Chapter 7 - Ch 7 : System and Planning

As he navigated through the mansion towards his room, he is slowly getting weaker and weaker, upon nearing his destination and grab the door open with his hands, he suddenly collapsed to the floor and for the third time that day, he close his eyes.

Marie was just lurking around on the dark hallway after getting a potato snacks from the kitchen, when she suddenly stumble upon a thing on her feets, feeling freaked out she accidently kicked the hell out of those things with full force, while the thing just leaks it's guttered voice,


" Ahhh!!!! I am sorry it was unintentional"

When she just wants to apologize to that thing, she felt shocked and confused, as it is the young master that she just kicked mercifully just now,

"Young master, I am sorry, I don't know you love to crawl like this at night"

But the man concerned just stay silent, remain unperturbed, Feeling no responds from the young master, she turns his limp back body facing her, she noticed that the young master is currently unconscious while he is clutching his blooded chest area with grimace on his face, Seeing this, she drew to a conclusion.

'i know this is going to happen, you should hear my concern to the very end master' she sighed

Without further thoughts, she just lifted his body in a princess carry pose and went inside his room to further treats him.


In the morning, slowly Anon open his eyes, witnessing the sunrise, a calm atmosphere and serene room, he felt relieved,

'seems like I am still alive'

'that insane woman, she should have heal me before going back!!!"

'Never thought that one day I'll be screwed up for just being a little narcissist!!!'

Seeing his bare chest, that is now wrapped in bandage, he conclude that Marie is the one that treats him. He felt thankful because at least the 'small reaper' still have pity and relevence.

Wandering his eyes towards the room, he suddenly felt shocked when his eyes sees the figure standing at the corner of his room, staring at him suspiciously along with a dark vibe. Marie was standing there with a sinister smile and excited expressions,

'Bloody reaper!!!, that's feels eerie'

[System : well you are not wrong host it's indeed the 'small reaper']

'why did she smile like that, it's creeping me out!!!'

Then, Anon tried to calm down once again, he just then gesture for Marie to came near him in which Marie responded,

"Yes, young master..?"

"Why are standing there, and in the dark corner nonetheless"

"I was trying to not wake you up, and I feel this is a safe and perfect place while looking after you master"

Anon : .....

"Anyway,..Umm, thank you for treating me"

"Eh, no problem young master, it's been quite a while for me to treat you since 2 years ago" she smiled happily,

'its been a while my ass!!!'

' I am right, this girl enjoy seeing me in pain!!!'

Then Anon just breath down slowly, and decided to chase Marie out from the room, who knows what she will do if she is overly excited.

"Marie, you can go out now, I need alone time to arrange my thoughts"

"Umm, but young master you still.."

"I'll call out to you when I need something okay"

"Okay...", even though she feels dejected she just comply with his young master commands and went out from the room.

After that, Anon just breath out a sigh of relief while calling out the system,


[System : Yes host, by the way I am glad that you are still alive host]

[I thought you are already gone yesterday]

'I am almost half gone you know!!!'

[System : Anyway, the move you done yesterday are quite bold and endearing but I like it tho host]

[Professing your imaginative Eternal LOVE story towards your sister, it's an enjoyable sight to behold]

Hearing that, Anon just blushed in embarrassment and shouts in his head,

'It's cringe and I almost rip out my mouth because of saying such things!!!'

Then he feels confused for such action but he seems to know the roots cause of it.

'is it because of Anon presets again?'

[System : More or less host, what I can say is that both of your personality and his presets compliments each other producing such results]

'hmmm, at least, his character presets help me escape from death once'

'have he fallen in love in the past?'

[System : None that I could remember host]

'hmm, that's good'

[System : owh!!, one thing I am curious host, how are you going to settle things with Adelia]

[Regarding your imaginary crush..]

'why are saying that, I just have to find someone inside the grand library that match my previous description, make a fake agreements and BOOM we settle a problem'

[System : But host, from the information that I am provided with, only an elderly and male visitor frequently go to the Grand Library]

'what!!!, if she knows this, I am doomed!!!'

