A few days later. Almost midnight. The younger man living in this apartment has fallen asleep on the couch while reading. Don was still working on the kitchen with a small reading light on, going through some files, writing with his work laptop what he usually keep in the station. Since he had spend the most of his time with Free this afternoon and evening, helping kid study, these late hours were the only time to do his actual work at home.
But the silence breaks form these sudden beeping sounds coming from two different directions, instantly waking Free up. It was like a fire alert but much lower sound. Fastly, Don takes his phone, which was making the sound and silences it. Other sound was coming from the bedroom where Don was heading next. One of his other phones was ringing. He quiets it too and walks back to the living area, looking very charged.
Free was eyeing him quietly, freezed, no idea what was going on. Don breathes in and out. Waiting. Staring at his phone. "What is it?" younger asks quietly.
"We have a problem," Don clears calmly. Then the call he was waiting comes. And he answers. "Which one is it?" was his first question.
"D12. But he is in the area we can't go in. Blocked one. I send a request but it takes time..," man on the phone states out. "I'm calling supports as we speak. So far, everyone but D9 have answered. They are ready to move."
"Shit. I'm coming in..," Don ends the call and starts moving, gathering his stuff to leave.
"It's that bad?" Free asks then. This was clearly work related, when Don was looking that serious. His work mode was on.
"Our man in cover send the emergency signal. Get caught in action."
"It's Taro," Don clears straight while turning his eyes on Free. "He has never used a signal no matter how bad the situation is. He is using it to contact us 'cause he can't do it other way, telling us our case has taken a sudden turn where he can't change it, or he can't move or run away himself. I'm responsible what ever happens to him. So I have to go."
"Taro? C-can I help?" Free gets fastly up, realizing there was someone he knew involved.
"No," Don denys immediately, putting his jacket on. Knowing Free have become close friends with Maron, no wonder he would feel worried about Taro too. But.. "We don't have the access to that areas surveillance cameras or satellite views. I won't take you with me if I can't be sure it's save."
Satellite views? "It's here, in the city? Then I think I can help! You don't even need to take me to the scene!" younger raises his voice while walking after Don, trying to get his attention before older gets to leave.
Don stops his steps right in front of the main door and turns to look at Free, who was already standing in the kitchen area, intently looking back at him. "How?"
"I have an access to an old russian spy satellite that might be just above us, maybe, probably, quite surely..," Free explains, trying to think the timing at the same time. "What ever it's worth a shot!"
Man stares Free quietly, really dropping his rush. Trying to clarify what he just heard. "You have.. what?"
"It's not illegal. I own part of it, kinda," kid continues with a more calmer voice, seeing Don was feeling very sceptical here.
But then older sighs out, waves his hand. "Let's go. Please explain me in the car.."
- - - -
They walk in from the side doors and head toward the elevators. "My group is on the third floor," Don clears when they step in and calls the floor. While they were waiting the elevator get on their floor, man fastly introduces the area where Free would be working in later. "If you ever need to find me here that's where our desks are. The second floor has the doc stay and cafeteria area. Be free to order what ever from the menu at daytime. There are some workers then. At mornings you can make your own coffee. Just put your last name on the list and they will charge me after. I will give you a tetour later at the better time. This is the fourth floor," elevator stops and Don steps hastily out, Free behind him. They walk in to this box looking small room on their left, which door was already slightly open. "What we got?" Don asks then, not even looking the guy sitting in front of his monitors or the older man standing next to him, but looking to this big screen in front of them.
"Still waiting the permission," Mark answers while turning his eyes toward them, surprised to see this younger man here. They haven't seen each other since the day Free came to confess. After fastly noding as a greet, Mark looks Don. "He's been there long. But suddenly gave the signal. No suspicious movements around the area either. So what ever happened, happened in."
"We are going in. My men are ready," Don says, then turns his look to Free and waves his hand toward the sitting guy. "This is Luor Troka. Please tell him what you told me." After quick introdusing, Don leaves the room, Mark behind him. A guy sitting in front of these three monitors was now staring Free with an uninterest look on his pale face. This skinny man was wearing big glasses, his long hair tide up. Very unique looking guy. You couldn't really know for sure was he in his thirties or even older, when his appearance was very bland and unstylish, but his clothes were very casual and young, with huge prints on his shirt. How ever, man must be older than Don was.
Free hums, trying to keep his calm after been left behind alone. Without Don, everything here feel damn scary. "Ah, yes. Don said you can't see some area without permission or something. If it's just the bird view you need I think I can help," he states out.
"Okay?" guys voice was very doubting. But since this kid was with Don, he could at least hear him out.
That skeptical look only feed Frees ego. Finally showing his usual confident smile, youn man puts his bag on the table and takes his laptop out. "But if you don't want to get linked to me doing this you better cut the link between mine regime and yours. I know you are in." This guy must be the one monitoring Frees doings.
Luor keeps just staring Free, not dropping his bored look. "Can't do that."
"Not my loss..," Free opens his laptop and goes to his internet drowser, Luor watching his every move. When young man writes an odd URL and opens it, fastly moving from link to link to side to side, signing in one place and moving deeper, Luor has to drop his dull look. This clearly wasn't a normal side you could have access just like that, clouldn't find by common web searchs. Finally, Free writes his user name and gives a very long password, using sides automatic romanization tool to turn his text to Russian alphabets. "What area?" younger asks and turns the screen toward Luor.
"Is that... a russian spy satellite?" Luor asks surprised. The whole side was written on Russian. "You know Russian?"
Free was about to blurt it didn't matter was it Russian or English, he couldn't read half of anything anyway, but instead he chooses to ignore that last question and proudly smiles. "There is so much junk up there so this little one is hard to spot. It's old too and has no ability to record anything. Some Asian hackers send a signal to it and, vola, took it over. I bought myself in. Took 2 800 bucks and a risky rob but.."
