Chereads / I became a Girl? / Chapter 62 - Chapter 62 Lilis little lantern inn.

Chapter 62 - Chapter 62 Lilis little lantern inn.

Caught in the act by the Queen herself, the three girls were made to sit quietly on the bed they had just cum on. Of course that was only after cleaning themselves first, but after that the Queen sat them down and gave them a stern talking to.

For a good while this went on until it finally came to a happy end. While the queen had seemed quite mad or mostly just disappointed in the girls, as she had forbidden them from doing such acts in the future. She luckily did also seem a bit pleased with them, apparently seeing the girls together like so was quite a relief for her, not in a naughty way that is.

No, it was a relief for the Queen for other reasons. She even sat down herself and started talking of them. Apparently, whenever the Prince and king left the castle the two princesses would always end up arguing or fighting about the smallest of things which had been driving her mad. Plus there was the fact that she needed to run the country in the king's stead and manage a war time economy, which according to her wasn't easy.

So now, not only was Lili and the princesses happy, but the Queen was happy as well to see them all together like so, in peace. And despite everything that had just happened, the Queen pressured by the two princesses decided to allow all the girls to sleep together, with one condition. They were only allowed to sleep together within the Queens room, with the Queen present there herself. Meaning like sleeping in the same bed, just sleeping and nothing naughty of course.

And like so, one night of hot action had turned into a peaceful night of no further action. At first when Lili had heard the suggestion that they would all be sleeping together she had been overjoyed. After all who wouldn't want to sleep with the busty Queen and her beautiful daughters, but in the end it wasn't as exciting as it had first sounded like.

Sleeping there in the middle of them all, on one cramped up bed, Lili truly hadn't gotten excited at all. She just felt like some small stuffed up rabbit that all the females here wanted to touch and hug as they slept.

Normally this situation would have been any true man's dirty dream come true type of a situation, but sadly Lili was no man and so it was merely a peaceful moment come true.

Although Lili did feel quite warm and safe here, which was really nice. Maybe life was actually starting to turn for the better, and maybe this could actually even be her home. Now all she really needed to do was get her mother included in all of this somehow, and then life would truly be perfect.

Sure she didn't know any of them, not really and didn't Eadlin say something about her being a bitch. But like, whatever, Lili didn't really care. She figured that rich people and especially royalty simply just were a different sort of people. And as long as they weren't hurting her or anyone else for that matter then she didn't care, she was ok with them being a bit different. After all, who was she to judge anyone, If anything she was the weird one here, reincarnated and all that.

And so with these thoughts in mind and the others already fast asleep next to her, Lili also fell asleep. And in what seemed like an instant light then came again. The feeling of warmth slowly started to leave her, light hit her eyes and as she awoke she saw that all the other girls were already up and about and so the day began a new.

Suddenly Lili found herself feeling like she was a part of some happy family of only girls, the three bathed together, washed each others backs and did their hairs together. They even had maids bring in some dresses for them to try, and suddenly a small fashion show of sorts began.

Only after a few hours did the girls actually manage to get themselves dressed, after which they went to a large dining room to eat.

Sitting there with the princesses, the Queen and surprisingly even Grandma Linn, Lili honestly couldn't help but feel happy. Despite only being a maid she was now allowed to dress like a real princess and even eat with the other princesses. The feeling of it all felt so surreal to her, she couldn't help but feel like she had now become some princess in a medieval fantasy story.

To Lili it was like a dream come true, except for the fact that she hadn't ever even dreamt of such a dream. Wait, wasn't all this like really gay?

Doing all these girly things with two cute girls and a super hot Milf Queen was not supposed to go like this. Why was she doing all these things like they were normal? Why was she so cheerful and happy, where was her manly desires? Why was she Kyaaing and giggling like a little girl? Why was she finding all this so pleasing? Why was wearing a dress and high heels so desirable to her?

Oh god, had she truly now become a girl not only in body, but in her thoughts as well? Sure she had been noticing many changes in her way of thinking recently, but this just felt so extreme.

