Chereads / I became a Girl? / Chapter 83 - Chapter 83 Victory Day Celebration.

Chapter 83 - Chapter 83 Victory Day Celebration.

It was the 15th of June 914, by some miracle things were slowly starting to turn for the better. Not only had the war in the north been won some weeks ago along with the famine, but on the Island of Wight crops had begun to grow at a rate faster than anything before seen.

This growth was especially noticeable the closer one got to the center of the island where the capital city of Camelot was located. And not only this, but people all around the capital had begun to notice their health's slowly improving, this was especially noticeable amongst those who ate daily at Lilis little inns.

Somehow it seemed that the food there not only was the best in all of the land in terms of its taste, but more importantly it gave people strength, made their bodies more resistant to diseases and in some cases seemed to even heal minor injuries. Although for the time being all this was mostly nothing but a bunch of rumors spread from person to person, which made many doubt them.

After all how could simply just eating food within an Inn possibly take away one's pain or heal a minor scar that had been upon one's body for years before hand. But then again didn't the Church within Camelot claim that they had found the fountain of youth, could this all have something to do with that?

For a while now these sorts of rumours had been spreading within the kingdom which made many feel hopeful. For them this felt like a sign of the good times that were for sure going to come. Soon all their hardships would be over and food would be plenty again and the land would be safe as well.

And to add to this even the people's beloved rulers, the Pendragon's seemed to agree as they announced that this day, the 15th of June to be a day of celebration. This was to be their official Victory day celebration in which they celebrated the kingdom's triumph over the feral Lycan's as they were now called and the famine that had plagued the land.

In the capital and all across the land free food was handed out, music was playing as people danced and celebrated. Moods were high all around the Kingdom, especially amongst the nobility who had all gathered within the great halls of Camelot.

There in the large throne room, they all stood under the beautiful lights of the many large chandeliers as the sun began to set. There on the side of the long grand hall there was even a fancy little stage where a band was playing music. And in the middle of the hall couples happily danced to this music and seemed to be having quite a great time.

Others sat off to the side at the many tables that had been set up. There they were talking amongst family, relatives and friends while enjoying the good variety of foods bought from Lilis Little Lantern Inn. Food that was nicely on display at a few long tables from where anyone could pick whatever he or she wanted to eat.

Edgar though had gone off to try and strike up a conversation with some young ladies. Father on the other hand had gone off to his own group of important friends, and by the looks of it they were now within a heated conversation about something serious by the looks of it. Lili could even see there amongst the group the Duke of Westfield and his son Wilfred, so their conversation just had to be about something really important.

While she merely stood off to the side alone looking out the window at the beautiful garden and the nice big fountain there. The stars in the sky were quite beautiful and the benches and open batches of grass out there seemed quite tempting to her.

Oh how she would have loved to go lay there, alone, in peace without anyone there. But sadly she wasn't allowed to do so, father had specifically commanded her to stay within the hall till the end.

And though this didn't sound like such a hard task, it in fact was. Even now she could feel the scary men staring at her exposed upper back. Oh how she wished to have worn something less revealing so that she could hide herself from them all. Just why did she have to wear this light blue dress that left a big portion of her upper body totally exposed.

Not only could they see a huge portion of her back and slender neck, but most worryingly if she turned around then everyone would see her breasts that seemed as if they might spill out her dress at any moment. The only real protection she had was a simple necklace that didn't really cover anything. Also her dress was quite tight at the waist, which let everyone see just how small her waist was, and most of all everyone could pretty clearly see her feminine hourglass shape as well.

Luckily the bottom part of her dress mostly at least covered her legs although even there was a small cut. It was a cut that whenever she moved too much would give people a quick glimpse at her legs that were covered by white stockings.

During her entrance to this place, when the announcer had called out her family's names and then hers, she just could feel all of them checking her out.

Because of this she had specifically tried extra hard to make sure to take small careful steps so as not to expose her legs. She didn't want to draw any attention and she especially didn't want to mess up here. Though this wasn't all that easy as walking in high heels was not one of her specialities.

