Chereads / Rise Of The Young Miss / Chapter 7 - Crises

Chapter 7 - Crises

***The Next Day*****

Leah woke up a bit late than usual. She quickly refreshed herself and applied a bit of her make up.

After she was done, she came out from her room.

"Good morning Miss Leah," Allen greeted with a warm smile.

"Good morning Allen," Leah replied as she walked pass him.

"Please a moment," Allen said as he swiftly blocked her path making her collide with him.

They both fell on the floor in an awkward position with Leah on top and Allen under.

"I am so sorry," Allen quickly apologized.

"It okay. I hope you are not hurt," Leah said as she got up from him.

"I should be asking you the same question," Allen said as he got up.

"So what do you want to say. Please be quick I have somewhere to go now," Leah said.

"She really is a workaholic," Sled thought Inwardly.

"I just wanted to thank you for accepting me to your entertainment industry. I received a call this morning saying I passed the interview," Allen said with a smile.

"You shouldn't be thanking me, instead it your talent that got you the role," Leah said.

"Is there anything else?" Leah asked looking at the time on her phone.

"Nothing, I will go and prepare now," Allen said.

"Good," Leah said as she quickly walked out.

"Is she that emotionless? Didn't she even feel a spark?" Allen thought as he watched the back of Leah leaving the hallway.

Other girls face would have turned pink in that situation but not only her's didn't, she did show any emotions.

"I guess I have to work harder," Allen said with a smile. He was interested in the girl who didn't fall head over heels for his charms.

"Well there is a big storm coming up, let see how it goes," Allen said as he entered his room.

As Leah reached the office, she saw everyone one busy. The all had a troubled look on their face.

Leah was a bit confused on what going on till she met Mr Matthew on the way.

"What going on?" Leah asked with a confused look.

"Miss Leah where have you been. I had tried calling you but I guess your phone was switched off.

"Switched off? Oh yeah, I forgot to charge. But apart from that, what going on l?" Leah asked with a serious expression on her face.

"Miss Leah, the company is undergoing crises," Mr Matthew said.

"Crises? How? When? All was fine yesterday, what happened?" Leah asked question after question giving the poor man no time to answer.

"An article blew up in social media this morning and it got us a lot of criticism and hatred from the public. I guess you haven't seen it yet," Mr Matthew said as he showed Leah his phone.

Leah quickly grabbed it to take a look. The first thing she saw was a bold headline. "The Proud Power hungry Miss"

She read the article that follows and a frown settled on her face.

"Kelvin!" Leah growled angrily.

Readibvvthr comments under made her more angry.

'It clear she is proud, on her first appearance in public she choose to hide her face'

"Leaving her fiancee after getting the company. She is a betrayal," Other comments followed which made Leah's blood boil in anger.

"Prepare a meeting with the boards. We have to settle this crises before it escalate," Leah said as she stormed off to her office.

"Yes miss Leah," Mr Matthew said as he immediately begin to dial numbers on his phone.

*****In the board meeting*****

Leah sharp eyes scanned every members present.

"Hmmm" She cleared her throat.

"As you all can see, the company is in a difficult situation.

"If this goes on, business would go down the drain. The article is targeted at me and my personal life, trying to tarnish the company's reputation. However, I assure you that these allegations are baseless. My decision to end my engagement with Kelvin was a personal one, not related to the business. I urge everyone here to focus on the facts and not be swayed."

"We need a strategic response. First, we will issue a formal statement clarifying the situation and addressing any misunderstandings. Second, we'll engage with our PR team to counter these false narratives in the media. Third, we must ensure that our clients and stakeholders understand that our commitment to excellence remains unchanged."

Leah's voice was firm and determined, exuding confidence despite the turmoil.

"Any questions or suggestions?" she asked, her gaze sweeping across the room. There was a moment of silence before one of the board members spoke up.

"What about the origin of this article? Do we have any leads on who might be behind it?" A female board member asked.

Leah nodded thoughtfully. "I already know who spread it. It Kelvin. But the post was made under a new account, we can't just accused him without evidence. We have need to have enough proof. We'll work closely with our legal team to identify the source and take appropriate action."

The board members exchanged glances, seeming more reassured by Leah's proactive approach.

"We will prepare for public statements before the situation get worse," Leah said as she stood up.

"Everyone, get back to your department. We can't afford to be slacking off," Leah said.

"Yes, Miss Leah," They said as they exit the room leaving only Leah and Mr Matthew alone.

"Miss, how are you feeling?" Mr Matthew asked as he walked close to her.

"Terrible, we got a crises just when things turned out to be going good. This could leave a bad stain if it isn't resolved," Leah said with a sigh.

"Kelvin, I am sure it his doing. I could tell he has a smirk on his face now," Leah said as she clenched her teeth in anger.

"We need to take this at a step and don't get yourself overworked. Things will get better soon," Mr Matthew said trying to ease her but it doesn't seemed to be working.

Leah had an exhausted expression on her face from overthinking.

*Ring Ring Ring*

Leah's phone soon started ringing drawing her attention. She picked the phone from her purse. Seeing the caller an annoyed expression surfaces.

"Speak of the devil," Leah hissed as she picked the call

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