Chereads / Naruto: Heir Corruption / Chapter 39 - Thrill (2)

Chapter 39 - Thrill (2)

Pink stars blew up in her head. Scattered fizzy cum-champagne down her back. Filled her head to toe, filled everything~<3 Ino collapsed with a tit-sloshing wail into the pool. Transformation more than halfway complete. Hips lifted off the ground by virtue of sheer dummy THICCnes.


Hearts in her eyes, Ino rode the long vibrating aftershock. One nipple stuffed in her mouth and then the other. Breastfeeding herself. She tasted like vanilla and peaches, fruity spring and borderline cloying sweetness.


Then she felt the twinge in her hips. Her bottoms were just as tight as her top had been. Unfomrotably jam-packed with broodmother hips and an ass that would never quit jiggling. Positive that her boobs wouldn't grow any more. Ino felt her ass.


She couldn't find its edges. Mentally still picturing her old, shapely buttocks. It felt endless until she reached out a shocking distance to find the rounded peak of her hip. A slippery hill of soft assmeat. Every bit as gravity-defying as her bust. Fingers working inwards she gasped and moaned.


It'd gotten so damn sensitive! A whole new erogenous zone she'd never imagined. Butts weren't supposed to be as sensitive as boobs! That'd be torture! Sitting down would be a test of self-control. Twerking could be an intensely erotic experience. As if she had enough to worry about already!


Finally, she found where all the damn material for her bottoms had gone. Between her asscheeks. Butt too big to contain. All bunched up in there. Forming an improvised thong. At least it let the pressure off her hips. But the man-gravy-lubricated triangle of material covering her juiced up cunt wasn't doing her any favors. It kept rubbing her clit!


"Oh my god, this' insane. I look like a freak~" Ino moaned.


"A damn sexy freak." Hinata retorted. "You know how much money you'd make stripping!"


Ino's eyes bugged out. "Stripping?! I can barely stand up. How the hell am I gonna dance?"


"That doesn't sound like a no." Hinata snickered, while she ground her tight ass against her favorite cock's cum vein.


But its owner's attention was elsewhere. No longer obsessed solely with his wife's fit bum. Naruto's eyes had begun to wander. To the newest, fattest badonkadonk on the block. Ino's fear-tinged awe and casual bitchiness about her butt's sheer scale only made it hotter.


Hinata, of course, smelled his distraction a mile off. Enough to spark jealousy in her. Make her eyes wander to the cum. Ino noticed a scheming glint flit across Hinata's pearly eyes. Then it was gone, and Naruto's top bitch slipped back into her old cockiness.


"Besides, Ino. You're gonna get a lot of help with the weight problem."


Ino tried to look around the basement but couldn't sit up enough to see over the pool's opaque walls. Which didn't matter. She wouldn't have seen any help coming.


"How?" She asked, incredulous.


"Right…" Hinata drew it out. "Now."


Primal heat roared inside Ino. She squealed and thrashed. All the aggressive bubbling swells which'd filled and maxed out her assets; overflowed. Filled her body with a speed to match her full-body orgasm.

Opposing waves originating from chest and hips. Radial three hundred and sixty degrees. Collision occurred in her tummy's depths. Two headbutting tsunamis within her womb. Then down into her legs and up into her shoulders.


Her arms.


Her ankles.


Her neck.


Her toes.


Her head.


Later she would swear the thrill of her growth blossomed into full-on synesthesia. She smelled the blue of the pool's vinyl floor. Her girly cries swelled, lowered in register. Deep and smoky from lungs that were larger.


From a body that was larger; her whole body was growing! Determined to catch up to her insanely oversized bum and boobs. One last desperate gambit for proportionality. Ino tried to grab he tummy, sure that was where the growth swelled from. No not her stomach. Her boobs? No, her butt? No. Her face? No, it was everywhere. Everywhere all at once. And her overawed hands roamed everywhere.


