.

Ariel pushed her away. "Go. Do not say anything else. Go." She said.

Bellatrix frowned but quickly walked away. James stared at Ariel. "Do you see the problem?" She said.

Ariel grimaced but she nodded. "I do. I can fix her. Your Highness. Could you please remove the shackles. They aren't necessary." She said.

James shook his head. "I disagree and they aren't meant to imprison her or humiliate her. They are meant for her training and her own protection so that she doesn't hurt herself and others around her." He said.

Ariel stared him. "Is she that unstable?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"Yes. She is very unstable. Miss Calhoun I don't believe in lying or misdirection. I keep it plain. You ride with me I ride with you. You come at me I will burn you to dust. If you are my people then you are people forever. My intentions are straight forward." James said.

Ariel nodded. "I understand this. Will we be allowed to visit." She said.

James looked at Angus. Angus stepped forward holding out his hand to Ariel. She took his hand.

"You have our loyalty forever or for as long as you want it. We don't turn on our own. We'll protect your back." Angus said.

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