Chereads / Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 87 - Chapter 87 Titans

Chapter 87 - Chapter 87 Titans

The Chimera unleashed a torrent of fire at the Ebony Fox. It swiftly leapt over them as it barreled to the massive fusion of monsters. The ground shook as the two titans battled. With a swipe of it's tails the fox blew the Chimera away though the beast flew into the sky A ball appeared in front of the black fox and was promptly swallowed before spat out at the Chimera. Despite the massive beasts size it maneuvered around the attack with minor difficulty. The Chimera's twin snake tails stretches and headed towards the fox as each snake head opened it's moth where two more snakes would come out. The process happened again and again, until there were dozens of snakes. All snapping at the fox with what looked like blind fury.

Herbert leapt off the Black Kurama and jumped on the snake heads as he ran across them heading to Hiruko who had fused to the Chimera. Herbert bolted, moving at speeds that left him a blur until he stopped with a kick to Hiruko's face. His bandages fell revealing the too wide mouth with misshapen long teeth.

"Man, you are ugly", said Herbert.

Hiruko emerged from the Chimera as he engaged Herbert in battle, all while the two titanic beasts continued to fight. Only the Chimera's ability to seemingly reform itself kept it tied with the fox. Herbert flew into the sky as he held out his hand.

"Great Spiraling Ring", said Herbert.

He dropped the black ring where it fell toward the Chimera. When it hit, the destruction would have made Deidara blush. Though still the Chimera reformed. Herbert flew back to his fox, and stood on it's head.

Hiruko shifted his hands through several seals.

"Storm Release"

The black storm clouds came back with vengeance. Spewing lightning at the fox. While the fox smashed it's tails into the ground causing an earthquake. Using the forcce the fox pushed itself into the sky as it fell towards the Chimera with fangs bared. Once it came close the fox clamped it's jaw onto the Chimera's neck. It ignored the storm around it. Hiruko barely dodged getting eaten by the fox.

Herbert was on the foxes back to stay away from the storm. With a swift motion, the Black Kurama beheaded the Chimera. It stepped back as the storm began to affect the fox. The Headless Chimera continued to move, as if it's head was not needed. Its snake tails lashed out snapping at the fox as tentacles of black ooze formed from the neck. It grabbed the head and pulled it back on. Once that was done it unleashed fire at the fox. Black Kurama unleashed another sphere from it's mouth, which hit the fire, pushing past it and hitting the Chimera. The resulting explosion was massive.

When the smoke cleared Herbert saw the mass of ooze which Hiruko now stood on top of, his body covered in metal. He breathed heavily. Before anything else could happen Wilbur appeared next to Hiruko and spoke in Eldritch tongues. A blinding light appeared in the sky. When Herbert looked up he saw a blue comet. Suddenly several points of light appeared from the comet and headed toward the earth. The comet disappeared. Slowly Herbert watched as the points of light came closer. He noted that tendrils of fire came off them. He looked back to Hiruko and Wilbur who was no longer there. Replaced by pages that flowed in the wind.

When the points of light came closer they revealed themselves as fire balls. Herberts eyes widened. He knew what this was. It was a singular entity of untold destruction.

"Fire Vampire", said Herbert.

This could only mean that the comet he saw was Ktynga, the home of Fthaggua and the fire vampires. Though why only a single fire vampire came Herbert did not know. Perhaps it was because they could destroy the planet, and Wilbur would only accept that if his father was involved. In any event Herbert had much worse things to deal with. Tendrils of fire moved from the fireballs and headed toward the Black Kurama who leapt out of the way. Trees below them ignited and their fire was drawn to the fire vampire. Despite the moist air, it would take a lot more water to destroy this creature. There was only one choice. Herbert flew off his Kurama hoping it could keep the Fire Vampire busy while he made his way to Naruto. There was only one thing they had that could snuff out a fire vampire, and ony Naruto could summon them. With as much speed as Herbert had, he flew to the village to find Naruto, they needed Dagon.