Still in the end she had somehow at least managed to find this free spot next to the wall without tripping on her dress or doing anything embarrassing. Or well she at least couldn't really think of herself doing anything embarrassing during her short stay here, but for some reason the men especially still kept on looking at her.

This she just couldn't understand, she hadn't even said hello to anyone or even made eye contact intentionally with anyone of them. All she did was keep her eyes intensely fixed on the ground most of the way in hopes of staying invisible.

But still none of this had helped, even as she just stood still, doing nothing but enjoying the view of the garden and occasionally stuffing her face with some berries from the large glass bowl she carried around, they just kept on looking her way for some reason. Oh God she felt so uncomfortable here, which everyone could probably notice, after all she didn't fit in here amongst them at all.

They were all so well dressed and good looking. They held their heads up high with pride and such confidence as well, unlike her. Also everyone, even the girls here stood at least a head taller than her, they were also probably a lot stronger than her, and just better than her in every single way.

While this was bad in itself she was totally alone here now, nobody was by her side and she didn't really know anyone here. Her body was unconsciously trembling, she was like some little rabbit within a den of wolves, so pathetic.

Thinking rationally she knew that she shouldn't be feeling like this, she was a Dukes daughter and so much more. But then again she was also an escaped slave which meant that she was a criminal, her father didn't seem to know of this, but what if these people knew?

After all they probably already knew that she was just a bastard, she was a mostly uneducated stupid girl who had messed up time and time again. And most of all she couldn't help but wonder if they knew of her pregnancy and how she had gotten pregnant in the first place?

Thinking of this Lili couldn't help but feel so pathetic before everyone here. She didn't deserve to be here and she most definitely didn't belong in this place, she was a nobody or that's what she felt like as she stood there alone next to the hall's large window, trembling in fear and uncertainty as she did so.

Luckily she at least had a large glass bowl of berries pressed against her chest for comfort. And they did taste quite good as well.

Even so her stuffing her face with the berries didn't help much. Especially since she could not only feel many eyes upon her, but she could also hear them whispering amongst one another and some were even laughing seemingly at her.

Using her heightened senses, she tried to hear what it was what they were saying, but immediately she heard some girl criticize her saying.

"Why'd she have her hair tied like that? She should have just let it loose, it would have looked so much better on her. What a shame."

Then she heard a man say.

"Haha haa, just look at that little girl. Who would have guessed that such a delicate little thing was a daughter of the great and powerful Duke Lionheart, hahaha!"

Hearing these comments Lili immediately blocked out her heightened senses not wanting to hear any more. Now it was obvious to her that they were all merely making fun of her.

Why did the maids have to tie her hair into a single long braid. Well she did think it looked good as did her light make-up, but it seems she was wrong. Obviously a frail delicate little thing like her wouldn't look good in anything.

Then again maybe most of them weren't even looking at her, why would they. Instead they probably were just enjoying the scenery outside the window, or what if they were waiting for her to move so that they could come stand in this spot?

As if realising this Lili felt so ashamed, had she been selfish in occupying this spot for herself? Maybe she should just go outside so she wouldn't be a bother to anyone?

Looking to her left Lili could see a small side door there, from there she could quickly go into the garden and nobody would surely notice her go, right?

However once again she hesitated. She really wanted to get away from here before she caused trouble for anyone, but then what about her father? What would he think of her if she disobeyed his orders and just left?

Looking for a compromise, Lili then shifted a little to her left so that she wasn't Infront of the window. Like so others could now enjoy the view and just in case she pressed her head against the wall and tried to appear small.

Then she took some more berries from her bowl, stuffed her mouth with them and found a little comfort in their sweet taste. Now shaking there in fear Lili could only silently curse her fate and hope that nobody said anything mean to her or found her bothersome.

However for Lili this was just pure torture, every single second felt like an hour and it seemed that the night would never end. But then the music suddenly stopped, and Lili could feel everyone's attention beginning to move elsewhere.

On the floor above that circled the great long hall she then heard the announcer fellow do a few fake coughs.

"Cough cough cough!"

Hearing this everyone seemed to slowly become silent as their attentions turned towards the end of the hall where the throne was.