"Rob? What ever. It's cool. We can use it. Probably," Luor says and takes over Frees laptop, exploring the map. Now he was visibly in a good mood. Excited even. "I guess this will leave a mark?"
"You mean someone can see what you see? Sure. Every owner can watch where you zoom. I don't mind them hacking in my com, but yours is different." Since it was governments mint.
Just humming back, Luor start to do his thing. This kind of change was so unusual Luor couldn't feel but jazzed up about it. To think some kid from streets had an access to something this cool.. Luor has totally misunderstood him, losing his every preconceived ideas about Free. But his interest to this satellite was way stronger so man ends up just ignoring the young man from now on while intently looking at the screen.
Free sighs. Guess his job here was done. Eyeing around them, he starts awing Luors computers and other stuff man had in. This guy has three different monitors running. And a huge computer with many wires behind the deck, covering the whole wall. Everything here looked very impressives. Frees own phone and his laptop were nothing compared to this. Luor must be one of those who people really called 'hackers'. Pros.
"Can we use it?" Don asks from Luor when he comes back to the doorway, getting a simple hum for answer. He was now wearing a bulletproof body armor and a gun belt, something Free has never seen on him. Especially the gun got youngers attention. Man looked suddenly very official. Like a real cop. After putting his gloves on while speaking, Don takes an earphone and sets it in his ear. "Kiho and others are already heading to the scene. You know the protocol."
"Yes, sir," Luor mumbles out, while moving his eyes on one of his own computer screens.
Now Don turns his eyes on Free, petting his head and showing a smile. "If this takes too long, go home without me," he calls. Then takes his leave.
After man was gone, Free turns his look to Luor, who was staring back, with wondering look on his face. "Can I watch?" younger carefully asks. He wasn't sure was it even appropriate him to ask that, but was too curious to care. This was his first time in here, being part of an actual job. He wouldn't get a change like this any time soon.
"Sit down," Luor moves his eyes away while pointing the other chair behind him. Acting humble, Free sits down, keeps eyeing around. "Thanks to your satellite I can make sure they are not walking on ambush or anything. Having an guarding eye above them makes their job easier. They can now see what we see. Here," man continues, showing a small window what had appeared on the right corner of one of his monitors. When Luor was able to share the same zoomed view from Frees laptop on his own monitor, even without visibly wires, Free has no idea. Leaving him very confused. But impressed. This was so out from his poor knowledge. "From our normal roads the area is blocket. That means it's either some rich bitches area and has the privacy block or it's military area. Officially, we need a permission to break that block."
"It's King Martins area," Free suddenly says, had already recognized the area Luor looked out from their city. Young man hesitated first to talk out loud, but decided to speak out anyway. People in here were some who Don work with. Free should act casual from the beginning. At least this Luor seem to be very casual. Making it even easier to Free act so too. "A gang area. They kidnap girls and sell them onward. You normally don't wanna go near that place."
Luor nods. "You are well-informed."
Free hums. "I'm from streets of Kerdon. Gangs like them do their searchings in my area too. Lost three friends to them. All girls. They tried to catch me once too," he explains. This was nothing big. Just something what everyone in streets have to know if they wanted survive in that concrete hell. "There is a big reason why streets are full of boys, you know. Girls are more valuable items. We have to know them to be able to be one step ahead."
"I'm surprised you knew them," Dons voice speaks out from the speaker in front of them. "You might really end up being useful in many areas." Man has just get back in his car and was now heading to the scene. Since Luor kept his own mic on, sharing their frequency, he could hear their conversation as clearly as standing in the room with them.
Hearing his voice this suddenly made Free feel very confused at first. But when Luor shows this window where they could see different code names being either on or off, the first one with the name D1 being the only one online at the moment, Free understood this must be like a shared phone call. "What, you hear us? I know a lot. That's what you will pay me for someday," he clicks his tongue back.
Don smirks. "What you just said about King and his men, we know that all. Do you have something more?"
"Isn't that enough to know you to get rid of him?" young man tsihs. Shouldn't cops just walk in and arrest that bastard if they knew all that already? "King is discusting. He has a harem of brainwashed kids."
That was impressive. You can't underestimate the value of streets ears and eyes. Free has just proved that right. "And you know this how?"
"One of my friends.. I was on my own business when I saw her with him in the hotel area just half year after she vanished. Wasn't.. herself anymore. So I think the rumors were true. That was about two years ago."
"Well there you are right," Don hums. "One of my men found a lead after his friend from streets disappeared. Found out where she's been taken. From that on, we have gathered evidence against him and the group under him." Man starts explaining, clearing how they have proceed. "King Martin has been a big name a long time, but before no one has been able to prove anything. He has his ways to hide. That's why D12 is in now."
That code name must be Taros. Free felt very excited 'cause he could witness Don going against that crazy gang, but at the same time he felt damn scared for Taro. Thinking Taro was with King right now, under cover as Don cleared before, made Free feel sick. "Will Taro be okay?" young man asks then. What ever Taro was doing in cover must not be nice at all.
"He is a type you can't hurt. In any way. So don't worry," Don calmly states out. And adds the rest with a lower voice. "It's the rest of us who will be not okay if we can't get him out in one piece."
- - - -
After some time later, Don has finally arrived near their mine area, leaving the car two blocks away. Following the directions Luor has given them all to gather, Don fastly finds the back area of this old factory building where three of his men were waiting. One of them was eyeing the enclosed area where their main destination, this low but wide three-parted building located. The front was looking like any other club entrance, when the back seem to be more like an old store turned into industrial hall with blacked windows. There was a parking lot with quite many cars. But they haven't seen anyone moving outside.
