Chereads / I became a Girl? / Chapter 84 - Chapter 84 A big surprise.

Chapter 84 - Chapter 84 A big surprise.

She was such a bad girl, she wasn't capable of staying within the hall like her father had told her to do. She couldn't even keep her promise to Art, she couldn't do anything but run away from it all. It was too late for her now, she had gone too far and now everyone probably hated her, right?

But still why couldn't he leave her alone. She tried to run as fast as she could with her high heels, but he was so much faster and all she could do was try to tell him to go away.

"No Art, get away from me! Leave me alone please!"

With tiers in her eyes she ran and hoped he would just leave her, but he didn't and instead he was getting closer to her as he yelled.

"No I won't, not again! Just stop Lili and give me a chance to explain myself, let's talk about it, ok!"

What was there to explain here, what did he want to talk about Lili didn't know and she didn't want to know. So she ran, but quickly came to a stop close to the fountain as her leg hit a small rock which made her trip and fall.


She yelled out of instinct and closed her eyes as she prepared herself to hit the ground hard. But before she did the powerful hands of Art grabbed a hold of her. With such ease as if she weighed nothing, he pulled her against his firm chest as they then spun around in mid air and fell to the ground with her small self on top of Art.

In surprise Lili opened her eyes only to find herself laying there on top of Arts massive body. His big powerful arms were so gently wrapped around her, shielding her from any danger and holding her firmly in place, and to her astonishment she found comfort in this.

It was so strange, just some moments ago she had felt so nervous, so scared of all the big men within the party hall. And not just them but all men seemed so scary to her, they were so big compared to her, so powerful, after that night at the Inn she had grown to distrust them all, she felt that she couldn't ever again trust any of them, except maybe the ones within her family, and yet just then within Arts arms she felt no fear, she felt safe.

Then Art suddenly turned them around again and Lili now found herself underneath him. Laying there Lili felt so nostalgic, it was just like all those years ago back at her old home.

Back then she had sworn to herself and him that she would grow to be stronger than him in the future, but she obviously wasn't, now the difference in power was even more noticeable as he had grown into a true beast of a man, while she was still nothing more than a frail little girl.

His arms that were on the sides of her head were absolutely massive like logs. His torso was so wide that it totally blocked out the moonlight as he loomed over her. To Lili it was almost as if nothing had changed between them. Even as much as she had tried to train her body and grow, he still had managed to somehow grow to be so much more than what she was.

Truly Art had become a man, and a really handsome man at that. The gap between their strength and size had clearly only gotten wider over the years. Now he looked so fierce, he was like some big bear and she was but his little prey, and yet she wasn't afraid. For his light blue eyes looked with such affection down at her, as he spoke to her with such gentleness within his voice.

"You idiot, just what were you thinking running like that? You could have really hurt yourself, just how did you survive this far without me, hmm?"

His words sounded a bit playful, but they were so true as well. She was an idiot, he was right in saying that. Time and time again she had failed. She couldn't stand up against anyone on her own and always needed to rely on others for help.

Even now she was totally at Arts mercy, he could do whatever he wanted to her and there was nothing that she could do to stop him, she was so pathetic, but still why was he smiling so warmly down at her, she didn't deserve his compassion or anything else.

Thinking of this, tiers once again started to form in Lilis eyes as she began to cry. She felt so ashamed and couldn't look at him anymore so she quickly looked away.

If only she had all those years ago back at the Dancing Dragon Inn been able to admit her obvious faults and just went with him, then maybe all this hardship could have been avoided. She wouldn't have had to have become a slave or a servant to anyone. She and Art could have been partners, teammates and everything would have been alright, but she hadn't done this and so she had failed in everything, and most of all she had failed to keep their promise. So now she could only try and apologise to him.

"I I, I'm sorry Art. I'm sorry for everything, I failed, I I, I couldn't do anything. I'm no good, so just leave me! Get away!"

As Lili said this she quickly began to bowl up, she covered her face and brought her legs close to her chest as she cried to Art's great dismay. Seeing it, Art felt like his heart just broke and shattered into hundreds of pieces. He felt absolutely horrible and wanted to say so much, but all he could do was hug the girl under him tightly and say.

