[The Cave...]
Kael walked out of the smoke, regenerating his injured body parts while laughing maniacally.
"I survived, but can he?..." Kael laughed.
Thomas was losing consciousness. He had lost his left hand, his right eye, and was severely wounded.
"(With blurry vision and in pain) I... I failed... (coughing blood) to protect... her... (Isolde)," Thomas murmured, recalling the moments he had spent with her.
Isolde and Edwin were devastated for Thomas and wanted to take revenge on Kael.
Isolde ran toward Thomas.
"Tch... We're all doomed because of this monster," Edwin thought bitterly.
Kael noticed Isolde running. "What do you think, girl? You can just pass me to meet him?..." Kael sneered, closing his eyes.
Kael clasped his hands together. Edwin was analyzing the situation carefully.
"(Opening his eyes, his gaze filled with bloodlust) Blood Art: Chi no Kekkai!" Kael announced. A blood barrier materialized, trapping Edwin, Isolde, and himself inside. The blood technique's output surged.
Isolde stopped in her tracks, and Edwin, though initially confused, quickly understood and began to laugh.
Kael raised an eyebrow. "What's so amusing?" he asked.
Edwin smirked. "What a fool. I admit I lack mastery in blood art, but you..." Edwin's voice grew louder. "You created a blood barrier to amplify blood techniques. Now, my weakness is no longer a factor!"
Edwin closed his eyes and clasped his hands, red markings appearing around his eyes and forehead in an unknown pattern. When he opened his eyes, they gleamed with newfound power.
"Now you'll witness the strength of the Vice Commander of the Fourth Division!"
With this, Edwin healed all the injuries inflicted by Victor and Kael.
"Oh... interesting," Kael chuckled. "That was indeed a mistake on my part, but this is exciting, you know."
Before Kael could react, Edwin was suddenly right in front of him, so close that Edwin's reflection was clear in Kael's eyes.
"I can't dodge this..." Kael thought, moments before Edwin punched him square in the face.
"(Touching his bleeding nose, smiling) This is exciting. Hit me! Hit me more, and I'll return the favor!" Kael taunted.
Isolde seized the opportunity and rushed toward the edge of the barrier. However, as soon as she touched it, an overwhelming surge of energy struck her, forcing her to collapse.
"What is this barrier? It's draining my energy just from touching it!" Isolde thought, struggling to recover.
Meanwhile, Edwin and Kael were locked in a ferocious hand-to-hand combat, their blows and movements too fast for Isolde to follow.
"Edwin never mentioned he could do this. He's faster than Thomas... though I can't say about Garrick. But right now, I have to get to Thomas. He needs me..." Isolde resolved.
[Outside the Barrier]
While Edwin and Kael's battle reached its peak, Thomas, barely clinging to life, slowly crawled toward the barrier. He collapsed just short of its edge.
[Inside the Barrier]
Kael and Edwin exchanged relentless blows, neither gaining a decisive advantage. Edwin stepped back momentarily to prepare.
"(With his blood marks glowing brighter) Tsuchichō!" Edwin roared, controlling the ground to attack Kael.
Kael, using his speed, dodged the attacks and closed the gap between them.
"Kasshō Fire Palm!" Kael shouted, enhancing his right hand with fire and striking Edwin.
Edwin felt the impact but grinned through the pain. "Tsuchichō!" he countered, using the earth to capture Kael. Giant hands of stone emerged, ensnaring him.
Kael struggled to break free as Edwin teleported to him.
"Thousand Palm Strike!" Edwin unleashed a barrage of rapid, powerful strikes.
"(Getting beaten) Why am I growing weaker?! Is that brat suppressing me, or is there another reason? Whatever it is, I won't be able to control this body much longer. At least I'll kill that Van brat first!" Kael thought, enraged.
Kael condensed the blood barrier until it enveloped only himself. Breaking free from Edwin's stone hands, he struck Edwin down. Edwin, unable to sustain his blood-enhanced form, collapsed as the blood barrier disappeared.
Kael smashed Edwin into the ground, his screams echoing in the cave.
Laughing like a madman, Kael appeared monstrous, drenched in blood. Isolde felt a deep sense of fear and revulsion.
Kael created another blood barrier, this time amplifying its output so much that Edwin's unconscious body couldn't withstand it. Edwin's body exploded as the barrier erupted, sending blood everywhere.
Edwin, though critically injured, was still alive, barely clinging to life.
Kael, with an evil smile, turned his gaze to Isolde and began walking toward her.
[Flashback: Before Edwin Joined Thomas and Isolde]
Edwin and Garrick had been battling Victor.
"Edwin, go help them. That brat is a threat to us all. I never thought things would come to this..." Garrick said grimly.
"Are you sure you can handle him alone?" Edwin asked.
"(Sighing) This isn't an order but a final request as your commander. Please, go help them," Garrick pleaded.
"What do you mean?!" Edwin shouted angrily. "What are you planning?"
"I'll use my pseudo form, the one our master bestowed upon me," Garrick admitted.
"You know that's a death sentence! You'll only have control of your blood beast for 10-15 minutes, and there's no guarantee you won't end up like that brat! If... if you were to loose yourself like that then there's no guarantee we will make out of here safely..Garrick please understand ..." Edwin protested.
Garrick looked at Edwin with determination. "Please... save them. Fulfill your commander's last wish. Create a world free of..." His voice trailed off.
Edwin, trying to compose himself, responded, "I... I will make sure of it, Garrick."
With that, Edwin left to assist Thomas and Isolde.
Victor stood calmly, waiting for the fight to finish.
"So, care to tell me what you're trying to achieve? And who exactly is your master?" Victor asked mockingly.