Thinking on this matter, Lili only now started to realise it. Even as they had bathed together or compared breasts sizes, she hadn't felt it and she hadn't even thought of it, there truly hadn't been any dirty thoughts or feelings within her towards these girls. All she had felt was joy, happiness, maybe some envy towards the queen's milkers, but that was it?

Sitting at the table Lili was totally stunned by her own thoughts. The thought of it all made her feel scared. Would she soon start to have fantasies about boys and chase after them or something? Wait hadn't she already had those? Oh god, Lili didn't know what to think anymore.

Looking downwards at her own beautiful dress she wore and the happy girls around the table before her Lili felt that this actually wasn't so bad. So what if she thought that her dress was beautiful, so what if she didn't find girls attractive and instead found someone like the boy named Art appealing? Wasn't she a girl and wasn't this just normal, right?

Suddenly images of a naked Art flashed in her mind. He was so tall and strong looking and she seemed so small and weak before him. He pulled her dress down, pinned her onto the table, she didn't even struggle, no she was looking forward to what was going to come and then he....

No no no, this was wrong, she couldn't do that, no way. To do such a thing, to be so exposed and vulnerable before a man, before Art just was too much. It felt so scary to her, so wrong. She could accept the parts about liking girly things, but honestly this she just couldn't wrap her head around. To be with a man, there just was no way, she could never do that, no, she wouldn't ever do that.

Then before her a maid brought what looked like a long, thin sausage with a weird shape at the end of it. The memory of Jack laying naked on the lakeside with his dick standing high flashed in her mind. Immediately Lili felt her face redden, for some reason.

Then came another image of a naked man, this time it was a mature Art standing butt naked in front of her with his big thing hanging there, between his muscular legs. Oh god, what was she even thinking about right now? Suddenly her body started warming up and a fidgety feeling came upon her. Her legs rubbed together and a sudden urge of wanting to rub herself against something came to her. Wait, was she seriously feeling aroused?

Scared by the thought, Lili yelled out loud. "No way!" She pushed the plate further away down the table, looked downwards in shame and stammered out. "Wa wa, what even is that?"

Immediately the princesses broke out into giggles as Grandma Linn casually explained. "Umm, well that's an animal knob or like some like to call it, it is a cock. Have you never seen one Lili? They are actually quite good as they are said to boost a persons virility and stamina."

Lili couldn't believe what she was hearing right now. Were these people actually being serious? No, wait this was a medieval world after all so they probably were. But then if they were eating that now, then did that mean that she might have unknowingly eaten such things in this world before? Oh god, what had she done?

Looking around she could see the two princesses happily giggling at her as they munched on their sausages, cocks or whatever this shit was. The sight of it made Lili want to puke and run away. This was way too much of a cultur shock for her, why couldn't these people just eat normal hamburgers here with fries or something.

Then as if realising Lilis distress, Queen Wilda then spoke up and said. "Now now Lili, don't be picky with your food. Remember these are times of war. Royalty or not, we all need to do our part and put no food to waste. And if the weather continues being as cold and rainy as it is, this year's harvest is not looking anymore promising compared to the last. So eat up, I will not allow you to throw any food to waste, everything needs to be used."

Lili couldn't believe this, what was this talk about bad harvest's or something. Sure famines were quite a common thing in the middle ages, but wasn't England quite a fertile land and wasn't France also the same? Couldn't they just buy food from France if needed?

Damn, she had so many questions and things she wanted to complain about right in this moment, but by the looks of the Queen she probably shouldn't ask them at this moment.

Seeing no choices out of this situation, Lili bitterly submitted to the Queen. She grabbed the plate, steeled her little tummy for what was to come, thought of hamburger and fries and then dug in.

Needless to say the experience was not nice, sure meat is meat, but she just couldn't quite get the nasty image of her eating a cock out of her mind. With each bite Lili was assaulted with shivers of disgust, she wanted to throw the insides of her stomach out, but managed to fight it with the simple thoughts of fries and hamburgers.

And so with great effort and a lot of gagging the dinner finally came to an end. Everyone thanked god for the meal, said farewell to one another and then headed their own ways.

Watching this all Lili wondered what they were all going to do? What was a day in the life of a Princess or a Queen like? Well at least she knew what Grandma Linns day was going to be like as she and Grandma Linn headed to her room to continue her studies.

