Chereads / I became a Girl? / Chapter 61 - Chapter 61 Aggressive negotiations. (R18?)

Chapter 61 - Chapter 61 Aggressive negotiations. (R18?)

On the back of Accalia Lili made it to the balcony. Getting off her mother's back, she slowly moved to the balcony door and opened it.

Peeking inside she could see the princess sleeping in there on her bed peacefully, completely unaware of her presence.

With the coast clear, Lili made her mom wait outside on the balcony as she sneaked in, closed the door and made her way onto the bed. And damn was the bed nice and soft, it didn't even creak at all as she climbed a top it.

In one hand Lili held a small mirror and with her other she took a hold of the princesses bare hand.

In response to this the princess let out a small humming voice of satisfaction. Her hand unconsciously took a light hold of Lilis much smaller hand and a smile came to her bandaged face.

Breathing a sigh of relief Lili merely looked upon the princesses two mounds of flesh that calmly moved up and down in a peaceful rhythm.

By the look of them it truly did seem that the princess was still in a deep sleep and so Lili went to work. Closing her eyes she focused on the unseen. Her magical eyes carefully looked upon the Princesses figure.

Looking at her Lili was stunned to see that the darkness from before was no longer there. Although there still seemed to be some shadows that looked upon her unfavourably. Truly it seemed that the princesses opinion, despite everything had actually grown.

Was this princess a sadist, did she actually enjoy arguing and punishing her? So far she couldn't recall them having any positive moments together. Hmm, had the princess had a change of heart? Had she maybe come to realise that there really wasn't any reason for them to not like each other, and that being friends was a lot nicer.

Well whatever the case, she was now finally able to do her magic and so she did. And like so, some time passed, Lili not only healed that which she had caused but went even further beyond.

Just like in the Queen Lili also found something bad spreading within the princess, it wasn't as big as with the queen, and so she healed it with ease. She even went as far as to get rid of the princesses calluses and imperfections in the skin and hair. After this the Princess was sure to forgive her, right.

Lastly, as exhaustion started to set in, Lili felt that she had done enough and so it was time for her to remove the bandages. And as she did this the princess slowly began to awaken.

With great anticipation Lili watched as Eadlins face turned into a little frown and her eyes slowly began to open. Her hand let go of Lilis little hand, she rubbed at her eyes and then her gaze landed upon Lili.

Lili just held the small mirror right below her own smiling face as she waited expectingly for a positive response to her work. Eadlin just seemed confused as if she wasn't comprehending the situation at all, her long eyelashes started to flutter as she clearly tried to adjust to the darkness of the room, as she then muttered out a few confused words. "Lili, is that you?"

Without hesitation Lili happily answered. "Yeah, I'm here you sleepyhead. I came to fix your face. What do you think? Did I do a good job? You like it right, I didn't miss anything, right?"

To this no immediate answer came from the totally stunned Eadlin. Eadlin merely looked at Lili, then to the mirror where her own reflection was and then back at Lili.

Then the silence suddenly broke as another confused, but excited voice came from besides the bed. "Oh my god! Lili your here, Yee!"

Before Lili could even see who this was, she was tackled. The mirror dropped from her hand and she fell to the other half of the bed, next to Eadlin.

The attacker felt soft and light as she sat upon Lilis belly and pinned her hands on to the sides. Then the attacker spoke with a happy girlish voice. "I got you, guess I'm stronger than sis after all, hihihi."

Looking up Lilis big deep blue eyes were met with the sight of big blue eyes of the young princess Aileen. The girl had a silly grin on her face as she happily looked down on her.

"Aileen, wa wa what are you doing here?" Was all that Lili managed to say as she was then hugged tightly by the girl, who pressed her head right next to hers and spoke into Lilis ear saying. "Oh, I'm just looking over sis as she recovers. After all mother never lets me see you, so I've got to have someone to keep me company other than mister bear. Ooh, but it's so nice to finally not only see but touch you again Lili. Your so cute and soft."

Lili hugged the young Aileen back, but honestly couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Wa WA what? Cute, soft? What are you talking about Aileen."

