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Pack of yanderes

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Chapter 1 - Welcome to the pack


I start to stir awake but my body feels strangely heavy. It's so heavy that I can't lift my arms nor my legs.

I know I'm laying on my back but I don't know what's on me. I look at my body the best I can and see 6 females on me!

My body immediately tensed and I tried to figure a way out. The intimidating one is on my left and has her arms wrapped around me.

On my right is another I'm not sure which one she is. Also I'm identifying these girls by how my group encountered and interacted w/ them.

The one on my right is sleeping on her side w/ her back to me. She is also wrapped around my arm.

Then there's one that's sleeping on top of my stomach. She's laying on her side w/ one arm bent and her head resting in the bent arm the other is in front of her chest and her legs curled up.

Then what I can feel since I can't see all that well w/ my position is one female between my legs and w/ the last two eighter being on my left leg or the right one.

I tried getting either of my arms and legs free but failed. Apparently they got annoyed w/ all my moving so they started tightening their grips and scooting closer.

I eventually stopped when I heard the intimidating one speak.

"What are you doing?" She must've sat up because I felt her move but she's still close enough to where I can still feel her body heat.

After a minute or two when she didn't get a response she added.

"Still aren't speaking to us yet huh?" I still didn't reply.

She just let out a sigh then I felt her body heat leave completely. I was about to let out a sigh of relief and start struggling again when she speaks again.

"Wake up everyone! It's time to start the day!"


*Tired moans!*

A series of moans and groans were soon heard.

"Can't we just stay a cuddle a bit longer?" One complains and I feel them all snuggle closer to me.

"We could if she was still asleep. But she's awake so now we gotta make sure she has food and water. Plus I'm pretty sure she has to relieve herself." The intimidating one chuckles lightly her response.

"SHE'S UP!?!" They all asks popping up excitedly.

This honestly scares me and I try backing away. But that only resulted in me trying to merge w/ the floor.

"Looks like you guys scared her a bit!" The intimidating female full on laughs. Realizing what they did they all start to get off me and give me some space.

"Alpha, do you have any idea what she might like?" The one that was on my right asks.

"No, she still hasn't spoken to me. We can tell her what we can get and she could nod if she wants it." The intimidating one answers.

At least now everything makes a bit more sense. If she's the alpha then them responding to her howl and orders track.

Though I don't know much, I do however know a little about packs.

But that knowledge consist of all the wolves in the pack answer and follow the alpha. And that the alpha is the strongest and biggest wolf. But other than that I'm clueless.

"Hey you catch that?" The one that was on my right asks me.

I just look at her. Realizing I wasn't going to respond she sighs.

"Nzinga list off what we can bring her. Lozen bring her some water." She orders. She gets up and walks towards alpha and they start talking.

"So we got deer if you're interested?" The one that must be Nzinga starts. I shake my head no.

"Elk's not bad." I say no again. "We might be able to catch some squirrels." Another no from me.

She lists off some more animals but I say no to all of them. No I'm not being picky. But I doubt they can cook seeing how much more animalistic they seem.

"What does she want?" The one that was on my right asks Nzinga.

"Nothing apparently Beta. All the options she's turned down." She responds.

A minute after the one I'm assuming is Lozen comes and hands me a bowl of water. I hold up a hand and refuse it.

"Ok what's up? You're not drinking anything and you're not trying to eat anything too. That can't be normal." Beta states.


'Like anything about me or this situation is normal.' I think and roll my eyes.

"Hey! What was that about?" Beta asks coming closer to me. I tense and start backing away.

"Are you scared of us?" Beta asks stepping back this time.

I just lay my hand flat in the air and do the kinda hand symbol. At first I didn't think they would get it but seeing all of their reactions told me otherwise.

They all tensed and looked at each other.

"So you officially know those two's names which are Nzinga and Lozen. Well my name's Tomyris." Alpha says.

I look at her a bit confused. I figured they went by their titles and only had names when they didn't have one.

So I figured she would want me to call her Alpha like the others do.

"What's wrong? You look a bit confused. Did I say something weird?" Alpha asks. I didn't respond not knowing how to respond.

"Wait we said your title and not your name she might be confused because of that." Beta says connecting the dots.

