Chereads / Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 86 - Chapter 86 The Pieces fall into Place

Chapter 86 - Chapter 86 The Pieces fall into Place

Throughout the night in the hidden mist a silent shadow passed over the lands. Laying down the slips of paper it's master told it to. The Nightgaunt was a silent beast, it always was. Unable to make sonds no matter what it did, and belnded to the shadows. Even if you saw it, you could never be sure if it wasn't a trick of the eyes. Naruto watched as his summon layed down seals all over the village for use of the Fliying Thunder God. Though not to many else Naruto would never know where he could end up. Unfortunately as Mei said, a few buildings were fitted with counter seals to block any seal within.

Not that it mattered. While the original plan was going on, Zabuza had requested Naruto to use the as he put it 'freaky demon with no face' and spread his seal all over the village. Though even a nightgaunt had to be careful. The ANBU within this village would not pass it off as a trick of the eyes. The original plan was still in place, but the seals enabled the clones to appear anywhere where the seal was, though they also had to be well hidden. The Nightgaunt returned to Naruto without making a sound. He petted the faceless creature on the head before it disappeared in smoke.

Naruto opted not to use his summons to much, If the Great Cult found that the beasts in there dreams were in the Hidden Mist, they would investigate, which would only cause more trouble for the Hidden Mist, and after a takeover, that was not something needed. Eldritch form would have to be used carefully, and should Sasuke or Sakura use there curse seals and Orochimaru got wind of it, he would seek them out to find his newest body, assuming he still needed one. With Yig being involved it was hard to say at this point what Orochimaru's goals were.

Zabuza nodded after the seals were in place. He gave the signal to the army of clones below. All at once they flared their chakra, alerting the ANBU. They charged forward. They would be the distraction. The rebels crawled thorough the sewers to head to the center of town. Naruto watched until enough of the ANBU were at the gates. As time went on he Sasuke and Sakura waited for their chance. Then the rebels emerged from the sewers all over town, bypassing the main force of the ANBU fighting the clones. Haku was the first to act. Sending Ice senbon to take out what he could. Doing what he could to keep them alive. Naruto grabbed Sakura and Sasuke as they disappeared in a flash.

They ended up at the closest seal to the Mizukage's tower. Battle all around them. The streets ran red with blood. Sakura unsealed Ivy, and attached chakra strings to it while she hid from sight. The puppet danced around the battlefield using it's vine like parts as whips. Slicing at ANBU to keep them at bay.

With a twitch of her pinky the bulbs on Ivy's head opened into a flower like pattern. As the puppet danced around the soldiers it would launch poisonous senbon at it's targets. The macabre ballet was one of both beauty and horror as ninja after ninja fell to the puppet. Sakura smiled as she moved her hands like a maestro to move her puppet. When anyone got to close to Ivy the hidden needles in the eyes would shoot out and stab themselves into the enemy. They would fall before they even realized what was happening.

As Sakura took care of her Ninja Sasuke was busy himself. His Mangekyo active as he used the rasengan on any that reached to close. For those further away he aimed and ran with a chidori. All was going well until a giant of a man challenged the last Uchiha. Sasuke Charged a rasengan as he charged the man, but the man was swift despite his size. As he jumped over Sasuke the giants meaty fist hit the boy in his head, making him slightly disoriented.

"Lucky hit", said Sasuke.

He blazed through hand signs as he let loose a fire ball at the Giant who simply dodged it. However he dodged the move right into the unseen flames at his side. Flames black in color. The giant flailed as the undying flames consumed his flesh and bone, leaving only ash. Sasuke activated his jump jets right into a large pile of ninja where he teamed with the rebels to take down the mist ninja who dared opose him.

Naruto on the other hand found the whole thing frighteningly easy. Using only Taijutsu, and his modified body flicker to move fast to dodge attacks. He was not even hit. It was insulting how simple it was, though he was using Menma's style, which was beyond effective. He almost laughed when some ninja tried to confuse him with genjutsu, which he only knew after the man voiced his jutsu. He fell quickly.

At random intervals Naruto would teleport around the field to aid the rebels any way he can. After a teleport he found himself literally back to back with the puppet Ivy. His eyes followed the Chakra strings to Sakura who nodded to Naruto. She attatched chakra strings to him, but did not control him. Instead the strings bounced off him back to Ivy. Something Sakura had come up with herself.

As Naruto fought the ninja that ran up to him and Ivy he would attack. Ivy mirrored his moved perfectly from behind the enemy. With each punc happening at the same time from both in front and behind as the puppet followed Naruto's moves perfectly. The Chakra strings disconnected ans the wooden vine from Ivy flew past Naruto's head hitting a ninja leaping from the shadows. Naruto smiled at Sakura who nodded back before hiding herself, possibly behind a genjutsu, but Naruto could not tell. He turned back to Sasuke who was bringing down ninja left and right. It was a bit disturbing how much he was enjoying himself. Not long after that Zabuza covered the village in his mist. Using the silent killing, the remaining ninja began to drop like flies. Clones picked off the stragglers with kunai launchers. Naruto nodded before what could only be describe as a volcano eruption happened to the east. He ran quickly to find Mei controlling lava and using it against a massive force.

