Ragnar slowly opens his eyes as he realises he's in bed with a load of bandages around his chest.
"Don't move surgery was just performed on you some of your organs were cut by your shattered ribs". Elliot says leaning against a wall besides Ragnar's bed.
"How long was I out" Ragnar responds rubbing his face and feeling a little stubble growing on his face.
" it's been four days now" Elliot says walking towards the window " I gotta say kid I'm speechless you actually were able to pull it off"
" I didn't" Ragnar says while groaning feeling the pain in his chest " the man was suicidal"
"Listen kid you don't need to be all humble about it you can stick your chest out not literally though you're still injured" Elliot responds smiling at Ragnar
" he knew you Elliot" Ragnar responds staring down Elliot
"Pfft maybe Eris should've checked you for a concussion you're starting to yap a bit" Elliot says dismissively.
"He gave me a piece of paper just before he died and said I should show it to you, I don't have it on me since you guys have probably thrown away my bloody clothes, but I'll say what was on it the Gates of-" Ragnar is cut off as Elliot teleports directly next to Ragnar & covers Ragnar's mouth with his hand.
"Tsk even dead that guys a pain in my ass" Elliot says as he takes his hand off Ragnar's mouth " the operation we held was a sort of false flag, I've known Solomon for a couple of decades and yes we were working together" Elliot says looking directly at Ragnar
" I'm not even gonna ask why you didn't tell me, I would just like to know what the hell is exactly going on" Ragnar says rubbing his forehead
"Your father worked for the uhhh name on the piece of paper you told me about, these... people take part in rituals involving sacrificing kids & women" Elliot says while turning his head to look our the window
"What? This has to be some kind of joke right?" Ragnar says while scoffing
" I'll project some of my memories to you to prove it" Elliot says directly looking at Ragnar " I have no affinity with hallucinogenic augments so you don't need to worry about me giving you fabricated memories" Elliot says while raising his hands
" how do I know if I can even trust you anymore? We've known each other for about a decade and now you're telling me this?" Ragnar says in frustration
"Listen kid I don't gotta prove nothing to you our goals were aligned and we both achieved it if you don't believe me you can just go back to your wife and kids and live your life peacefully once you recover, this isn't some I gotta kill you if you know kind of thing" Elliot says annoyed
" well I guess it is since I can't utter the words written on the paper" Ragnar says in response
"I didn't wish to tell you about any of this kid but Al... he thought I should I tell you and since he was my friend and the last memory he has of me is me sending someone to kill him I guess I'm gonna do him justice by this" Elliot says while scratching the back of his head
" Solomon's and Blackthorne's for 1000s of years shared an alliance since the age of death" Elliot says taking a seat besides Ragnar.
"You know the history but there are some parts people like you have been left out on. After Achilles defeated his father Axl Prometheus he settled down with his children and died a few hundred years later with his eldest son taking the throne."
"Okaaay so what's difference?" Ragnar asks.
"Have patience little guy I'm getting there, now you know the whole thing about Solaris Ignatius the conqueror of the sun declaring war on him because he wanted power right? Its all bullshit! A big stinking lie! Solaris was feared by Julius due to his expertise in science and the creation of atom breakers and attempted to kill him, now Solaris was a ballsy guy he went up against the whole first generation descendants of Achilles and man he did a number on them. But eventually he couldn't keep up and was killed by Julius in the end."
"I think now's the best time to hit me with your proof." Ragnar responds smugly.
"Oh yeah nearly forgot" Elliot taps Ragnar's head and instantly sends hundreds of years of information into his brain.
"What in the hell?" Ragnar says while sweating.
"Take a moment to gather yourself " Elliot says walking away from Ragnar's bedside.
" why do they specifically go after women and children though?" Ragnar asks.
" Children from what I know have higher amounts of augmentation in their DNA they usually are not put in any sort of life and death situations for their augments to be activated so when their put in such a state at a young age that's how you get "technicians" augmented users who can create their own ability depending on what they sacrifice, adult humans will end up needing atom breakers to trigger their augments but with the women.....I don't know why their going after em. I have a theory but I need to do some more digging and see if it holds any weight" Elliot says while scratching his head
"Soo what does this have to do with how we took part in a "false flag" operation" Ragnar asks
" ahh my bad got side tracked, now your father got blackmailed into allowing this groups scheme's to go unnoticed and directly afterwards my boy Al found out and decided to kill your father and place the rest of your clan in an internment camp, not trying to justify your treatment by your fellow clansman but being subjugated like that will cause most people to act like animals, they couldn't punish your father so they went after you and your mother" Elliot says looking at Ragnar pitifully.
Ragnar looks away in sadness.
"not long after Alaric told me he got blackmailed himself and while explaining everything to me he laughed, he found the whole situation funny considering that he killed your father for it and now he was taking part in the same acts as him due to them using his own family as a bargaining chip. So after talking for a while we made an agreement, since the unnamed group were also on his tail sensing they were being tracked by me and doubting Als "loyalty" I devised a plan to kill him and get his family into hiding, and here we are". Elliot says shrugging
"Now what?" Ragnar asks leaning back & looking up at the ceiling .
"Well I'm going to go into hibernation, need to maintain this form otherwise I'll be leaking high augmentation aura. I've been kicking for ten years straight training you and getting into a couple skirmishes here and there need to go to sleep for a decade now, Eris will oversee your recovery and make sure you get back to your family. Now that the Solomon family are practically gone Aurellia belongs to you now crazy huh?" Elliot patting Ragnar's leg.
"Let me join you on your mission." Ragnar says looking at Elliot determined
"You serious?" Elliot says looking at Ragnar with a confused look on his face.
" You never really lied to me about anything leading up to now all you did was remind me Alaric was the one who killed my father, just leaving out the important parts to protect me." Ragnar says looking at Elliot smugly
" pffft protect you? now I really gotta have you checked for a concussion!" Elliot says scoffing but as Ragnar stares at him with a raised eyebrow he smiles and chuckles a bit "ok maybe I do care about you a bit little guy" he says rolling his eyes.
"But why do you want to help me? Getting involved in this stuff isn't a one off thing it's a never ending fight why risk your life for this stuff?" Elliot asks Ragnar with a serious tone.
"Like you said you wanted to honor your friends memory by telling me about this unnamed group, I want to honour my father's memory by bringing the ones who controlled him to justice" Ragnar responds determined.
Elliot smiles at Ragnar with an added nod of approval " I'm not really a sucker for sappy stuff but I'm proud of you" Elliot says patting Ragnar on the shoulder.
"I gotta be put into sleep now, Eris will come check on you every now and then and say hello to Cass and the baby for me alright?" Elliot says while walking out the room.
As Elliot steps into his animation tube he looks at the white haired woman working the computer controlling the machine "Hey Eris if anything happens to Solomon's boy or Ragnar's family wake me up okay?"
"But sir your augmentation capabilities would be weakened and if you're pushed into a confrontation your time on this earth will start to affect you more" Eris responds looking at Elliot with worry.
" I've tried so hard to stay alive....thinking in my absence they can't be defeated but in this past decade I feel more content, I feel sooner or later this is all gonna be in the right hands" Elliot turns to look at Eris from inside the tube " promise me you'll wake me up Eris".
" I promise" Eris looks at him sighing but still worried
"Oh and cut your hair shorter the long hair definitely ain't doing it for you" Elliot says smugly
"Ugh see you in ten years" Eris says rolling her eyes and hiding a smirk & pressing the button activating the animation tube and putting Elliot to sleep.