[System : well worry not host, although rare, there will be some young female visitor from time to time, so good luck in finding one]

Ken : :8'

[System : or you can pick some of the older one, usually their age was ranging from 70-80 years old]

'Not even a prime woman is in that line of choice huh, only a grandma damn'

[System : Moreover what can I say is that, in the worst case scenario you can pick the male visitor, although it is contradictory, you just have to bluff through]

'the hell with that choice, I rather pick a grandma instead of becoming gay!!!'

[System : it's up to your choice host]

After fuming in annyonace, he just now realised, he have to plan everything with his current limited time, he needs to be prepared, because a week from now he will resume his so good 'routine' with his sisters. And 6 weeks after that the real arc will begin, so he ask the system,

'system, tell me everything regarding the system, how to use the points and all important matter that I need to know'

[System : owh glad you ask host, I almost forget, teehe]

Ken : :-0

[Information : Now that the host have accumulated enough points, it is recommended for the host to upgrade the system to unlock more features and used The Ultimate Bluffing Shop]

'the name was quite suspicious'

'anyway, how long will it take to upgrade the system'

[System : owh, it's only take about 366 d...]


[System : I haven't finished speaking host...]

[Well, it's only takes 366 seconds]

'did you just trick me into panic just now?'

[System : eh, no way I think you misheard host]

Anon, just gritted his teeth, day by day the system is becoming more annoying and daring, he will find away to give it lesson some day,

'whatever, just continue with the upgrade'

[System : Initiating system upgrade, consume 20 BP and proceed?]

' Proceed'

After that, the system just proceed to beeps continuously and after 6 minutes passed it suddenly rings,


[SystemV2 : system upgraded successfully]

'yosh, let's go'

[SystemV2 : *Ultimate Bluffing Store* feature are now available and usable for host]

[*Status screen feature are now available for host*]

[*Camera feature are now available to host*]

After receiving those notifications, Anon was satisfied, the first and second features are easy to understand but he is confused with the third feature, why a camera all of sudden, can he use the camera to bluff and rack some points?, feeling confused he asked the system,

'system, why is there a camera features on you, is it a malfunction or just an error?'

[SystemV2 : No host, it's an fanservices features and you should be familiar with it's functions]

When he received those information, he just became more confused,

'what is the purpose, I should be familiar?'

Just like a strict of lightning that came to stun him, he finally realised and connect the dots, fatty chou, webnovel, harem and LEMONS, which makes him feel conflicted, should he felt grateful and happy or not, if this is a normal webnovel he will surely approved of it, but this is an insane world, just in two days he have been dancing with Mr.death merriously,

'system, just to confirm what are the tags for this novel again???'

[SystemV2 : The tags for this novel are,....harem...Milf...Bondage...fantasy...R18...Reverse Rape...]

seeing the last tag, he grimaced

'i am doomed, I'll be dead when someone suddenly decided to fuck me up senseless, considering their wild nature even more with his good looks and appetizing figure'

'Wait, I noticed that when reading briefly till 100ch there are no such scene right'

[SystemV2 : Yes host, this novel was still in its early developments, when the host read it, there are still no R18 scene involved until ch100]

'Fuhn, I am safe, well good for you lil bro'

[SystemV2 : But host, you cannot be sure because do you remember, what happen yesterday with Adelia, that is considered mild R18 scene]

After hearing that, he finally realised the truth, from the moment he came to this world, his actions are already alternating and changing the novel slowly, so he cannot be too sure.

'its the butterfly effect!!!'

'hmmm, I don't have an option anyway, if I follow the original route I'll be dead in 35ch, so whatever, I just have to go along with it'

Theres only one goal for him right now, that is to survive until the end and reclaim his victory punching those goofy pink ball. While suddenly the system decided to cheer him up,

[SystemV2 : Theres no need to worry host, because with the system you could achieve the impossible]

'Yeah..yeah thanks for the heads up, I'll be sure to kick that pink_snowball in the future'

[System : :( ]