"Wow", said Naruto with wide eyes.

"And that's why she's going to be the Mizukage", said Zabuza who snuck up on the boy.

He lifted his sword to his shoulder as he watched to the side.

"I'll take the east gate, see how Haku is doing", said Zabuza.

Naruto nodded as he used his flying thunder god to help Haku, who had several very fast ninja trapped in his ice mirror dome. They all dodged his attacks easily. Naruto reached into his pack and pulled out a special kunai and threw it within the dome. As soon as it hit the ground Naruto appeared within defeating the quick ninja easily with his modified body flicker. Haku's ice mirrors melted.

"You know I had them", said Haku.

"What, and not help my precious person", said Naruto.

Haku smiled and nodded, Naruto returned the gesture when he sensed movement behind him, before he could attack Haku threw a senbon of ice at the man behind Naruto. Naruto raised his eyebrow as Haku only nodded.

"I knew he was coming", said Naruto.

"What, You would prefer I not save my precious person", asked Haku.

Naruto smiled as he shook his head. He moved his hand to the side as he motioned toward the village.

"After you Haku", said Naruto.

Haku leapt past Naruto who followed after him with vigor. He looked to Haku.

"Which way to the Mizukage's tower", asked Naruto.

"I am going there now, follow me", said Haku.

Naruto nodded. As they leapt Sasuke appeared beside them using the jump jets.

"Forgetting someone", said Sasuke.

"You're right. Where is Sakura", said Naruto in jest as Sasuke's eye twitched for a moment.

Naruto chuckled a bit as Sakura leapt after them. Ivy strapped to her back.

"Right here", said Sakura.

Naruto nodded.

"Ok, you all know the plan. Take him down, but do not kill him. Keep watch for any guards and se your curse marks sparingly", said Naruto.

"Right", said Sasuke and Sakura simultaneously.

"If it is all the same with you, this man is the reason I have lost my family. I will not try to kill him Naruto-kun, but I am not going easy on him", said Haku.

Naruto nodded. He expected as much, it was only natural for Haku to feel anger at the man who caused the villages pain, and his own.

"Don't lose yourself Haku", said Naruto.

Haku said nothing.

Meanwhile outside the Village Sasori and Herbert watched the battle below. Herbert chuckled.

"You know, with everything we gave the rebels, the village doesn't stand a chance", said Herbert.

"Indeed, but we have our own problems. Keep watch for the Akatsuki", said Sasori,

Herbert waved him off.

"Yeah yeah, You can stay and watch from here, I'll go look around. Not everyone has three pairs of eyes you know", said Herbert.

Sasori said nothing. Herbert leapt off to circle the village sending his Masked beasts to keep watch.

"Swift style"

"Swift wha...", was all Herbert said before something he could not see barreled into him at blinding speeds.

Herbert slowly got up and shook his head as he looked to see what looked like a small boy stand over him.

"Hi", said Herbert.

Though the boys face was bandaged Herbert could sense the smile.

"Hello, and who may I ask are you", asked the boy.

"Ladies first", said Herbert.

"Steel style", said the boy as he punched Herbert's mask with a metal fist.

Herbert shook his head again as he got up. He cracked his knuckles.

"Alright you want to know my name, my name is Dr. Herbert West, and right now, you are my bitch. Spiraling Ring", said Herbert as he charged his attack.

In his hand was the ebon ring of spiraling chakra. He threw it at the boy who lifted his hand revealing two diamond shaped on it, one on top another.

"Dark Release: Inhaling Maw", said the boy.

Mid air the Spiraling ring disappeared. The boy pointed his palm at Herbert.

"Dark Release: Judgement"

A beam of chakra aimed at Herbert came at full speed. Herbert barely dodged the move as the area behind him was destroyed. Herbert looked at the damage and whistled.

"Thats a bit over kill don't you think", asked Herber.

"My name is Hiruko, and it seems as if you have wind release. Rare, it will prove most useful", said Hiruko as he lifted his other hand.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough", said Hiruko.

A strong windstorm barreled into Herbert who used Chakra to keep glued to the ground. Suddenly a fissure that started at his feet slowly made it's way to Hiruko, who simply jumped to the side and thus canceled the wind storm. Herbert leapt back as he called forth his Masked Beasts to aid him.

"Looks like you are outnumbered kid", said Herbert.

Hiruko quickly made hand signs and slammed into the gorund.

"Summoning Jutsu", said Hiruko.

Now surrounding Hiruko was a strange looking bird, two strange wolf like creatures with spears connected to their shoulders, a lion like beast with a spiked turtle shell, and some kind of two headed snake creature demonic in shape.

"Nevermind", said Herbert.

The Masked Beasts and Chimere fought. The wolf chimera used their strange spears that became tentacles to lash out at the masked beasts. They were countered by walls of energy summoned by two of the masked beasts. The bird like creature would moult feathers that acted like paper bombs. The creatures fought adamantly. Herbert Fought Hiruko directly using pure taijutsu. Though Hiruko proved to only be good enough to avoid the main attacks. His swift style also helped him in that endevor.