"Oh well in that case they call me my title out of respect but you don't have to you can call me my name." Alpha says. I look at her confused again.

"Um do you know why she's still confused?" She asks Beta. Beta takes a minute think about it then answers.

"Maybe she doesn't understand why she doesn't have to." She says again hitting the nail on the head.

"Oh then let's get through introductions first. Ok?" Alpha asks me I nod in response.

"I'm Tomoe." Beta says.

"I'm Scarlet."

"Alex." I nod saying I got all their names and wait for them to tell me why I can use their names and not the titles. Catching on Alpha chuckles a bit.

"So the reason why you can use my name is because you're here to be my mate. Our mate." She says.

I look at her confused again because the only time I heard mate was when someone meant friend and they're typical Australian.

Plus I'm sure they've all became friends by now so that still didn't quite make sense unless it has to do w/ me being human.

"Do you not know what mate means?" Beta asks. I shake my head no.

"I believe your term is lover." My eyes widened at that.

So earlier when we were talking and I backed up I was sitting down still and just scooted back.

But the lycans were all standing well after what was just said I shot up to my feet and looked at them like they were crazy. Sadly they are blocking the only exit.

"Woah what's wrong!?" Alpha asks. I start to breath frantically. When they tried coming closer to me to see what's wrong I jumped back.

"I think we over loaded her! Maybe we should give her space?! Or let her out?!" Beta starts to rapid fire in her panic.

"Ok then everyone come over here and let's see if she goes out." Alpha says and as soon as a path was cleared I ran out.

But I ran out and away. I honestly think I shocked them a bit because it was a while till I heard their footsteps behind me.

Since I was some distance away I chose to climb a tree. I just gotten up high enough not to be spotted when they came running past me.

I waited a while till I was sure they were long gone then climbed higher. I got high enough to see the fence and which way to go.

But before I went to move I decided to scope out the area around me to make sure I was still in the clear.

Thank God I did because right below the tree were the lycans. I guess they're trying to track me by my scent.

Thankfully the tree had fruits I could throw. I grabbed some and started throwing them.

Now if you're wondering why I got more than one to throw it's because hearing it once might not be enough to convince them it's me.

So grabbing a few and throwing them at intervals so they think it's me is way better than if I tried one and it failed but tried again and they figure out I was in the tree.

"I think that might be her!"

"Then come on!" I hear their commotion and wait a while then leave.

I didn't want to risk them finding my scent again if they came back too soon so I jumped from tree to tree.

Well that and so I could make sure I was going the right way. I got close to the fence and jumped down and sprinted to it.

My face paled when I got closer however because the hole was blocked. I scaled up the closest tree by the fence in a flash though. I was almost high enough not to be seen when they appeared.

"What are you doing!?" Alpha growled out. I ignore her and kept climbing.

I heard someone jump then the tree started shaking. I figured one had started scaling the tree as well.

I didn't look down and climbed faster. I climbed higher than I thought I needed to.

One was because I know I'm lighter than those girls and two because what I'm about to do is risky and stupid but I rather pass the hurdle then get caught on it.

So once I thought I was good I jumped. Yes I jumped from God knows how many feet in the air.

"What the fuck!?!" I hear all the females say. I landed and thankfully nothing was broken how I do not know.

But I wasted no time in high tailing it out of there. Can you guess where I ran to? That's right. I went straight to Steve's old place.

I ran past Jack's place since it was on the way to Steve's and it looks like it was still on the market seeing as we had to sell the houses for the plan. I made it to Steve's place and the same thing.


*Pant pant.... Pant... Pant.*

"Where the hell... Could they be?" I ask myself.

"Right here bitch." I jump and snapped around to see my friends.

"Guys!" I breath a sigh of relief. I immediately went to hug them.

"We weren't expecting you back this soon. I mean we knew it was gonna be soon but this is too soon." Steve says.

"So what happened?" Jack asks as we break the hug.

"First I haven't eaten all day so." I say. They're eyes widened.

"Liquids?" Jack asks.

"None." I answer. Their eyes widened even more. They then drag me to where ever.

50 minutes later.

"So how did you get back so soon?" Steve's mom asks as she and Jack's mom and grandma make me some food.

"Um... Promise you won't get mad at me." I say and they all look at me like is it really that bad.

