Right as the Demon king vindicta thought his life was over he could feel that his setting was changing and that a part of his soul was trying to be snatched away. His demon self was trying to be snatched away and replaced by something new something gold.
" No you are not going to take that from me, it is what makes me me" The demon king yelled his voice screaming at the vast emptiness that surrounded him. Suddenly the ruins he had placed earlier began working and forced his demon self to remain with him but separate. The the gold energy merged with him as well as that of his demon self, but the two hadn't merged with each other.
There was a massive seal separating him from his demon self, but he could tell that it would break when the time comes. He then feels another change in environment and he could feel that something was happening.
" push, come on keep pushing" they shouted. ' huh what's happening, what's with all this noise'. He could then feel as he was being forced out of the comfortable yet unfamiliar environment. He then opens his eyes and sees two individuals staring at him with a bunch of maids surrounding them.
One was a large burly man with black hair and fair skin, His scars showed experience and trauma and informed the boy of all he needs to know.
His mom was a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes she was a stunning woman who could conquer all, but there was something off about her. ' So my brother was right, there are mystics and im one of them. This is good, once I am off age I will abandon this form, fully reclaim my demon side and. Huh, and what did I want to do again'. He looked around confused and though once more.
' That's right I will decimate the races who stood against us. Huh but what if theyre good' A voice called to him. It was him but it felt different, lighter purer.
Then he began to notice how everyone looked at him. The way they looked seemed to be weird. " NO, NO, NO" the woman shrieked out, her voice helpless. It seemed that she had seen something that broke her.
" how could this happen, he was supposed to be our hope" The man looked down closing his hand in a fist and slamming the floor shattering it. That's when the boy noticed something, on his hand there was a sigil that had two horns.
' why do these humans have that sigil. HOW DARE THESE HUMANS WHO BIRTHED ME HAVE THE SIGIL OF THE COWARD WHO SLEW ME' That's right this was the sigil that belonged to lucious.
In this word mana was used by all in four different forms. sorcery was a way for them to perform instantaneous and direct actions without a lot of preparation. Runes were a way for individuals to create a continuous series of actions that were different to spells. While a spell would create a fire ball as a one time thing a rune would be formed depending on the will of the castor and could generate that will for as long as it isn't destroyed.
The negatives of a rune is that it is incredibly hard to create and so only individuals of S rank and above create ruins. The third form people use magic is rituals which needs a lot of preparation and needs ingredients to power it. Rituals allow people to create stuff magic cannot, while with magic most people have an element rituals allow people to bypass that logic and do whatever they want as long as they had the mana and the ingredients.
Rituals were a lot easier than runes to create and so many people can use them. Now the last magic format is a sigil which contains part of an indivduals magical power and abilities and can be implanted into other people.
The more people a sigil is implanted in the less magical power it contains. A sigil created by an individual has 1 rank less magic then they have, each rank has 5 sub ranks. They are ranks as 4, 3,2,1 and + , Lucious was SSS + while vindicta was X rank and the only being to ever each that. When a person who has a sigil creates a replica that has 1 sub rank less then the original.
The boy looked at his parents and saw that they had the sigil of lucious but it was an E ranked 1 sigil which made it very weak. He then gets interrupted by his thoughts as his dad looked at him in disgust and shouts" oh demon king luscious why is my son a saint".
' huh Lucious the demon king, how dare this human spew this slander. The true demon king is before you. Wait saint, I'm a saint.'
The saint was an individual who was born with the purest light magic and the demon king was that saint. ' As Vindicta I had dark magic and had placed numerous runes on me, but now your telling me I'm a saint and these mongrels are my parents'.
" maids take him to the dungeons leave him these till he dies, If the holy empire finds him then they will come and raid the cult." Spoke the man who Vindicta has no reason to learn the name of. " honey why don't we just kill the boy". " are you crazy do you not know that whoever kills the saint gets marked. As you know when a saint either dies or is born all who use light magic feel it, but when the saint is killed the image of that event is sent to them"
" If we kill the boy we will be hanged it's better to lock him up and let him die by himself"
' I knew these mongrels were going to say that. How could anyone expect these creatures to act with empathy, Humans dwarves all central continents creatures kill anything that's different.
There are four continents monstra the largest, elevectra the smallest houses the light empire and the elven king, Solaria houses three kingdoms aldera which hates all races, veldra which is home to only sorcerers and finally alfia which houses dwarves. The last continent is glacia which was unexplored during Vindictas age.
The boy is then grabbed and and is taken to a damp room that is so small It can only fit a single man. The baby is dumped in there and left with no one taking care of him.
Eventually 2 years have passed and the boy has grown up but still left with no food. ' Thanks to the magic of a saint I don't need food but this won't last for long. I knew it I need to kill all the humans, I promise you when I activate my demon form I will kill you all. Don't.' He could feel another though he knew it was his but he also knew that due to not being in his demon form his thoughts are being influenced by the saints.
' Godammit I won't let myself be conquered by the saint, I won't let myself change the way I think and feel about everything'.
Suddenly the door opens and his father opens the door. " oh so your still alive, well no worries if we can't kill you and you won't die from hunger, we'll make you kill yourself.
They then take the boy to a room that is covered with blood and put him on a chair ready to make his life a pain.
" be prepared this will hurt a lot" As his father says that he then takes a long knife and begins to slowly remove pieces of his skin, but every time he does so his body glows and it regenerates. He continues to do that until the boy faints.
Eventually it becomes a ritual that continues until the boy is 6 when he Introduces the boy to his older sister. " this girl is your older sister she will take good care of you" He leads the boy to a woman who has the same blonde hair as the woman he first saw but she has a more demented smile.
" Daddy my brother is so cute I'll call him noah after that boy" she then points to a boy who was dead but you could see scars from torture. The woman then goes to stab the boy but suddenly a bright light erupts that pushes her away making the knife she had stab her.
' huh so it seems the saint powers activated. I'll have fun torturing them. Don't. Kill them painlessly. Fine ' The boy finally agreed to his own saintly thoughts.
Author note:
don't worry the real story willl start soon and I'm planning different abilities for the other mystics. If you wanna see the MC dominate everyone it won't happen all the time in this story. This story has two main characters the saint and the demon king as you are seeing being the saint is slowly influencing his thoughts but being vindicta will make him more vicious and I will show this more in upcoming chapters. plus the MC won't just easily defeat the other mystics and you will no why later on so please read and tell me your opinions on the story