"What? No Lili, please don't say that. You have nothing to apologise for, It's me that messed up, not you. So please just listen and give me another chance, you can't leave me Lili, you can't! I mean I know that what I did was wrong, but it's just that I can't control myself around you Lili. To see others so close to you, to see them touch you, hurt you in any way or even to think that others might do so drives me absolutely crazy. And yeah I know I'm a selfish asshole and definitely not someone worthy of someone so kind, so beautiful and perfect as you, and this most definitely isn't the right place to say this, but Lili please understand that I love you! When we first met I wasn't sure of it as I was still so immature and you were so young, but after thinking of it I just know that I've always loved you Lili. You're the only one that I truly desire to be on my side, so please just give me another chance Lili, let me prove myself to you, just don't push me away again. I swear I'll do better, I won't ever again leave you like that night, and yeah what happened then is unforgivable I know, but please just give me one last chance, I love you Lili, even if you'd never love me back, I'll still keep saying it forever and ever so that maybe one day you will."

Lili was in complete disbelief at the man's words, she couldn't understand at all what he was talking about? Why was Art saying all of these things, it was her that had stupidly left him that night at the Dancing Dragon Inn and not him. He had nothing to feel sorry about and no reason to say those words to her, to love her, just why?

As tierful and as emotional as she was, Lili pushed through her emotions and looked up into the mans eyes and loudly cried out saying.

"No stop it Art! Don't say that, don't, please just don't. You can't love me, you can't! Please just leave me and find someone else! I I, I'm a failure and unworthy of anyone. I couldn't even keep our promise! I wasn't able to become independent, wealthy or anything! I'm nowhere as good as you and I couldn't even protect myself from anyone. all I've been is a failure my entire life! So please just leave me, please."

After saying this Lili turned her head away, she couldn't look at Art anymore. She just wanted to be left alone within her own shame. But to her surprise he didn't go and instead came even closer, his strong arms hugged her little body so warmly while he pressed his head against hers. Her heart was beating like crazy, she could feel his hot breath on her as he then said.

"Don't say that Lili, you're not a failure. If anything its me who has failed you, but please if you'd just give me one last chance I promise to be good to you. Let's just forget about the past and start again, just you and me. Nothing else matters to me now, all I want is you Lili, so please just let me have you, cherish you, protect you and love you for now till the end of time. Forget about everything else for now, it doesn't matter for I am here with you in this moment now, I'll take care of everything if you'd just accept me Lili. Please could you do that for me?"

Hearing this Lili was stunned, he seemingly wasn't mad at her in the least, he was willing to accept her despite everything. The words touched her so deeply and in that moment she really wanted to accept them, she wanted to accept his love and warmth. From the very beginning all those years ago she had known that if she'd just stayed by his side everything would have been alright.

But even still she couldn't do it, she wanted to push him away, but the man was stubborn and wouldn't let her go. He merely kept hugging her and really seemed intent to keep her. Left with no choice Lili closed her eyes, steeled her heart as she confessed that what plagued her heart so heavily.

"I'm sorry Art, but I just can't. I can't accept you, not anymore. I I I wasn't able to keep myself safe or pure and now I'm, I'm pregnant. I'm so sorry Art, I'm so sorry. So please just leave me, forget about me, I'm no good for you or anyone else."

As she said this Art seemed shocked as his hug loosened and he pulled back to look at her. In anticipation of what was to come Lili covered her head and tried to hide herself like so. Having heard of her impurity and greatest of shame she wouldn't be surprised at all if he would yell at her or even hit her from pure rage at her failure and weakness.

Then with a voice so intense that it made her body unconsciously shake from fear he asked.

"Who, who is it? Tell me Lili! Who is the bastard that did it! Tell me and I'll rip out his fucking spine straight out his body and send that bastard to hell!"

He sounded so furious, so ready to explode in rage and do something bad. She could merely shake in fear under him and honestly then say.

"I, I I don't know. He just came to the Inn and defended me, but but, but then he suddenly attacked me. I I Don't know why, it must have been something I said, I don't know. I tried to resist and fight back, but he was so strong. I'm sorry Art, I really did, I swear. But, I I I couldn't do anything, I was so useless, so weak. Please forgive me, I'm sorry."

