Chereads / Flames of the Crown / Chapter 142 - Tears and Fears

Chapter 142 - Tears and Fears

Aiden had been feverish for five days, and his condition showed no signs of improvement. He remained unconscious, his once vibrant skin now pale and clammy. In the dim light, his frailty was starkly visible—dark circles under his eyes, cracked lips, and a general sense of fragility that broke Agatha's heart. 

Leonel had informed Agatha that Aiden was poisoned by Shadowbane, a poison she knew nothing about. Desperate to save Aiden, she found herself helpless, unable to do anything but stay by his side. Her healing abilities proved ineffective against the poison, adding to her sense of frustration and despair.

The same day Aiden had fainted, Leonel had set out in search of a cure. Agatha sensed that Liam wanted to accompany him, but he chose to stay, unwilling to leave Agatha and Aiden unprotected. The threat of a Ravager attack loomed, especially now that Aiden was vulnerable, and Liam was determined to protect them at all costs.

Each passing day felt like an eternity as Agatha stayed by Aiden's side, praying for his recovery. Liam remained a constant presence, a silent guardian ensuring their safety.

In the dimly lit room, Agatha watched over Aiden, her heart aching with every shallow breath he took. In the stillness, she clung to the hope that Leonel would return soon, bringing with him the cure that would save Aiden's life.

Even the other knights had departed, leaving Agatha to belatedly realize that Liam had ordered them to search for the witch responsible for poisoning Aiden. There had been no news from Liam, but he had sent backup troops to aid in the search. 

Agatha was curious about the knights' unwavering loyalty to Liam. She wondered why they followed his orders so readily, but she quickly set aside her curiosity, focusing all her attention on Aiden's worsening condition.

Tears fell down Agatha's cheeks without her noticing, her heart aching with every shallow breath Aiden took. His instability and weakening body filled her with a profound sorrow, making her feel helpless and desperate.

Suddenly, a black crow emerged from the nearby open window. At first, Agatha ignored it, assuming it was just a curious bird. But when it flew towards her and dropped a white object, she stood up, startled. The crow swiftly departed into the clear sky, leaving the object behind.

Agatha's hands trembled as she read the ominous message. The note was clear and sinister:

"If you want to save the life of the boy, you must come to Waken Burrow's 9th Chamber at midnight seven days from now. I will give the cure he needs in exchange for a glass of his blood. If you refuse, I'll ensure not just his death, but yours as well, Agatha…"

The words filled her with dread. Shadowbane was deadly, and she knew that a Ravager had only two weeks to live once poisoned. With only five days left, time was running out.

Agatha's heart pounded with fear and anxiety, but as she looked at Aiden's frail form, determination began to override her terror. She couldn't let Aiden die. She had to find a way to save him, no matter the cost. She had to.

Five days. Five precious days left to find the elusive 9th Chamber in Waken Burrow. She couldn't do it alone. She needed help.

Agatha knew that Liam was at their side, doing his very best, but uncertainty gnawed at her. She wasn't sure if Leonel would be able to retrieve the cure on time. The thought of Aiden dying was unbearable. She couldn't imagine life without him.

Agatha considered her options. According to the letter, Nysander needed only a glass of Aiden's blood. She shook her head. That was too much. She could not do that to Aiden, no way.

Two days had passed since Agatha received the letter. Only a few days remained before Aiden might succumb to the poison and die. He was already so pale. Whenever he groaned in pain, Agatha could do nothing but embrace him and cry. She wanted to scream as she witnessed his painful agony. His nose bled, his closed eyes quivered violently, his muscles tensed, and his skin sweated profusely.

Aiden kept thrashing and moaning in pain. One time, his ears bled. Agatha was terrified. Whatever she tried with her power, nearly fainting from the effort, nothing alleviated Aiden's suffering. Each time he screamed in pain, her heart shrieked in agony. The Shadowbane was tormenting him, hurting him to the bone like needles.

Agatha promised herself that she would do everything to protect her family, but until now, she felt helpless. She had let them poison Aiden. She hadn't realized that one of his meals contained the poison. It should've been her. She had let her guard down. This was all her fault.

As Agatha sobbed in misery, a pair of soft yet strong arms embraced her from behind. Her body tensed, but she had no more strength to push anyone away. Somehow, she needed a place to hold her together.

"I'm sorry," said a voice in a very soft tone. "This is all my fault." There was a pause. "We were too complacent. We let our guard down. Blame me…"

Liam was embracing Agatha tightly. Instead of feeling uncomfortable, she felt only warmth and comfort. This made her feel like there was actually someone she could call hope.

