Chereads / Naruto: Heir Corruption / Chapter 40 - Breeding Ground

Chapter 40 - Breeding Ground

"Holy shit." Sakura sat back hard in the booth. So much so she actually dragged her obscenely fat mega-knockers with her. Jelly-soft they flopped off the table and smacked her stomach. Hard enough to knock the wind out of a normal woman. She winced. "Holy shit."


"I know, right?" Ino laced her fingers and inverted them over her big head. "And now I've got this rocking body out of it."


"But, you sounded so scared during the change." Sakura paused. "And, Naruto. He sounds like he's turning into…" She trailed off, unsure of the right descriptor.


"A sex monster. Pretty much." Ino shrugged. "To keep us sluts in line, he's gotta be. The dicking he gives us is still fucking S-rank though."


"And Sai?" Sakura ventured.


Ino waved her off. "Pfft. Couldn't be happier. Our intimacy problem's good and solved. He can't last longer than 30 seconds with these tits in his face." She smacked her atomic knockers for emphasis. Hard enough to make Sakura wince. But it didn't bother her at all. "Except for those off days where he just shoots in his pants from one look at me~"


"But he can't know about you and Naruto. He'd be furious." Sakura said.


"Yeah he would be, but I've got a workaround." Ino tapped her temple. "All I do is make him dream about us screwing every night. And you saw what I did to that creep onstage. What I give Sai is even more intense."


She said it so casually. Cheating on her husband like it was no big deal. Sakura wanted to push back against that. To snap at her friend. Tell her off like she used to. But she couldn't get the words past her tongue. A tongue which grew all thick and swollen when Ino snuggled her into her sideboob. Sakura could've overpowered her. Could have.


"Sasuke's gonna have the same problem, Sa-ku-ra." Ino purred. So low and resonant, her prisoner felt the vibrato in her chest. "One look at these boobs of yours and his dick's gonna shrivel up in fear. He can't handle this much tit."


"H-he can. He just needs a little… p-practice!" Sakura squeaked the last word. Ino'd tweaked her nipple.


"Practice won't give him daddy's dick. Or his stamina." Ino licked her ear. "You don't want some three-pump chump with one arm and a two-minute boner. You want to get fucking jackhammered~<3"




"You want to feel a real stud's kids grow in your belly."


Sakura shook her head. Ino pulled her closer.


"You want to feel your belly squirm with life. While their father pounds your fat preggo pussy to mush."


Sakura couldn't see the club anymore. Just boob as far as her captive eyes could see. Face smooshed in bisexual boobmeat. Ino's lavender honey perfume filled her nose. Heady floral-sweet aromatic fingers curled into her head. Massaged her brain. Rubbed all those silly little sexual morals away.


"So, what do you say? Wanna join the winning team?"


Sakura didn't know if Ino felt her muffled 'yes'. But it didn't matter. The fact she clambored around her much bigger friend. Blindly tongue-feeling for her nipple. Baby hungry, dry mouthed… she tasted it. Childlike, Sakura straddled Ino's powerful thigh.


And began to drink.




The next hour melted away like a blur. Sakura didn't know how much of that time she spent on Ino's lap. Mouth stuffed with nipple and milk cream-caoting her tongue. But what she did know was this: Next thing she knew she was before the Uzumaki household.


Dwarfed by it.


The house had grown outwards and up. Nearby abandoned tenements dismantled for raw materials to feed the construction. What few half-preyed carcasses remained were infested with shadow clones. Spiderlike they crawled all over the jagged outlines. Nails were pulled and joists twisted apart. Muscles flexed and bulged in the moonlight.


And what muscles they were. Sakura hadn't personally seen Naruto's Hyde form. But that had to be it. One of the clones stopped, backlit by the moon. Bestial its head rose and sniffed the air. Sniffed the scent of a woman. Her.


"Uh, Ino?" Sakura tugged her friend's hand.


"What? Oh those things. Ignore them. They can't touch us unless the original says so."


Not exactly comforting. Sakura did her best to ignore the red eyes on her back. Ino led her into the house, through a square front door that was much larger than before. Barely tall enough to accommodate the blonde.


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Everything had changed inside. Instead of the ramshackle home she was used to, the interior was clean, if spartan. Front hall stretched far into the distance, lined with open doors.


"This is…" Sakura said, disoriented.


"It's ugly, isn't it? God I know. I'm supposed to be in charge of decorating but, daddy can't keep his hands off me." Ino threw up her hands.