"We promise and if we do get mad you can pick which ever food or treat you want and we'll make it for you no matter what." Jack's mom says.

"Deal! So they took me deep into the forest. Like triple the amount we ventured into that day." I say and Jack's and Steve's eyes bulged out of their sockets.

"So they knocked me out but when I woke up I was in a cave. But my body felt heavy turns out I had a blanket of 6 female lycans on me."

"There's 6 of them!?" Jack and Steve scream I nod.

"It gets worse. Well after a while they all got up and I found out one was called Alpha and the other was Beta. I think Beta was the one that had my ankle and the one that tried jumping on Steve. I also learnt two of them names. One was sent to get me some water and the other was supposed to see what I would like. She said what they could hunt and I either nod or shake my head to respond. Well they didn't seem like they knew how to cook so I said no to everything and turned down the water. Because I rather not get sick. Well Beta got mad after I scoffed subconsciously after she voiced concerns about me not eating or drinking. I got scared a moved back. She asked if I was scared of them and I responded w/ the hand symbol for kinda. They immediately told me their names to calm me down."

"What do you mean? You only needed two names?" Steve asks.

"Well Alpha and Beta are titles. Alpha is the intimidating female's title. And she's the leader. I'm also guessing Beta is second in command. But I was confused why I didn't have to use titles when the others did and after telling me all their names they said because they wanted me to be all of theirs mate."

"Doesn't that mean friend? So why do you look like that word is cursed?" Jack asks noticing my change in body language.

"I thought so too. But turns out for them that word means lover."

"What!?" Everyone asks.

"Yeah I freaked too. So I was able to trick them to let me out of the cave. And I took off. I climbed a tree and they ran past it I kept climbing in hopes of figuring out which way to go. Luckily I found it and I went to it. Well after clearing the coast."

"How did they not catch you? I mean they run fast! And that's an understatement!" Steve asks.

"Well I threw fruits the opposite way to keep them busy." I answer scratching my neck and looking away.

"And what else did you do?" Steve's mom asks getting skeptical.

"I ..mhm.." I mumble.

"You what?" Steve's dad asks.

"Jumped from tree to tree." I answer and kept looking away.

"Continue." Jack's mom says after a moment of silence.

"Well once I could recognize everything I got down and sprinted the rest of the way. I got to the fence and here I am." I try to play off.

"Nice try but we know that the fence is blocked." The moms say at the same time.

"I climbed the closest tree as high as I deamed necessary plus some but as I was climbing they showed up and one came climbing up after me. So once I reach a reasonable height I.... jumped over the.. fence." Everyone was silent they even stopped cooking.

I was looking everywhere but at them. After a few minutes my stomach growled and snapped everyone back to reality.

The three women continued cooking and the guys sat there w/ me and no one said a word. The girls came out w/ the food and I thanked them silently and ate.

"So what treat do you want?" Jack's grandma asks.

"She Cake! The chocolate one please!" I respond in a heartbeat.

Everyone looks at me then starts laughing. Soon I join in and we start having a blast.

Also when I said I hadn't eaten all day well when they found me and stuff the sun had already set.

Soon we all settled in for the night and drifted off to sleep.

"So now that we've had a night to sleep on it how are we going to do the schooling for this one?" Jack's grandma asks.

"You can register these two for homeschooling and ask for extra copies of what's needed then I learn a long side them and for nothing." I suggest.

Everyone looks at me like I grew a third head.

"That could work. But it seems like you had that in mind for a while now and didn't just come up w/ it on the spot." Steve's dad says.

"What I didn't like going to school but didn't want to stay w/ Them so I thought of ways to not go to school but also not stay there." I inform.

"Well besides that we need an excuse to get out of here. Got any ideas?" Jack's grandpa asks. They all turn to look at me.

"What?" I ask.

"We figured you might have an idea." Steve's dad says shrugging.

"Seriously?" I ask not believing that they all had the same thought after one incident.

"Well seeing as you don't we can start brainstorming." Steve's mom says.

"I never said I didn't have an idea I was just shocked that you would just assume." I state looking away from them, crossing my arms and pouting.

"Well let us in on your idea." She says encouraging me.

