Chapter 3 - 3


The game was over, but that kiss still didn't leave my mind, it was as if he conquered me just with that simple kiss. All I know about Carl so far is that he's with Lydia, which clearly means I have no chance. Lydia is beautiful and smart, he wouldn't leave her for me. However, I muster up the courage to at least try to get a phone number from him, who knows, maybe we can become friends. I go to where the others were but Carl wasn't there and it seems neither was Hugo. I look around and hear Adelaide. "Who are you looking for? Come on,is Carl who you're looking for? He went to the kitchen with Hugo. Maybe something will happen between you two." She giggles when he says these words.

I decide not to ask him what I wanted to ask him, at least not around Hugo, I didn't want him to think I had the wrong intentions and blame me for that. Kristen looked at me strangely.

"Why don't you go into the kitchen? I mean, I just don't think they're doing it, they're cousins ​​after all, it's not like the moment you walk in on the door they're going to do it with you, in which case I understand why you don't want to go there."

Adelaide answers her and says.

"I think he's more embarrassed to ask Carl for his number or something because Hugo is there."

Finally someone who understands me.


"Are you going to sit and say nothing?" "What would you like me to tell you, Hugo? That my life has been horrible these three years? Is that what you want?"

"Just tell me what happened to you."

"Well I don't even know where to start. First of all, my adoptive mother committed suicide, Second of all I moved from Illinois as you can see, Third of all I went to art college, Last of all I I've been in the hospital because I overdosed about 3 times. I also forgot to mention that I broke up with Lydia."

I am a little shocked to hear that they broke up.

"Why did you break up?"

"Well it seems she found someone else in college, I was there for her when she needed it and she still dared to cheat on me. I caught them both in my bed. In my bed!"

I understood that he was angry and that he wanted to vent, so I decided to let him do it and so I felt that I contributed a little to his sadness. I didn't know why I felt this but I did. I wanted to listen to him, to make him feel heard, but I didn't know how to help him. He looked devastated and looked like he was about to cry, I appreciated his courage to cry. I appreciate that he validates his emotions. "I'm sorry for the reaction I had, but I can't resist anymore Hugo, simply, I can't resist anymore. I also want to have a person who understands me, who doesn't cheat on me, in which I can have full trust. I just want to be understood."

He leaves the kitchen, probably goes to the others. I follow him. Adelaide unable to keep quiet says something.

"Did you two do something?"

"You mean?"

"I mean what you heard."

"It's disgusting, I mean what you assumed I was doing there.

"Poor Finn wanted to ask Carl for his number but was too embarrassed and scared to go into the kitchen. We scared him a bit."

"Where is he now?" Carl asks.

"On the balcony."



I was admiring the night scenery, I had lit a cigarette, I didn't smoke often but even when I did, it was mostly because of stress. I was alone, lost in my thoughts. Suddenly I hear someone say to me.

"+12064152364" I

wonder what the hell that was. I turn my head and see him, it was Carl.

"What was that."

"My phone number. Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Yes, but could you say it to me a little slower?

" "Of course, I can." I also give him my phone number, I was happy that we had exchanged phone numbers. After a few days we started to become more and more closer.

One day I was at home, alone, Hugo was at college. Someone rings the doorbell, I go to check who it was.