Ino hugged herself as if that would quell the swelling, bubbling heat. Tried to reach her pussy, but couldn't thanks to her massive bust blocking her vision. The final transformation made her body feel strange and alien. Nothing was quite where it was supposed to be. She resorted to grinding her crotch on the floor instead. Hardness of the tiles smoothed by the pool's vinyl bottom.


By some miracle she got her face up over the edge of the pool. Hair plastered with semen. The hairtie holding her ponytail together had been lost. So her luscious locks cascaded wildly gold around her shoulders. One visible crystal blue eye shined with inhuman desire.


Any fear she'd once had drained away. Pulverized under red growth waves and pink cum waves. A new ocean to drown her rational mind. Dredged from the depths of her own genetic depravity. Animal instinct took over. Driven to pump her hips up and down. In and out of the semen pool. Sloughs of semen slid off her gluteal mountains with every involuntary booty-bounce.


With one hand and then the other. Ino hefted her massive naked tits onto the pool's edge. Their slippery weight squashed the inflatable edge and pooled them together. Fat nipples twitching, she had to hold them in place. Lest they slip off and drag her out of the cum bath.


And through all this she kept getting taller. Stronger and more amazonian. Hip shakes faster and more precise. White-knuckled grip on her ZZ-cup mega knockers loosening centimeter by centimeter. Ever more confident in her broadening back's ability to carry those head-crushing melons.


"D-daddy~<3" Ino moaned the word with all the love a size queen would give the phrase monster cock.


"Eh?" Naruto grunted. Craning his head around his gyrating wife. Lizard brain perked up by this novel fucktoy.


"Daddy… oh god you're blowing be up so good. I love you, daddy~<3"


Ino's feet pushed farther and farther down the pool's long length. Impelled by longer legs and longer torso. Trying to balance out the coomer-glutting buffet of sexual flesh it had become. To no avail. She was going to look like a freak regardless. An accident of human sexual evolution brought on by mother nature smoking way, way too much weed. She was one of them now. One of Naruto's sluts. A feminine colossus optimized for one thing and one thing only:




A big body meant a big womb. With lots and lots of space for large healthy babies. Bigger ovaries meant more eggs. Potential for multiple releases during a heat cycle instead of just one. Twins, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets~<3 All possible now. No fertility drugs necessary.


Her growth peaked. Ino fell slack with one final guttural groan and slid back into the pool. Face down in the spunk. Her feet touched the bottom of the pool. Hazily she guessed her new height. Accounting for the thickness of the pool walls. And the fact this thing was ten feet long end to end. Then she'd have to be; 8 feet tall.


Ino tried to say 'Oh my god I'm even taller than Naruto!' But what came out was. "Ugghllbubbble!" What with her face being underwater and all. Suddenly remembering that she couldn't breathe semen. She burst through the surface again. No longer weighed down by her crazy assets.


A feminine colossus rose from the spunk. Thick male slime sludged off her insane curves. Shredded remains of her bikini bottoms dangling off her inner thigh. Valient in their attempt to cling on. Even though they didn't cover her crotch anymore. Ino cast a long, deep shadow over Naruto and Hinata. Rising taller and taller like some titan of legend—




"Ow!" Ino rubbed her head. She'd smacked it on the basement ceiling. Sure they'd had to raise it on account of Hinata's shocking stature and penchant for stiletto heels. But Ino was on a whole other level of tall.


Dazed, the supersized bimbo half-crawled and half-slithered out of the pool. On all fours with her huge udders hanging. Dragged on the floor as they filled all the space between her arms. Excessively stetopygian ass quivering and barely balanced on her broodmother hips. Face hidden in a curtain of hanging hair. Like an drunken ice skater fallen over mid-rink, she crawled for the edge. For the basement wall.


"Hey! The table—"


Crash. Ino upended it in her beeline for the hose. Hinata threw up her hands. Grumbling something about Tsunade spending a week synthesizing all those sex drugs. She was gonna be pissed when she found out. And considering the rapid footsteps overhead. That wouldn't be far in the future.


But most of all, Hinata was annoyed with her husband. Reduced—hopefully temporarily--to a dumb beast by the stud juice. Unable to recognize any preference. Sure that might be her fault for doping his nuts so much. But she was her man dammit! She was his number one!


