I'm currently at the Indigo Plateau to meet up with Lance, The Elite 4, Surge, and Sabrina.
"Morning team," I said as I walked into the meeting room.
"Good, now that everyone's here we can get started," said Agatha snarkily
"Hey I was told to be here at 9 am and it's not yet 9 am so I am early," I responded
"Anyway," said Lance cutting us off before Agatha could reply "We're here to discuss how to take over the island before they can kill off their test subjects and scrub the data on their terminal"
"You don't need to worry about the data," I said to Lance throwing him a USB that I had Porygon create for me earlier "I already have a trojan installed in the Rocket system just plug this into a computer and it will give you full access to their systems"
Everyone turned to look at me shocked as Lance responded "Kai we've been strategizing how to take down Team Rocket for years and you've had a way to access their computers for how long exactly?"
"About a week I only decided to try and take them down when Metagross reminded me of their existence, and as you know from the software I have under my company I'm pretty good at coding. So I figured if we want to take them down why not round up all of their operatives across the Indigo and have them taken down all at once." I said nonchalantly
"Okay, Kai you've got the floor. How would you do that?" Asked Lance
"First I'd get the heads of the Rangers, the Matriarch of the Jenny clan, and the head of Interpol in here to give them the names of the double agents that have infiltrated their organizations. Give them 24 hours to eradicate the mole's then get them into place to take down the names on the list but tell them to hold off until they get the signal to tell them all to move at the same time. This way they won't be able to inform the others that were coming and they won't be able to escape." I said with a rather savage grin. "Currently they are only in the Indigo however they have plans to branch out to Honnen. Let's get rid of them before they can."
"Well the kid's plan is good but why do you need me and Sabrina?" asked Surge
"Sabrina will be coming with me and Agatha to New Island, Mewtwo's an extremely formidable Psychic-type with no clue how to control his powers, so Sabrina will help with that Agatha is there so that her Ghosts can infiltrate the meeting between the Rocket higher-ups and knock them out before they can release any of their pokemon, I will be there as Mewtwo only knows Metagross and I, I would rather he knows we are there to help him and not another group that is there to kidnap him. Surge, you will be going with Lance, Lorelei, and Bruno to take down Rocket Academy, there will be a lot of open combat there so I want you there to deal with the largest group." I said detailing where I want them and why.
"Okay, we have a plan of action. Now let's execute it meet back here at 0900, I'm going to get in touch with the heads of the Rangers, the Matriarch of the Jenny clan, and the head of Interpol and let them in on what's going on." Said Lance rubbing his forehead and leaving the room.
9 am the next day
"Okay, all teams are in place all we need to do is get us into place before the mission is ago." Said Lance
"Okay Metagross will teleport Sabrina, Agatha and I into position. I trust you have a Psychic on hand to teleport you to your site?" I asked Lance
"Each of us has our League-appointed Alakazam to teleport us into position."
"Okay let's go," I said.
I currently have 12 Pokemon on hand, due to me being a Professor I don't have a carry limit.
I currently have my Metagross, Dusknior, Mismagus, Annihilape, Mega Gengar, Machamp, Garchomp, Luxray, Tyrantrum, and Rhyperior for direct combat. I also brought my Shiny Gardevoir and Blissney for healing.
Agatha has her Mega Gengar, another Gengar, Spiritomb, Banette, Dusknior, and a Mismagus.
Sabrina has her Mega Alakazam, Slowbro, Gardevoir, Espeon, Slowking, and Gallade.
I had published papers on the evolution conditions of Rhyperior, Dusknior, Mismagus, Annihilape, Blissney, Slowking, and Gallade in my time at Pewter as well as a paper on 'Friendship evolutions'.
Arriving at New Island Metagross entered Mewtwo's mindscape and informed him and the others that we will be attacking New Island in the next few minutes and that the combat that they will feel around them will be us taking them down. I also took the initiative and introduced him to Sabrina telling him that once he's awake before he can decide what he wants to do he would be spending some time with her so that he can learn to control his formidable psychic abilities so that he doesn't cause anyone any accidental injuries. I also assured him that him, Amber, and the Pokemon in the lab will not be separated as they will all be going to Sabrina's Gym together. I didn't need to explain what a gym was as it turned out Metagross had been giving them lessons on the outside world while I slept as his species didn't need to sleep.
"Everyone in place?" Said Lance through the radio.
"Ready" was the response
"Okay in 3"
"Go, Go, Go"
Agatha told her ghosts to knock out and restrain the Rocket higher-ups I had my ghosts knock out the guards and open the doors for us. we then proceeded to move through the building with Metagross Psychically sensing and knocking out anyone around us as we made our way around the compound. As we made our way to the lab where Mewtwo, Amber, and the Pokemon were held Agatha separated to move the Rockets to a jail cell starting with the higher-ups.
Upon making it to the Lab Metagross informed the group that we were there before he started going through the data. Over the past week, he had been going through medical books on the anatomy and physiology of Pokemon and humans so he had an understanding of the data he was seeing.
We informed Mewtwo that we'd be releasing the smaller Pokemon first before we released him and Amber due to the difficulty we would face keeping them all alive. With their consent, Metagross started to release the cloned Pokemon. After about an hour Blissney and Gardevoir informed me that all the Pokemon were stable and we could proceed with Mewtwo.
After Metagross told Mewtwo he would be released in a few minutes we woke him up and an ungodly amount of pressure appeared pressing down on everyone. Immediately Sabrina, Metagross, Mega Alakazam, and Gardevoir started working with him to suppress his Psychic abilities so that they wouldn't leak out and hurt anyone. after about 10 minutes and Agatha running in, in a panic thinking we were under attack Mewtwo had enough rudimentary control of his abilities that we could move on to getting Amber out of the Cloning vat.
After checking the data Metagross told Amber and Mewtwo that Amber's awakening would be slightly different from the other Pokemon's awakening this was due to the fact that they were cloned using similar methods and Pokemon had their Aura Awakened naturally at the point of birth, however, humans don't naturally awaken Aura so naturally she wouldn't have survived, but as I have Aura I can awaken her's, this would also mean that after Mewtwo's training with Sabrina Amber would have to come and train with me or Bruno on how to control it.
After informing Sabrina and Mewtwo about the situation I had Metagross remove Amber from the cloning vat and lie her down on one of the tables in the room before grabbing her hands and using my aura to stimulate hers. After a few minutes of constant stimulation, her Aura started circulating around her body on its own and I deemed her safe to move.
"All right all Pokemon accounted for and Amber secured. Now we need to get Amber registered as a citizen of the Indigo, get the cloned Pokemon to my island, and get Mewtwo registered in the PokeDex before we can go any further than this." I told everyone in the room before I had Metagross teleport all of us to the Indigo Plateau to celebrate a job well done.
A/N I have one more fast-paced chapter to write. After that chapter the MC will be in Sinnoh which was my favorite Region and will be having proper chapters