Edwin absorbed Thomas & Isolde's power.
"I will continue your legacies, my friends..."
Edwin, with his new power, was heading towards Kael.
The blood beast was struggling to maintain its control and was forcing its limit.
On the other hand, Victor was exhausted after his fight against pseudo Garrick. he checked on Mia & left his sword there & was coming to help Kael free from the blood beast.
Victor, on his way, showed Kael he was struggling to maintain his control. Victor rushed towards him, and Edwin also approached Kael from behind.
Edwin stopped as he saw Victor alive. he knew Garrick was dead, and he decided to go on his own way, quitting 'Night Ray,' but he still wanted his revenge for his friends.
Victor asked Kael, Kael, are you there?"
"(smiled) Yo, old man Victor, he is there trying (laugh) to suppress me; he will do it, but before that, I will kill you and that girl to break him mentally and take this body forever " said the blood beast currently controlling Kael.
"Oh, talking big, you got a pretty big mouth; leave him alone, said Victor.
"Maybe someone is behind us, and you would neither want to fight me nor that monster behind me, would you, Edwin? said the blood beast.
Kael kicked Invisible Edwin & tried to use his sword, but Victor stopped his sword barehanded. Edwin got up & said, Do whatever you want. I am no longer a member of 'Night Ray,' & I don't need anything. Just leave me alone, but I will for sure make you regret it & fulfill my master's wish..."
Edwin teleported outside the cave.
"I can't do anything; he had already left the cave. Following him is impossible when Kael is in his possession, Victor thought.
"Kael, don't let him take over you..." said Victor.
"He can't listen to you, said the blood beast.
"If it comes to this, I will seal you for good. Aran seal technique: 5 fingers sealing"
"Seal me, but you have to touch me (he felt a resistance). No, no, what's this again? Why you! Boy "
Kael said, Fool, I can listen to my grandfather."
Victor used his 5 fingers and struck Kael's heart, thus sealing the blood beast temporarily...
Kael finally regained his senses; he was quite tired but fine.
"This boy, what an incredible regeneration; if he can master this power, what will be his power?
"Grandpa (he hugged Victor). I killed them (sad). I killed humans..." said Kael emotionally.
"(Confront Kael) First of all, it was not you, but if you feel sad, remember they were willing to die for their goal, whether good or bad. They did not regret their decision; they lived as they wished.
They might be right or wrong. If you feel sad as you show a side that is hidden from the world and needs work, then continue that legacy but in the correct way " said Victor.
"Thank you, Grandpa. I…I feel better now. And are you & Mia fine?"
"Yes, I am fine, and she is asleep... Kael, I will tell you about the seal after we get out of here. Let's go behind these doors. Behind this door, there is one of the 3 great Ivan treasures. It might be a soul stone, a beast stone, or a life stone. Life stones give power to humans and this world. Soul stones control the soul world, the place for souls, and beast stones control the beast world, the place for blood beasts. According to legends, when these three are combined, something out of our knowledge happens," said Victor.
"Soul world! Beast world? he asked.
"I can explain a little about the beast world, but the soul world is out of my knowledge. Now, Kael, let's head inside the door."
Victor is opening the door.
[Gate slightly opens...]