Feeling a bit curious Lili decided to quickly scurry off behind one of the halls big pillars. And from behind there she curiously peeked out bowl in both hands to see what was going on.

And there indeed was the announcer who seemed to be preparing himself to announce something again. Maybe she would finally get to see the princesses again, Lili thought. However she wasn't sure if she really dared to meet them after all that had happened.

Although as she looked upon the mighty throne and the stairs that were behind it. She noticed there the large stone pillar that had the wooden door behind it that she knew led up into the upper castle and her former room.

Seeing it Lili couldn't help but think back to the time when she first had been here so long ago. Back then she was merely a Bed maid, and an escaped slave and life seemed to be slowly looking up for her, sort of.

It was actually just up there on the second floor where she had her first lessons with Grandma Linn. Even now after all that had happened she could still remember it all so clearly, but just where was the granny when she really could have used her company.

Or better yet would have been if she somehow could just make it up those flights of stairs and up into the castle where her old room was. Right about now, she really wouldn't have minded climbing back into that old large bed of hers, and under its covers where it was warm and safe.

Not only that, but to know that her trusty knights were there just outside her door keeping her safe was really nice. Damn where was everyone when she really needed them, she could feel them within the city, they weren't far, but just where were they?

If she focused she should be able to find them easily, but her head was such a mess that she couldn't focus at all.

But then Lilis thoughts were quickly cut off as the announcer came into view on the floor above, he stood there behind the stone railing as he looked upon all the guests within the hall, rolled open a large piece of paper and in a loud voice said.

"Now announcing the arrival of his Majesty, King Uther Pendragon! The Vanquisher of the Great Sea Serpent Galgazar, The Holder of Dragons Blood, The mighty, the unstoppable, the Hammerer of the north, the founder of the Kingdom of Albion, The Brave, The Protector of the people, the most Powerful of all, The first King of Albion, now everyone give a warm welcome to our one and only beloved King Uther!"

Then as the crowd erupted into applause Lili saw the old king begin to walk down the stairs dressed in a magnificent kingly outfit with a large red cape and a spiky crown atop his head.

He was an absolutely huge man with loads of muscles and taller than anyone else here, honestly he might have even possibly been taller than that evil brutish man. Uther's hair was gray and beard long, his blue eyes still seemed to be so full of life and overall the old man looked like a true king and would have definitely made for a great underwear model in her past life for sure.

With a brilliant smile on his handsome old face the king happily waved to the crowd like some super star on stage. The nobles seemed to really respect this man, even father and Duke Westfield were clapping their hands. Although Father somehow seemed a bit nervous but he held a slight smile nonetheless.

Lili would have also clapped her hands, but not wanting to draw attention to her she stayed silent. Plus she had a bowl of tasty berries on her hands so she had a reason not to clap along with everyone else.

Then the announcer continued by saying.

"Now Announcing Her Royal Highness Princess Eadlin and her younger sister Princess Aileen! The jewels of our great Kingdom of Albion!"

Hearing this Lili couldn't help but look back towards the stairs and indeed there they were, her girlfriends. Seeing them she felt such joy, she wanted to go greet them immediately and go back to the way things were, but how could she? How could things ever go back to the way they were after all that had happened?

With this in mind Lili hid herself further behind the pillar not wanting to be seen or noticed in the least, but still she couldn't help but look admiringly upon her two friends. Both of them looked so good in her opinion. Their golden blonde hair was so beautiful, Eadlin with her big breasts seemed so mature and womanly while Aileen was so petite and cute looking. They held their heads up high and weren't intimidated by the large crowd at all.

Seeing them Lili couldn't help but feel so proud of them. Both of them were so perfect and looked like true princesses worthy of their positions up there before everyone. Truly to have had such friends was a real blessing to her, one that she could never hope to repay.

She would of course do her utmost to help them from the shadows, but never again could she stand next to them. She wasn't pure anymore and she most definitely was unworthy of being their friend.

Thinking of it Lili felt so sad, her eyes started to become tiery and she felt like she was going to cry. But for their sake she held her tiers away, she couldn't cry now as sad as it might have been. This would be the end of their friendship and that was for the best.