After saying this Lili kept her eyes tightly shut as she waited for the hateful words and ridicule to come, he was probably going to hit her as well and she couldn't blame him for it. She deserved all of it, and he deserved to hate her.

A few moments passed, she cried and waited, but nothing came. What was he waiting for? The moment felt so long and so painful to her, the anticipation of waiting for her former best friends rage to fall upon her was so intense.

But as some moments passed again, there was nothing, she felt no danger and then he suddenly hugged her again. His entire body came gently upon her, she felt so warm within his embrace and then she felt his lips on her cheek as he suddenly then kissed her there. It felt so gentle to her, he was so full of passion and love which Lili couldn't understand, and then with a deep gentle voice he said.

"Like I said Lili, don't worry about it anymore. From now on I'll take care of everything for you, even that child, for whatever is yours is mine..Well that is if you'd just accept me. Just say that you'll love me and I'll take care of the rest. Besides to be honest I've always wanted a child to call my own, so what do you say Lili? Do you think that you could accept me as your man?"

Lili was so confused, just a moment ago she could have sworn that he was mad hearing that she was pregnant. And now it was as if it didn't matter to him at all, in fact he felt somehow so happy and excited to hear her say that she was pregnant?

She so wanted to say the words, she wanted to accept him, but how could she. Could she honestly trust him, why would he be so kind to her, why would he so easily accept the fact that she carried some unknown man's baby within her?

While lost in thought Lili then felt Arts hot breath move from her cheek to her neck, and then he suddenly kissed her there. It felt kind of ticklish making her body shiver a little, and she could feel an actual smile coming to her face. But as a second past her smile quickly turned to pleasure as his kiss intensified .

Her body began to feel so hot as she unconsciously began to let out small moans while her arms hugged his big head tightly as if fearing him leaving her. It was so good and yet so embarrassing that she couldn't help but yell.

"AHH, no Art wait!"

But he didn't wait and instead he then gave her neck a quick little lick, sending further jolts of pleasure through her body. It was so strange, to be treated by this man like this, but it also felt so good. All she could do was ride through the emotions and fall further into his passionate embrace as she secretly found herself wanting more of him.

From there he slowly began moving down her neck, planting many small kisses upon her as he went further along. Through panted breaths Lili tried to tell him to stop, she wasn't ready for this, it was all so sudden for her, but he didn't listen. Art seemed so determined to win her over, to get her to say those embarrassing words to him, oh if only he would have known just what it was that he was truly asking from her, how hard it was for her to even think about ever saying those words to a man.

However it seemed that to Art none of these concerns of hers mattered. He wanted her and he was going to get her it seemed, whether she liked it or not. And as scary as this felt, she kind of found herself liking it. To be so wanted by someone, to know that Art would do whatever he needed to do to get her was kind of nice. It proved to her that she would indeed just need to surrender herself to this man and he would then take care of everything from there, because he truly cared about her.

Then Art came to a stop at her exposed collar. Once again he planted a gentle passionate kiss there and then to Lilis surprise he lightly bit her there. In shock Lili squealed out like the girl she was.

"Kyaahh, nooo, Art!"

Despite saying this Lilis body quivered in pleasure at his domineering bite. However the bite didn't last for long, and instead he was quick to move back to her neck and there where he had just moments ago kissed her, he bit her.

Immediately Lilis thoughts turned from pleasure to the horrible memories of that night. She could still so vividly recall how that evil brutish man had bit her in hopes of taming her. He had wanted to bend her to his will and make her his. That man had been so insistent and so harsh, his bite hurt her, but now as Art bit her it somehow felt so good.

There was slight pain, but yet there was such pleasure. He wanted her, he really did and she could feel it. This man held nothing but pure love and affection towards her, he so desperately seemed to want her.

It was so different compared to that evil brutish man. That man had been so full of darkness and anger. He hadn't been gentle with her, she hadn't felt safe at all within that man's embrace, but here with Art it was so different, so good.