For all morning Lili was made to study, sometimes under Grandma Linns watchful eyes and sometimes under the sounds of her light snoring. During the times Linn slept, Lili made sure to apply some of her healing upon the old Grandma. She wanted the nice Granny to live a long and healthy life if possible, and since it seemed her power could do this, then she was going to do just that.

Then as mid day came knocks were heard on the door and as Lili opened the door the maids came in food in hand. Luckily this time the food wasn't animal cocks but soup and bread.

Finishing their meals within her room the studies then continued for a few hours more until Lili was finally let loose.

The sky still being as high as it was Lili decided to go and meet up with the Princesses to plan out their future business. With the assistance of the old maid Aileen was found within the garden forests at the lakeside. Aileen was painting what seemed like a cartoonish scene of a female angel flying out of the lake small bear in her hands as a girl looked upon this scene in awe at the lakeshore.

Next to Aileen a middle aged woman was face palming as she looked with despair upon this scene. Uncaring of this Lili merely asked Aileen to join her, which she then did and so they then went to find Eadlin.

Using the long staircase Lili and Eadlin headed past the throne room and went to the training grounds where they then found Eadlin. Immediately as Lili came to the training grounds she was assaulted by a great many stares of many people. All around people stopped and began to stare as they began whispering amongst one another and pointed their fingers towards Lili.

Feeling pressured by the stares Lili hastily began to make her way towards Eadlin whith Aileen following behind her.

Eadlins body was totally covered by sweat as she turned towards Lili and flashed a bright smile towards her. But as Lili approached her, the men in the medieval gym stepped forward and blocked Lilis path.

Confused Lili stopped and looked upon the large group of tall muscle heads as the familiar Chad then stepped forward and said. "Just hold it right there Miss Lili, we can't let you pass. By the orders of the Queen I regret to inform you about this, but you have been banned from ever entering the training grounds. Most of all you are not to get close to the princess while she is training. I hope you understand Miss."

Taken a back by these words, Lili didn't know what to say. Jack had said something about this, but in her haste to meet Eadlin she had seemingly just forgotten this. All she managed then let out was a few stammering words of confusion. "Wa wa, what, but I? I I just."

Then she stopped as Aileen placed a hand on her shoulder and calmly spoke. "Don't be sad Lili, I spoke with mother and she said that you can still watch the men train as much as you want. Although I personally wouldn't bother with them, while they might look quite dreamy, they just don't compare to brother, like at all. Brother is so gonna capture your heart once you see him, just trust me and focus on becoming a woman worthy enough of his greatness."

Hearing this Lili took note of all the men's sweaty half naked bodies, their toned physiques, tight abs and large pectoral muscles. Once more during this singular day she felt the heat building up within herself.

Seeing all the men's eyes upon her, Lili suddenly felt extremely embarrassed, she Kyaahhed a little, covered her face and looked away in shame. Aileen merely giggled at the sight and patted Lili on her head lightly.

Lili felt lost at this moment, she couldn't quite understand why she was suddenly feeling embarrassed at the sight of half naked men and why was Aileen boasting so highly about her brother's looks to her. Originally she just wanted to train to gain some strength and experience with weapons, she didn't come here to look at sweaty, naked men.

Luckily the group of men parted away and Eadlin came to save her from further embarrassment or confusion. Smiling brightly Eadlin calmed the group of men down by saying. "Now now boys, no need to be so tense. As you have seen, I am fully healed and healthy, and so too is Lili over here. So there has been no harm or foul. Lili has already admitted her defeat to me and promised not to pursue the art of combat anymore, Isn't that right Lili?"

While partially true, this wasn't what they had agreed on. Looking to Eadlin Lili watched as she came to stand arrogantly in front of her. She stood so tall compared to her own short stature and her smile no longer resembled a bright one, but an arrogant one.

Bowing her head to the princess, Lili felt a bit mad and betrayed, but honestly at this point she had been humiliated and compliant so many times that she didn't even really care anymore.