"Please stop crying, Aggie," added Liam. "We will find the cure. Just wait a little longer."

Her sobs turned into mere whimpers, but her tears streamed down her reddened cheeks. She bore all that was happening to her beloved Aiden.

It was still a mystery how Aiden had been poisoned. They suspected that it was mixed into their food, and since Aiden was the only Ravager among them, he was the only one affected.

Leonel was certain that the Witch accompanying Nysander had made the poison. That made Agatha, as well as Liam, loathe Nysander even more.

Agatha wondered how Nysander could do that to his own child. For what? Just to get his blood and cure himself of the Ghostfire Venom?

"I'm sorry, Aggie," Liam continued.

Agatha wasn't aware of the reason why Liam was apologizing, but she let him speak against the silence.

Agatha cleared her throat. "I am scared, Liam…" For the first time in a long time, Agatha admitted her emotions. "I am scared that I'll lose Aiden." Tears started falling again from her weary eyes, but she sniffed and tried to gather herself.

Liam's embrace loosened a bit but remained around Agatha. "Shh. It won't happen, Aggie. I won't let that happen. Leonel will certainly find the cure, and Aiden will be alright again in no time. Just don't lose hope. Soon, you'll see his sweet smile again, I promise…"

Don't lose hope. Hope. For years, Agatha had forgotten such a word. To hope, to expect good outcomes in unfortunate circumstances. Her mother, Lorelei, had hoped that they would be helped by Eva, but what happened instead? They were given a little hope, but it was immediately taken back. They toyed with Agatha and Lorelei. They gave them false hope that was never true. They were betrayed. In the end, hope did nothing. Her mother was gone, as well as her father. Hope was never promised in this cruel world of Quailsham.

"We'll do our best, Aggie," said Liam. "We are right here. Aiden is a strong boy, he will definitely survive this. And you can help him if you don't lose hope in him. We shouldn't give up on him. He needs us more than anything. So don't lose hope, Aggie. It makes miracles."

Agatha wanted so badly to tell Liam that hope did not change the outcome of what was to come. Aiden was poisoned. At his young age, his body couldn't endure such a toxin.

Liam embraced her tighter once more, making Agatha feel more secure and at home. "Aiden will survive this," he said near Agatha's ear. "Trust me, Agatha."

Trust and hope. Agatha wondered why he asked for such heavy words? Out of all things he could ask from her, why these? They were things she couldn't give easily. It was easy to say she trusted, but it was hard to do so. Trusting meant relying on someone who could possibly hurt her in the end, and she couldn't risk that.

"We can do this, Aggie," whispered Liam, rubbing Agatha's back to soothe her.

Can we really, Agatha thought.

Two more days passed, and everything was still the same. Aiden's fever did not seem to lower. But because of the herbal medicine Liam had brought yesterday, Aiden's paleness lessened a bit and his seizures were not as frequent.

Agatha did not stop extracting the herbs. Once she had the extract, she carefully applied it to Aiden's limbs. According to Liam, this could help Aiden regain his strength. But it couldn't treat the Shadowbane still attacking his system. The cure was still being sought.

Agatha was presently wiping Aiden's small feet when Liam entered, carrying a tray of food as he walked toward their bed.

"You must eat first," greeted Liam.

"I am not hungry yet," Agatha answered without looking at him, then proceeded back to her work.

She heard Liam sigh, and soon he stood beside her silently. "You haven't been eating well for a week, Aggie…" His voice was firm but not scolding, just stating the fact. "Do you think Aiden will be happy once he wakes and learns that you're neglecting yourself because of him? He would blame himself. You want that? For him to be sad about himself?"

With a furrowed brow, Agatha darted a dark glance at Liam. He had a point. Knowing Aiden, he would surely get hurt if he knew she wasn't eating because she was worrying too much about him. But still, she had no appetite. She couldn't swallow food knowing that Aiden was suffering on his own. She just couldn't.

"I'm sorry, Liam, but I'm just really not in the mood to eat," Agatha weakly answered while continuing to clean Aiden.

"Let me," said Liam. He put down the tray on a nearby table and took the towel from Agatha's grasp. "Just rest, then. I can see you need it very much."

Liam grabbed Agatha's arms and led her to the nearby couch where she had slept since Aiden lost consciousness. She didn't want to leave him alone anyway.

"You haven't been resting, and it's past midnight," said Liam matter-of-factly, with clenched teeth.

Agatha protested, struggling to free herself. But she was too weak to even free herself. "But I am not yet tired…"

"Sleep, Aggie…" Now Liam sounded irritated and authoritative.