No more did she try to deny him at all, instead she accepted his love as she enjoyed every second of that moment. She wanted him to feel more of him, to smell his masculine scent even more and to be one with him. Unlike that bad man, Art smelled so good, so intoxicating and his love was so pure towards her.

Then as the moment came to an end and their faces met she didn't resist as he suddenly took her lips with his and they fell into a long passionate kiss. It felt so strange to her, to willingly kiss a man, to kiss a friend of hers, but it also felt kind of familiar somehow and yet so different and so good.

Lili felt so hot inside and eagerly accepted Art as his tongue came within her mouth as her tongue then met his and both eagerly tangled together in that passionate moment. Lili didn't know how long the kiss lasted, but as they finally separated and she was left there heaving for breath while looking up into his beautiful light blue eyes, she then knew his feelings to be true.

Once again Art showed her that big stupid grinning expression of his and happily asked.

"So what do you say? Do you feel the same as me, do you want to be with me, partner?"

Immediately Lilis heart skipped a beat at the mention of this. Once she had promised a certain someone to be partners with him against crime forever till the end. And now was she to once again promise to become a partner to someone else, although she knew that this time it would be a partnership a lot different than simply fighting crime, being friends and such. This time, this partner of hers would be passionate with her and help her raise this child of hers, but most of all she knew that just like back then that she could most definitely trust this new partner of hers to have her back.

And so with all this in mind, and as strange as it felt Lili just decided to follow her heart and go with it as she nodded her head and happily said.

"Yes, partner, hihi."

Immediately after saying this Lili felt as if a massive weight had just been lifted off of her heart. Once again she could breathe easy knowing that Art was truly on her side. Then without a word Art took her lips into another passionate kiss, although Art was quick to separate from her seemingly not yet satisfied with her answer as he asked.

"Ooh, and what else? Come on Lili, say it, say it for my sake. Say that I love you."

Art was so forceful with her, so stubborn and such a arrogant man. Honestly Lili doubted that the man would have ever actually accepted her saying no. He most likely wouldn't have ever let her go, however to be so wanted and so cared for by this man was something that she really loved about him. So with a shy little nod Lili then just said it.

"Mmm, I I, I love you, ok."

Hearing it Art showed his signature shit eating grin as if he had just won the lottery or something. The man seemed so happy to seemingly see her bend to his will, and Lili strangely couldn't help but feel so happy seeing it. His grinning stupid face was so heartwarming to see, to know that her words had made him so happy brought her such joy.

She was actually useful to him, capable of making him smile, though he just yet didn't seem all that satisfied. Quickly he took a hold of her head, he pressed his face up against hers so that their noses touched, and then he seriously looked into her eyes and said.

"That's good, but I want to hear you say it again. Without hesitating this time, say it like you really mean it. You mean it don't you, my love?"

Lilis little heart immediately skipped a beat at his words. He actually called her his love. Oh my God, it was all happening so quickly that she didn't know if her little heart could take this for much longer. Feeling him so close to her, to smell his strong masculine scent and to feel his breath upon her was so good. She felt so hot, so embarrassed, but not wanting to disappoint she pushed her embarrassment aside and seriously yelled out her feelings to him.

"I I I love you Art, ok! I love you and I think I always might have as well. I really do, I do, I do, I do! I love that stupid smile of yours that handsome face and everything! I love you!"

Once again Art then stole her lips and they fell into a passionate kiss. Now Lili was really starting to feel weird, her body felt like it was burning, her lower half felt wet and seemed to be really craving him inside it which caused her to unconsciously wrap her legs partially around him as she tried to grind herself against him. She just wanted to feel more of him, even he seemed to agree as she could already feel something long and hard pressing against her down there.

Then his right hand moved away from holding her head and downwards upon her left breast. Immediately Lili shook at his touch, she was so sensitive there and then he with ease pulled her dress slightly down revealing her left breast. For but a moment she could feel it bounce until his large hand grabbed a hold of it and seemed to sink into the softness of it.

With such wanting lust he was quick to begin massaging her breast. It hurt a bit, but it felt so good as well, causing her mind to become a bit hazy. She was like jelly under his touch, now he could do whatever he wanted to her and even further more to add to the heat of the situation, she heard him say through the kisses.