Lilis face turned to a bitter pout as she then quietly agreed to do as the princess had said, although she did add her own spin on the words as she didn't want to lie. "Yes, I admit my loss and I promise not to pursue the art of combat anymore while I'm here."

Luckily Eadlin said nothing more on this matter, she merely showed a victorious smile to the muscle heads and so Lili was saved from further humiliation. Then as if wanting to further show her dominance over her, Eadlin then patted Lili on her head and only then agreed to go with Lili and Aileen to talk further on Lilis business idea.

A few hours passed as Eadlin went to clean herself up as did Aileen and only once both girls were refreshed and clean did they all gather in Lilis room to speak.

Lili having had time to think of this idea of hers and knowing of the abandoned Inn in town, that her mom had discovered. She had come up with a simple business plan.

First Lili began by speaking to the girls about her love and knowledge of food. She spoke of her long experience of making food and using different herbs to make the food taste good. She of course left the part about her reincarnated person knowledge of cooking recipes of the future out of the conversation, plus the fact that she actually had the means to reproduce those recipes thanks to her underground greenhouse.

She boasted about her cooking foods in this world ever since she was but a small infant child, which she had actually done. And she spoke greatly of her knowing secret recipes that would surely amaze the entire world.

Secondly she spoke of her desire to make good quality and affordable food to all the people's of Albion and to make everyone's lives better. After all everyone needed food and everyone loved food. Food made people happy and she wanted the people of this land to be happy. And through happiness she hoped that this land would become a more peaceful and quiet of a place to live for everyone.

What she meant by this was to make people more accepting of the Lycan's, but of course this part she did leave unsaid.

Then after a good while of listening out her qualifications, her plans and dreams for possible future endeavours of this business of hers, Eadlin spoke up and asked. "Hmm, well what would you call this business? And what type of an business is it exactly, is it merely a place where people eat or is it a place where people can stay as well? Will you serve alcohol and have music there, or maybe a lot of beautiful women to serve the men alongside their tasty dishes?"

Hearing all of this Lili was left speechless, she had totally forgotten to think of such things. She just knew that she wanted a restaurant of sort so that she could make the girls work and produce her sure to be amazing recipes.

With no immediate answer coming from Lili, Aileen stepped up and excitedly said. "Oh I know, let's make it an Inn and not just any Inn, but the best Inn in the world. And since it will be Lilis in we should call it, Lilis Little Lantern Inn. Why? Well because lanterns produce light amongst the darkness of night and heat to warm its surroundings and as it so happens, Lili can do just that with her magic. Oh my god, isn't it just perfect and it even sounds cute just like it's Lili is!"

Stepping up Eadlin smiled and said. "Wow sis that's so thoughtful of you. Honestly, I can't but, like totally agree with you for once. Let's do that then."

Totally left out of the conversation Lili just watched as the two girls continued as Aileen said. "Oh yeah, mom's like so gonna be proud of us both for this."

Eadlin nodding back, seemed to agree but seemed a bit hesitant as she said. "Well yeah, but that's only if we like, succeed in this and don't just waste a lot of coins. So just in case and since Lili doesn't have any coins of her own, I say we split the thing, 40 for me, 40 for you and a good 20 percent to Lili."

Hearing this Lili couldn't help, but stand up and ask. "But isn't 20 a bit too."

Before she could finish Aileen spoke up and said. "Yeah, 20 is a bit much. I mean, will like probably even have to get the security and everything else set up for that place so it's going to get like really expensive for us, but let's just try it out like this for now. Oh yeah, Lili where are you planning to set up this Inn?"

Once again Lili was left without much to say. She felt like she had just been scammed, her entire business idea and all recipes would be totally in the princesses hands with this deal. She basically would have no real control over the business at all. She didn't even get to name her own business or set any terms, she was totally at these girls mercy here.

She did want to protest against these girls decision, but she reminded herself that greed was bad and she had died in her past partially because of greed, so this time she would make sure to hold back. And so Lili agreed to all the terms, but luckily she was given the chance to pick the location for the business, all it's staff and pretty much everything except for its name and that it was now going to be an Inn.

As the day then started to come to a close the three girls managed to create an official contract with the name of the business and all details written upon it. And like so Lilis Little Lantern Inn was born.