Pulling back, Aileen looked into Lilis eyes again and said. "I'm talking about you of course, silly."

Now even more baffled, Lili just said. "Whhaaat?"

Aileen didn't seem to care about Lilis confusion at all, she curiously just grabbed a hold of some of Lilis hair as she said. "Wow, your hair is so smooth and soft Lili. How do you get it to be like this, please you gotta tell me your secret. I swear I'll repay you for it."

To this Lili knew not what to say as she never really did anything to her hair. It was always pretty much the maids who combed and washed her hair, plus her natural healing abilities always kept it healthy.

Then before the two could continue, Eadlin joined their conversation. She sat on her knees and looked into the mirror in her hands as she yelled out. "Lili what did you do to my face and hands?"

Stopping what they were doing Lili and Aileen looked to Eadlin as Lili said. "Well I healed them, you know. Like I said."

Eadlin dropped the mirror out of her now smooth hands, turned her now gorgeous and perfect face towards Lili and said. "What? What do you mean that you healed me? Before you said that you just fixed me, as if it were no big deal. Tell me Lili, did you actually use magic, because this is a lot more than just some simple fixing or healing?"

Lili was shocked, damn she had been found out. She figured that she could play it off as no big deal and just have the princess forgive her earlier behaviour.

But now she was totally busted. She couldn't hide it any more, she couldn't deny the existence of her magic. Was she going to be burned at the stake as a which now?

Glancing to the balcony she could see Accalia peeking from behind the corner, she seemed like she was preparing to attack. This wasn't looking good, it seemed a fight was imminent.

Gulping down her own nervous saliva, Lili decided to just be truthful. It was all or nothing now. Placing her hands on Aileens thin waist, Lili closed her eyes and then focused.

Her hands immediately began to glow with a warm radiant light, the girls could be heard gasping in shock at the sight. Luckily Aileen didn't resist and as Lili opened her eyes again and the light died down, she smiled slightly at Aileen and said. "That's how I keep my hair smooth and healthy, now you're hair is also like mine."

Mouth agape and eyes wide, Aileen touched her own head and took a hold of her hair. The girl seemed absolutely shocked as did Eadlin who had her hand on her mouth as she looked upon Aileen and said. "Oh my god, Aileen your hair is glowing."

It wasn't really glowing, but apparently to the girls it seemed like it was, since now it was a lot brighter and clearer than before. Aileen looking at strands of her own hair also spoke then. "Wow, your right. It is glowing, just like your hair sister."

Eadlin seemingly baffled by this comment quickly started touching her own hair to confirm it. Soon both princesses were realising the same thing, their hair had become a lot brighter, softer and smoother compared to before.

With amazement written on her face, Eadlin then grasped a hold of Lilis dainty little hand and excitedly said. "You're amazing Lili, you're just like our brother, But like a lot stronger. I mean, I've never seen him do this with his magic."

Now Lili felt completely baffled and in disbelief at what she was hearing.

Nodding her head in satisfaction, Aileen then gave Lili another big hug as she said. "Hihihi, see sister I was right, wasn't I. From the moment I saw her, I just knew that there was something really special about her, you just didn't want to see it. But even you have to admit it now, that there simply just isn't a better person to be by our brothers side. I mean come on sis, wouldn't you too like to have her as a part of our little family? I mean we could be like sisters and such, plus like oh my god, Isn't she just the cutest little thing?"

Lili didn't know what to say. Now Aileen was talking of her like a pet or something, it felt so weird. Eadlin on the other hand looked down upon her with indecisiveness written all over her face. And strangely both of them seemed like they didn't really give a dam about her magic.

To Lili being a part of the family or whatever sounded nice, but honestly she already had a family and that was not what she needed right now. There were lives at stake here, she needed money and a place for the Lycan's to work. Plus Eadlin didn't seem to be fully onboard with the whole family idea, she just crossed her arms and said. "Hmm, I don't know."

Aileen seemed quite disappointed in her sisters answer, but before she could continue Lili decided to speak her mind as she said.

