Chereads / [QT.BL] Phoenix Interrupted / Chapter 48 - 1st World A/O/B/: 35

Chapter 48 - 1st World A/O/B/: 35

Posted February 19, 2025



The Chef x The Movie Emperor 




The Majestic Bonghwang Estates and Luxury Resort -The Starlight District (the entertainment district where all the celebs live and work and where most of the talent agencies and filming studios are located -Terra Anka PXD2422 -The Capital (the whole planet) of The Golden Dragon Star Nexus Empire





3rd Party's P.O.V.:

 "Alright everyone, this will wrap up today's filming and I recommend that you introduce yourself to one another before we start recording individual intros later today. Everyone is responsible for arriving on time to your scheduled personal intros.

 Someone from the production staff will message you 30 minutes before your taping. For the time being you all may head to your rooms and or explore the grounds and amenities. I have an important meeting I can't miss so the assistant production assistant will be overseeing this afternoon's taping. Make sure everyone convinces back here at 10 AM sharp.

 We will begin filming the first "meeting" between each pair of partners. Remember it is not only highly important that you safeguard the envelopes that were distributed to you earlier, as they are vital and will greatly impact your time on the show. Make sure to keep the contents of your envelope secret; thus, only open them once you are alone in your room(s).

 I will also kindly remind you all to mind your words and actions as you never know when the live stream will be focused on you. There will be more information about this tomorrow."

She said this as she sternly and slowly looked over everyone present in the vast banquet hall. 

"You are all dismissed, after saying this the P.D. gracefully walked off the small stage." With this dismissal the commanding, ridged and imposing arura diminished into one of a cold, intelligent beauty with an underlining of annoyance.

'Huh, I wonder what has her vexed? Hmmm... well it is none of my business anyways, so it is best to not worry about it. Afterall curiosity killed the cat. I really should focus on what is most important at this moment and Ms. Wolfe's personal business is none of mine. It is not like I do not have enough on my own plate as it is.' I was brought back from my own wondering thoughts when everyone applauded Production Director Wolfe.

After bowing to the P.D. and the rest of the crew Nix decided to make small talk with the other participants. Since he knows they are already secretly recording it will only help him to leave a positive and hopefully lasting impression on the viewers.

'Hmm... where should I start? I need to be careful so that I do not come off as star casing, so the other chefs it is,' Nix said to himself. He made sure to put on a shy smile that made his eyes crinkle at the corners as he walked up to a small group of chefs who were standing nearby discussing.


He kept is aura in check and gave off one of a shy, beautiful but humble omega. Once he reached the small group of 4, he stood slightly back as if he was a bit nervous to interrupt their conversation. He patiently waited for an appropriate opening but before that happened, he heard...

(⌒ω⌒)ノ ... "Oh, hello there, would you like to join us in introducing ourselves and breaking the ice?" 

The voice came from a handsome young man who looked to be in his late 20s or possibly even his early 30s. In this day and age, it is hard to judge one's true age. Nix looked up at the tall, bear like alpha who spoke to him. He had rich dark green hair, chocolate eyes with flecks of honey in them that complimented his fair skin and light red lips. Nix looked up at the alpha meeting his eyes before he quickly looked down.

(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) ... "I am sorry if I interrupted y'all. I was just wanting to meet my fellow competitors/ cast members; that is why I stood back silently. I did not want to be rude, so I understand if I overstep in any form." As he said this, he kept his head slightly lowered and looked up at the alpha through his long lashes. 

Before the handsome alpha could reply to Nix, a snort came from the only omega out of the group of 4. The other 3 all turned incredulous gazes upon the only female in the group. Nix, however, kept his eyes lowered to hide fierce and mocking emotions. 

'Well, well isn't she quite the warm welcoming party.' It took everything in him not retort back to that snarky snort as this woman had already managed blacken her image to in his mind. Thankfully he had Solaris who kindly reminded him that the production team were already secretly livestreaming again now that the participants were mingily. 

Nix quickly looked up who the identity of this bit...

'I really should not curse even in my inner thoughts since I sometimes forget to block my thoughts from Solaris. That said I am not sure which would describe this little viper and want to be vixen the best. Hmm, perhaps nepo baby... brat... little girl...

Well, I could go on and on but why waste my precious brain energy and memory on this insignificant, thinks she is a big but is not even a mini boss spoiled little girl who apparently is not use to opposition, judging by her actions and words just now alone. I really am trying not to have a potty mouth and set a good example for Solaris since he is still a small child, well for him being a dragon or more accurately phoenix-dragon that he is. But with that said it is so hard...