"They are still in, nothing outside. Not even guards. Larx went closer," one of them, Kiho, explains the situation to Don who walks next to him, silently calling them to linkup their earpieces. "He said he heard fighting. That is pretty much all we have."
"Isn't it damn fishy when you can't see anyone guarding?" younger man with light hair calmly states out, eyes locked on the screen on other young mans hold, which showed them the camera view from the drone above them. "This is clearly one of their main bases." Since they were close to the areas main harbor, this kind of club building was indeed very outstanding. Not even trying to hide it's location being quietly odd for it's should-be purpose. Indeed who would open a club in the middle of the industrial area with nothing but work and stock buildings around. Either that who already has a constant customer base or has no need for actually money flowing when the uphold money comes from somewhere else, the base being just for the looks.
"I say this is an ambush..," a blond guy with the camera screen smirks. "Shouldn't we call others?"
"I'm out if you call them..," man next to him tsihs out, turning his look on the man who was in charge.
Ignoring their conversation, but also checking the screen, Don makes his move. "We take the front and side. If they run out from back they meet the ocean and that's fine to us. I have Susan waiting a call," he takes the lead. "You know the basis. Last we know for sure, D12 was part of the group transporting items from the arriving ship. The exact time unknown. No ship seen. He is still in.
If you see kids, don't trust them. They might be loyal. D12 is the only one we want to find and secure."
"Just the five of us? Against who knows how many?" blond guy sighs while starting to run down his drone. "You sure we don't need any back up?"
"Wow you gangers are chickens..," other young man laughs quietly and checks his gun, gets ready to move.
"Not listening to an adrenaline junkie like you. I just don't wanna walk into a blind battle.."
"We are not walking in without a plan," Don clears, showing a gesture they were about to move now. "Your back up is already here. Our vice president is near too. If things get heated, we will call them." He looks at Kiho who nods back, confirming his words. "D2, with me. We take the side, follow D3. You two, the front. Find out what happened. Let's go."
The group scatters. Don and Kiho run toward the right side of the building, moving cautiously but fastly through the parking lot. Indeed the area was suspiciously quiet, but when they get closer, loud arguing could be heard. When peeking around the corner, Don spots Larx standing behind the slightly open door while holding his gun, showing his Boss the sign to be hush. Yelling was coming from inside. Then two sudden gun shots.
Immediately, Don rushs toward the door, peeks in to see no one was on sight and after confirming the sounds were coming from further he opens the door totally, moving carefully in. The waiting room looking area they first walked in and the long lane after that were quiet. But for their surprise they found two man lying motionless on the floor behind the couch, bullet holes and blood on everywhere. With only one simple glance they could tell men were already dead.
There has been a fight. Which was in a way still going on. Between whos, Don has no idea. This gang sure have bad relationships with other gangs but nothing anticipate something like this to happen. Gangs in their city keep their own territories, respect one other. And when one didn't, it would pronounce an immediate destruction war between the gangs. That everyone wanted avoid unto the end, when their actions would therefore call the third part in, give law officers a reason to act against both parts. At least King was known to be very careful and considerate when it comes to keeping low profile in front of cops. He knew his ways and kept straightly stick to them. So even if it would turn out to be an internal conflict, this fight here didn't make sense.
From Dons order, Kiho stays on the doorway, ensuring their road out for now, while Don and Larx move ahead, toward the voices. This long corridor split up to two different ways, one leading forward, one to this wider waiting area, which really gave the feeling they were walking in a former hospital or school building rather than backrooms of a club. No sign of fights here. No blood. So they move ahead toward the talking they could hear coming from near by.
"Cops? Here? Shit!" someone speaks inside one of the rooms on their right, charging both of them be ready to clear the place out. After one fast peek in, Don finally takes out his own gun while walking slowly in, removing the safety and pointing the gun toward the man with a red jacket who was holding a phone on his ear. There was another man standing next to him, back on them. It takes a short moment these two men realizing they weren't alone. When this mans eyes met with Dons, he slowly raises his hand up and loses the hold of his phone, letting out the most unsatisfied sigh. Other man holds his hand up too, showing he too was unarmed.
In this tense silence, Don takes another slow step in, keeping his intent staring on both of the men. Three bodies were lying on the floor around the room. The smell of blood was around. After clarifying men weren't showing any sign of having weapons or planning to move against them, Don gives room Larx to walk in, taking the action to handcuff the men, suring they wouldn't call others now that they have made this far. But men seem to be awfully calm. Knowing cops been now involved was the end of their part of this fight. No reason to act against those who against they would only lose harder. "One move and it's a shot," Don whispers. "You had a party without us?"
Someone was shooting. Again. And again. This time these sounds came from inner the building. Someone was shooting constantly, like emptying his magazines to something. Or someone. "The red one is the Zero. Take them," Don says to Larx, meaning with zero that this guy was one of their main targets. Kiho too walks now in, a gun on his hand. "I leave them to you. Clear what is going on. I go on my own. When time, you follow."
"You are sure?" Kiho asks, showing very openly how charged he felt to let his Boss go alone.
"D12 is here somewhere. I can behave. If not, at least you are not there to witness it," Don steps out of the room without caring Kihos angry glance and heads forward toward the noises. Keeping his speed, he walks determinedly through the corridor, finally reaching the back of the long hallway, which once again divide two different directions, left and right. The more brighter light was coming from right.
Listening carefully first was there any other alarming sounds, Don peeks to see what was going on there, but backs off immediately. A shot hits the wall next to him, nearly scratching his right shoulder. He really had no time to see other but a man standing there.
