Chereads / BLEACH: The Dusk In Red / Chapter 22 - Sugishito

Chapter 22 - Sugishito

Kai laid in bed in the early morning, while Kurenai rested on his face. While he snoozed his Soul pager started to buzz loudly as it flashed lights of red and white, but even with all that noise, he slept peacefully. Ito jumped grabbed the nearest object next to him, and threw it at Kai, making him jump wide awake.



He weakly grabbed his phone and turned it off quickly, only to be met with an emergency message.

"What does it say?", Ito asked him.

"I was called into the grandmasters office, guess I'll go tomorrow."

Ito relaxed a little and then went back to sleep, but after giving it some thought he threw another book at Kai while shouting at him to get up.


Kai lazily got out of bed and changed into the schools Shihakushō. He quickly left room while Kurenai followed him from behind. As he travelled to the Grandmasters office, he noticed that Yuki was following trailing close behind him.

"What's that monster from class 1 doing here? Was she training early? I thought she said that she didn't train? I guess I'll just ignore her."

He continued to make his way to the office only to realise that Yuki was still behind him. Taking note of this, Kai increased the walking pace. hoping to put some distance between the two, but once he turned around he saw that Yuki had increased her pace as well.

"Is she following me??"

Kai then started to run while also taking a detour away from the Grandmasters office as he feared for his life. Once he looked behind him, Yuki had already caught up to him.

"Why are you running? We're both going to the Grandmasters office, correct?"

"You're going too?"

Kai halted as he asked, "Then why are you following me? Isn't the Grandmasters office that way?"

Yuki politely refused to answer.

After walking through the school for a little while, the two stood before a giant red gate, which had the Japanese kanji for grandmaster engraved on it in gold. It was surrounded with the pattern of single golden dragon which ate its own tail.

"Are you sure this is the right place?", Yuki asked.

"I'm not sure. I think the giant ass door gave it away."

As kai thought that Yuki was much dumber than she looked, he tried to push the door open, and realized how heavy it was. With both his hands he pushed with all his might, and still the door did not budge.

"How heavy is this thing??"

Yuki pushed Kai aside as she opened the door with relative ease. In that moment Kai took everything he thought back.

The Grandmaster sat behind a desk in a sleek black chair, surrounded by mountains of paper work which filled the room. Next to her was the assistant, Chikako who was busy working away.

Kai bowed as he greeted them,

"Grandmaster Fujinishin!"

Surprisingly, Yuki didn't follow along. The grandmaster waved her left arm, allowing Kai to rise once more.

"Kai Kureno, it's come to my attention that you're the worst performing student in this year. Do you have anything to say about that, you fool?"

"No ma'am! I am an utter failure!"

"Glad too see that you know your place. And you Yuki? I'm sure your aware of how much of a prodigy you are in this school, so your probably wondering why I asked you to come here with such an Idiot."

Kai self deprecation backfired horrendously. However he was hoping that he would get off with a light shouting at, and then life would resume as normal. Yuki who was unsure about the grandmasters question made a blank look towards her.

"Keeping a prodigy like you here is very limiting isn't it? So me and several other faculty members, have decided to send to Sugishito city in the world of the living. Your going to be working there as a temporary Soul Reaper for 1 month under its guardian. Since you'll gain plenty of strength in your time here, I'm hoping that you'll come to understand the duties this job comes with once you spend some time there."

Confused, Kai asked about his role in all of this.

"You will be going with her."


"You might actually learn something from being out in the field, and maybe it will correct that attitude of yours. Think of it as more of a punishment."

"Couldn't you have sent me anywhere else??"

"It was there or Hueco Mundo."

Kai drowned in shock and silence.

"You don't even have a Zanpakutō yet, so you won't be expected to fight hollows or send Souls to this side. But make sure that you watch him? Understood?"

"Uh?! Yes ma'am!"

"Both of you will get their using the Senkaimon at 3:15. You have already been granted permission to use it, and the hell butterflies needed will be temporarily supplied to you."

Kai then curiously asked, "Hell butterfly?"

"You haven't learnt that yet? They can be used to send messages between Soul Reapers but we mainly use them as guides to travel to the human world using the Senkaimon."

She then took note of Kurenai who was still resting on top of Kai's shoulder.

"Is that? It couldn't be... that ones red?"

She then took notice of a fourth presence in the room, which made her release a small amount of Spiritual Pressure. Even if it was small, it still made Kai's knees go weak just from being in front of it.

"Uh? Grandmaster?? Are you angry? I'm sorry!"

"You can leave now, but you over there should stay."

Kai and Yuki had no clue who she was talking about, but they were certain she wasn't talking to them. using this opportunity, they both quickly left.

Once they exited the grandmasters quarters Yuki then asked,

"I think she's going to do something about that guy whose been following you."

"Someone was following me?"

"They've been following you for a while now. You never noticed?"

Inside the grandmasters office

A long shadow stretched out from outside the door, and a man dressed in the Shihakushō which resembled a ninjas Gi then emerged from it, bowing.

"Who are you, and why are you following one of my students?", Yamada asked.

"I'm a member of the expedition unit in the Stealth force. I was tasked by Captain Soi-fon and head captain commander Shunsui, to monitor the target Kai Kureno."


"There were some disturbances in Soul Society that took place around 1 month ago. He is believed to be the cause, however multiple captains are still unsure about it. I was assigned to confirm those suspicions, and then report back once my mission has been complete."

Yamada then recalled the supermassive spiritual pressure, which enveloped the whole of Soul Society, before quickly disappearing. She had been curious as to who it belonged to, but lost interest due to the passage of time.

"Are you sure that you should be telling me things like this so easily? I hear the the Stealth Force is rather strict when it comes to handing out information."

"I was also ordered to inform any staff members in case my presence was detected."

"You may leave."

Yamada then kicked up her feet on the desk as she relaxed. Chikako who was working through all the paper work this whole time then asked,

"Aren't you going to help me out if your not busy?"

In an attempt to try change the subject, she asked him a question.

"In a fight between Senjuro and Yuki, who do you think would win?"

"Senjuro is the strongest student here right? Didn't he survive by himself in Hueco Mundo too? It would have to be him then."

Chikako exploded as if the answer couldn't have been anymore obvious.

"Obviously Senjuro! Kureno doesn't even have a Zanpakutō. His Asauchi would shatter if the two fought."

Smiling, Yamada earnestly said,

"I have a feeling that answer may change soon."