"No please, there is no need for all of this. You see, coming here tonight all I wanted to do was to say that I'm sorry for what I did to you Princess Eadlin. Hopefully my magic has done that, but of course I know it's not ever going to fix the fact that I did what I did, and for that I'm truly sorry.

Please believe me when I say that I never meant for it to go that far. I honestly don't know what came over me, but please don't hate me. I don't want to be your enemy princess. All I ever wanted was to be a normal maid so that I could maybe earn some money. Money that I could use to help others and possibly even start a small business of my own. Please Princess Eadlin, you have to believe me when I say that I never meant to make you dislike me like this. If it's just me that you don't like, then I can quit this job if that's what you want. But whatever it is please just say it and I'll try to make it right."

Honestly Lili wasn't quite sure what she was saying, but she really just wanted to put this stupid rivalry or whatever behind her. She didn't want any drama in her life, she just for once wanted a normal stable life.

By the looks of it, Eadlin was left speechless by her rambling words as Aileen just hugged Lili closely and said. "No Lili don't say that. I don't want you to go anywhere. If it's money or a business you want them just ask me and I'll see it happen, but please don't go. I really meant what I said, I want you to be a part of our family. And as a part of our family I promise that you will be able to have whatever you want, so please don't leave."

Hearing the words Lili felt great full to Aileen, but didn't take the part about having whatever she wanted seriously. She just placed a hand on the girls head, hugged her back and thanked her for the words.

Then Aileen looked to Eadlin with a look Lili couldn't see, but it must have been quite something as it immediately made Eadlin speak. "Ooh fine, I get it ok. She can be brothers little bed maid if she wants, that's fine I guess. And I guess I can also forgive her for everything else too."

These words were like a damn breaking with the waters of relief flooding within Lilis little heart. Had she seriously just been forgiven, just like that?

On the balcony Lili couldn't see Accalia no more and according to the light stone she held, she was already making her way back to the secret hideout. Danger had seemingly just now been averted.

Aileen also seemed really happy as she let out a happy girlish squeel and rubbed her head against Lilis head. Feeling the girls soft touch and her silky smooth hair Lili felt really nice.

Then Eadlin spoke up in a somewhat serious tone of voice again. "Not so fast you two, I'm not done just yet. There are certain conditions Lili must for fill first."

Hearing this Aileen broke away from the hug and protested. "No way, why should she. She already healed you and much more, what more do you want?"

Getting up on her knees Lili stopped Aileen and said. "No Aileen, it's ok. It is just fair that I repent in some way for what I have done."

A devious smile spread upon Eadlins face as she heard this and then said. "Very good. I'm happy to see that you understand Lili. Ok, so since you now know that our brother has magic, I need you to promise me that you will not tell anyone about it ok. Brother didn't want people to know of it and so it should stay a secret. That was the first thing.

Secondly you of course cannot tell anyone about your magic either, ok. Just trust me on this, there is a good reason brother didn't and you shouldn't either.

Thirdly, if you are going to start a business or something then you have to include me and Aileen in it as well, after all we are all basically sisters here now. So how do these three things sound?"

Honestly to Lili none of this sounded bad. The two sisters would basically be like her rich sponsors, she guessed. Plus hiding her magic was something that she had been trying to do all along anyways. With this in mind Lili merely nodded her head and agreed with Eadlins words. Aileen also seemed to be satisfied with the deal as she too nodded her head.

Then Eadlin continued. "Ok, fourthly I want you to admit that I'm a better fighter than you, and that I defeated you in our duel. I want you to admit that I'm stronger than you and I want you to say that you will never again even dare to claim otherwise, and I want you to do it all as you bow down and kiss me on my lips."

Eadlin then laid backwards, spread her legs and looked upon Lili as she said. "Do it bitch. Do it and become my bitch then I'll forgive you."

Hearing this and seeing the older girl in her loose nightgown spreading her legs in front of her, Lili didn't know what was going on anymore. Confused and feeling lost, Lili placed a hand on her lips as she asked. "Lips, you don't mean like. Well you know."

Aileen also seemed taken aback by all of this as she yelled to Eadlin. "No fair, why do you get a kiss and I don't?"