"So you finally found your way in?! Are you cops?" man spits laughing, still pointing his gun toward the wall. This older man was not planning to back off here. He was ready to give his all what ever would be coming.
"King Martin, I assume?" Don calmly asks and takes this very small mirror from his left back pocket. Slowly he moves it closer the end of the wall and looks behind with it. The room man was standing in looked like a restroom, since both the walls and the floor were covered with light tiles.
"One and only. Sorry, but you flatfoots came here too late. I'm pretty sure it's this fucker who called you in. He's yours?" this man wearing a dark suit moves his gun to point the young man sitting on the floor, while kneeling down he holds the gun against his forehead, like showing if cop moves he wouldn't hesitate to shoot. Young mans hands were tied behind. There was some dried blood under his nose. But no other visible wounds.
Don lets out this almost soundless sigh. Man has Taro. "Yeah, that's mine," he says straightly. Right now he couldn't do but stay calm and see this through. "Is he alive?"
That was an answer King wanted to hear. This cop value his little friend here enough to hold his own fire. This would buy him time. To clear his own head. "He is."
Adapt the situation, be respectful. This man lives in a world where he was the Boss. Don sets his mind and opens his mouth again. "He's just a kid. Nineteen years old. We have nothing to do with your little fight here. We were just watching you. Nothing else."
King starts laughing. "And I should believe you!? Your timing was way too perfect. Did he sell me out?! Your little friend here came with him," man moves the gun under Taros chin, pushing so hard youngers breathing start sounding hoarse.
Was man talking about his friend in red, their other target? They had a fight against each other? Choose his side. Play ignorant. "It's not my style to make my targets fight each others, risking my own men and walk in after to arrest."
"Does it matter anymore. That fucker screwed everything."
"If you are talking about the guy in red, he will screw in jail the rest of his life. I have him already. Put your gun down now and you will have a change to have your revenge. The place is surrounded. No way to run."
"Hah. I can't go to prison. We all know what they do to people like me!" King snorts, laughing.
"I can give you a private room forever. You can play your games from there."
"What's the point. Rutten there? Oh shit I should not have trust that piece of shit," man curses, lowing his head down, still keeping the gun on Taros chin.
What ever have happened was taking a strong hold on this mans psyche. Taro was still alive even after some others were dead. Take the man with you, to the same level. You are equal. Get into his side. Talk him out of his madness. "King. Just talk to me. Let's get that hate out from your system and when you are calm again, take my offer, do what is best for you. You have just lost one battle, not the whole war. Think your possibilities from now.
Let him go. And we have a deal."
"After getting rid of his toys, he plans to kill himself," Taro then tsihs out, using very mocking sounding tone in his voice. But he was talking to Don, clarifying what he knew. "He was just talking about it. How it was all over now."
Don curses Taro in his mind. That isn't helping, brat! Why suddenly provoke him like that? "Please, shut your mouth, Taro. Let the man speak."
"I know you have twisted personality. Those moves earlier, I didn't know you have that in you, freaking ninja. You must be quite a pro yourself. I underestimated you," King says while moving the gun and taking a strong hold of Taros chin with his hand instead, looking Taro. "I like you. I damn like you a lot. How about, want to come with me, boy? To the after life?"
"I don't like you so I don't want," Taro says coldly. Then turns his look toward the bodies on the bath, ten feet from them. "If you can enjoy yourself like that, you must be sick."
"I'M SICK?!" man holds the gun back to Taros forehead, pushing so strongly the hit actually made a sound. But Taro stays expressionless. "They were mine so I had all the right to put them down!!"
"King, are we making deals here or not. Let my youngster bark," Don then says. "I have time. Think this through, would you. I'm giving you the only way possible to get even with that partner of yours. You are getting a life sentence anyway. It's a whole different world in there. It doesn't have to end here."
"Why I would trust a cop ever?!"
Now Don smiles. "Who would. Can't argue with you about that. Technically I'm not a cop, just here to get my friend back. You are playing with one of my youngsters life here. Why I would lie? I want him out here alive and fine."
"You sure this one's alive? This boy is dead inside," King knocks the gun on Taros forehead a couple of times, breaking the skin even more while doing so. Still there was no sign Taro been even bothered about it. "To hell your deal. I won't be alive and fine if I get out. Life in prison. Is that even a life?"
"You have money. You can do much with money. Even in," Don clears. If he can't persuade this man out from his suicidal thoughts, there was a big change man might actually take Taro with him. If no one interrupts them, Don should have plenty of time to talk man out of it. People like King loved themselfs too much to waste their own greatness by taking their own lifes lightly. But when one becomes too accepting of their own fate, they can welcome their end quite easily.
"Hey, Taro," King then speaks again, breaking the silence, laughing a little. "When I was your age, I saw my mother been hanged in front of my eyes. By my father. I hated him for that but later I learnt what he wanted to give me was a gift. He was showing me how to remove all unnecessary bonds and live like a real man. Trust only myself.." While moving the gun away, man pulls Taro on his embrace, hugging the young man stronger, sniffing his neck. "I have been good. But unblessed without ever having a real son. My women only bear me three girls, whos I of course showed my greatest love, they were my babies. But you.. You are special. Your heart is as empty as mine. And that I love so much about you. You are everything I would have wanted from a son.."
The way man start to talk alert Don. He was just about to move, go in and make a surprise attack, but Kihos hand interrupts him, keeping him strongly still. Older shakes his head once, like knowing exactly what Don was thinking. But that option right now might turn very messy. Don drops his intentions and turns his eyes back on the mirror on his hand, looking how man in the reflection was still holding Taro.
But before Don could even open his mouth to talk to this melancholicly acting man, older speaks out again, this time moving his gun up. "I hope you will become a great man someday. Like my father. Like me.. I'm glad you are here with me now.. Taro..," the sound of a gunshot was what they could hear next. A loud bang echos around the corridors.