Ino presented an incredibly tempting sight. Model-esque good looks melded with a body that could make a eunuch pop a boner. Even folded up as she was in the corner. Desperately hosing off the sheafs of semen, she was still gorgeous. The semen seemed to have given her already perfect skin a very slight inner glow. As if she needed any damn help with her complexion.


Lips pursed and eye twitching, Hinata glared daggers at her dear hubby. But his slack lolling face was locked square onto Ino. His cock wasn't drooling precum like before. Drained by the pool-filling. But oh it was trying to produce again. Cum tube gaped open and flexing.


"Okay, ya damn blondes, you wanna play that game?" Hinata got up and swaggered to the empty pool. Adding an especially nasty sway to her pregnant hips. "Let's play that game."


Hinata maneuvers her hands under her quadruplets-laden pregnant gut. Finding the tiny—and extremely hard working--metal button holding her daisy dukes closed. Unable to bend forward, she bent her knees enough to loose them from her hips. And then, straightening up again, shook them down her legs until they pooled around her ankles.


As always, she went commando under them. That custom ordered sling bikini hadn't come in yet. Good and bottomless now. Hinata propped one knee on the pool's edge and plunged her hands into the cooling man sauce. Two overflowing handfuls sloshed in her cupped fingers. Handfuls which Hinata unceremoniously slapped onto her ass.


Eager to sample her husband's wish granting semen, her tight bum sponged up the slop at high speed. Once her hands emptied. Hinata rubbed in more semen. Feeding her ass until it couldn't drink another drop of raw growth potential.


Closing her eyes, Hinata visualized Ino's ass. Transplanted onto her body. The wish granting power activated;


"GHHHHHfuhkyeaaahhhhh…" Hinata's guttural sex snarl hissed through a clenched jaw. Shapely red shiny lips pulled back over her perfect white teeth. "That's the good stuff. Let's see you take your damn eyes off me now, Naruto-kun~<3"


Hinata swaggered back to her husband. Gait unsteady, every step brought another crazy bounce in her fattening backside. More weight on her powerful legs. She could take it. A bad bitch like her could handle anything. Even an eventual 82-inch hip measurement.


Smack! Wooble woob…


Hinata parked a pornstar-tier bubble butt onto her husband's lap. Which grew ever more nichely fetishistic with every passing second. Tight fitness ruined with ever-thickening layers of plush, wiggly tushmeat. Fatty cheeks which plumped around the blonde semen factory's obscenely phat log.


Swelled around its sides…


Swallowed it between its fatty twerk-prone cheeks…


Suddenly Naruto's half burnt out brain registered this new sensation. The sudden aggressive cushiness of Hinata's expanding glutes. How they overflowed his lap within seconds. How their touch made his crazy huge nuts throb in their free-hanging loneliness off his chair's front.


The beast growled and thrust his dick between his alpha-wife's massive ass. Hinata laughed and drove her butt back hard into his stomach. Into his cock. Smacked it back and forth like how she loved to do with her tits. Hinata applied all her extensive paizuri knowledge to her lapdance.


Something inside Naruto snapped. Red light overtook his eyes. Demonic chakra flared. Hinata felt the sudden heat between her new and improved booty cheeks. Her ultra-cocky grindfest stopped short.


"Oh shit. Not again—FUUUUUUCK!"


Naruto's clawed hands snapped his bonds like dry spaghetti. Mighty paws seized Hinata's belly-lifted megabosoms. ZZ-cups squeezed, overwhelmed, defeated through raw manly strength. Sinewy forearms squashed into their sides. Thick callused palmsshoved in and up on the tender patches below the nipples. Pressure to force them up and out. Diamantine glasscutters like overripe wine grapes. Pierced by azure studs. Perfect levers for a brutish bullstud to pinch and twist.