Hearing this Eadlin merely laughed at Aileen as she then looked to Lili, pointed at her own crotch which was hidden under her dress and then said. "No bitch, not the lips on your mouth, those are only meant for your future man. I mean these lips down below."

Holy shit, was this bitch being serious right now? But by the somewhat jealous pouting look on Aileens face, it seemed that they both were actually being dead serious about this.

As a former man Lili felt that this should be like a dream come true. The thing here was just that, Eadlin looked like she was barely in her highschool years, plus Lili herself wasn't even a man no more.

Oh god, the things she had to do for potential success in this medieval world. The thought of it all made Lili feel humiliated, ashamed and just utterly defeated, but she had come this far so fuck it, she thought.

Getting down on all fours Lili felt her heart beating like crazy as Eadlin pulled up her dress and revealed her white undergarments. With shame Lili crawled to the already wettening spot that was there, got close and then said. "Princess Eadlin, I, Lili acknowledge that you are stronger and a better fighter than me. I acknowledge that you did defeat me in our duel, and I swear never to challenge your strength ever again. And as an apology please accept this kiss."

Lili could feel herself starting to heat up as she then pressed her lips against Eadlins undergarments and gave them a quick kiss.

Honestly it didn't feel bad at all, and luckily ended quite quickly. Lili then looked up to Eadlin for confirmation of a job well done, but all she got was a devious smirk back.

Suddenly Eadlin pulled her undergarments a side, revealing her lips to Lilis shocking surprise. Then she grabbed Lili by her hair and said. "You didn't honestly think it would be that easy? Now lick, lick until I say stop."

Lili wanted to protest, but Eadlin gave her no chance to do so as her head was immediately forced against Eadlins clean and shaven lips. But honestly the smell was actually surprisingly good and so she started to lick.

Soon wet noises of sucking, kissing and licking echoed in the air as Eadlin moaned hard. "Ahhhhh, oh yeah that's it. Lick it you bitch. Lick me clean, suck me dry and make me cum, Ahhhhh! Fuck that's good! Oh god yeah!"

Right then and there Lili no longer knew who she was, what was going on or what was it that she had even come here to do. All she knew was that this felt so fucking good and tasted like it too. For some strange reason she especially found herself liking it how Eadlin pulled on her hair and complimented her.

Then the hot scene took a quick turn to a hotter degree as Aileen began to move. Lili felt her own night dress being lifted up, revealing her naked lips to Aileen, followed by a feeling of a small little tongue entering her leaking folds.

The touch of Aileens tongue on her lips was like nothing she had felt before. She immediately wanted to let out a scream of pleasure to the skies and ask for more, but Eadlin didn't let her. Lili was only allowed to moan lightly into Eadlins lips as the girl hotli ordered. "Not so fast bitch, I still need some more! Oh yeah, just like that! Oho hoo, it seems that Aileens got you really fired up now, hihihi!"

Just like that, in something resembling the form of a human centipede the three girls quickly found their bonds of sister hood growing. Lili could not only feel the closeness of them both, but she could even taste it.

Lilis body felt hot, she was already quivering for a release, it was as if she was getting closer to heaven. Her body was starting to sweat like crazy, she felt so sensitive. The feeling was unlike anything she had ever felt before, in this life or her past.

Now Lili was already close, and by the sounds of the loud moans of pleasure that filled the room it seemed that the two princesses were almost there as well.

Then the door slammed open and the familiar voice of the old man Sir John Bell could be heard yelling. "What in god's name is going on here? Your Royal Highness, is everything,.....ok?"

Just then, before the old man's very eyes the three girls came in unison. They screamed to the sky like a bunch of horny cats as love juices squirted out their pussies, making a mess of the room and two of their faces.

No more words were said, by Sir John. Only a hard bang of the door closing was heard as Lili panting for breath collapsed on Eadlin, who then pulled her in close and said. "Ok Aileen, do us both and will then do you."

With Lili laying on top and Eadlin on the bottom, Aileen stacked both their lips right up against each other, spread both girls legs and went to work. Like so the night went on and a bond everlasting was made. That is until a shocked and confused Queen Wilda came to end it all.