"Mmm, damn your soft, so curvy, I love your tits. What a lucky man I am to have such a beauty all for myself, under me, craving for my touch and letting me taste these sweet juicy little lips, haha haa."

Hearing the compliments Lili felt herself even further falling under his spell. He actually called her beautiful, he liked her tits and all the womanly features of her. He actually didn't seem to mind at all that she was so weak and such a soft little thing, in fact he really enjoyed and seemed to want to feel more of it.

To her this all felt like such a surprise. To be within a relationship where like this where her partner actually didn't seem to mind any of her weaknesses. He didn't even care about the fact that she was pregnant and just accepted all her faults as she was. How could it be that she was actually so blessed to have a partner and a lover such as this?

No longer could she do anything to stop it from happening and she didn't really want to. He was going to take her just then and there, within the garden and under the beautiful light of the moon. They were like two animals in heat about to do the most natural of naughty things that God had thankfully given them the ability to do.

Although as Lili thought of this, she quickly remembered, Accalia, her family, the party and it all. As much as she would have really just wanted him to take her there behind the bushes, she just couldn't. This was wrong and happening too fast, she needed to slow down and think of the consequences, not just for her sake, but for Arts as well. She couldn't drag him down like this with her, not before he at least knew what it was that he was getting himself into, after all she was a Dukes daughter and meant to meet some guy today that her father had already before hand selected for her.

Closing her mouth to Art's eager tongue and pushing against him, Lili quickly got him to break away slightly giving her room to say.

"Wait Art, we can't do this."

Art seemed confused for but a second, until a grin came to his handsome face again as he confidently said.

"Watch me."

Hearing this Lili closed her eyes and mouth, but the man merely then moved to kissing her neck as he continued massaging her left breast passionately. Lili felt so good, but she managed to somewhat fight her urges and say.

"No Art just wait, my family, they will never accept this. I'm sorry but I really should return to the party or else my father will be really mad. Besides aren't we moving a bit too fast and what about your family?"

Hearing this Art broke away again and didn't seem bothered by her words at all as he merely said.

"Hah, I'd like to see your father try and stop me from having you. Just trust me Lili, none of that matters anymore to me if it doesn't matter to you. All I want is you and if my family or yours can't accept that, them so be it, we will just run away together and start a life together somewhere else."

Lili felt so touched by Art's word's. Not only did he accept her and her baby, he seemed truly determined to leave everything for her sake. No matter what he seemed determined to have her. At this point Lili knew that if she seriously loved him, which she felt that she did, she would then need to prove it as well.

As much as it saddened her to possibly need to leave the country, head into exile or worse, she wouldn't be afraid to do it for his sake, because she loved him and why couldn't she. Everyone else now could either accept that or just forget her completely.

With this in mind Lili nodded her head then and seriously said.

"I understand Art, I feel the same way, but I think it's unfair to do it like this. We should at least try and ask father's permission first."

Nodding to this Art showed a bright smile, lifted up Lilis dress covering her breasts and then pulled her up with him as he said.

"Fine since you so desire to ask permission then we will do so, from both our families then."

After saying this Art gently held Lilis dainty little hand as he led her back towards the party where Lili could hear music playing again. It seemed that nobody had come after them and nobody really cared which made her feel so nervous.

How was she going to face her father like this with Art. Would father ever accept Art? After all wasn't he just a sell sword or something hunting bandits in the country side, or well didn't someone once call him a lord or something back then. Well thinking of it now Lili quickly realised that she honestly didn't really know much of anything about him. To Lili Art was such a mystery and yet she didn't care, she loved him and that whatever or whoever he really was.

But contrary to Lilis beliefs, everybody did most definitely care about what had happened between them it seemed. Immediately as they entered through the side door with Lili shyly hiding behind Art the entire place went quiet. All eyes were now on them and father was there close to the door with a look of anticipation on his face as he then looked to Lili and asked.

"So how did it go? What happened"

Confused Art looked to Lili and asked.

"Wait his your father?"

Nodding her head shyly Lili confirmed Art's question to which he answered by a slightly shocked expression, as he then turned towards father who respectfully bowed and said.