"I have heard of you, the scientist that the Akatsuki informed me of. Why are you here", asked Hiruko as he dodged the attacks..

They continued to fight as they spoke.

"You know how it is, gys hate their leader, go to the scientists to find new and better ways to kill their enemy. Besides who am I to ignore it when a zombie asks for help", said Herbert.

A sharp strike from Hiruko to Herberts chest caused minor pain, but Herbert was able to grab his arm before Hiruko could pull back. He swung Hiruko over his head and slammed him into the ground. Hiruko got up quickly.

"I see, so you are the cause for this invasion. I was under the assumption that your group protected the world", said Hiruko as he dodged Herberts strikes.

"We do, the kage here is a real asshole, so we politely asked him to remove himself from the seal using the time-honored method of brute force", said Herbert.

The back and fourth banter continued between the two as their beasts battled near them. Hiruko leapt back and began to concentrate.

"Storm Release: Thunder Cloud Inner Wave", said Hiruko.

A thick ring of clouds bellowed around Hiruko as electricity crackled within the black clouds. Lightning shot at Herbert who found that using his memories of Naruto's modified body flicker quite useful at dodging lightning.

"Shit", said Herbert as the clouds slowly crawled toward him.

Herbert began his own hand signs.

"Wing Release: Great Breakthrough", said Herbert.

He pushed the clouds away as he poured more chakra into the technique than necessary. Hiruko leapt from the cloud at super human speeds. Suddenly the Chimera ran to Hiruko. After a moment the beats merged into a massive armored lion with wings and snake tails.

"I believe we end this", said Hiruko.

Herbert nodded as his masked Beasts were returned to him. He slammed his hand on the ground causing a massive cloud of smoke to appear. As the smoke cleared Hiruko watched with interest as Herbert Sat atop a black version of the nine tailed fox. He didn't see it but Herbert was smiling.

"Kaiju Death Battle", said Herbert.

Once in the tower Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Haku easily made it in just in time to see Zabuza flicking blood off his blade as if the sword were as light as a feather.

"About time, the Mizukage is locked in his office. I'd take him out, but there is no way I would go in there and not kill him", said Zabuza.

Naruto nodded.

"It's fine, leave this to us. I have a plan to take him alive", said Naruto.

Zabuza waved them off.

"Fine I'll keep anyone out of it", said Zabuza.

Naruto looked at the door and created a spiraling sing. Sakura readied her puppet. Naruto drove the spiraling ring into the door. It was destroyed. When they entered the office they looked to see a seemingly young boy looking over the village through a window. In his hand was a large hook ended staff.

"I always hoped this would happen. Ever since she died, I wanted nothing more than for this village to burn for what it did to her", said the boy.

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he motioned for the others to stay.

"Are you Mizukage Yagura", asked Naruto.

The boy laughed.

"No not really, well I suppose I am, but at the same time I am not. You surprize me, when I saw you out this window I found you very interesting Naruto Uzumaki", said the boy.

Naruto nodded to the others.

"I see the puppet, but where is the puppet master", asked Naruto.

"You are as smart as they say, I am not here at the moment. But I do not need to be. I think it is time we talk Naruto", said Yagura.

When he turned around Naruto was shocked. The right eye of Yagura was tinted red, it appeared to be a stared at the sight speechless.

"So, another Uchiha lives, one with only one Sharingan. And by coincidence it is the sharingan opposite of my sensei Kakashi, You see I have read his notes, I know his history. Am I wrong to believe you are Obito Uchiha", asked Naruto.

Yagura made no motion, but to Naruto it was more than enough to confirm it.

"You are wrong, I am Madara Uchiha", said Yagura.

Naruto smiled.

"I find that interesting, you see after Sasori joined me I have been collecting bodies for him to make puppets, the first was the body of Madara Uchiha..."

"What", screamed Yagura.

Ignoring the outburst Naruto continued.

"So I know for a fact you cannot be he. This makes things much simpler Obito, though your survival I find quite interesting. Let me see what was in those notes on Kakashi I found before the bell test", said Naruto as he cupped his chin.

Naruto amused himself seeing the face of Yagura.

"You spoke of a girl, my guess is it would be your other teammate, Rin Nohara. I never could figure out how she died, but apparently judging from your reaction, the Hidden Mist is to blame, at least partly. You somehow survived. Possibly thanks to Madara himself. I was wondering why he had not been dead as long as I believed. It would also explain why you chose his name. The pieces are falling into place. It all makes sense. Shall I continue, our reports show that Akatsuki is here, since they are after jinchuriki you send the new recruits to watch Yagura, when in reality you watch them to see how useful they can be. Meaning you lead the Akatsuki, or are at least a high ranking member. Though why you would want to take over the world is beyond me. Unless that is not your goal. Stop me if I'm wrong Obito", said Naruto with a cocky smile.

Yagura caught Naruto in his hooked spear. But it was grabbed by a tentacle that came from Naruto's wrist. Sakra flexed her fingers as she readied her puppet, while Sasuke overcame his shock and prepared a rasengan. Haku only watched in dawning realization

"I"M GOING TO KILL YOU", screamed Yagura.