Chereads / 'Seed of Chaos' System / Chapter 169 - Spectatorship

Chapter 169 - Spectatorship

While Orochi was preoccupied with watching the theatrical re-enactment of a certain anime, Alesha was trying to keep herself from remembering her time in the King's torture room. To that end, she stretched her Life Detection to its limit, trying to analyze every little thing she could about everything she could perceive. 

Life Detection's range was about 200 meters, and because it was a perception that worked even through walls, she realized that it was a rather overpowered ability. If she were a monstrous earthworm, there would be nothing better for tracking down prey. It would also be incredibly useful for any kind of infiltration. However, without additional other senses, such as sight and hearing, she could only envision a spy or would-be assassin stumbling around in utter confusion as they ran into unexpected, invisible obstacles.

The ridiculous image of a sightless, deaf ninja tripping over a rug and running into walls served to lighten Alesha's spirits somewhat.

Unfortunately, that levity did not last long.

Abruptly, the lycanthrope version of the Captain (whatever lycanthrope type it was, she couldn't tell), whom Rogork was currently controlling, rushed forward and swung Bana Laoch diagonally through the octopus-headed monster that was serving as their guide.

What are you doing?!??! Alesha mentally shouted at Rogork.

The only reply she got was mentally conveyed maniacal laughter as the System surged forward, swinging sword and claws, biting, slashing, and even whacking Mind Flayers aside with its thick tail. The System moved without rhyme or reason, slaughtering indiscriminately. It ate chunks of orange-silhouetted flesh, danced around holding dimming body parts, jumped up onto undetectable pieces of furniture, and tore through doors Alesha couldn't see. It was as if Chaos itself had gained itself a body and gone on a rampage. 

At that moment, Rogork's entirely alien nature hit home once again, and she found herself regretting all the times she'd wished for it to go back to normal since arriving in this Story. She'd gotten what she wished for… and then some. Was it worth it?

Not in the slightest. 

She decided that she'd have been much better off had the System never woken up again.

As she watched the awful scene unfold, feeling helpless and confused, an unexpected presence stirred alongside her. Startled, Alesha tried to figure out who -- or what -- it was.

What she discovered was entirely unexpected. As soon as she realized it, however, she mentally kicked herself for not putting two and two together. Alesha had taken over the Captain's body, then Rogork stole control from her. This left the body with two consciousnesses who could not influence what it did. It was only logical that, if one could be awake and spectating on what the System was doing while in control, then so could the other.

What in Helia's great and holy name is going on here? Captain Swallow's voice murmured in a quieter tone than Alesha had ever heard from her before. Like Alesha's, this voice was conveyed only mentally, in a manner similar to telepathy.

Alesha felt suddenly sheepish. She'd just recently stolen control of the woman's body, only to have it wrested from her in turn. What was she supposed to say? How was she supposed to explain this situation, when she couldn't mention the System? Wait, perhaps since communication was via thoughts here, maybe Rogork couldn't stop her from spilling everything, unlike when she'd tried in the past?

Not that she actually would explain everything; she didn't trust the Captain enough for that. No, what Alesha wanted was first, to test if sharing was possible, and second, to give responsibility for the System's actions to the System. No way would she take the blame for its antics this time. 

As she was thinking this, Captain Swallow's thoughts reached her again. It didn't seem like they were being conveyed intentionally.

What barbaric violence… Is Bana Laoch even actually Alesha? The Alesha I knew would never do such a thing. I need to report this to the King when I get my body back.

Mention of the King's name made Alesha so angry that her thoughts came to a complete halt. Any intention of peacefully conversing with the Captain was immediately forgotten, replaced at once by fury. Rage and hatred filled her up entirely until they spilled over, attracting the attention of the Captain.

Hm? Why am I angry all of the sudden? Wait, these emotions aren't mine… am I not the only one in here?

No, you're not the only one in here, you loyal bitch of the King! Alesha mentally shouted, unable to hold back any longer. I thought maybe you'd understand my hatred after I told you what he did to me, but you're still wanting to crawl back to him and tattle on me! What is wrong with you?! Why can't you see how evil your King is!?

Taken aback by Alesha's fury, the Captain took a moment to respond. Alesha, I don't have the luxury of taking everything you say at face value, nor can I recall you actually explaining anything about what His Majesty supposedly did to you. I believe in the sincere goodness the King has always shown. Surely the King had good reasons for his actions, and I would like to facilitate a reconciliation between the two of you. I know you were hurt, for which I am sorry. However, my loyalty is to the King, not to you. Please give him another chance.

After that, Alesha refused to respond to any of the Captain's further attempts at conversation, including the Captain's attempts to figure out who was currently going on a rampage using her body.