Naruto was currently dodging every swipe from Yagura's strange hook like staff. Near immediately after the Outburst Yagura adorned a chakra cloak and a single tail. The sick sea green color around him burned and melted anything to close. Sakura kept him at bay with senbon from Ivy. Haku continued to freeze Yagura in rage, but the Chakra cloak melted the ice. Haku continued to fight in a blind rage. Sasuke on the other hand immediately activated his curse mark he flew above Yagura charging a Chidori. He flew down bringing the cidori into Yagura's chest. While damaged Yagura used his staff to fling Sasuke away as his wound slowly healed. As he healed Haku ran up to Yagura and pined him to the wall with his icicle like claws. Haku looked into the faded Sharingan eye with a sneer.

"Obito, I don't know who you are, i don't know what you look like. But if I find you, I will end you. I promise you, if I ever meet you, this will be the last face you See", said Haku.

He flung Yagra at the window where a second chakra tail appeared as he fell and Yagura's skin bubbled as he became some strange beast. It did not stop there. The Chakra cloak grew and began to take the shape of a massive turtle and a final tail grew. The tower was destroyed as the Three Tailed Turtle formed fully before Yagra hit the ground. Using a combination of jump jets and in Sasuke's case wings they flew to the massive turtle. Haku watched as the massive turtle swiped at them with it's tails. He would construct walls of ice to stop the attack. He began to calm down with heavy breaths.

"You just had to make him mad", said Sakura as she sealed her puppet. She activated her own curse mark and cracked her knuckles.

Suddenly a massive panther half the size of the three tailed turtle bit into the beasts tail. Atop him was Sasuke still in his curse mark form.

Taking the hint Sakura slashed her thumb with a claw and summoned a large horse covered in armor. She hopped across the field to land on top of he horse as it unleashed wind at the turtle. The Panther used lightning. Despite this Naruto was more so drawn to the side. In the distance he watched as a massive nine tailed fox with black fur fighting a massive Fire Vampire. All around were giant beasts fighting each other. Sasuke attempted to use his panther to get the three tailed turtle away from the village, unknowingly heading for the fox and fire vampire.

Sakura pushed forward her massive horse extending a unicorn like horn shaped like a Kunai knife from it's armored head using it as a weapon. They sucessfully got the turtle out of the village but were taking damage fast. Naruto flew to the sky. Watching as tendrils of fire attacked the black fox. Naruto bit his thumb. Adding two more giants to the mix caould not make matters worse. As he slammed his hand into the ground a storm appeared over them and it began to rain. A shallow puddle huge in size appeared on the ground as a massive white pillar emerged from the ground, followed by Dagon who grabbed the pillar and hefted it over his shoulder. Hydra came next wielding a trident. Dagon's tentacles lashed as he saw the many monsters around the village. Naruto leapt on the Old Ones Head.

"What is the meaning of this madness", asked Dagon.

"There was trouble. The fire vampire and the turtle are our enemies, the Horse , Panther, and Fox are not. Lets go", said Naruto.

Dagon nodded as he squirmed to the battle on his tentacles legs. Hydra moved like a snake holding her Trident high over her head. Before she got to close She was impacted by fire. Looking to the side Mother Hydra saw a massive Chimera slowly reforming it's body. She threw Her trident only for the Chimera to knock it away with many snake like tails. Hydra willed the trident to return to her hand as she looked at her opponent. She smiled as she lifted the trident to the sky. Lightning struck it causing the Trident to glow. She pointed it at the Chimera unleashing a storm at the beast. Though it froze, the effect was minor. She turned to the side to see Dagon fighting the Fire Vampire using water to keep it from getting to large. Waves crashed into the fire vampire but it never fully extinguished. Simply growing to normal by burning trees below to gain size.

Naruto watched as Herbert flew next to him breathing hard.

"About time you got here. What the hell is going on", asked Herbert.

"No time, keep your Kurama fighting. Help Sakura and Sasuke with the Turtle, me and Dagon has the fire vampire", said Naruto.

Herbert nodded as he flew back to Kurama.