SIGH, wait did I just seriously think sought the word sigh? Nix you are a fool; truly, you really have lost your marbles. Crap I got distracted again, thankfully only a total of three seconds has passed; Good thing I can multitask. I already searched up the deets of this little green tea bit..., *couch* I mean, girl while I continued to needlessly have an inner monologue that in all honesty was as productive as this one!' (o-_-o)

'Thank you, Solaris, I nearly made a major faux pas. Too bad for her, she's just an over glorified dancing monkey and I will gladly give her a stage to show her ass to everyone. Make sure the livestreaming camera to our left gets all of the coming exchange. Make sure the production team does not shut it down' A mischievous glint of emotion flashed through Nix's eyes as he finished that thought before quickly schooling his emotions.

Nix slightly blushed as he raised his head while gently tucking his hair behind his right ear before looking up at the undeniable alpha that originally spoke to him. Nix's sightly hooded and upturned phoenix shape sultry eyes, widen and turned misty. Unable to hide the blush the crept up his cheeks he quickly lowered his head trying to mask the unease, embarrassment and sorrow that was clearly shown on his unguarded face.

Nix bit his lower lip in a futile attempt to keep his lip from trembling, gave the one(s) who saw him like this to instantly envision bullied and wounded puppy, kicked away and ignored by his beloved owner/human. Despite biting hard enough to leave impressions from his top arch of teeth, blood was not drawn. 

After taking a few deep breaths to stead himself, Nix looked up with an uneasy and pitiful smile that did not reach his eyes in the slightest before he was finally, just a few moments at most, replied

(シ. .)シ ... "I sincerely apologize if I over steeped in any way. I was trying to be polite and not interrupt. I just wanted to exchange names and a few words with the other participants, particularly my fellow chefs in order to at least establish introduction with the people I will not only be working on this program with but also possibly in future ventures."

Nix placed his right hand on his chest as if to ease the discomfort and took a hard swallow to dislodge the large lump in his throat before continuing.

(„ಡωಡ„) ... "Since the production team said that it was a good idea that we do so before we start filming in the morning, I thought that it would be ok to exchange small talk at the very least. However, I can see that I was gravely mistaken. I apologize again for any inconvenience my presence has caused. I sincerely hope you all have a good afternoon and evening."

人(_ _*) ... Phoenix gave a salute while he respectfully giving a thirty-degree bow, said, "joesonghamnida

After holding the bow for a full fifteen seconds. He stood up, with his back straight, shoulders back and his held high but did not meet the party of four eyes.

He rolled his weight to the right as he pivoted, fully intending to make a quiet and swift departure from the banquet hall since he could not bear the burning gazes and hushed comments about him that were coming from those who still remained gathered here.

Before Nix could take second step, when a male voice called out to him, causing Nix to halt his steeps.

"Please, wait a moment and do not leave yet."

When Nix raised his head, he saw that the voice came from the handsome green hair man, most likely an alpha, that had spoken up to Nix before that little arrogant shrew with the entitlement of a toddler threw her nasty hate and bullshit everywhere.

Nix just stood in place and lowered his eyes making sure not to look anyone in the eyes as if he was too nervous or embarrassed to do so. This seemed to have upset the green hair handsome man who, turned and gave that FL wanna-be a disgruntled looked with sharp eyes. He turned back to look at Nix, who was slightly trembling with apprehension. 

Upon seeing the beautiful omega's beautiful and enchanting eyes he felt a strong and fierce emotion raise up within him. His eyes flashed with an unknown emotion. He masked it so fast it, that it would leave one pondering if they had simply imagined it.

The tall green hair, most likely male alpha, found himself drawn to the beautiful male omega who both exuded poise, meekness, calm and collected dignity. He could also sense that the omega was a walking and breathing contradictory, and it only fueled the intense desire to find out more about him.

- Green Hair (Alpha?): - ... (⑉・̆⌓・̆⑉) ... "'I you do not have to go you, nor should you have apologized so as you did nothing wrong."

- Nix: - "..."

- Green Hair (Alpha?): - ... "I understand if you do wish to go, so I won't keep you, but could you at least tell me your name? My name is Theo Blackwood by the way." 

- Nix: - "My name is..."

- Bai Yu Ning/Sister Ning: - "Phoenix-ssi, there you are, we must get going or you will be late for your next appointment."

- Nix: - "Oh, Sister Ning, yes, of course I was just on my way to find you. We will head that way now." 

(now addressing the green hair man named Theo Blackwood) "I apologize, I must be off. I have a prior engagement to attend to, so I will be leave first. Have a great day, everyone." He gave a small curt nod with a humble yet tight smile that did not reach his eyes before walking away with Bai Yu Ning.

