Chapter 86 - Chapter 85

"Ah... Um..." They was certainly not the most eloquent words I had ever spoken, but I think I can be excused this one time. Thankfully, I did manage to recover my voice enough to give a proper response eventually. "Are you sure you should give this to me? I don't want you to get in trouble with your father or anything..."

Selene's eyes narrowed for a moment, before disappearing behind her smile.

"Do not worry about my father," she said confidently. "I will deal with him."

I frowned. She didn't sound as confident as she usually did. A part of me wanted to argue with her, since it was obvious she felt some trepidation at the thought of facing her father, but I also didn't want to injure her pride, which this girl seemed to have a lot of.

In the end, I decided to accept the gift. I'll even admit that knowing she was willing to risk getting in trouble with her father to give this bloodstone to me made me feel very strange. Warm. Among other things.

"And now," she smiled, "for my second gift."

This time, I did open my mouth to protest. She had already given me something that was apparently very precious. Anymore would be too much.

"Selene, I really don't think this is necessar ― Mmmph!"

My words were hampered. I couldn't have said them even if I wanted to.

Because Selene had just kissed me.

Selene had just kissed me and it was unlike anything I had ever experienced before in my life. I had heard about kissing, with a friend like Lisa how could I not? But I had never really put much stock into all the hype. To me, kissing was just the act of two lips touching and an exchange of saliva. It actually sounded kind of disgusting.

But now I knew. I could now comprehend why Lisa always went to such great lengths to describe those kissing scenes in her novels, and why she would sigh so dreamily whenever she finished reading one of those parts. I understood why so many of the older students talked about which girl they were snogging, a very derogatory term for kissing, in the Hogwarts broom closet. I finally understood the reason behind the hype.

Kissing felt good.

Everything around me seemed to dissolve until I could see nothing but the girl in front of me, whose hands were on either side of my face as she gave me my first kiss. I could focus on nothing else but her lips as they were pressed against mine. I had always known those lips were soft. They had been like silk when pressed against my hand or cheek, but I don't think any of those pecks truly gave an accurate analysis on just how soft her lips were. Even if my brain did not feel like it was being fried beyond repair, I don't think I could have properly described how soft her lips were.

And then the kisses ended.

I blinked.

Brown eyes were staring back at me.

"You see, Harry," said Lisa, smiling. "I told you kissing was amazing. This is what you get for not listening. Now, why don't you pucker up for another one."


Like a man who had just been rescued from drowning, Harry Potter awoke with a gasp. His eyes were wide and unseeing as his body shot up into a sitting position, flickering around frantically as if expecting to see either Selene or Lisa, or both in his presence. Harry shuddered at the thought of seeing them both.

As cognizant thought began to return to his frantic mind, Harry realized that neither Selene nor Lisa were there, and that 'there' was actually his bedroom. His enhanced vision could easily make out the brand new desk and comfortable renaissance style chair he had made using alchemy, as well as the the armoire where he kept all his clothes.

His body began to relax. That's when he noticed something else.

Looking down, Harry found that he had made an absolute mess of his bed sheets. A very sticky mess that was not just made from an accumulation of sweat.

Harry could not quite contain the groan escaping his lips as he pressed a hand to his sweaty face. This was the second time in two days he'd dreamed of that memory, the memory of Selene's departure.

It was also the second time he had made a mess of his sheets, which was a problem he was really hoping to solve. He had a theory behind why this was happening, but he really, really didn't want to go there until he was one hundred percent positive that his hypothesis was correct.

For perhaps the first time in his life, Harry was hoping he was wrong.

While this had not been the first time he had dreamed of the day Selene left, this was the first time Lisa had invaded that dream. She had not done so the last time, so why had she done so this time?

Without warning, Harry's mind conjured up a perfect image of Lisa wearing a short denim skirt, sandals and a tang top. Her brown hair was let down, framing her cute face with her doe-like eyes, small nose and soft lips. The skirt she was wearing showcased her athletic legs gained from three years of dance lessons, and the tang top showed off her developing... developing...




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