"Well we can have it be a mental health thing. Have them start to 'imagine' me so it's believable but also ties to this place. They grew up here w/ me they have memories of me and our time spent together here. Then they have what took me away from them here. So this can act as a way to have a move be allowed and not sudden or something. I'm going to need a place to hide. And we're going to have to do public and wait to get me in w/ homeschooling. But somewhere else it'll be easier to register me. But I will still have to do home schooling just in case they find out I escaped and try to bring me back. W/ out any physical records that I left or anything they can't find me as easily. They might be able to find me but if I'm already an adult then I'll try a case of child endangerment." I lay out in front of them.

"Steve what do you think?" Jack asks.

"I think it very possible to do. She covered all her bases and ours. But I do have a question. What about when we do a therapy session at the new place? What if the government people find us suddenly doing better suspicious or if they want proof?" Steve asks.

"Simple because you felt so betrayed that your parents took you away from your friend you shut down. You stop talking to the therapists except for random out burst for when they keep pestering you. Which Jack is very good at." I answer while taking the chance to take a shot at our temperamental friend.

"Hey!" Jack exclaims offended.

"Hahahaha!" We all start laughing.

"Now I believe I was promised a she cake." I say once we've all calmed down.

"Persistent much? But alright we'll get the ingredients and some more things now while these two guys stay here and watch you three." Jack's mom says.

"Why do we suddenly need a baby sitter all the sudden?" Jack asks and Steve and I both smack him upside the head.

"Why do you think? Mr let's go into the forest." We both say.

"Well good to know you two aren't as crazy as my son." Jack's mom states.

"No we are just as crazy as him but he lacks common sense and is reckless." I inform.

"At least you own up to it." All the adults say.

"But you three aren't going shopping on your own." Steve's dad says.

"And why is that?" Steve's mom asks.

"Because you guys shop and shop when left unattended." Jack's gramps states.

"But we get what we need where as you guys grab a few things then call it good." Jack's grandma says. So we don't know these guys names.

Simply because we saw no need and this way they know if it's a signature it's authentic cause let's be real we all know us three were always in trouble.

But seeing as this Convo had nothing to do w/ us we just walked away.

"You three get back here!" We freeze and turn and see all the adults looking at us.

"What?" I ask hesitantly.

"Where were you three going?" Jack's Gma asks.

"We were just going into the other room and talk. This conversation wasn't any of our business." We all answer immediately. The adults are staring at us like we're aliens.

"So if you guys can behave and know when to leave a situation how is it that you're always in trouble? And how is it that he lacks all common sense?" Steve's mom asks.

"Because we chose to act that way. Shoot we always blamed THEM for our behavior. Figure ruin their reputations a bit." I answer.

"Anyways can you guys get going soon because I really want that cake?" I ask w/ pleading eyes.

They chuckle and agreed. Soon they were gone and we were talking to our baby sitters.

"You know Neomenia you're more like a son we never had than these two." Steve's dad says.


"Fair." Jack's and Steve's reactions were majorly different. And one was expected while the other wasn't.

"Ha! Told ya you can't offend him! It's basically impossible!" Jack's gramps laughs.

"I can." I say.

"I don't believe it!" He argues.

"Wanna place a bet?" I ask.

"You're on!" He agrees.

"Neo don't you dare." Jack starts.

"20?" I ask.

"25!" He says slapping 25 dollars down. I smile.

"Jack I think you're teacher from 4th grade was right in saying you're not as smart as you think." I state.

"You know that's incorrect and she was just jealous I could her job better than her while sleeping!!" He says shooting up and slamming his hands on the table.

"Pay up." I smirk and hold my hand out.

"Well done!" He says paying me.

"What did we just walk into?" We snap our attention to the door and see the girls are back. We just awkwardly smile and wave at them.

"Come on Jack we'll teach how to make the cake." Steve's mom says. He shoots into the kitchen and washes his hands. We chuckle at this.

"So how come that comment offended him?" Steve's dad asks.

"Because it was an assignment that had a word problem that involved cooking. The measurements were apparently off and he pointed it out and the teacher argued it wasn't. Turns out she thought he meant there was a misprint but in reality he meant cooking wise. Well that wasn't specified so he and her got into an argument. Which got the office involved and when he said what he meant and the teacher realized that he didn't mean a misprint she apologized. But to him it was a little to late. He hated her ever sense." I inform.