Naruto squashed her huge melons tight and high. Obscured her face with jostlingly competitive mountains of boob. And with her face covered. Another lewd bodypart became fully exposed. Hinata's huge pregnant belly. Lovingly lotioned daily 'til it shined. A pale throbbing round mass of maternal eroticism. Marked with a perfectly popped out round belly button and a thick linea nigra.


[A/N: If you want to read advance chapters then join my patreon. It will help me a lot if you guys support me!

Link :]

A belly which, upon sensing its creator's touch, came to life. Hinata's big taut sex-gut squeezed like a bellydancer's wave. Pulled tight to the left and up into an irregular shape. Slow and languid in contrast to her ball-emptyingly-big tits and wobble-liciously phat bottom. An inward squeeze of several seconds reminiscent of a bellydancer's abdominal control. Followed by a period of release where the whole motherly-lewd mass relaxed into taut perfect roundness again. All in all, a mirror of a Braxton hicks contraction.


Hinata was NOT about to give birth. But her body had found a way to weaponize her pridefully plump midsection into a weapon against itself.


Wracked all heart eyed by these pornified tummy-ripples, Hinata wailed and bucked in her husband's iron embrace. Tables turned, her teasing assjob devolved into wild grinding shakes. A primal mating dance where his throbbing cum veain tickled her sensitive, pierced anus. Frustratingly slight stimulation. Pussy-wettening, vulva-plumping.


Hinata cream trickled clear and sticky. Girly precum lube anointed Naruto's hanging hyper nuts. Oh if only there was another woman to rub that precious liquid in. To pamper, to spoil those tired gunk-bladders. Encourage them to make more semen. Then Hinata would see who was boss around here!


Speaking of another woman. Hinata's full throated cries attracted several.


"What the hell is going on down there!" Tsunade bellowed down the stairs.


With no coherent answer forthcoming. The eldest of Naruto's harem came stomping down the stairs. Arms folded under her own alphabet-covering tits. Matter of fact as ever about her ridiculously over-sexualized body. Her utilitarian yoga outfit making no effort to cover her maternal charms.


Shiny black spandex pants encased her lower body. Wide hips and all. Waistband pulled down in the front to accommodate her twitching triplet tummy. Sweaty, and as perfect as Hinata's. But her boobs were stealing the show. What should have been a V-necked stretchy t-shirt ended up as a bra on her. Unable to cover her belly at all. Conceived as it had been for women without ridiculously inflated tits.


So… maybe not the most intimidating sight.


Tsunade took one look at the scene. At a giant Ino hosing herself off. Naruto all ball-doped in a berserker fuck rage. And Hinata getting her just desserts. Tsunade sighed and boobie-bounced her way into the semen-mess. Nonchalantly crossing the spunk trail Ino had left.


"I told you not to dose him that heavily, Hinata." Tsunade pinched the bride of her nose. "Serves you right."


Hinata flipped her a very slow and shaky middle finger. Ignoring her sister wife, Tsuynade nodded to the giantess in the room. "Ino."


"Hi, Tsunade-sama." Ino greeted, combing spunk globs out of her hair.


"Just Tsunade is fine. You look good. Did the semen do that?" Tsunade jerked her head at the pool.


Ino nodded.


"Hmm, good to know. Too much doping causes rapid growth on contact."


"Hello? Is everything—" Nori asked.


"Okay down there?" Naruko finished.


"It doesn't sound okay. It sounds fun." Kushina giggled.


"Everything's fine!" Tsunade called. "Don't bring your—"


Heavy feet stumbled down the stairs. Followed by gasps and giggles from multiple fat pregnant bellies slapping together.


"…mother down here. Son of a bitch."


Nori and Naruko helped Kushina jiggle down the stairs. In recent months, she'd gotten too ponderous to manage on her own. What with the towering mass of taught shiny flesh her belly had become. By a good margin the biggest in Naruto's harem. The most active and baby-stuffed. Nori and Naruko had to squish in to support their mama's broodmother tummy. Somewhat smaller tummies squashed into the mothership's taut slippery sides. Luckily for them, the basement stairs were wide.