Once on top the massive fox leapt to fight the three tailed turtle. The turtle kept the massive horse and panther away using it's tails. Once it saw black Kurama, it unleashed it's own tailed beast ball, only for the ebony fox to leap to the side. Outnumbered the Turtle unknowingly moved toward the Chimera and Hydra. He swept Hydra aside to stand next to the Chimera who seemed to ignore everything other than Hydra. Maneuvering slightly the turtle moved so that the Fox once again got crossed into a fight with the Chimera, who used multiple snake like tails to keep everything at bay. The three tails continued it's battle with the panther and horse. Despite being smaller, they were much faster. The turtle leapt into the sky and fell down to slam it's spiked shell into the horse. Though it's armor took most of the damage, it still caused the horse much pain. Though the horse simply swiped with it's kunai horn that grew in length to become a sword like blade. It quickly rose to it's feet. The Horse slashed at the turtle though it used it's shell as a shield. The Panther attempted to focus on the soft spots with long metal claws that cracked with lightning but was held at bay by the beasts tails.

Dagon slammed his Pilar into the ground. Causing coral to spring around the battlefield. He moved using his tentacles as legs as coral spikes shot toward the fire vampire, unleashing mists of water to keep the thing from getting Bigger. Dagon opened his mouth as sea water shot out hitting the fire vampire causing steam. The ground was flooded with water. When Dagon stopped he sunk into the shallow water as if it were deep as the ocean. His tentacles lashed from below the surface at the fire vampire grabbing the beast to drag it under, but he could not hold the beast long before his tentacles melted. When he pulled them back under they healed in the water only to try again. The coral covering the ground shot up with long tentacles coming from holes in the coral, each tentacle resembled moray eels that snapped at the fire vampire, spraying water when their mouths opened. Flaming tentacles burned the eels before the fire vampire slowly became hotter, turning a blur color. The water Dagon hid in started to steam forcing him to come to the surface else be trapped in an endless ocean. He lifted his hnds as a shield of coral protected him from the flames. His tentacles moves and grabbed the pillar.

Once the pilar was lifted from the ground the coral dissapeared. Dagon placed his webbed hands touching the hieroglyphs on the pillar before slamming it back to the ground. This time instead of coral, chains emerged from the pillar heading toward the Fire Vampire. Somehow the chains wrapped around the creature dragging it toward the pillar. Dagon began to touch more symbols in the pillar, causing it to spew sea water at the fire vampire which had little effect, but also made a massve flood. It was dragged under, and the beast was snuffed out. Dagons sea disappeared and he grabbed his pillar.

In the distance Wilbur watched with an injured Hiruko next to him.

"He commands Dagon, this was unexpected. We should depart", said Wilbur.

"Why did you save me", asked Hiruko.

"I despise you, but you have proven a mild interest,stop being so and...", Wilbur left the rest of the sentence in the air for Hiruko to decide himself.

Hiruko stood up and looked to the battle.

"It seems we have lost, though the turtle oddly seems to ally with my chimera. Odd, considering it is a target", said Hiruko.

"It does not matter", said Wilbur as he turned to walk away.

As soon as Wilbur turned around he came face to face with Sasori who had Madara attached to his hands by long chakra strings.

"Going somewhere, or would you prefer for an encore", asked Sasori.

Acting quickly Wilbur spoke the words of the Outer Gods before disappearing in a whirlwind of paper. Sasori sealed away Madara as he looked at the battle. He had nothing to fight creatures of that size, or more like nothing he wanted to risk fighting beasts at that size. He opted to instead watch. Who knows, maybe the fight could be the inspiration for a new project.

Meanwhile in the village the rebels had won, but now watched as several massive beasts fought each other. Though there enemies were vastly outnumbered two to one. Despite this they stayed as far from the battle as possible, watching only with awe and fear. Zabuza stood next to Haku watching the fight with only mild interest.

"That kid is full of surprises", said Zabuza.

Haku nodded.

Mei walked next to Zabuza to watch as the fox was getting winded fighting the chimera. Dagon had come to help. It was obvious that the chimera was on it's last leg, which was impressive itself.

Everyone else fought the turtle. The sight was amazing.

"You sure know how to pick them Zabu-Kun", said Mei.

"I told you to stop calling me that", said Zabuza.