Now Lili felt like she couldn't look anymore, but as the Queens name was announced she decided to have just one last look. And indeed she was there as well and just like the princesses she looked so pretty, so full of confidence and so elegant just like a true Queen was supposed to be.

Watching them Lili could see them slowly making their way towards the throne as the people cheered and clapped for them. But to Lilis great confusion it seemed that the announcer still had something else to say.

And as he began readying himself for another announcement, an absolutely massive beast of a man appeared atop the stairs behind the Queen. The man was over two meters tall possibly even taller than the king. Lili could see fancy black leather shoes, tight red pants where she could see a slight outline of something long and thick, he had a tight white shirt that was open at the top and had a red belt over it, he also had a beautiful red cape and a golden headband atop his head.

But what really caught Lilis eye was the man's huge muscles, even with those pants she could see that this guy's legs were well trained, she could also see the slight outlines of perfectly sculpted abs under that shirt, his massive chest muscles were also quite noticeable with the shirt being open and all. But no what really caught her eye was his strong thick neck, sharp facial features, beautiful light blue eyes, his short golden blonde hair, well groomed appearance and honesty the man just seemed so perfect to her eyes.

Quickly Lili found herself lost in her admiration of him, but as quickly she found herself admiring him, flashes of that night in the Inn came to her. This man was him, he was here for her just like she had feared.

He might have groomed himself to look like some proper civilised man, but he couldn't fool her. There after all wasn't anyone as tall and muscular as him and there was no mistaking those cold eyes of his.

However wasn't Uther also quite big, and wait how was it that he looked so familiar to her? It had been years, back then he had been just a teenager, but even then he was so huge and muscular. She still could recall him quite well and those beautiful light blue eyes of his and that well groomed appearance as well.

Seeing it Lili felt so confused, on one hand she felt sure that this man was him from the Inn, and that she should run. The thought of it already made her body shiver in fear and sweat profusely. From what she had seen the man was totally unstoppable and no-one here could stop him from getting to her. She was so vulnerable here and totally at his mercy, if he wanted to, he could get to her within some seconds and do whatever it was that horrible barbarians like him did.

But then on the other hand, she felt that she knew this man from her past. This wasn't a bad man, but an extremely reliable man who cared for her. He had even saved her ones before and she knew that she could trust him. But how could it be, surely it wasn't him, right? No it can't be him, no she didn't want it to be him.

Long ago they had made a promise and she had totally failed to keep it, how could she ever face him now? He had trusted her and in return she had totally betrayed him. Time and time again she had been taken advantage of and hurt in so many ways, and so she had totally failed. She hadn't been able to take care of herself and be independent and strong like she had promised. She was so weak and undeserving of him.

Feeling confused Lili didn't know what to do or what to think, until suddenly the man's eyes turned to her and within that instant a flash of realisation came to her. The man's light blue eyes suddenly seemed so focused on her own deep blue eyes, his expression was that of pure shock and then she saw that bright smile of his. He recognised her, oh no, he recognised her and she could recognise him. And then his mouth moved.

"Lili is that you?"

He said it so quietly that she could only make out the words by watching his mouth, as she in turn muttered out her own shocked words saying.

"Art, what are you?"

Lili couldn't believe it, no she didn't want to believe it, but she knew it to be him. Unconsciously Lili took a few steps back and accidentally out of shock dropped the glass bowl on the floor.

With a loud glass shattering sound the bowl broke into hundreds of pieces, the sound of which gathered many confused onlookers attention. Then to everyone's surprise Lili seemed as if she was about to burst out into tiers, after which she turned around and ran. With amazing speed she went for the small side door, but as she did a loud yell that echoed through the hall was heard.

"No, Lili wait!"

But Lili didn't wait and just stormed out the grand hall to the man's dismay who without a second thought jumped down the stairs and ran after her. Quickly everyone made way as the giant of the man ran like the wind past them all.

And as the two disappeared out of sight the hall stood in silent confusion with only a single man there truly understanding what had just happened.

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