Kushina's mental state hadn't improved one bit. Months of extreme pregnancy had turned the once fearsome matriarch into a bubble headed bimbo with near-zero common sense. And bimbos, naturally, do as bimbos do when they see a great big pool of potent semen.


"Oh my god! There's so much!" Kushina's eyes lit up like stars. "My baby boy's gotten so virile~<3"


The twins were well mesmerized too. "Wow. Big bro made—"


"All that by himself?"


"You're a fucking—"


"Genius, granny Tsunade."


"Just Tsunade for cripe's sake." Tsunade felt her headache worsen. "Now get your mother out of here before she does something stupid."


Too late. Kushina had already slipped the grip of her daughters. Their newfangled mesh and orange latex bodysuits did nothing to help them grab her. With a speed utterly shocking for such an island of maternity. Kushina dashed to the pool's edge and plunged her hands into its slimy warm depths.


"Semen… Naruto-baby's semen. So thick~"


By the time Nori and Naruko caught her, Kushina had already baptized herself with her son's spunk. Poured a cupped handful onto her head. Excessive pregnant bodyheat thinned out the sticky stuff. In off-white rivulets it flowed down her hentai-grade tits. Spigoted off her perpetually hard nipples like mother's milk. Then in wavering contrails and tributaries, Naruto's semen made the long pilgrimage down Mt. Kushina. Down her massive belly.








They collided too hand. Kushina stumbled forward from the impact. Windmilling her arms didn't save her balance. All three uzumaki women splashed headlong into the pool.


It's important to note that, by this point, all three broodmares were gaining bestial traits. Eyes which were reflective in the dark. Increasingly red chakra. But most important for this string of—sexy—misfortune, claws. Later, after many cold showers and sittings on frozen peas. None of the women could say which of the clumsy preggos punctured the inflatable pool.


For a split second after the pool collapsed. the semen seemed to hang in the air. But then, GOOSH! Ino tried to dive for cover but she was too big. Too backed in a corner. Tsunade wasn't as nimble as she used to be. But she was fast enough. With a speed Ino had never seen and strength she'd only occasionally witnessed. Tsunade dove in and shoved her clean out of the slash zone. Ino hit the opposite wall. The spunk wave soaked Tsunade's pants.


"Oh son of a— Ghhhhh~"


Tsunade's curse cut off into a guttural, cougarish grunt. Weak-kneed she staggered to a wall to catch her breath. One hand on her belly as she huffed for air.


"Fuck. This stuff's…" She bit her lip. "Intense~<3"


Tsunade wasn't the only one. Nori, Naruko, and Kushina had devolved into a scrambling tangle of limbs and bobbling breasts and bouncing butts. All centered around their holy trinity of pregnant slut guts. Jiggling and slapping against each other like the rack of a giant three-titted stripper.


Hinata was too far off the ground to get splashed. And Naruto was immune to his own semen. Unaware of unfolding drama, but slower than before. Sudden aggression tapering off into plain old, intense lovemaking.


The Uzumaki girls got the biggest dose. They changed first. Twin identical wails rent the air as Nori and Naruko both clutched their throbbing pregnant bellies. Thick bodies jostled as if being fucked by spectral studs. As if they were each being impregnated AGAIN.


It started with slow gurglings. Belly rumbles followed by slow pulsating skywards thrusts of their hips. In perfect sync even while they came inside their own lewd bodysuits. Shorter thrusts with each rep. Weighed down more and more by the increasing weight on their midsections. Their bellies were growing, fast. A whole fifth baby for each of them!


Faster and faster in time with their gasps and bitten lips. With speed worthy of a cheesy horror movie themed around evil births. But no horror director could ever dare make their female lead enjoy their belly expansion quite as much as the Uzumaki twins did. Abandoned by their spectral boyfriends, the twins crawled into each other and scissored. Violently.


Pregnant pussy kissed pregnant pussy. Sloppily smooched and made out with lots of spit. Unable to masturbate normally, the twins had resorted to lesbian incest to calm the heat in their crotches. A taboo which they had become all too adept at violating. Crotch kissing as their bellies grew and grew. Higher and ever more jutting. Determined to catch up to their mother's sextuplet-stuffed-sex-stomach.