Don drops his mirror and pushs himself to move, pointing his gun toward the man while taking cautious steps closer. King had just shot himself. But they couldn't be sure was Taro injured. "Taro?!" he raises his voice, locking his eyes on the young man who was still sitting on the floor, having this bloody body leaning against himself.
Taro moves a little and turns his head to look behind while slowly pushing mans body, making it drop against the toilet. Mans neck area was bloody, so was the head. The way the body still moved made Taro wonder was he actually still alive. The gun was now laying on the floor, next to mans hand. But since the situation has now calmed down radically, Taro drops his act. His own ears were ringing. There was this slight pressure in his head. "Did he shot himself? I can't hear a thing..," Taro mumbles. He loses his attitude and calmly stares the body behind him.
Seeing young man seem to be okay all things considered, Don sighs and finally lows his gun while still walking forward. His heart was now beating strongly, every part of his body was feeling anxious. It's been a while Don has been in the field so it was extremely hard to keep his calm, expecially after this kind of situation. He wasn't that pleased with it. And Kiho could easily notice his Boss's struggle.
"Do you want me to-" "I'm okay..," Don cuts his words, putting his gun back to his belt. He was too experienced to let his anger take over him in the middle of the work. He was fine.
Kiho hums back and determinedly walks ahead. This kind of mess man has used to see and clean out. But Don it impact very differently. All his men knew their Boss was very ingenious tactician when it comes to fast planning under pressure, but he wasn't the best of choice to actually work in the field where they needed to act under that pressure while keeping their calm. So to give his Boss time to calm down, Kiho takes the lead here. That was his job.
"I do not recommend you to look at them," young man warns them, when men were just about to take a better look at the area. "It is not pretty." Despite Taros warning, men walk in. Just to see this horrible view on their left. There were bodies in the bath. Young girls. All shot to their heads. Blood everywhere. The smell around the bathroom was horrible.
"Oh dear God..," Kiho sighs out and immediately moves toward the bath. There was a shower curtain which he closes to hide this horrible scene for now.
It didn't take but one look in Don to turn his eyes away and take a step back. "No that fucker didn't..," man tsihs. He starts feeling extremely nauseous all of a sudden while trying to force his mind to stay calm.
Taro next to him gets wavely up, leaning on the wall. "I can't hear anything. It's all just beeping. Can you untie me?" young man calmly says, turning now his eyes on Don who was facing the other way. After not getting any reply, Taro speaks again, actually raising his voice a little. "Palenne!"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I HEARD YOU!" Don yells back, showing Taro this very angry glance. Man turns and opens the rope with his knive, then turns away once again. The more Don tried to deal these pulses he felt, the more worse it grow. What he really should do was walk away and change the area. Everything here feed his anger. The whole scene. The smell. The blood. The adrenaline in him..
Kiho has turned to look at their Boss, being ready to force him out if he shows any kind of sign to start acting the way he shouldn't. Taro too was staring Don, charged. Even that his hearing was still ringing, he could definitely hear Dons voice. He has never heard this man yelling. Never. But man seem to be quite calm so Taro eventually starts to ignore him, turns to look at the body behind him. "It is finally coming back," he says, holding his ear. "My hearing.."
While walking toward Taro, Kiho takes this white hand towel from the hook next to the mirror, moistens it with water and starts checking Taros head wound, cleaning his face from the blood. There was one slight sore on young mans forehead. But most of the blood over his face and clothes weren't his. As always, Taro was acting like nothing have happened, being as insensible as ever.
"Is he fine?" Don then asks, clearing his throat, pulling himself together. He turns to meet with Taros bored looking glance, showing a gesture with his hand younger to walk out the room and get closer. Starting his own checking from Taros wrists, which were reddish from the duck tape they were tied with just now. When Kiho hums back, clearing there must to be anything serious, Don could relax a little. "Taro. Report. What happened here? Is there others near by we should know about?"
"I am not sure what happened at first, but Sir and Sanderson came in here while I was getting the cargo ready," Taro starts to explain while Don keep checking his body for injures. Kiho walks forward to keep on guard. "Suddenly they start shooting inside the club. I barely get Sir save in here. I blocked the door from in."
"You saved him?"
Taro nods surely. "I calculated it was more important to have him alive than let him die. He is the only one who fully knows their connections," his eyes were very concentrated now when Don was here. This man was his actual Boss here. In his presence Taro felt more comfortable, so his line of thoughts could stay sharp as well. "But I think I exposed myself while protecting him. He called me an assassin. That is why I send the signal."
Don sighs out while glancing once the ring around Taros finger, which was the very item young man had used to contact them. "Continue," man says then. It was very clear now how King had found out about Taro. Seeing his normal looking hire suddenly showing his hidden skills while protecting him, anyone would suspect why someone like him was even doing a job like working as a simple 'packer'. What ever Taro has done, should stay unknown. Unmentioned out loud.
"He send his men to clear the other way here. Then this happened," Taro fastly points toward the bathroom. "You can't use Sir anymore, but the cargo I have been taking care of is still here."
"The cargo?"
"Eight girls. They are still in their keeping room."
Don turns his own mic on from his earphone. "D1 calls others. You good there?" he asks.
Not even a second and he gets his first answer. "D5 rogers. Front side clear. They are almost all dead here. Looks like they have been figthing each others here. Three alive, secured."
"D3 here. The support is already here with me. Red Zero moved in successfully. How about the other target? And D12?"
"D12 is with us. Target down. We need an extra van. Looks like there are some prisoners in," then Don keeps a slight silent before continuing. "Ask the cleaners here. The King left a mess. Tell them it's not pretty."
