Chapter 7 - 7

"Get naked."


"Get naked."


"Well I don't think you want to get your clothes wet."

Carl said with a suspicious smile on his face. I really could not take them off, if I had a bathing suit I could, but taking into account that I had no change of clothes, I undressed.

I was in the jacuzzi with him, everything was so strange, he didn't say anything, he just sat and looked at me and I had nothing to do but look at him.

He breaks the silence and asks me a question.

"Listen, are you seeing someone? I mean if you have a girlfriend or maybe a boyfriend, partner, whatever."

Surprised by the question, it was not difficult for me to answer.

"I don't. I've tried in the past but those relationships didn't last long."

"Do you know why I asked you?"

"No why?"

"Because I like you, I like you, and it seems normal to want something more than just to talk to you."

"Anything more? What do you mean?"

"You know very well what I mean."

I was blushing, I knew exactly what he was referring to, but in a jacuzzi? Kristen's jacuzzi?

I admit that I have seen jacuzzi scenes in movies, series and I have also read in certain books that we had to know in the exam, but to do it in real life seems a little out of place.

I look at him and just nod.

I knew what he wanted was sex, but I wanted to hear it from his mouth.

I was looking at him, he knew what I wanted, what I craved, what I wanted to do.

He comes closer to me and puts his head on my shoulder.

"Finn, I want you, I want you to give me hope that I can love again without ending up being cheated on. Promise me that if we do this, you won't betray me after."

I hated to admit it but I felt sorry for him, I felt compelled to, I felt like I owed him something just for being in this jacuzzi with him.

I wanted to do it I just didn't feel like I needed to do it so early, we're not even in a relationship yet and he already wanted to do it.

But I felt pressured to do it, the way he rested his head on my shoulder and said the words, I thought he needed it.

I tell him to raise his head a little, I had taken my binder off even though I didn't feel comfortable without a binder, I don't know why I did that, I probably wanted to give him acces to something I think he would like.

He looks at me confused and says.

"Why did you take it off? There was no need. I know you're not comfortable."

"It's no problem, you whatever you want, absolutely whatever you want. You can touch them if you want. I freed them from the binder so you can do whatever you want, anyway if we do it you'll have to touch something else. So don't worry."

He doesn't say anything and gets to work, he touches them feeling how firm they are, they weren't big but not too small either. I didn't like it that much because I didn't feel much just from touches.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks me, as if begging me to kiss him.

I do and he quickly responds to my kiss.

I get on top of him, my ass on his lap. My ass was touching his member which was erect. He kisses my neck and wraps his hands around my waist, going down to my thighs.

I wanted it to end because even though I was in love with him it still seemed too early what we were doing.

He sucked my nipples with his mouth and navigated my body with his hands.

I didn't totally hate what I was doing, I just felt like something inside me wasn't in the mood for sex.

"Are you ready?"

I nod affirmatively.

And out of the blue he enters me.

I liked it but I wanted it to end soon.

I wanted it to end soon.