Chereads / The Seven Friendly Sins / Chapter 1 - Money is important

The Seven Friendly Sins

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Chapter 1 - Money is important

Kazekabe! Get your butt out of bed already!"

The shrill voice pierced through Kazekabe's groggy haze. He cracked open one eye to see Wrath, a swirling vortex of red smoke, hovering over his face.

"Dude, you've got that job interview in an hour," Wrath growled. "If you're late because you overslept again, I'm gonna explode."

Kazekabe pulled the covers over his head with a groan. "Don't wanna go..."

"Oh, what a surprise," a sultry voice purred from the doorway.

Lust slinked in, her purple mist coalescing into the curves of a buxom figure. "Our poor little Kaze is feeling unmotivated again."

"I'm not unmotivated!" Kazekabe shot back, voice muffled under the blankets. "I just...don't see the point."

The other Sins began drifting into the room, no doubt alerted by the raised voices. Greed flew in, their green smoke overflowing with dollar sign shapes.

"Not see the point?" Greed scoffed. "With the salary this job offers? Plus bennies? Hello, early retirement!"

"Oh shut your gilded piehole," Pride's booming voice echoed as her navy blue essence billowed up to fill half the room. "Retirement's for quitters! This job will be the first step on Kaze's path to greatness!"

Envy slid underneath the door as a thin stream of orange mist. "Says you. If he gets that job, he'll make more money than me."

"More like if he gets off his keisters and stops feeling sorry for himself!" Gluttony's round yellow form blustered, pushing past the others. She shoved a breakfast burrito at Kazekabe's face. "Maybe some huevos rancheros will put some pep in his step!"

"I don't want any rancheros..." Kazekabe mumbled, pulling the covers tighter.

A lilac cloud of smoke wafted in last of all. "There there, everyone's being too hard on Kaze," Sloth said, her wispy shape oozing over to the bed. "A little...motivation issues...are perfectly natural..."

She let out a long, drawn-out yawn. "Why don't we all just...take a little nap...?"

Instantly, the room degenerated into chaos as the Sins began bickering over whose advice was best for getting Kazekabe out the door. Lust argued he needed to get laid, while Wrath insisted tough love was the answer. Greed calculated tax brackets, Pride gloated about her own work ethic, and Gluttony continued shoving food at the unresponsive lump.

Slumped under the covers, Kazekabe felt the demons' well-intentioned proposals washing over him like static. Part of him wished they'd all just go away. But another part felt...something, underneath the soul-smothering apathy. Maybe if he listened to one of them...

He let out a deep sigh. Today was already shaping up to be a trial.