Kushina was in no shape to reprimand them. Laid out spread eagle. Mountainous belly tightening with her full-throated, continuous cum-keen. Only calming down with ponderous heaves when she gasped for air. Her transformation was of a wholly different kind. A sudden eruption of red chakra. The demon inside her roared and rampaged. Caught in chakra chains and unable to escape the fusion. The impossible was happening. Demon and vessel were becoming one.


Fluffy red fox ears sprouted from Kushina's head. Triangular and, honestly, rather cute. A gasp of pain and a hand over her mouth discovered her teeth changing. Canines lengthening into short fangs. Body filled with supernatural strength, Kushina rolled herself over onto one side. No longer pinned by her enormous stomach.


Just in time for a long and fluffy fox tail to sprout above her plush butt. Then a second one. Then two more. Then three more. And one final tail. Nine waving and long, fuzzy fox tails. Every bit as masturbationally challenged as her daughters. Kushina employed her new appendages on pure instinct. All together they dove between her legs. Fighting over which got to stimulate their mistress's fat steamy cunt. One wone out and the rest retreated in a sulk. Satisfying themselves with wiping Kushina's writhing body clean of spunk.


She HAD been wearing an orange bathrobe with the Uzumaki clan symbol on the back. But there was no saving that specific article now. It'd have to be burned. No amount of scrubbing would remove the smell of Naruto's dick.


All through her transformation, her daughters continued to grow. Inch after inch added to their waistlines. Bellies determined to outshine the one who'd birthed them. As if possessed they swelled. Braced on either side of Kushina's quivering tummy. Stimulated by its squirmings. Forward event horizons of youthful tanned belly pushed diagonally inwards and up. Determined to kiss over their mother's maternal fuck-dome.


Breath by breath and moan by moan, Nori and Naruko thrashed and kicked beneath their swelling bellies. Pinned helpless with eyes only for their blimp-like midsections. Pupils shrunk to quivering points. Fucked and cummed inside by unseen forces.


Kushina regained some bleary semblance of awareness. Roused by the sudden pressure on her fetishized stomach.


"Ohmigosh! Girls you're getting so big~<3" Kushina squee'd with pride.


"Aghklmahklegurglebabies…" Nori and Naruko gurgled in unison. Practically cross-eyed.


Kushina attacked with her tails. She only needed one to keep herself charged up. That meant she had four to squeeze and poke and rub each belly. Well, three actually. No sense in not giving their poor sopping cunts a little fluffy attention…


And poke she did, fluffy appendages slithered across and around Nori and Naruko's burgeoning bellies. Poked their tightening skin to test its resistance. Sloughs of moisturizing semen were painted on to prevent stretch marks. Belly massages made her favorite daughters whine and bite their lips.


All this occurred while their overly bred bellies inched closer together. Ever more torpedo like due to conservation of mass. Inverted navels the size of silver dollars. Quivering like nipples in the hot air. Their stomachs blossomed with subtle patterns of veins. Signs of distress, of their stomachs hitting their absolute fertile limits.


And then contact! Their belly buttons touched. Followed by the fronts of their stomachs. Squashed together like the bust of a giantess. Squeezed in readiness for a titfuck. Together they covered their mother's stomach from above. Viewed from below where their six legs shook. Their stomachs converged around a singular shadowed point. A snug little fleshy triangle with concave sides. Slick with sweat and semen. The tightest belly-pussy ever conceived by human flesh.


Locked in a three-way incest standoff, mother taught daughters the joys of their now erogenously-massive baby bumps. Their dick distending acts of fertile depravity reflected in Tsunade's half-lidded eyes.


The eldest harem member had had a slightly delayed reaction. Just enough hang time to see the mother-daughter threesome devolve further into oversexed breeder dumbness. Enough for the older woman to gulp. She braced herself and the growth began. Under her skin, in her whole body. Aggressive warm syrupy bubble bubble bubble!


