Chereads / The Divine Shadowhunter. / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1.1: Bases of a hunter.

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1.1: Bases of a hunter.

POV Dante.

I woke up in the morning, finding the dragon I called Dark in my body asleep, the grimory invoking him, and seeing that my powers exist. It was not a dream that had awakened my divine powers, and I obtained a grimory for free by spending all the fortune of my life, on this opportunity.

I get up to make a coffee by burning some wood and accompanying it with toasted bread, butter, a little piece of cheese, dessert, and some bananas. Once satisfied, I do a series of physical exercises for 4 hours before cleaning up and sitting in bed collecting my information about the hunters.

The hunters improved through meditation by absorbing and assimilating elemental divine energy, and exhausting physical training to develop and adapt the body properly to the divine energy. Through the absorption of divine resources such as divine medicines, natural treasures, or food.

In my case, the elements are darkness, death, and lightning, influenced by Dark, making me his master of grimory, who even shared with me the skill {Shadow Devorator}.

The element darkness is obtained at night, where these elements abound naturally in the environment or through a conversation absorbing other divine elements by the properties of the dark element 1 dark x 100 elemental.

The element death is obtained from the bodies and through a conversion of the vitality of another living being.

The lightning element can only be obtained from areas with large amounts of lightning drops, there are no conversion topics. It was normal for users of this element to be moving to its natural environments or extracting it through divine resources.

Not only that was needed, but the assistance of a divine art called the [Divine System] that forms a kind of circulatory system of divine energy within the user to facilitate the management and control of the energy in your body without being so afraid to explode in pieces, accumulate the divine energy properly, and receive certain benefits from the elemental properties.

Not only that, it depends on how the veins are distributed in the body, respectively. Some statistics would have greater growth than others, and as far as they cover, they have classes of bronze (0–20%), silver (20–40%), gold (41%–60%), platinum (61%–80%), and diamond (81%–100%). Among the best classes are [Divine Systems] efficiency, effectiveness, management performance, control, and speed of movement, along with other benefits corresponding to the user elements.

I put on a shirt, trousers, and shoes from a poor state but not damaged, I haired myself a little, I put on a hoodie, and I just went to the social middle class area. Found in the park was a map of the capital, where various famous private shops of the empire were marked. I'm on my way to a divine acupunctor.

Divine acupuncturists are a medical profession specialized in hunters, who helped in the construction of the [divine systems], extraction of impurities, healing, poison extraction, and certain acupuncture-related treatments.

I'm staying and watching the store hidden with {Vision without Limits}, finding that the divine acupunctor in her treatment of a patient is crystallizing the user's divine energy, forming a core, and subsequently advancing with her specialized needles for length, thickness, and connection to crystallize the corresponding high-precision conducts in the body. It was a very slow process, and the user was suffering painfully because he was tattooing his soul. I found several users, and none of them were more than 40%.

Curiously, he entered the store, talking to the receptionist.

"Can I know what the prices are for obtaining a [divine system]?"

-The divine system: bronze, 1 gold, and silver, 10 gold.

The coins are bronze, silver, and gold with an exchange rate of 1x1000, with a minimum wage not covering more than a few silver coins between 3-5 Living in the capital, which is expensive, almost everything went to the taxes of public services, and only a few remained for food, clothes, and entertainment.

Can ordinary people embrace it?

Generally, hunters are not ordinary people, if they do not belong to a large family to pay for them, they are sponsored by private organizations and merchants.

- Why don't you go ahead and put class gold forward?

You going to pay, son?

"I am considering myself lucky to become a hunter, and I want to make a budget. Do not lose anything to tell me and fill my knowledge; it is better to have a potential client than not to have any. -

"Just because you're beautiful, I'll let you make me waste my time."

"Thank you, sweetheart."

"There are no gold systems in the future, mainly because the government prohibits it."

