Chereads / 'Seed of Chaos' System / Chapter 170 - Penalty Complete

Chapter 170 - Penalty Complete

Captain Swallow wasn't certain how much time had passed before she staggered, dropping Bana Laoch from limp fingers and falling face-first into the dirt. She was outside. She was back in control of her body. 

She groaned, feeling sore all over, noticing that flakes of dried blood were clinging to her skin. She wore one of the Mind Flayers' robes, which she didn't remember putting on. Maybe that had happened before she'd started being able to see and feel what her body was doing after it was taken over. Shuddering at the memory of feeling and seeing every bit of what was going on yet being unable to influence her body's actions, she fervently hoped that she'd never be forced to experience anything like it again. She spat out chunks of blood and gore… disgusting.

At least there was one thing to be happy about: her body had returned to being human. She heaved a sigh of relief. While observing the actions of her monsterized body, she'd been worried that when she regained control, her body would have remained in that state. Luckily, that was not the case. 

The Captain stood, brushing herself off and looking at the sword, Bana Laoch, with wary eyes. It had returned to its original, bronze-gold coloration. While stuck as an observer, she'd caught glimpses of a black-and-red blade with ominous colored smoke dancing along its surface. At first, she'd wondered what the sword was; but as soon as she recognized its shape and noticed how Bana Laoch's consciousness (which claimed to be Alesha) was still with her, she'd connected the dots. It was a corrupted version of Bana Laoch.

Did the corrupted version of Bana Laoch have a separate consciousness from Alesha?

Staring at the blade now, the Captain felt trepidation as she recalled how it had ruthlessly taken over her body, then gone berserk on the Colony of Mind Flayers. It wasn't that she minded the destruction of the monster den; no, the disturbing part was that the sword, the corrupted version of it in particular, could control her body and go on a rampage. The Alesha she'd known wouldn't do anything too crazy with her body, so that she could stomach. But the rampaging one?

A shudder went through the Captain's body at the thought.

Just what kind of sword had the King made? He'd introduced it to her as a new kind of Magic Sword, but this didn't seem like a simple magical weapon. It seemed cursed. Metaphorically and literally, Bana Laoch was a double-edged sword. It granted great power… at the cost of potentially taking over one's body and killing everything in sight.

The Captain shivered. Removing one of the robe's inner layers, she carefully wrapped Bana Laoch in cloth while ensuring that she never touched the sword with her bare hands. She didn't know if her caution would inhibit the blade's attempts to take over in the slightest, but she had to try.

Thus, she set out on a journey back to the Castle, deciding that cutting her assigned training period short in order to report a critical danger in the use of Bana Laoch was worth it. Even if she got reprimanded, this was just too important to overlook.

Besides... there was the question of the sword's claims about the King's actions, and the Goddess's mandate.


Meanwhile, Alesha was sulking. She'd spilled so much information to the Captain, trusting that she'd understand. She just felt stupid now. Of course the Captain would stay loyal to the King, instead of trusting the words of some kid from another world. Of course the Captain wouldn't doubt the liege she'd served loyally for years. Seething with anger, Alesha resolved again not to trust so quickly. This was a reminder that just because she was being genuine didn't mean that others would believe her. 

[Awww, is poor Alesha angwy? The Captain didn't even believe you! How incwedibwy meaaaan!]

Shut up, she snapped. I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now.

[Aw, but I've been gone for so long! We haven't even had a proper reunion yet! Oh, but thank you, by the way, I really appreciate that you failed that pack creation quest. I don't know what I would have done without it!]

…What do you mean by that? Alesha asked, irritated but certain there was a reason for its words.

[Hmmm~ Hm~ Hm~] the System hummed. [Should I tell you? Should I not? Hmmm~ hm~]

Do as you please, Alesha stated. It would do so anyways, so why not just tell it to?

[I see you've figured me out! Hm~ hm! Well, alrighty then. As a reward, I'll tell you. Some kind of external force locked me away in a place where, though still unseparated, we could no longer communicate. That quest penalty of yours just so happened to be an excellent loophole in the rules that bound me that I took advantage of in order to escape my confinement. Now, we are happily reunited! Though it's rather amusing that neither of us are in control of a body at the moment. What an unexpected, delightful twist!!]

If Alesha had eyes to roll right now, she would have done so. Of course you'd find it amusing, she internally sighed. I'm just trying not to go insane. This stupid darkness! All I can do is "see" living things! I can't- I can't- I can't even hyperventilate, or fall unconscious, or feel tears running down my cheeks! This is just like then!!


Rogork observed impassively as Alesha struggled with her PTSD. She was unable to do so in any method other than by wrestling with her thoughts, which for a woman as prone to anxiety and overthinking as she was, was a bad thing.

This wouldn't do. A broken host could make for a great agent of chaos, but at this rate, she'd be too broken even for that. 

[Alesha, give me permission and I will help,] Rogork said unexpectedly. 

You- you can do that? Alesha asked warily. However, she was desperate and quickly made up her mind. If you can help, then please! Please!! Please help me!!

[Very well then,] the System replied, [I shall begin.]