So it's the last day of this torture. The guys and I have already met. We agreed we were leaving at midnight.
So what we did so that they wouldn't get suspicious is we had Steve cook. And coincidentally we all got upset stomachs after.
Jack actually cooked it but we made sure to make it look like Steve did. Well since we were sick they didn't see anything wrong w/ us going to bed early.
And that's what we did. When I woke up. I was in the middle of a pile. Again. But I switched myself w/ a pillow. I made sure to get my scent all over it.
Had to make sure they believed it was me. After that I snuck out. The guys soon came after I got to the spot.
But unfortunately the vampires appeared behind us.
"You guys should be in bed." The queen says a bit too close to my ear. We all jumped. Steve had to talk since he's the only one who has talked in front of them.
Not to mention the ones after him aren't here. So it made the most sense either way.
"We wanted to talk to each other. Can we not do that?" He asked. She raised an eyebrow.
"Come on now. Suddenly you cook and you all get food poisoning? Yeah and today of all days? Remember why we have the power." She says a bit cockily. But we were too used to dealing w/ the lycans who fall for tricks like these.
We looked at each other. Then I pounced and put them both in sleeper holds and made them pass out. Then we ran.
I had the guys get on my back and I ran full force. We weren't planning on doing it this way but we got desperate.
After all they're onto us. The sun started to rise and we were a quarter to half way back. But all the sudden we hear what sounds like alarms.
Then the howls. We started a jog. W/ vampire speed and them most likely being pissed. We couldn't risk stopping to make anything.
Our jog may not be the fastest. But it's faster than walking and when you think about it. Even w/ vampire speed it's going to take you a while to get through all that.
I'm pretty sure I could take the brother. Possibly. But the queen was a different story. There's a chance she might go easy. You know the whole wanting me as a mate thing.
But I punched her and recently put her in a sleeper hold. So I doubt she cares that much right now. But anyways I'm more focused on how to get us back quickly.
I jumped and tackled the guys to the ground. They looked at me confused but I threw a stick and a trap went off.
We shared a look before continuing. I want to know when they set these traps. I stopped the guys again and had them get on my back. I started jumping through or over some traps.
It doesn't matter if we're trapped or not. Figuratively anyways. They'll probably follow our scent blindly after we avoided the first trap.
I made sure to go around some traps but only when it would be hard not to set a trap off. As in if you tried avoiding one you get caught by another.
I did this every so often to make sure to slow them down. After a while of doing this we started hearing the traps going off.
I picked up the speed. We got halfway home and was met by a line, no more like a border of vampires preventing us from going further.
I let the guys down. We looked at each other and a silent agreement and understandment was made. I'm the only one strong enough to take them.
I went forward. The vampires looked at me like really. A few made comments like who does this little girl think she is. And other things like that.
I got fed up and lept. I managed to sucker punch one and knocked him out. The others were shocked for a bit. But recovered before I could get another one.
One used his vampire speed to close the distance between us and went to grab me. It was obvious he saw my punch as a fluke that only happened because they were distracted.
So he was grabbing me like a parent would grab their rowdy kid. A bit of an annoyed face. I grabbed his arm and flipped him.
I had him land on his head. The impact forced his neck to go in like a turtle and there was a crack. The other vampire stood there shocked.
I went to check if he was ok. He groaned so I called it good. I turned just in time to see two vampires coming at me at once.
I swung one around into the other. One snuck up behind me and I elbowed her. Pretty soon it was looking like I was the main character in an action movie.
Surrounded by bad guys. One comes and attacks me. I beat them swiftly then another comes. Occasionally two would team up but I would beat them all the same.
I did get a group of three which was a bit of a challenge but I managed. Despite that I was starting to get tired.
By time it was all over I was panting like I just did the pacer. But I maxed it out. The guys came up to me. They helped me start moving again as we made our way up the hill again.
We got to a fruit tree and climbed it. The fruit tree was pretty far from the scene of the crime. We started eating some fruit and rested.
But it wasn't long till we heard a rushing and rustling through the trees. The guys gave me the glider they made for me while they were making theirs and some weapons.
Before you ask. They were making this stuff while I fought the vampires. We figured since we were already held up might as well.
We jumped from the tree and was just gaining air as the vampire queen and her brother showed up.
We soon started to glide away fast. I moved us out of the way just in time. Because a few seconds later arrows were flying by where we had just been. We gained some altitude.
I looked down and they had faces of surprise. So unlike the first time we did a race like this we had a bit more time and knew exactly what we could find.
So these gliders were way better. But because I wanted to be a bitch I shot an arrow of my own. I wasn't about to hurt a queen nor her brother.