"Oh, my apologies your highness. It was my assumption that you were already well acquainted with my daughter, Lili Lionheart."

Then father looked to the shocked her and seriously said.

"I'm sorry Lili, it was supposed to be a surprise for you, but I suppose it's too late now. But indeed Prince Arthur Pendragon is indeed the man I was talking about before hand."

Now Lili as well as Art seemed to be at a loss for words when suddenly father made everyone make way as he led them both towards the throne.

"Please quickly come this way. Since you're both already well acquainted with each other there is no need to delay any further, now follow me."

Hearing the words, "well acquainted" and seeing the people's surprised expressions, Lili quickly noticed that within her hazy state of mind she had planted a kiss on Arts' cheek. Now there was a red mark there of her lipstick and the same was on his lips. Plus the both of them weren't looking as proper as they were before hand. Oh God everyone could totally see that they had been doing something naughty.

Realising this Lili felt so ashamed, luckily Art held her hand so gently which helped her push through her anxiety. But then again thinking of it now she felt so confused, Art was in fact Arthur Pendragon the Crown Prince of this nation.

But then as a child had she seriously attacked a prince and tried to stab him. No more importantly hadn't she just made out with him and confessed her love to him as he did so also. Plus she was technically still his bed maid and had been sleeping in his bed for so many years. Oh God there were so many thoughts within her head that before she even knew it they were before the royal family.

They were there on that stage of stone where the mighty throne stood, and now everyone could see them there. And most of all her girlfriends were there, the Queen was there, her father was there and they were all smiling at her with such bright expressions. Weren't they mad at her, or disappointed in the least?

No, in fact Eadlin and Aileen seemed to be full of giggles at the sight of her and Arts stunned expressions. And then they were made to face the large crowd, the freaking king stood next to Art while her father stood there next to her.

Lili felt so lost. Just what was going on here? It seemed that everyone knew what was happening here except her. And then as the king seemed ready to announce something she noticed there on the balcony above Grandma Linn and that tall muscular old man who had been with Art all those years ago. However the old muscular man didn't seem so old anymore and held no scars on his face, but that wasn't what really caught her eye, but the fact that the two of them were standing offly close like they were together or something.

And now that she looked around properly she could even see that Sir Jack Bell and Sir John Bell, the father and son duo were now just at the foot of the stage looking up at her with smiles. Even Sir Chad Armstrong was there within the crowd without his wives.

Everyone except her girl followers seemed to be here as the king then said.

"Everyone, I know this has been a long time coming and many of you have wondered if my son would ever be married. But worry no more, for just like I promised my dear friend Duke Leo Lionheart over here so long ago, my first born son will indeed be wed to Duke Lionheart's first born daughter. Who as many of you already surely know is none other than Lili Lionheart, the girl who you can all thank for giving us this wonderful food today and the many Little Lilis Inns that many of you have spent quite a sum of coin at already!"

Then the crowd suddenly erupted into loud cheers and happy laugh's, and before Lili even knew it she and Art were already dancing the night away as the music played in the background. For her everything felt so unreal, it was too good to be true or was it?

Did she and Art just get engaged and were now soon to be married? There was no ring on her finger yet, but then again this was a different world so it was to be expected. But wait did she actually want a ring? Oh God she did and when they were to marry was Art going to actually give it to her then?

While Lili was engulfed in a storm of emotions that were mostly the pure creation of her mind, Art on the other hand was feeling extremely relieved and oh so happy. For him it was like he had just dodged a massive bullet.

Lili didn't recognise him from that night, she seemed to have no idea that the baby she carried was in fact his. And because of all of this he hadn't needed to really explain anything, in fact in her eyes he was an absolute Saint, which made her faun over him even more. And now all he needed to do was claim to everyone that the child was in fact his, as it truthfully was and nobody would be none the wiser.

He would finally have his perfect bride that was the most beautiful girl in all the land, she would be his princess and she would give him many strong and intelligent children. And one day soon he was going to be the ruler of this land and everyone would love him even more. After all he was already a great inventor, the one who created the windmill, he was a war hero and the one who killed the Queen of those Feral Lycan's. Truly life was great for him as the Crown Prince.