"Can't you just say no or something?"


"To him, yes. To that amazing dick? No."


All at once a double-barreled ecstatic wail rent the air. Sakura jumped, that sounded like the twins!


"Is that?"


"Eeyup. Thw twins got stuck in a loop again. I told them not to watch."


Sakura felt her legs move on their own. Fear warred with need in her clenched empty womb. She shouldn't want this. But she did. This was what she'd wished for. Sakura didn't check if Ino followed her.


She found the basement door exactly as Tsunade had so many months ago. The stairs had been moved to make space for another layer of security. A heavy steel door like what you'd find on a submarine. Reinforced to keep 'daddy' in. Somebody had left it open.


"Ahhhhnnnnn~<3!!! Yessssss you little brat!!! Fuck my belly from the inside!!!!"


That didn't sound like Nori or Naruko. That was Tsunade's voice. Sakura didn't control her legs. Hungry to be spread wide for a demon-man's insatiable rod. All but dragging her into the underground gloom.


The basement had been emptied completely. Whatever familial things they'd kept down there had either been discarded or moved. Its floor had been lowered as well, the last four steps of the basement stairs were poured concrete instead of wood. It was as if the whole chamber had been converted into some kind of sinister dungeon.


And this dungeon's master was a perverse one. Tables of chemicals and glassware lined the walls. Interspersed with stained shelves of medical books and corkboards pinned with every sort of lewd diagram imaginable. Diagnostic machines hummed low in the background. Reticent of explicating their mad purposes. Sakura recognized the books, they were Tsunade's.


The haphazard mess was Tsunade's too. She'd never been an organized woman. And the huge bulging womanly shape straddling the couch over there could be nobody else.


"Acetocholine blocks the testosterone uptake… Ngh~<3 Reduces efficiency by twenty percent or more. Lower efficiency means less sperm. But the reality altering properties seem to be rising independently… Fuuuuuhhhhhhk!"


Wham! Wham! Wham!


The tiled section of the basement had changed. The pool was gone, replaced with sofas. Two heavy-duty industrial ones with steel frames. Necessary for the grunting, thrusting tangle of flesh upon it. Enslaved to rut and heat, Naruto looked small beneath Tsunade's massive body. Half disappeared beneath the sky-vault of her overblown mountain stomach. A belly driven to contract and kick by sheer virtue of her live dildo's size.


The amazonian cougar's massive legs and arms found little space on the tiny furniture piece. Mighty hands dug into the steel frame. Hunched forward like some half feral oni. Shockingly huge breasts hung in Naruto's clenched grunting face. Nipples too thick for a man to get his thumb and index finger around. Everything from the bottom half of Naruto's chest to his hips was being smothered by a monstrous pregnant stomach. Proportionally it could have been a quadruplet bump. But considering her sheer size… the number of babies it'd take to blow her belly up that big…


Everything from there down was being similarly squashed. By fat round spheroids of bubbly muscular ass meat. Whose outermost peaks reached his knees.


Goggle-like glasses covered Tsunade's eyes. Lenses sheened in the cold fluorescent light. Paired with a rakish, half manic grin. She rode him like a psychotic amazon. The rhythmic wham wham whams came from her hip Mjolnir-like hip drops.


Sakura's throat went dry. Tsunade's transformation had gone so much farther than Ino had described. She'd always found the woman at least a little intimidating. Now she felt the first clenchings of real fear. Everything in Tsunade's attitude screamed crazy. An obsessive manic focus alien to her usual grumpy self. Fixated on the mad theory concocted in her oversized brain. As if she could theorize about the depraved depths of her husband's cursed cock. And at the same time crotch-slam it into soft, broken cumming submission.


"Asynchr—Mmmh~<3 Asynchrous hormonal cycles triggers radical cellular growth and reinforce---Grrrr! Yeah that's it! Take it you little brat!"


Smack! Naruto slapped her massive belly. Hard. Arms spread, he'd been full on hugging its underside. Tsunade didn't react the reasonable way. Try to halt the sudden assault on her vulnerable midsection. No, she pushed her belly out. Offered its taut flesh to him.


"Reinforcement!" She roared. "Pain induces ovulation when a pregnant woman's waist measurement exceeds eighty-two inches. Chances of superfetation rise by… by…" In one hand she palmed the back of Naruto's head, shoved his face into her inflated womb. "Yeah, you like this belly don'tcha shrimpy? You like it so much you let me use your cock like a dildo."

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