Chereads / Rise Of The Young Miss / Chapter 4 - Shocking The World With Two Suprises

Chapter 4 - Shocking The World With Two Suprises

"Mr Matthew is just as efficient as ever," Lea thought as she read the article.

It showed that the young miss of the Wilson family had taken over the company making people curious about her getting people's attention. Few minutes later, another message came that the Wilson company would be releasing a new movie.

The timing for the double message was just right, and it had managed to pique gossip among social media.

It also says people who are within the age of 20–25 could auction, and it promises good payment.

******In Allen's Room*****

"She is smart, I gotta hand it to her," Allen said as a smile creeped into his face.

A plan blossoms in his mind. "Time to take the chance," Allen said. The smile on his face was nothing like the pure and adorable smoke he had before. This one is cunning.

*****The next day*******

People swarmed down to the Wilson company, some came for an audition while others were journalists.

The black Bugatti drove in high profile to the company.

"That must be her, it is the young miss arriving," They said as they tried to get closer to the car. 30 bodyguards came out to block the people who looked like die-hard fans.

Leah came out from the car dressed in a blue gown with an embroidery of a swan and flowers. The gown wrapped around her body highlighting her elegant figure. She wore a mask that covered her face.

As soon as she came out, flashes of camera started to take pictures.

Leah stood in the spotlight with a confident aura and demeanour.

"Miss Wilson over here please. Can I ask what your vision of the Wilson enterprise is in the next few years?" A female reporter asked pointing the mic at Leah.

"Simple, to make Wilson company the number one entertainment company in the world and nurture all talents," Leah said with a calm tone.

"Don't you think planning a movie the moment you came into power is a bit rushed?" Another reporter said.

"If you said it was rushed then when did you think is best for me to start?" Leah said, shocking the crowd.

Her reply was stunning and shocking at the same time.

"I have work to do, I will be leaving now, bye," Leah said as she waved her hands to them before leaving.

As Aurora entered the office, all the board members were present. They all looked for Leah to give an explanation about the sudden news.

"I know you have questions, take your seat," Leah said as she sat down.

"Young miss, you didn't tell us about the new movie. There isn't enough preparation and funding for it," A woman came to her with a complaint.

"If the funding isn't enough, take from the fashion industry to fund it, you have my permission, but every transaction must be overseen by me. We now have the spotlight on us. We can't afford to miss the chance, or it would be the end of the company," Leah said as she headed to her office.

"I know but…." The woman tried to say but was stopped by Leah.

"I would rather take the risk than sit here and watch the company die in silence. Now the masses don't know if our finances are why we are still ranked top 5, the more we keep being silent the more we drop," Leah said as she claps her hands.

"So, I need you all to work with me to make this a huge success. There would be an increase in everyone's salary and allowances if this turns out to be a success," Leah added.

Hearing this, the look of complaints on their face were immediately wiped off at the sound of an increase in salary.

"We will do our best," They all said in unison.

"That's what I like to hear, here is the story outline for the movie. I have done some editing," Leah said as they all took a piece of the file.

"There is a complex wave of emotion, and character growth that everyone would be able to relate to," Leah added.

"After the end of the meeting we would start the audition for the characters," Leah said.

"Okay," they said as they left.

Leah had a little breakfast provided by Mr Matthew since she didn't eat at home.

"I am filled, we can go ahead now," Leah said as she wiped the side of her lips with a napkin.

"What is this? What is happening here? Am I the only one lost?" Kelvin asked as he barged into Lea's office together with Olivia by his side.

"Leah explains what all this is about," Kelvin said as he showed her the news that had spread like wildfire through the internet.

"Everything there is self-explanatory. What do you want me to explain?" Leah said with a dignified gaze.

It was until now that Smith noticed the strangeness in her. She was different, but he couldn't pinpoint at it.

"You had agreed to do an ownership transfer to me, so what is the meaning of this?" Kelvin said with an angry gaze.