"Ha! That's one of the best stories ever!" Jack's gramps laughs.

Soon we were eating cake and drinking tea per Jack's request. We were just talking and having a great time. But then it ended.

*Knock knock knock.*

Steve's mom went to answer the door.

"Hello?" She states opening the door.

"Where is she?"

"Where is who?" She asks.

"The girl."

"What do you mean? There's multiple girls in this town. So who are you looking for exactly?" She elaborates.

"You know exactly who. The one that's friends w/ the boys that live here. Those creatures are at the fence causing maham because she apparently climbed up a tree and jumped over."

"What? She Did What!?"

"Ma'am calm down." Whoever on the other side says sounding panicked a bit.

I mean who wouldn't when they hear a mother talk like that. I mean it was in that one tone of voice that can have a grown man that has been to war 5 times shake in his boots.

"No way I'm going to calm down! If I find her first she might just go back to the forest! She should know better than to do something so stupid and reckless!"

"A- alright then ma'am. It's obvious that she's not here. Sorry to bother you and have a nice rest of your day." He says and goes to leave. "Oh but one thing first."

"Yes what is it?"

"Maybe hide her better next time." He says. Next thing any of us know people are swarming in.

"Alright come on kid. Those girls are waiting for you and I don't think we would want to keep them waiting." He adds Someone tries to grab me and pull me up but I just grab a knife and put it by my wrist.

"Woah! What are you doing!?" He asks shocked. The guys laugh.

"Isn't it obvious? She's staying." Jack says.

"What are you three thinking?!" Steve's mom asks.

"Oh well we had a back up plan for if we got caught while the first one was in motion. Which was use her as a bargaining chip. But even though we're doing the same thing it's just a bit more serious. Don't get us wrong we were shocked as heck too when she grabbed the knife. But we more or less know what's gonna happen. They're going to put down any weapons they have and one person at a time is gonna put as many weapons as possible on the table. Got it?" Steve asks.

It takes them a moment of silence and looking around for the dude who was at the door to say something.

"And what exactly is she going to do? A few cuts can be treated and bandaged. We'll tell them that she did it to herself. So really she is only hurting herself."

"Ha! Two cuts to the wrist long ways. Maybe more. Then a long deep cut to the jugular. Slitting ones own throat is something I don't think can be just bandaged up. Then w/ how those girls act are you sure delivering her to them injured at all is a smart choice?" Steve counters.

The government dude steps back a bit at his statement.

"Are you really fine w/ you're friend dying?" He asks.

"OF COURSE NOT!!!" The guys both yell.

"We're not ok w/ her having a knife to her wrist! Or how she got over the fence! But we rather have her here w/ a blade to her wrist then w/ some psycho strangers out in the middle of the forest only for them to do God knows what to her!" Jack yells.

"We were w/ her when those girls first laid sites on her! We couldn't do much to help her but we tried to damnit! So a better question right now is why are you trying so hard to get her over there w/ them!? I mean if they could get past the fence then they would have by now! So what's the big deal!?" Steve asks.

"Because they're not the only ones!" The government dude yells.

"What?" Steve asks.

"Now!" He says as he puts a gas mask on. Our eyes widened and we see the others do so too.

I ran up to a few of them and took their cuffs and keys and I was able to cuff me and the guys together and put the keys somewhere where we know they won't dare try to reach to get, before it all went dark.

I noticed that they have some type of special hand cuffs. These cuffs need specific keys to unlock them. So unless we unlock ourselves we're staying like this.

"What the hell is this!?"

"They cuffed themselves together and we couldn't uncuff them because they put the keys places we won't go."

"I don't care just unlock them!"

"We're not putting our hands down the boys' pants and in her top!"


"They put the keys in those places. And I think the keys that connects the boys are in her top while the keys that connects the boys to her are in the boys' pants."

"F- fine! Whatever as long as we get her it's fine!" I heard their conversation though their voices were muffled.

I tried crawling away during it but that didn't go so well.

"Hmm? Oh and where do you think you're going?" Then I see dark again.

"Pst! Get up!" I hear as I wake to someone shaking me.


I look up and see the guys. Their faces were filled w/ fear. I immediately went into protection mode.

I shot up and looked in the direction they were staring at. Then I saw the lycan bitches.

