Chapter 89 - Chapter 88

As the girl began to ramble on about her favorite story featuring him, Harry just managed to contain his grimace. This was one of the reasons he did not approve of those books. Aside from the fact that they were making money off his name without a knut of it going to him, they were not just stories that contained inaccurate information about his life before Hogwarts.

People like this little girl actually believed they were true. Children and possibly even some adults really believed that he did all of those things. They were not just telling lies, but building up an image of him that did not match the real him. Those books were setting up expectations he could not meet, and Harry did not like that.

Plus, children like this girl were going to be awfully heartbroken when they finally learned the truth. There was nothing worse for a child than having your dreams destroyed. Harry knew that from experience.

"Heir Potter?"

Looking up, Harry found himself very thankful when he saw Emily Smith standing in the doorway that lead further into the hospital.

"Looks like it's time for my appointment so I'm afraid I must leave you." The girl looked awfully disappointed by this, but perked up when Harry ruffled her hair in an almost brotherly gesture. He would not be kissing babies any time soon, or ever, but that did not mean he wouldn't show kindness to a child. "You be good for your father, ok?"

As the girl promised she would be a good girl, Harry cast a wandless finite on her hair, changing it back to what he assumed was her normal honey streaked brown hair. He ignored the awed look her father cast him as he strode towards Emily Smith.

"You know, I should probably report you for using magic outside of school," Emily said, smiling as she led Harry through the door and into a long corridor filled with numbered doors that started at one hundred and moved up from there.

Emily Smith was a mildly attractive young woman. She wasn't very tall. Harry reached her shoulder. Her hair was long and dark, nearly as dark as his own, and her eyes were a light blue. They were almond shaped and set on a lovely face with a small nose and full lips.

Harry's eyes flickered to those lips for a moment, before discreetly slipping down to her bustline.

He was unsure whether to be thankful or curse the fact that her breasts were hidden from view by the overly large Mediwizard robes.


"Hmm?" Harry blinked, snapping back to reality. "Yes?"

"Are you alright?" Emily asked, her eyes staring into his. "You seem to be a bit distracted today."

"Yes," Harry took a deep breath, calming himself. Now was not the time to get distracted. "I am fine."

Emily did not look convinced, but decided not to inquire further.

She soon led him into a room that looked very similar to a normal doctors office in the muggle world. In fact, the only difference he could see was they had a cabinet full of potions instead of pills and there were several magical devices that whirred and croaked. Those definitely did not belong in a regular non magical hospital.

"Please take a seat, Harry," Emily used his first name and no title now that they were not in a public setting. Harry did as suggested while the young woman set about getting quills and parchment. "Now, to start, I want you to know that anything we find out and discuss here today will not leave this room. All Mediwizards take a magical oath to never betray their patience confidence, so you do not need to worry about any... fans discovering your medical records or something of that nature."

"That's good to know." He actually hadn't thought of that, but now that she had mentioned it as a possibility, he couldn't help but shiver. The thought of rabid fans, or worse, one of those reporters for a magazine like Teen Witch Weekly, getting their hands on any personal files pertaining to him were not pleasant. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Emily sounded amused.

Walking over to where he was sitting, she set a piece of parchment down on the table a few feet to his left. Then she brought out a quill, which began hovering over the parchment after she released it. After that, she grabbed the wand she had set down on the counter and stood in front of him.

"Let's get started, shall we?" she said rhetorically. "I want you to just sit there. Try to remain as still as you can. Small movements can interfere with the magic, you see."

"Of course," Harry agreed and quickly set about relaxing his body so it would not be too tense while the young Mediwizard went about her task.

As Emily began swishing her wand about in complicated patterns, a large and complex series of runes began glowing on the examining table he was sitting on. A good deal of them Harry recognized as Nordic Runes, like Soliwo and Fehu. But there were others he did not recognize. They must have been a language he was not familiar with.




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