- Why? Isn't it more convenient for you to have powerful hunters to hunt monsters? -

The divine hunters earn their lives by hunting monsters, demons, and other hunters, they are practically human weapons where there can be many with very unpleasant and dangerous hobbies able to harm people. It is not convenient that evil people can rise to power, especially many nobles who hire knights, and private organizations permitted by the government are those who have allowed by sacrificing a considerable amount of money to form them [divine systems] gold forward to their more elitist and loyal men to their organizations.

"In short, it is a way of exercising control and power over others publicly, only by allowing certain private and noble forces permission.

- Exactly.

- How long does a procedure for a [divine system] take?

-MMM, I suppose it varies from time to time, as many hunters can buy medicines to have extra divine energy in a short time, allowing acupunctors to work more time covering more, others do not have it, spend between 3-6 months tattooing their divine system, because they don't have enough energy to work.

"I understand. Can I know some history?"

- What story?

- How did the divine acupunctors come up with the idea of the system? Since the monsters and divine beasts do not have one, they continue to strengthen themselves.

Beasts are animals that awakened their divine sensitivities and consciousnesses and that developed, grew, and evolved following the laws of nature's strongest natural adaptation for many years. They have ranges, classes, and stars from 1 to 10 levels that determine their use of energy, intelligence, and humanoid potential, which make them the most powerful cluster of monsters.

Divine monsters are not animals that evolved divinely, but beings like goblins, orcs, trolls, ghosts, and demons who were born with the ability to use divine energy.

The monsters and divine beasts practically live by eating the monsters and treasures of nature, developing, growing, and evolving divinely, respectively.

"I have understood that divine acupuncture was born of experts inspired by the blood and nervous systems of the body, taking into account certain 5-star monsters that develop divine cores and divine patterns around their body that allow them to manage and control their divine energy.

I remember how the scales of Dark were shining beautifully.

- Interesting-

"When you have money, come here, sweetheart."

"I will take it into consideration, sweetheart. Thank you very much for your education.

I went back to the roof of the library, lying down and holding Dark in my hand, analyzing his body, noticing his beautiful divine system, and walking his body 100% in rhythm. I apply {Vision without Limits} to create a 3D model of my body by applying the [Divine System] of Dark to my body in that model, and I explode the model into pieces.

- Why did it explode?

{Vision without limits} I was exhausted and had to rest a little before continuing to study. Dark's system was adapted to his serpentine body and not to the complicated human body. Thinking of seeing a mental drawing adapted to my body with a system like the Dark, I was only able to cover 1%, starting with the divine core, completely exhausting me and causing me to jam. The more complicated things I want to see, the more divine and spiritual energy I get.

-It seems that if I want to develop it properly I have to work a little bit, not just form the [Divine System] on paper, it would take a considerable amount of energy to crystallize both the nucleus and the veins covering 100% of my body to precision and what I can take to it- 

It was giving me a headache to think about all the work involved that I had to contribute to forming the foundations of a hunter. I just breathe smiling with irony.

-It's ironic to think of complaining about all the effort that took me to form the foundations as a hunter and others do not have that opportunity, I have the ability to grow, develop as a divine hunter, I don't have to complain and I just have to get to work- Trying to build my divine systems would take me a questionably long time and I focus on another important factor to deal with like the removal of impurities that only keep my body weakened by not using all its effectiveness, efficiency and power. Because it affects my physical power, divine circulation, energy storage, regeneration and makes me prone to disease.

-Dark, can you help me?

Dark mobilized in my soul and body accumulating the impurities that were like black spots covering almost my whole body towards my little finger concentrating it at the point that became blacker. With a needle I use to sew my clothes way into the trash alley and peel my dick letting Dark push from inside. An abominable black, greasy, pasty mass with a smell similar to human feces concentrated with dead bodies and garbage. He'd be vomiting if he didn't know that getting food isn't difficult. When I finished expelling about 2 liters of impurities out of my body, I felt extremely dizzy, exhausted, weakened with a truly great feeling of pleasure and lightness that generate comfort.

- One step at a time.