I groaned again then went to go back to sleep. I had my head laying on Jack's shoulder and brought Steve closer to the front of us.


My eyes shot opened and hardened into a glare as I looked at them. They immediately shut up except for Alpha.

"What's the glare for?!" She asks obviously angry.

Jack leaned in meaning he was gonna talk for me. Seeing me get closer to Jack had her growling more and louder.

"The glare's because you just growled at me and my friends! And you growling more and louder isn't going to help your case!" He says getting my point across excellently.

"We told you that we want you to be our mate and what do you do? You Fucking run! You ran away from us! Do you know how bad that fucking hurts!?" She asks.

"You basically had my government kidnap me, I woke up to a blanket of six females on me and it doesn't help that I didn't know a single one of them! You were expecting me to talk to you guys knowing I don't talk to people I'm not comfortable around! Now after you got my government to kidnap me again I wake up to my friends scared faces! And when I tried going back to sleep you growl at us! Then after all that you want me to feel bad because I ran when six strangers said they wanted me as a lover!?! Like how the hell are we supposed to be lovers if I don't even feel comfortable enough to talk around you!?" Jack relays for me again.

They're all staring at us taken aback.

"How do you guys do relationships? Because I thought that if someone was strong and dependable w/ at least average looks then they're seen as potential mates. And if someone like that says they want you people tend to be estastic." Beta questions.

Now that she says something they all do look attractive. Alpha is extremely well built w/ nice muscle definition but not too overpowering definition.

Beta's similar to Alpha in that regard but smaller in terms of definition and a bit shorter than Alpha is.

The one that got me water is lean. Like you know she's strong but she has lean muscle and she looks extremely flexible and she's shorter than Beta by a bit.

The one that was listing off the prey they had access to is closer to Beta's height but is still shorter than her.

She has this lean muscled warrior body like she looks like a strong warrior w/ lean muscles.

The two who introduced themselves last to me have the weakest looking build. They both have bodies resembling athletic teenage girls at our school.

I can't really remember their names or much from them introducing themselves. So I can't remember which of them was first to introduce themselves.

But one seems about shoulder height to the one that got me water and the last one is chest height to her.

The taller of the two has the build of the volleyball captain. And the shortest has the build of the head cheerleader.

"Beta this is the first time I actually got a look at you guys. Previously I was to mentally occupied to pay much attention to how you guys looked. But how are you guys dependable for me?" Jack asks for me.

They stayed quiet for a minute. We looked at each other confused for a while then one spoke.

"Did, did you tell them our names or did you call me by my title?" Beta asks.

"Is that really important right now? First answer-."

"No! First answer me! Did you tell them our names or did you call me by my title!?" She interrupts Jack.

"Title. I've already forgotten all of your names."

"I don't know which is worst. You forgetting our names or you could have told them our names." She says.

"Enough how are you guys dependable for me?!" Jack re-asks my question from earlier.

"Wait that was a serious question!? We're dependable because we can protect you! Provide food, shelter! What else is there!?" Alpha asks.

"But I didn't need that. I already had ways to protect myself I had ways to get food and shelter. You guys aren't providing me w/ anything I lack. You guys aren't dependable you're crazy!"

"You know what!?" Alpha asks. Coming closer.

She grabs Jack and goes to punch him. I moved fast enough to where she hit me instead.

"Oh goddess! Are you ok!? Why would you do that!?" She asks panicked.

She dropped Jack trying to grab my face w/ her hands after doing so. I moved back and checked Jack. Then whispered to him.

"Heh. Now I know what you provide me. Danger." He says for me.

While my back was to them I got the keys out of my bra and uncuffed me and Steve. Jack then uncuffed the two of us.

"What!? Nonono! I didn't mean to punch you! I-!" Alpha tried to defend herself.

"You just tried to punch my friend after he said what I asked him to say. Why? Oh because you got mad after hearing the sentence. So what if I was the one who said that? Would you punch me then and mean it?" Jack says.

"What!? No! I would never try to hurt you! None of us would!" She says.

"So you're saying that you just wanted to punch someone after getting mad and chose my friend who said it instead of the person who told him to say those words. So that means you would punch my friends that have nothing to do w/ how I feel about you until just a second ago that was."