Especially in front of their subjects. But I will shoot their arrow bags. I say bags because they were using literal bags. It was a tricky shot but I did it.
We made sure to keep our eyes peeled for anymore surprises. But after those surprise archers it was actually a smooth fly. And we were shocked that us going higher sped us up.
Then again we didn't really ever go that much higher than the tree tops. We may be reckless and stupid at times but we knew we couldn't survive falls from so high up.
What I did w/ the fence that one time though was an emergency. Normally I wouldn't do something like that. But the gliders still had the rest problem.
They were better but that really only meant a bit longer time of flying before a rest. We landed and we immediately started jumping from tree top to tree top.
Soon we got to another fruit tree and we stopped for some food. Thankfully the fruits were sweet but also had a lot of juice. So it felt more like we took a bite of a water balloon and it popped.
Needless to say we were still pretty happy about what we found. We picked a few more then jumped. We ate the rest in proportions as we flew.
We had to land again but it was pretty close to the fence. So we decided to just jump from tree to tree to the fence. We got there pretty fast. But one of the government dudes stopped us from coming closer.
"Don't come any closer!" The government dude yelled.
"What!? Why!?" Steve asked.
"Because they said it had to be the exact time! You guys still have an hour and 45 minutes left!" The government dude explains.
I jumped and pushed the guys at the same time. They got the hint and activated their gliders. We barely got out of range when alpha, alpha's mom and the Queen's brother all jumped and reached for us.
"Oh come on! Just get down here!" Alpha yells. I take out a stick that was shaved to be a bow staff. They looked at me puzzled for a moment.
That is till I used it to block some arrows. They looked stunned. They looked over into the bushes and saw their archers.
"We were just trying to take those wings out." One of the archers yells. She's a Lycan and she looks kinda young.
Hearing what she was trying to do we went higher out of range. We stayed airborne for a while. When we knew our gliders would need a break soon I moved closer to the guys.
I got them to agree to land in the same tree I climbed to jump over the fence. We landed pretty high up on the tree so we didn't feel a need to climb it any higher.
So for about half an hour we went from flying to sitting in the tree. Till the vampire queen got the smart idea to use her vampire speed up the tree to try and grab us.
I had us jump to a new tree right before she could. But we took that as an attack. So what we did was when we went back to flying way higher.
They still had a chopper monitoring us. Mainly because it had to be there till the challenge was done. Well we went to it. And we stayed on it when our gliders needed a rest.
Since we were so far from them we didn't really jump down and glide since there wasn't really a need to. But we still did so when the chopper needed to be changed.
It was now only like 15 minutes left till we could go past the fence. So we jumped down and flew around for a bit. I looked down and saw them preparing something.
I think they're going to try and grab us. We have to land and cross over on foot. So they must be planning on grabbing us before we can cross.
I pointed it out to the guys and they nodded. We started to circle like vultures. We kept it up till the last minute. Once that last minute ticked by we suddenly gained altitude and nose dived.
They were obviously stunned by this. We got close to the ground so that we could touch it w/ our feet but we kept our wings out and used the momentum to race past them through the fence.
Then we used the friction to stop. We looked back and everyone was staring at us shocked. We just went and got our phones and stuff then called the family.
That's brings us to today. It's been a week and here's what happened. The family swooned over us. We were also placed under house arrest for a bit.
We weren't grounded but they didn't want us out of the house for a while. I explained how after Nightmare and Neptune told me their names I kinda hyper fixated on their appearances.
As in I noticed things that I didn't pay attention to before. Then I explained how I felt more comfortable around them. After the name thing that is.
Neptune and Nightmare did some research and apparently giving their real names to me meant they trusted me immensely. So that formed a bond.
It's a platonic bond but a bond. Well after that and the house arrest we ended up dating. We also got visited by harpies who saw us gliding both times and wanted to meet us.
Yeah one got w/ me and the demons and the guys ended up in relationships too w/ a or some harpies. We moved to a different small town.
But seen one small town you basically seen them all. But we were more well behaved w/ a few quirks. What can I say we still like pissing people off.
The guys and I are making our hideouts and gadgets still. But we were more open about the money we were making and Steve's grandpa used some of it to invest in stocks and teach us about them.
They put a good majority of what we made in the bank to start some savings. But because of that and there not being a real reason to withdraw any money we got a nice sum saved up.
So if we keep things up we're going to be multimillionaires. Which is awesome. We had them put the money they were putting in the bank into three separate accounts.
We did this because we plan on giving Jack's parents and Steve's mom and grandparents two of the accounts and the last one is for us.
But they wouldn't agree to that so we said that way we all have our own money. They accept this and did it. But yeah. That's our crazy story.