Theo stood there followed Phoenix and Bai Yu Ning as they walked towards the doors before disappearing through them and onto Phoenix's unknown destination. 

( ✪ワ✪)ノ... 'You have piqued my interest, Phoneix-ssi. Looks like this completion will be more interesting than I could have hoped for.' Theo thought to himself unaware of the smile on his handsome face and desire in his eyes both clear for anyone in the vicinity to notice.

He was unaware of the two sets of burning eyes that were upon him. He looked down at the rude woman next to him when she coquettishly called out to him with evident worry in her and undisguised longing in her tone. 

- Andromeda Sunflare - "Brother Theo..." She reached out to tug his shirt sleeve, but Theo deftly avoided her touch.

- Theo Blackwood: - ... (ভ_ ভ) ... -Andromeda Sunflare, you were out of line. You disappoint me."

- Andromeda Sunflare - ... ( ⷪ ྊ ⷪ ) ... -"Broth..."

- Theo Blackwood: - cutting Andromeda off as if she weren't talking to him just now - "Caelum, Atlas do you want to go and check out our rooms and accommodations?"

Caelum and Atlas exchanged looks and simultaneously answered "Uh-huh" then the three of them walked away leaving Andromeda standing their alone hurt, embarrassed and indignant. She was so vexed that she forgot to uphold her image as a dignified young heiress and stomped her foot while gnashing her teeth.

\`•̀益•́´/ ... "Who the fuck does that little conniving, attention seeking whore think he is? He is such a slut! I swear I will make him pay dearly! Brother Theo can only be mine! I won't allow anyone to steal him from me especially not a disgusting whore, I bet he slept his way on to the show!" Andromeda was so fired up she did not keep her voice down during her diatribe; thus, those who were still in the banquet hall heard her every word clearly. (╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻

- Aaron Van Schrimsher IV - loudly to his entourage - ... (‡𓌻д𓌻) ... "Damn there must be a banshee in here or something from all the shrieking going on over there. Let's go, I want to go somewhere quiet and rest for a bit." ...  <(¬_¬<) .... He shot a fierce and mocking side eye at Andromeda, who stood there in a stupor as she processed what he had just said.

Aaron Van Schrimsher IV and his entourage left before it clicked what he had said was about her. She was seething and stormed off in the other direction. As she walked out, she could be heard yelling and crying into her communicator, "Father, I have been bullied, and I did nothing wrong..." before the doors swung close behind her.

Unknown to all but a select few the cameras were still secretly live broadcasting in the V.I.V.P. and they caught everything that just went down. The live chat was going wild with the drama and revelations that just went down. The consensus was already shipping the CP "TheNix" or "Thenix" while some others were team "Phear" and everyone had a negative view on Andromeda Sunflare.

If yall want I can add some of the comments made by the V.I.V.P. viewers if yall would like. The ones I have written down are funny or at least I think so but I was thinking of doing that in the next chapter, but I am currently not sure. I hope yall enjoy this update. 

  1. deets - slang for details. Nix is referring to him running a digital investigation on her identity and even investigated her on a deeper level all within the few moments he took to walk over here. In fact he had ran a detailed investigation on everyone in the group he approached just now since they are all fellow chefs in the competition.
  2. You should use the formal 죄송합니다 (joesonghamnida) to express “I’m sorry.” Elders command great respect in Korean culture, so bowing your head slightly while apologizing emphasizes your sincerity. in the Korean language.
    Here Nix used this form to emphasize his sincerity and proactively gain fans and followers before the official filming starts tomorrow. It's important to remember that at this time the production team is secretly doing a live broadcast to the viewers who signed up for the VIVP- very important viewer privilege package but I will explain about it in a bit.
  3. Female Lead
  4. "wanna-be" is slang for want-to-be."
  5. Apprehension - anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
  6. ex·ude
    [iɡˈzo͞od, eɡˈzo͞od]
    (of a person) display (an emotion or quality) strongly and openly
  7. poise
    graceful and elegant bearing in a person
  8. meek·ness
    the fact or condition of being meek; submissiveness
  9. dig·ni·ty
    the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect
  10. “piqued,” meaning “to excite or stimulate.”
  11. deft·ly
    - in a way that is neatly skillful and quick in movement.
    - in a clever way.
  12. Entourage is a noun that refers to a group of attendants or associates, as of a person of rank or importance. It can also refer to the surroundings or environment of a place.
  13. A banshee is a female spirit in Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member, usually by screaming, wailing, shrieking, or keening. Her name is connected to the mythologically important tumuli or "mounds" that dot the Irish countryside, which are known as síde (singular síd) in Old Irish.
  14. stu·por
    a state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility

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