"D3 copy that. Bring the prisoners out from the side. Ten minutes."
After ending their link, Don turns to look at Taro, nodding his head. The sooner they could leave the area the better, for everyone of them. "Lead us. Be on guard."
Taro immediately walks pass Don and searchs his pocket to get his keys. "There is no danger in that area anymore. It's cleared. I took care of it. This way," he clears. They move ahead through the corridor and come in another wider area with two storage doors. Young man stops his steps in front of one of them, turning to look both Don and Kiho behind him. "Do not come in. Let me handle this."
"Yes, sir," Don smiles, actually enjoying a little hearing Taro giving him orders like that, since it was very weird. But young man was allowed to do so in the field. Here, Taro should stay in his character what they have build for him.
Young man opens the door with a fast hand movement and steps in. "Johanna! Make the girls ready! We are moving," his voice changes threatening, sounding actually creepy when others have used to hear only Taros flat and sometimes very impassive voice. Who ever he has copied that from sounded very defiant. And so does Taro now too.
"Moving?" one of the girls stands up and walks closer to Taro. "I heard gun shots."
"I don't care what you think you heard. Put clothes on and be ready in ten minutes. Now!"
Johanna tsihs and after showing Taro the most disgusted glance, she turns around. "Okay, girls. Let's do as he says. Come on."
After confirming children in actually start taking ready to move, Taro closes the door. His attacking personality vanishs in a nano second and he was back to his normal flat mode. "The girl who leads them is called Johanna," he says then with a silent voice. "She is the only sane here. I will give you my report later, but she is the one you want to talk with. She has been here years. There are seven other girls, youngers. King was planning to sell them to the third part. I am not sure where. They don't talk. Can't talk. But they listen to me. They have to, I am their packer. I can go with those girls and.."
"When we get you and them out, your job is done. And you will come with me," Don speaks out then, using very authoritative tone in his voice.
"Yes, sir," young man was as neutral as ever, doing just what was expected from him. No feelings in what so ever. So after getting this order, he straights his back and waits the time to move.
Taro was like an opposite of Don who has to hold his feelings in. And that made the older man even more irritated. Damn envy. "Be sure to explain Maron why your face is ruined. Again. Don't break his heart," he tsihs, letting his anger out a bit.
Hearing that name put some life in youngers grey eyes. "Is it that bad? My face?" Taro asks then with wondering voice, eyeing intently his Boss who was standing next to him, leaning on the wall. Suddenly he seem to very worried.
Don snorts, being actually quite glad from Taros reaction. Even after witnessing all kind of situations while working under cover, needing to do things normal people couldn't handle, young man hasn't let that effect his true nature. Simple nothing but Maron could shake this guy here. "Is not. Does he know where you are right now?"
"No," younger clears. "But if he asks, he will." Of course. There was nothing Taro wouldn't share with Maron. He was working for Don only because Maron allows him. Not that Maron liked a bit what kind of work Taro was doing. But since Taro was insisting to earn his own share for their living expences and these kind of jobs were the only ones he has used to do and was really good at, Maron either couldn't totally forbid it. Taking advantage of that, Don has offered this deal, heartlessly.
Having someone like Taro in his team was incredible beneficial to Don. In a way, Taro was so special it would have been a waste to not use him in the field. Dealing someone like King, working under him months.. Not just anyone could do that. But with what cost Taro has became like this, Don was trying to not think about it. Even when he knew Taro was fine with all this, Don couldn't help thinking he must take responsibility being the one who brought the young man in here. Trick him in. And now makes him do what he himself couldn't.
- - - -
Don moves his tired eyes on Taro who was sitting next to him on the front seat. After moving the girls out and clearing the area, it was time to hand the case over to the next field of activity, as scene investigators who document the crime scene and cleaners who will take care of the mess. Doing their job as so called emergency response team making the first contact and clearing the area, Dons group have filled their main mission and were now leaving. Only one staying to give data support to the people taking their place in was Kiho, who was familiar of this whole investigation, being the best person to help clarify the main things from their case to the next people in charge.
That was why Don was now sitting in his car with Taro, driving away from the Kings area to get Taro the treat he need. And of course clean young mans appearance and get him new clothes to wear. There was no way Don could drop Taro back home while looking like that, covered by blood.
"Become a great man.. What did Sir mean by that?" Taro adds his guestion.
"What you think he meant?" Don calmly asks back, turning his look back on ther road.
"I never heard him speaking like that before. So I am very curious of why he suddenly start acting so differently from his normal personality," young man speaks out, clearing his thoughts. "I can't think.. a reason. It doesn't make sense."
"Human is capable of doing anything when they are trapped. From inside or out. When facing the very end, we all act differently," man clears after taking his time to think his answer. "Some can just accept it. Some will show their true nature out. Some hides it. Some become desperate, blind from their feelings they start pretend to be something else they are not just to deal the pain.. from their sins they have done, something they can't forgive themself, something they deeply regrets..," Don speaks his words wondering. "I think he meant exactly what he said. He was trying to see himself from you. Keep living in you. Trying to share his pain and you happened to be the most suitable for that role in his mind. The heir to the legacy of his what he himself got from his own father, perhaps." After saying that, man wears a smile on his lips. Shaking his head once. "There is no way us to know what that man actually meant, what was his goal really. We can only speculate. I have met many his kinds and all I can say is you to not take any of that seriously. It's just him trying to get under your skin. You can just let it go."
Taro hums for understanding. But doesn't lose his interest about the subject. "You once said to me it takes a devil to catch another devil. You too have called me special," he says, trying to put his words right, now looking Don. "Did I do well?"
"You did perfectly," Don clears out. "You trapped him in. Help him end his misery. And others misery around him. Without you, we would still be only trying to get near him."