"Wait what is that supposed to mean?" She asks.

"It means now I hate you guys even more."

"What? How come you hate us!? And I mean before the punch thing!" Beta asks.

"Really? Do you guys chasing is then setting off deadly traps or traps made for the purpose of you guys getting close to kill what it caught not count? Then separating me from my friends and scaring them thinking you were gonna do something to me. While also glaring and growling at them. Cutting off my circulation after catching me by my ankle and not letting me move. Trying to punch my friend for defending my other friend who said something you guys didn't agree w/. Getting mad that I accidentally moved and broke the agreement of staying put if you guys didn't touch me to protect my friend. Trying to drag me back through the hole I just came from. Getting my government after me. Knowing I didn't like touch but decided to lay on me and as close to me as possible. Saying you want me as a lover after meeting me once. And obviously mad that I'm refusing you. Enough reasons for you?"

"I didn't think you guys were interested in guys?" We snapped our attention to the opening of the cave and saw another lady.

"We don't mom. But she chained herself to these two and we couldn't undo it so we just took them to." Alpha says.

"But he just talked so why didn't she?" The lady ask.

"Because she refuses to talk to us. But she'll talk to those two. So might as well put them to use." Alpha answers. "Wait isn't meeting the parents part of their mating rituals?" She asks.

"It is." Beta answers.

"Mate! This is my mom! Mom. The girl in the middle of the guys is my other mate!" Alpha says. The guys and I look at each other confused.

"Why are you dears confused?" Alpha's mom asks.

"Because we don't see another person by our friend in between us. Cause last we checked she rejected them. And are they all each other's mates?" Steve asks. The girls growl and the lady smiles Smalley.

"Yes they are each other's mates. And why doesn't she want to be their mate?" She answers.

"She hates them. If you heard the earlier reasons those were mainly just the first things they did immediately after meeting her." Jack answers.

"Well we don't know how to court humans and those traps haven't caused any other guest we've had to be bothered. After all we were just defending our territory." She states.

"But we didn't know it was your territory. Or that you guys even existed. And I'm guessing your previous guest were other creatures like yourselves. But have any humans survived those traps before?" Jack speaks for me.

"You're correct on the creatures and did your town not talk about us?" We shake our heads no.

"Well that's a shame. And yes humans have survived the traps before and when given the offer they often chose to be mates w/ the wolf there." She answers.

"But was it a choice between life and death? Like you can live if you choose to be my mate or you can die. Also did they immediately say yes to the live part w/ out you explaining what a mate was till after they had agreed and you took them farther away from the way they came?" Steve asks.

"Smart boy. But yes they did. They should've asked before agreeing though. But did she ask before she agreed or did she do the same thing?" She asks.

"She did neither. She didn't get caught in a trap they set. She got caught by our government who then brought her to them. She then learned what they wanted her for then escaped. It's not even like she made it seem like she was gonna agree either. Seeing as she got hysterical and they thought something was seriously wrong. Then she took her chance to leave. But they had our government bring her back. This time she happened to bring company." Steve answers.

"Well she must have wanted to come back seeing as it only took them a day and the first time it was weeks or so." She says leaning forward and getting in his face.

"That was because if we had left immediately it would've been the same night that we were caught. But you don't know that she was about to kill herself if they tried taking her back again. The only reason why that failed was because they gassed us out. But if they hadn't chances are we would've been planning her funeral." He states.

"What?" She asks. The girls behind her are frozen. Then they suddenly move in front of me and in between my friends and I.

"Hey what are you doing!?" The guys exclaimed. I saw them moving closer to try and help me but Jack was tackle by something coming out of no where and Steve was grabbed by Alpha's mom. I tried to push through the girls in front of me to get to my friends but they weren't budging.

"You... tried to.. kill yourself." Alpha says her voice sounding shakey and weak.

"Are we really that bad?" Beta asks. I look at them like are you serious.

*High pitched whistle.*

"Is that even a question!? Hell to the yeah you're that fucking bad!" Jack yells.

"Medium pitch whistle 'toot toot.'*

"No problem." He answers my thanks.

"What was that!?" They all ask.

"Friendship! Now let us go!" Steve answers.

"Sorry cutie but not happening. But I would like to welcome you all formally to the pack."