Chereads / Harry Potter The Surprise / Chapter 61 - Summer Plans and Unwanted Guests

Chapter 61 - Summer Plans and Unwanted Guests

A Lucius who was incandescent with rage challenged her suitability to wear that particular crest immediately, and loudly. "By what right does a mudblood were the crest to the House of Black? Imagine, a mudblood with Toujours Pur on her chest. You'll be the laughing stock of magical Britain by tomorrow. The Black family magic will never accept her, or any spawn that crawls out from between her legs..."

Sirius was reaching for his wand but was stopped by Harry, a Harry who was learning from those memories of Tom's to channel his rage into revenge - and Harry's rage was mighty. "Allow me, Lord Black, since it is my betrothed he is insulting."

With clenched teeth, Sirius nodded to his godson. "Very well, Lord Potter, though this insult to my family will not be forgotten."

"Lucius, you act all superior - and are quite good at it - until you open your mouth and totally destroy any illusion of breeding. This type of behaviour might have been acceptable amongst your Death Eater buddies and that half-blood bastard you called master, in front of ladies it's degrading, disgusting and foul. Mrs Malfoy, I can only apologise - and assure you that the current and future Lord Blacks would never allow a daughter of our house to marry well beneath them for something as vulgar as money."

They had now attracted quite a crowd, so Harry continued playing to them. "It must be terrible to watch your son try to model himself on his father, a wizard with no manners, etiquette or breeding. His magical prowess isn't that great either. He tried to kill me when I was twelve - and a house elf dumped him on his arse."

This drew a lot of laughter from the growing crowd, leaving Lucius trembling with anger. Since there were so many witnesses, and one of them was the Bones bitch, he was powerless to respond other than with a threat.

"I told you then you would meet the same sticky end as your parents, and I still stand by that. You and your mudblood won't graduate from Hogwarts, you can bet your vault on that."

Even someone with the training of Narcissa Malfoy couldn't keep the look of horror from her face at her husband's words. Harry then confirmed what everyone bar Lucius appeared to grasp, he publicly rubbed Malfoy's nose in this revelation too.

"Yes, Mrs Malfoy, your husband all but confirmed his murder attempt on me. Sadly, that's not enough proof for Madam Bones here to arrest him. I would suggest dragging him away though, before his breeding shows true and he does something that will see him arrested. Have you got your mask with you, Lucius? Did you know it was confirmed this week that it's impossible to take the Dark Mark while under the imperius curse? How much is it costing you to stop that fact making the Prophet?"

Harry had to shout the last part as Narcissa was physically dragging her husband away. Harry shouting though just ensured more people heard him, and one glance at Malfoy's reaction told everyone the truth of the matter. Lucius stumbled and almost fell at hearing what he considered a secret shouted across a train platform now full of magical parents.

While all eyes were on Malfoy, Hermione grabbed Harry and proceeded to administer one of her special reward kisses. She loved when Harry let his intelligent side out to play, and Harry had just hurt Malfoy far more effectively than if he'd drawn his wand.

They broke their kiss to find the newly arrived Molly Weasley's disapproval for their public display of affection pouring over them. That disapproval reached Niagara Falls proportions after Molly spotted the crests on Hermione's robes.

Before there was an eruption to rival Mount Vesuvius raining death and destruction onto Pompeii, Arthur did the unthinkable and interrupted his wife. He was clearly excited about something, so excited Arthur didn't realise the rollicking he was in for tonight.

"Harry, it's wonderful to see you again, you too Hermione. I've actually got some wonderful news for you, I've managed to get us all tickets for the Quidditch World Cup this summer."

"I'm sorry, Mr Weasley, We won't be in the country this summer. Thanks for thinking about us but we'll have to give it a miss."

The approaching Hogwarts Express drew all the attention away from their conversation, which was probably just as well as Arthur looked as if someone had stollen his precious muggle plug collection. He tried to stumble out a reply.

"The thing is, you see, I kinda used your name to get the tickets. If you can't go, then I don't think any of us will make the final."

Instantly recognising the attempt at emotional blackmail, Harry stood firm. "I'm really sorry, but we won't make it. There's just so much to do..."

Spotting her husband's crestfallen expression alerted Molly that something was wrong. Hearing Harry's last answer saw Molly enter the fray, in her own inimitable style. "What do you mean you won't make it? Of course you'll make it, Harry. You'll be staying at the Burrow after all..."

Deliberately ignoring the lack of an invitation for Hermione, Harry was adamant. "No, sorry we won't..."

Seeing the determination in those green eyes, Molly knew it was time to unleash her big gun. "But Albus said you would be spending part of the holiday with us..."

This was exactly the wrong thing to say though as Harry's attitude visibly hardened. "Albus Dumbledore is a Headmaster, he has no say in where or how I spend my summers."

The disrespect in Harry's voice shocked Molly more than anything else she'd seen or heard here today. "Albus Dumbledore is a great man..."

Harry cut right across Molly before she could build up a head of steam. "Great or otherwise, he still has no say in how I spend my holidays."

With a stern stare, Molly fired off a parting comment before going to search for her brood. "You've changed, Harry, and not for the better. I'll be talking with Albus about this."

While Sirius and Hermione were left jokingly debating about which of them Molly's stare and ire was directed at, Harry had a quiet word with Remus.

"You have got written permission that we can take Ron with us? After that, we may need to kidnap him..."

Hermione's laughter stopped anything more Harry was going to say. The three wizards waited on hearing the reason behind that laughter, Hermione didn't disappoint.

"Molly wants Ginny to be on Harry's arm nearly as much as her daughter does. The chances of me and you leaving here without little Miss Weasley tagging along are nil, especially if Molly has anything to do with it."

Harry so wanted to rant and rave in frustration at the truth behind his betrothed's words but that would have to wait, Neville was approaching with his gran. Harry consoled himself with the fact that it shouldn't take long to get everyone organised, and then they would be off on a well-earned and much needed holiday.


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