"Wouldn't it have been better to catch Sir alive?"
"Officially we should think so. Our judicial system determine our goals in the field, in duty it forces us to find the best results for the case. You followed that duty, tried to keep him alive for us," man explains, but couldn't help dropping his formal way to talk to say the rest while showing wider smile. "But unofficially.. No one would have blame you if you had decided to leave him behind and let him die there. In your shoes, I would have killed him myself a long ago. Because I believe my own judgement. In the end, he would have been sentenced to dead anyway."
"That is why you can't do this job. Because there are times you can't follow the rules," Taro calls, already knowing very well what kind of person his Boss was. He has seen the best from this man. And the worst. "You have no right to do that decision. I know."
"The more you to feel you have done well. Having you I don't have to break your rules," Don snorts.
"So.. which of us is the worse?"
Man turns now his eyes on Taro, who was intently looking back. It wasn't that Don hasn't used to see Taro acting more and more lively, growing while learning more and more from himself and others ever since Maron came in to his life. But sometimes this progress made Don feel alert was it even good for someone like Taro. To start overthinking.
"If my heart is as empty as his.. But he could still enjoy while taking those girls lifes.. You too can enjoy yourself. Can smile like that. But I can't," young man keeps, clearing out what he meant. "Which of us is the worse? The less human?"
Sighing out, Don moves his look away. Doesn't really want to answer. Or rather didn't know how. "If you want to compare us, that is your choice. But I can not help you with something I see pointless. Can't answer to you. We are all humen. Less or more. Just a little different from one another."
Taro stays eyeing Don a while, clearly thinking mans words through before moving his face forward. Hearing Don out seem to satisfied young man for now since Taro kept his silence for now, doesn't say more but eyeing out the city.
Really, Dons avoiding answer to Taros question should be the most right one to give. It wasn't hope or sympathy young man was seeking here, when he himself couldn't actually even feel them right, as being the way he is. What Taro was really trying to accomplish was to learn more. Find the right limits. If Don would have speak his mind out just now, say what he was really thinking, that would have bring even more confusion in Taros mind.
Taro might not like himself, struggling daily the world around himself he couldn't take a part with. Still, Don would give anything to be more like him, less himself. Taros unwanted curse sounded like the most greatest gift of all to someone like Don. Leaving him feel so envious.
- - - -
Free opens his eyes, slowly waking up on the couch where he was lying. He was still in the police building, staying in one of the waiting rooms with some beds and couchs in. This resting area was meant for workers who sometimes had to stay overnight during their cases. And since Don had really took his time with this case, been gone for hours, Luor eventually chased Free out of his box to take his rest here while Luor kept surveying what was going on in the field.
This big digital clock on the wall cleared out it was already an early morning. Free was surprised he was actually able to rest here, knowing he was indeed inside a police station, which normally would have been the last place he could feel this relaxed. But the window blinds could totally cover the street lights. Even the sounds from outside seem fully muted here. The couch too. It was way more softer than the one in Dons place. So it was actually very comfortable here.
After using the toilet, Free starts heading to the cafeteria, to get some coffee, doing as Don has suggested earlier. Using the visiting card Luor gave him, he gets pass the doors to get back to the main corridor where he could see the cafe label which guide him to the right direction. The doorway was wide and open. There were some round table areas around, a wide counter with glass cabinet and huge windows. Overall the place looked like an actually coffee place, feeling quite nice and comfy. Something you would never expect to find inside a police station. The wooden decorations and hanging ceiling lights give the calming atmosphere, like making this place look very different than the rest of the building.
Three women were talking and laughing in front of the coffee machine when Free walks in while awing the area, trying to act cool, mind his own business. But after seeing him they all turn to look at him, ending their conversation. So Free trying to be invisible was of course impossible. As always his cute appearance was enough to draw attention. "Hi. Can I get some coffee from here?" Free politely asks. He really wasn't assuming there would be anyone in at this early hours. So fake smile was how he would approach them.
"Wow, what a cute we have here," one of them awes and walks closer to meet Free. "Have you lost? Or really in the right building? Sure, we have coffee. What is your name, honey?"
"Free.. Palenne," Free answers, after wondering should he even use his last name at all. Don warned him earlier some here didn't like the guy, but he also said to order with that name here, so maybe it was okay.
"Palenne?" woman smiles doubting. Then clearly realizes something while dropping her judgemental face. "No, wait? YOU are Free?"
"Palenne?" other woman walks closer, looking more excited. "Don has a kid?"
Free felt still a little charged. The brown haired woman here definitely knows about him. But before young man could say anything, woman answers for him. "No, he is the one Don took live with him," she clears smiling, not dropping his stare. "I heard from Mark you were a cute, but what that man knows. You look gorgeous."
After hearing their friends note, others loses it. And start intently take a look at him. "What? Where did he find you? Hope Don is not planning to make you one of his men running the worst businesses. It's dangerous," other woman says, smiling, pouting his lips.
Now admiration Free has used to. He drop his worries and shows a charming smile what was definitely one of his strengths. "Too late for that," he says quietly when one of the women was admiring his eyes from very near, touching his chin.
"Poor you," woman with curly brown hair smiles. "But then you are definitely one of us. I'm Nadin. Come. Please join us."
- - - -
Hour later Don has finally get back in the station, now changing clean clothes on from his locker after a fast shower in the basement floor where they had their training and shower areas. After successfully sending the girls on the road, his and his men job for now was done. As most of the times, Mark took Dons case from here. What was left was the paper works, which Don would be dealing later. Right now he just want to finish this here and drop some files on document area, take the kid with him and head back to his apartment, take it easy.
After finishing his business on the second floor, Don was about to head back to the elevators. But luckily he could hear a very familiar voice speaking inside the cafeteria on his way.