Despite that, Agatha willed herself and went back to Aiden's side. From then she remained there, while Liam now took on the role of cleaning Aiden's arms.

Liam smirked. "You really love him this much, huh?" he stated after a few minutes of deafening silence.

"He's my everything," said Agatha matter-of-factly, staring at Aiden's shivering eyelashes. "He's the only family I have left," she added simply.

Liam stared curiously at her. Agatha's eyes remained on Aiden, but she could sense Liam's penetrating gaze from the corners of her vision.

Agatha cleared her throat. "He gives me happiness and a sense of comfort, knowing that I am not alone in this world."

"You're not alone, Agatha. Not anymore. We're here." Liam resumed what he was doing, slowly this time. "I am here…"

Silence followed. After a while, Agatha spoke softly. "In the vastness of this world, it's easy to assume that no one is alone forever. But honestly, most of us are alone. We might be surrounded by hundreds of different creatures, yet we are mostly alone. Our battles are our own. Our demons need to be faced by us, and no one else. Our pains are ours to feel. Most of the time, we struggle to survive, fighting battles on our own without any aid. Yes, we have company. But that's it. Company. They are just there by your side, but it doesn't mean they feel your pain or your struggles. Nor are they really there to fight your own battles. If you think deeply, they are just passersby and we are the street. But Aiden, he's not just my companion. He's not just my family. He feels my pain, and we fight our battles together."

Agatha did not sense Liam's movement. She just realized that he was already hugging her once more. "You can have me. You don't need to be alone. I will be there for you. Always."

Lies, Agatha thought. People leave.

She knew that she must push him away. That was the best course of action in their current situation. She should not let herself get too attached because everything was temporary. They would soon leave. He would leave her too. She too would leave.

Still, Agatha did not push Liam away. Instead, she turned around and hugged him back. She needed comfort, and he was giving it. Who was she to turn down warmth if she was suffering from coldness? Despite that, in her mind, she instilled the fact that all of this was but a lie.

Agatha knew that Liam was just saying these things because he felt guilty about Aiden being poisoned right under his care. That was it. Nothing more. He was just guilty, and people did crazy things when they felt guilty, when they felt they had ruined someone.

She should not believe his sugarcoated words because they only led to nowhere but disappointment.

The night had deepened, but Agatha could not sleep. For days, she had wanted to leave Slumber Shack and search for the Witch who had poisoned Aiden, but she was terrified to leave him alone. Nysander was Aiden's main target, and she could do nothing but wait for Leonel's return.

But there was still no news, and Agatha's worry was steadily increasing. Would Leonel arrive in time? What if he didn't? What if he couldn't get the cure?

Agatha lowered her gaze to the letter in her hand. "Should I gamble?" she asked herself.

Suddenly, Liam came near. "Hey..." Even in the dim light, Agatha could see the worry etched in his eyes.

Agatha crumpled the paper and hid it under her blanket.

Liam crossed his arms. "Morning is about to break, yet you're still wide awake?" he asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Has there been any news about Leonel?" Agatha asked, her voice trembling.

Liam stared at her for a moment before he sighed. "That's actually what I want to talk about with you…"

Agatha sat up at the foot of the bed.

"I'll leave," Liam stated firmly, reaching for Agatha's hand.

Agatha wasn't sure what that gesture meant, but she let Liam take her hand. "Leave?" she asked. "Where?"

"I'll go after Leonel," said Liam, caressing Agatha's knuckles. "I can't afford to lose any more time, Aggie."

Agatha swallowed. She knew Liam had a gathering with the Council three days from now. The Ministers had summoned him, and he had to attend unconditionally. She sensed that was also why Nysander had chosen that date.

Agatha lowered her gaze. She was tempted to comply with Nysander's request, despite her hatred for him. Giving him the cure for his own poison was the last thing she wanted to do, but if it meant saving Aiden, she would gamble. She had to, whatever it took.

"But what about the meeting?" Agatha asked, looking up at Liam.

"Who cares?" said Liam simply, then he approached Aiden and fixed his blanket. "Just hang in there, kid. Just a bit longer. I'll find the cure no matter what."

Agatha's eyes welled up. "Why are you after Nysander again?" she wondered aloud.

Liam turned to face her with a firm expression. "He has committed sins against the Queen of the Fire Fae Kingdom, and the King himself wants him dead. Our time is limited. We can't let him return to his ally."

Now, Liam was staring away, as if lost in his own contemplation. "We can't afford to fail. The safety of not just Etherealis, but also the citizens living there, and especially our young ones, is in our hands."

Agatha's eyes widened. "It's that important?"