"When did I agree?" Leah asked with a fake innocent face.

"And speaking of agreement, here is a marriage cancellation file. Fill it and get out of my life," Leah said in a loud voice.

This monetarily dumbfounded Kelvin.

"Are you kidding me right now?" Kelvin asked.

"Do I look like I am?" Leah asked in a sharp gaze that seemed to pierce into him.

"Leah, don't be stubborn, you can't manage the company not now that it is in crisis and at the rate of bankruptcy. You would just ruin all what father works for," Olivia said with a scoff.

"Keep your thoughts to yourself," Leah said as she took a pen and signed it on the file before handing it to him.

"Don't make me see you here when I come back," Leah said as she followed Mr Matthew to the screen area where there are hundreds of people auditioning.

"We can start now," Leah said as she sat down.

"Okay Ma'am," A female worker said as she went out. She soon returned with a woman with her.

While she was eating, they had already handed a large number of printed files to everyone who wished to audition.

"Can you start by introducing yourself and your level of experience," Leah asked the woman.

"I am Alexia Watterson," She said.

"I graduated with a second class degree in theatre art," She said.

"Wow, you can take page 24, paragraph 4," Aurora said.

Alexia looked for the part. It was when Alex was betrayed by his girlfriend. This place contains a lot of emotions and being the only one to act in this scene is very challenging as she has to imagine she is talking to everyone.

"You can start anytime now," Leah said, reminding her that there are more people waiting outside.

"You are nothing but a trash. And a trash will always be a trash," Alexia said, getting into character.

She paused a bit as it was the time Alex replied.

"It isn't called betraying, it is called looking for a better option. I don't want to suffer as being with you brings that to me," Alexia said again as she paused, staring at nothing in particular with a cold look.

Leah begins to write down something on her paper.

"I came here to tell you that we are done for good," Alexia said as she broke from character.

"Thanks for auditioning, you can go now. We will call you if you pass the audition," Leah said.

"Next," Leah said and the next person came.

This continued for over hours, Lea took some break to relax her head. There have been various options to pick from and people don't even have experience in acting. Their movements were stiff and emotionless.

"Next," Leah called as she shook her head as she looked at her paper. Red pen means zero, black means under probability and blue means passed. At this rate she has gotten most of the character but no one has yet to beat the main character Alex.

"I am Allen, and I am here to audition for the role of Alex," A male voice said, causing Leah to raise her head.

She was surprised at the sight of the familiar face. It was none other than her neighbour Allen.

"Welcome Allen, What are your qualifications and experience," Leah said, getting to business.

"Though I studied Business administration, I always had a passion for acting. I am the lead of, Blue whisper, Fall for me, You are mine and many more," Allen said with his usual polite smile.

It was at this moment that Leah finally realised when she saw him.

"Wait, you are that Allen?" Leah asked with a surprised look pasted on her face.

"Yeah," Allen said.

"Wow, I have always seen your face familiar," Lea said.

"Okay, don't waste your time. You can start. Take chapter 24, paragraph 4," Aurora said.

"Okay," Allen said. He quickly scans through the file before staying in kneeling position. His jovial expression suddenly turned sad.

"No…. You can't do this to me… You promised…" Allen said.

"You can't betray me," Allen said again with a hurt expression.

"No… Don't leave me," Allen said as he stretched out his hand catching air.

"Wow, that's good," Leah said as she clapped.

"Thanks for the nice compliment,"Allen said.

"You will get a call if you pass the test," Leah said.

"I will wait for your reply," Allen said as he went out.

Aurora quickly accesses the remaining few people.

"After the screening, these are the names of the people that passed the test," Leah said as she handed Mr Matthew the list of names.

"The ones with blue ink passed the test, black ink tried and red ink are failed. You can recuit the names black ink as supporting character and the ones with blue inks as the main characters,"Leah said as she left.

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