Chereads / Hellscape / Chapter 7 - Hunted

Chapter 7 - Hunted

Ajax is Fading in and out of consciousness due to shock from what he witnessed his mind going blank the young man can't even formulate thoughts at this point.

As Fontaine points a pistol at Ajaxs head to finish the job the warehouse door is broken down, and in walks Kaelen who's covered in a few cuts and bruises.

"Ajax!" Kaelen shouts out he sees a nearby metal pole and quickly acts by flinging it towards Fontaine it hits him directly in his shoulder dislocating his right arm.

"Get the Motorwagon ready!" Fontaine shouts out as hes jogging away grabbing his right arm.

A dozen of Fontaines men rush Kaelen attempting to grab and hold him down but his strength proves to be superhuman as he begins to punch through the horde either knocking out each man or snapping their necks.

Within two minutes he's cleared the entire group of men and rushes towards the vehicle Fontaine is attempting to enter.

One of the security guards pulls down a lever near the vehicle as the roof directly above Kaelen explodes and Kaelen narrowly jumps back and avoids getting crushed.

Kaelen grits his teeth seeing Fontaine and 3 of his guards escape in the motorwagon. Kaelen then remembers his main objective here and rushes back to Ajax.

"Hey Ajax you okay?"


"Ajax whats gotten into you?" Kaelen snaps his fingers infront of Ajaxs blank face as he uses his other hand to snap the chain behind him off and Ajax drops to his knees.

"We don't have time for this shit alright, We have to go look for your mother snap out of it!" Kaelen shouts at Ajax grabbing his shoulders.

"She's....right...there" Ajax says weakly

Kaelen turns around and looks at the charred remains of Elena as he himself drops to his knees.

"My God" Kaelen says as he clasps his face with his hands.

" Forgive me for just shouting at you boy I understand what you're feeling can you walk?" Kaelen says putting his hand on Ajax's shoulder who just lightly nods.

They walk out of the warehouse and head home Kaelen carrying the body of Elena which he wrapped in a white cloth and Ajax trailing behind hanging his head.

"Whatever happens here on out young man you cannot tell yourself what happened here was your fault it'll only worsen your mental state even more." Kaelen says to Ajax

After a few moments Kaelen stops dead in his tracks and Ajax finally looks up confused.

Kaelen begins to look around and scan the rooftops and windows of the surrounding.

"This is impossible, how is there not a single soul even up right now?"Kaelen continues to look around in confusion.

"No... nobody is in the town everyone's..... gone." Kaelen says coming to realisation.

Suddenly a deafening gunshot is heard Kaelen turns around and sees blood begin to pour out of Ajax's chest.

"No,no,no,NO!" Kaelen shouts out rushing towards Ajax who collapses to the ground as Kaelen attempts to get near him a large figure jumps at him from above carrying a large sword.

Kaelen jumps back swiftly as the figure rushes towards him again this time detaching his sword to reveal a dual connected blade. Kaelen dodges a few near fatal cuts before delivering a powerful drop kick that sends the figure flying through a nearby building.

"Who the hell are you?" Kaelen asks while gritting his teeth.

" I gotta ask what happened to you? Former bodyguard of the King letting himself go like this I mean its pretty disappointing." The figure walks out of the rubble the man has large unkempt black hair and a sleeveless coat revealing his large arms, as the man turns around to pull his blades out of the nearby rubble Kaelen notices a large black raven insignia on the back of the man's coat an insignia belonging to the Blackthorne family.

"Huh of course you're a Blackthorne, soo I'm guessing Ragnar settled down and you must be his kid." Kaelen says while scanning his surroundings.

"I'm not interested in making conversation old man look I can tell you've had a rough day you've lost two people close to you my condolences for the one wrapped in that white cloth but I need that guys body's and would appreciate if you dont-"

"Not happening" Kaelen says swiftly interrupting The son of Ragnar.

"Hmmm OK" the man nods and picks up a small broken piece of metal and charges it with electricity before throwing it at Kaelen who quickly runs towards cover, as Kaelen ducks behind a wall he realises he's been grazed in the hip. The son of Ragnar starts to walk towards the wall but Kaelen rolls out from below and throws a brick at then man's hand knocking another piece of metal out of his hand Kaelen then tackles the man and attempts to throw down elbows but then the man utters words that freeze Kaelen in shock.

"Platinum art: Arc Shock"

Small bright bursts of electricity emit from the man's body paralysing Kaelen in place momentarily as the man takes advantage by kicking Kaelen off of him.

Kaelen still trying to regain his senses is suddenly stabbed in the shoulder by one of the man's blades that's been tossed towards him. The son of Ragnar rushes towards Kaelen with his other blade in hand attempting to finish the job but Kaelen tears out the blade in his shoulder and slashes at Man's throat narrowly missing, the man attempts to counter but Kaelen ducks and slashes at the man's abdomen deeply cutting him. Kaelen is able to get behind the man and stab the blade into his back.

" The fact that Ragnars child like himself is capable of using Platinum art abilities this young is crazy that goddamn family is too ridiculous" Kaelen thinks to himself as he limps...over blade in hand towards the son of Ragnar.

"I wish I could've finished you with my axe but this'll have to-" Kaelen is cut off as he's suddenly shot through the head and his body immediately drops to the ground.

" you sure took your time asshole" Erik says before groaning in pain as he's attempting to sit up.

"Hey man I wanted to see if the old man can move and man he was kicking your ass haha" a man says walking in from behind the son of Ragnar.

"Just get the body and call over Sam" The son of Ragnar says annoyed.

A few moments pass and the son of Ragnar and a man in a red combat uniform head towards a hellicarrier carrying the body of Ajax.

"Master Erik it appears you have sustained some heavy damage should I clean the bandages and-"

"No need Sam we have to get home as soon as possible" Erik says interrupting The servant who proceeds to hop in the main cockpit of the hellicarrier and get it started, after a few moments they are in the air and flying off.

" So what are you gonna do after this Dominic?" Erik asks the man in the red combat uniform.

"Indulge myself with your papas money of course" Dominic says lighting a cigar.

"Okay I know but what about after-" Erik stops talking as he notices Ajaxs lifeless body begin to violently shake, low rumbling is heard as red sparks starts to emerge from his chest as a scar begins to form.

"What the hel-" Erik is cut off as a large Flaming shockwave emerges from Ajax's body destroying the entire hellicarrier.