Liam nodded. "If he escapes and we fail to capture or kill him, there's a high possibility that most of those living in the Fire Fae Kingdom will die, and soon the whole continent itself."

Agatha couldn't help but gaze at Aiden's unconscious state. He was so thin, covered in sweat, frequently whimpering. He was the only one she had. She would do everything to save him, even at the cost of herself.

Liam embraced her once again. "Aggie, please don't cry." He tried to soothe her with words, gestures, and his comforting warmth.

Agatha felt lost, unsure of what to do.

"I'll do everything, Aggie," said Liam. "Trust me…"

Trust him? Could he really do it? Could she trust him? What if they failed to be on time? What if Aiden's remaining time ran out and the cure was still missing? What if Aiden was put in danger?

Agatha knew it would be much easier to comply with Nysander's request. He only needed a glass of Aiden's blood. Just a glass. Surely, it wouldn't cause any serious harm to Aiden. But could Agatha really do that? Knowing that if she did, she would endanger hundreds, if not thousands, of people?

Yes, she was angry with the Faes. They had killed her parents. But she was not heartless. She loved Aiden deeply, more than herself. She was terrified of losing him but equally afraid of harming others for her own selfish reasons.

"I'm leaving now," Liam said gently, slowly pulling away. "Take care, Aggie, for me and Aiden. Don't worry, I'll return with Leonel and the cure."

Liam smiled sweetly. As he moved further away, coldness crept back into Agatha's whole being.

Could she trust him? Could she hope again? Could she?

Liam was already at the open door when Agatha ran after him. "Liam…"

Liam turned back to her, welcoming her presence.

"Liam," Agatha said again in a lowered voice. Her tears began to fall once more. She knew it would be easy to do what Nysander wanted. But she couldn't. She could not do it.

With trembling hands, Agatha handed the crumpled letter to Liam.

Agatha kept brushing Aiden's hair with her fingers, talking to him even though she wasn't sure if he could hear her. She was worried. Liam had left immediately after she gave him the letter yesterday.

Four days left. Could Aiden still endure the poison? Would Leonel and Liam return in time?

Agatha sobbed. "Aiden… wake up." Her voice trembled. "I'm waiting…"

Agatha couldn't afford to lose someone again. After all these years, it was still heartbreaking to think about all the people she had lost. Time had not healed the pain. Never. She couldn't lose Aiden. Not now. Not ever.

As midnight approached, Agatha, who had been sitting beside Aiden, left her bed to kiss him goodnight. Suddenly, the wooden door swung open like a gust of wind. From the shadows emerged the figures of Leonel and Liam.

Liam was panting and looked worn out, but most importantly, he was covered in blood. His shirt was torn, and he had wounds on his arms that were slowly beginning to heal.

Liam was almost unrecognizable. Agatha was about to approach them when Leonel spoke.

"I have the cure…"

Agatha's world seemed to stop. Her eyes widened, and she immediately went to Leonel, who was now at Aiden's side.

Leonel showed Agatha a strange-looking root that sparkled in the darkness. It smelled somewhat sour and muddy. Leonel immediately got to work, crushing the root while Agatha stood by and observed. Once he extracted the brownish liquid, he ordered Agatha and Liam to hold Aiden tightly.

Leonel then parted Aiden's lips and let the droplets fall into his mouth. Agatha held her breath as she waited. Suddenly, a powerful roar shook the entire chamber. Aiden began thrashing and turning, whimpering in immense agony.

Agatha's eyes widened with fear as she examined Aiden. "What's happening?" she asked, confused, her lips cold with fear. Her heart was beating rapidly and felt like it was being squeezed as she watched Aiden suffer.

"Aiden…" she called out.

Aiden convulsed, blood gushing from his mouth. His limbs twisted at awkward and dangerous angles, making Agatha tear up with intense worry. Aiden seemed more in distress than ever.

"Ahhh!" The entire chamber shook with Aiden's powerful scream. He was now covered in blood.

With trembling feet, Agatha leaned closer to Aiden. He looked paler and thinner. With shaking hands, she caressed his sweat-covered forehead.


Agatha couldn't help but cry. She should stay strong for him, but she couldn't stop herself from feeling weak. It was Aiden they were talking about—his life. Her Aiden. She couldn't bear to see him like this. Her heart broke every time she saw his face contorted in pain.

"What's happening?" Agatha asked, facing Liam with wide eyes full of tears and fear. "What's happening, Liam?"

Liam faced her, his expression stoic. Gently, he held Agatha's cold and trembling hands. Time seemed to pass in slow motion. Darkness seemed to consume them all. Then, before they realized it, the world seemed to stand still.

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