"And then they drove the car from the bridge. No one admit ever seeing anything," Nadin laughs.
"Don put the car in the 'being fixed' -list and swam down there to take the license plates safe," other woman, Torio, explains and laughs too. "I'm sure it's still down there, that car."
"Please, don't talk about that out loud," Dons voice speaks from the doorway, making all four people in turn their eyes on him. Indeed Free was there, sitting with these three ladies while drinking his coffee. Sure, it was nice to see young man fit in, but their conversations could have been about something very else. "It took a lot of work to hide what we did."
But women chose to ignore his words. And were more excited about hearing from Don about his cute kid here. "Oh, Don. Why you haven't brough your cutie here sooner? Please be more gentler to him than you are toward Taro. He looks like an angel," Torio smirks to Don and pets Frees hair a little.
"That kid stole Roperts car and rob a jewel store. He ain't an angel," Don smiles slightly back, then turns his look to Free. "Did they tease you? These three are lovely but way too sharp from their tongues. I recommend you to act careful around them."
"Oh, so you were a bad boy, Free," third woman awes.
"I just met them, can't really tell," Free answers, carefully eyeing Dons tired appearance. The moment man showed up, younger lost his interest of the others around him. "Is Taro okay?"
"He's fine. Come. Let's go home," Don nods Free to follow and turns around, walking back toward the doorway where he came in. "Good morning, ladies," he adds quietly, clearing he was indeed taking his leave.
"Aww, Don, you can leave him here. We can take care of him, right ladies," Nadin teases. But Don doesn't answer.
"It was nice to meet you," Free smiles and gets up, immediately planning to follow Don. "I come search you again when I'm around. Wanna hear more what he has done. Can blackmail stuffs out from him."
How bold. Not just anyone dared to say something like that about Don. This one must be very special if Don let him speak out like that. "Bye!" Nadin waves her fingers.
Free waves back and rushes after Don who was calmly walking out the cafeteria. Young man could easily see something was not right. The atmosphere around Don was somehow different. "Are you okay? You look pale.."
Not giving much out, man just hums. "I do? I'm good. Just tired," Don answers and calls the elevator for them, keeping his eyes forward. His smile was a long gone.
More reasons to be alarmed. This lack of eye contact was damn odd, when Don usually looked straight at him when talking. "So how did it go? You got them?" Free carefully asks.
"Some of them," older answers straight. "They had a bloody fight against each other running when we went in. Got in the middle of it. Looks like the other mess up a cargo without other knowing and the fight was ready."
The elevator finally comes. And they walk in. "So you got King? The streets are clean for now?" Free keeps, intently eyeing the other. At least man seem to be his usual self, talking clear. Only his body language was more charged.
Don hums for answer. "He chooce a suicide," he states out, actually showing a slight smile now while calling the right floor. "That is.. You mind if we don't talk about this now?" As fast as it came, the smile was once again gone.
Free has never before seen Don acting this uneasy. Of course man was calm, didn't show anything out. But still, Free could see this wasn't normal. "Of course," he nods.
"If you want, after I have get some rest, we can do a daytime tetour in the building," man casually changes the subject. "I'm sure those three are not the only ones who will like you. It's good to get to know people here. Even the ones who barks."
"Sounds like a plan..," Free sures, eyes still locked on Don.
Older man was very aware of Frees staring. "I'm good after a rest," Don says and lays his hand on Frees head, finally glancing back once.
"You look really really pale," young man points out quietly. But Dons statement releave his mind a little.
Don really wasn't so willing to talk about this, but since kid was showing sutch an interest, he felt like he need to clear it up a little. "Yeah.. What happened there wasn't pretty. King had killed some of his girls. Pretty cold way too. It takes time to get that scene out of my head," the doors open and Don steps out from the elevator. After they were both out, older actually turns to look Free for a second, showing a smile. "But it's weird to see how worried you seem to be."
Younger tsihs back. Annoyed. "Sorry, but I can clearly see you are not all right. How I could not be worried..?" he tsihs out, following the older out through the sidedoors.
There were other people getting in here, so man doesn't say more. In silence they reach Dons car and get in. After getting their seat belts on, older starts the car and drives away from the open parking lot. Finally Don speaks out again. "Yeah, this is the first time you see me like this," he glances the younger once. Feeling more relaxed now when he was back in his own car. "I'm bad keeping my feelings in when I'm angry. And seeing what they have done pissed me off. I have to deal it soon so I won't.. make a mess or something.. But that's all on me. My problem. Don't worry." The way man said it sounded odd to Free. But before he could say anything, man keeps, having more to say. "There might be times you will walk on that kind of scene in the future. So you better be prepared when you work in this area of work."
Immediately Free nods. "Okay," he quietly says.
"It's the knowledge of yourself that defines how you can work. Or not knowledge."
"Okay?" now younger shows out a smile, clearing his throat. "Now you are losing me."
Don smiles back. "You should have seen Taro. Or not," he sighs. "That guy is on his own level. After all what we saw in there and Taro just stood there room full of bodies like nothing was wrong around him."
"I don't want to imagine..," really, someone like Taro seem to be too unique to compare with anyone.
"Please, don't ever become like him," Don then says, notably lowing his voice. "He could have died there. But can't even care less. I myself usually can't give a damn if someone is suicidal, but he makes me worry over him, because he can't do it himself." After saying so he turns to look at Free. "Don't ever let me worry about you like that. That I can not stand."
The look on Dons face was very serious. Honest. Even a little scary when man seem to say that like giving you an order. What you surely want to obey. Free really doesn't want to find out what Don would do if he ever screws up at work. So he definitely will avoid such at any way possible.
"I won't.."