Ino took in the scene with damp-pussied shock. Too turned on to be truly afraid. Kushina's transformation had been bizarre. But Tsunade… oh god. Tsunade was growing like her. Taller and taller. More muscular. She'd always been a strong woman but that was getting more literal by the second.


Sleek muscle blossomed under Tsunade's perfect skin. Stretched with expanding sculpted mass. Broadening shoulders matched in time with swelling hips. Thickening thighs and ever more toned calves.


Then suddenly her muscles were not so sleek. Outwards they bulged, thickening by the second until her thighs shredded her stretchy pants along their seams. Burst forth into quivering columns of stud-trapping muscle. Pressed together legs together as broad across as a car tire. Mighty pillars attached to equally wide hips. All taken together, a lower body able to absolutely powerslam the most hung of studs. No normal man could ever survive beneath Tsunade's new hips. Like any good savage.


And then that growth rolled up her back. Slow from hips to broad shoulders. Rolls and crevices of womanly strength popped out at the face of the wave. Sculpted lines that any doggystyle inclined man could spend hours tracing. With his tongue~<3 Her shoulders, already strong, gained only enough tasteful width to match her cock-crushing hips in sheer girth.


Gain they did. One increasingly pawlike hand dug into the concrete while the other clutched clutched her heaving slut-gut. Matched by biceps and triceps an inch too thick for a man to get his hands around--no matter how he squeezed--and forearms as thick as his neck.


As if this wasn't enough. Tsunade was even growing taller. Growing into her newfound bulk even faster than Ino had. Until she regained her feminine shape through sheer virtue of height. Hourglass figure returning with a vengeance. Yet even now, bent double around and clutching her kicking brood, Tsunade refused to fall to her knees. Instead forcing herself to stand up despite the sheafs of cunt sauce slickening her pillarlike thighs.


Somehow, Tsunade kept her womanly shape, molded from muscle now just as much as feminine fat. A barbarian queen built for strength AND fertility. Resilient enough in width of hip and strength of cunt; to grind out a small army of babies and STILL come back for more.


Tsunade's head hit the ceiling and crashed straight through it.


That seemed to stop her. Call out to some semblance of restraint in her soul. Tsunade shook off the daze just as the growth stopped. Looking around, confused, she realized her head was in the living room. Tsunade slumped down the wall with a groan. Taller than even Ino by a good foot and a half. Magnificently muscular nakedness on display for all to see. Yoga clothes long since shredded to ribbons. Ino scrambled to her rescuer's side and helped her lay down. Tsunade's new height took up most of the tiled area's length.


"Tsunade!" Ino shook her. "Are you okay?"


Tsunade cracked open one eye, and a rye smile. "I should be, askin' you that kid. You're welcome by the way."


"Oh, right."


Ino felt for the hose. Naruto and Hinata had finished up. Wife still snug and sleep in her snoring husband's lap. Concerningly, he was still in his overmuscled 'hyde' form. Maybe it wouldn't go away this time. By contrast, Kushina and the twins were just getting started. Mother eager to help her daughters pleasure themselves with her new tails. Even weirder, the air appeared to ripple around the Uzumaki matriarch now. Warped by a force that didn't seem quite real. A genjutsu, if it was anything. A constant and powerful one.


"Well, I guess you can't fit in your house anymore." Ino hosed down Tsunade.


"No kidding. But I'm pretty sure we can lower this floor. That'd give me space to work down here." She gasped at the cold water between her legs. "Kushina's transformation, there's so much potential. If we isolate his semen's transformative properties. Concentrate it into more radical bodily changes."


"Shh, relax." Ino rubbed her cheek. "Just breathe. You've done plenty."


"Right… Relax… good idea. For now." Tsunade nuzzled her cheek. "I'll get started tomorrow."


Ino stared at the older woman. Surprised by the manic sparks lighting in her amber eyes. A weird sort of crooked sort of smile spread under them.


"Tsunade, you just turned into a fucking giantess. You need a real break."


"No, I don't. I need to explore this, Ino. There's so much to do."