Chapter 1: The Fall of A SurvivorIn the heart of the treacherous NGL (Neo-Green Life), a young man named Ren was born. From a young age, he was a survivor, navigating the hostile wilderness that consumed so many lives. His parents were researchers, intent on studying the diverse flora and fauna, but they fell victim to the Chimera Ants' invasion, leaving Ren alone to fend for himself.
By the time Ren turned eighteen, he was a ghost of his former self, gaunt and driven by a singular desire for vengeance against the Chimera Ants that had stolen everything from him.
He discovered Nen through sheer desperation, training himself to survive against the relentless predators of NGL. His unique Nen ability, Rebirth of the Hive, was a manifestation of his intense will to overcome his enemies by becoming one of them.
One fateful day, Ren found himself on the brink of death, surrounded by a group of Chimera Ants. As they closed in, he activated the Chrysalis Awakening by chance,as a desperate last resort.