Mei only chuckled.

The Three tailed turtle was vastly outnumbered. The Panther, Horse, Fox, and strange mermaid like beast had brought it to it's limit. The sharingan eye started to fade as Obito let the jinchuriki's mind go and it began to shrink. The fight was over. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Herbert went to the unconscious Jinchuriki as their summons went to finish off the regenerating chimera. Though before that happened the beast disappeared in a cloud of smoke. The summons disappeared leaving only the summoner.

Naruto looked at the jinchuriki before he created several clones. They contained him in a mass of bandages and chains fitted with special seals.

"Status", said Naruto.

"Signs of Chakra exhaustion. He's fine, though he's not going to wake up in a while", said the clone.

" He was being controled by another. Get him to the cells. We don't know if he can be controled again, better safe than sorry, transport him immediately, use the Flying Thunder God to get there", said Naruto.

The clones nodded before disappearing in a flash.

"That should do it, they will take him to the cells for medical study. He will be looked after, Akatsuki won't lay a hand on him", said Naruto.

"What about the other Uchiha", asked Sasuke.

Naruto nodded.

"Irrelevant, I will pass the information to Jiraiya, the only danger in the Organization is Whateley. His summoning of a fire vampire is troubling. And now that he knows I can summon Dagon, he will shy away from anything with weakness for water. Either way our mission was a success", said Narto.

"I'll say", said Zabuza.

Naruto turned to see Zabuza and Haku. In his hand was a bundled up mass.

"Zabuza, how is everything", asked Naruto.

"All good, Mei is beginning fixing the village up, me and Haku are going to stick around before heading out. Mei has us starting a spy network for the village. But enough of that, you said you wanted this", said Zabuza.

He tossed the package to Naruto who opened it and smiled. He pulled out Shibuki, the explosion sword.

"Well, Deidara should enjoy this", said Naruto.

"Yeah, don't expect any more of the seven swordsmen swords, you got two now, you don't need any more", said Zabuza.

Naruto nodded.

"If I may, if you are starting a spy Network, Jiraiya of the Sannin is the spy master of Konoha. I suggest getting in contact with him", said Naruto.

Zabuza nodded. Naruto went to Sakura Sasuke and Herbert. They all laid a hand on his shoulder before they disappeared in a flash.

Back in Konoha Jiraiya and Tsnade had made it back. They now sat in the home of Hirzen, who smiled as they walked in.

"Jiraiya, you have returned, good. Tsunade, it is good to see you again, where is Shizune", asked Hiruzen.

"She is getting everything situated. Jiraiya told me everything", said Tsunade.

Hirzen nodded.

"Yes, a shock isn't it, for one so young to do so much"

"Whats the plan for getting him back here", asked Tsunade.

"Once Naruto gets Danzo we can fix this situation, and get everyone back in the village", said Hiruzen.

"And his reanimation formula", asked Tsunade.

"He made it, it is his to do with as he pleases", said Hiruzen.

Tsunade said nothing.

"In any event we have the seal on Danzo so all we have to do is wait, I'm sure Naruto knows what he is doing", said Hiruzen.

Once back at the base Everyone pretty much settled into old routines. Deidara had yet to return so Naruto put the Shibuki off to the side for his return. He headed down to the cells where he saw clones move Yagura into a special coffin shaped containment unit, designed so that Yagura will not be able to use Chakra. They were strapping various tubes and wires into him so he would not die in the device. Once they finished they sealed it. With only a glass porthole so they could see Yagura's face. If he still was being controled, that device would make it impossible for him to do anything.

After that Naruto left to the storage area within the village. It was time to see what dead bodies were collected for possible resurrection.

Watching Naruto as he left was the Shadowed man who stood with his arms behind his back.

"Nine years, one month, twenty nine days, six hours, fifteen minutes, three seconds. That is how long you have until he awakens child. What will you do. What can you do when you look to the night, and the stars are all right. More conflict is needed to groom you into the perfect form so I may exist when all else fades", said the Shadowed man.

He looked to the sky as his face rose somewhat to resemble a smile. He eyed a specific spot in the night sky, as he looked at the far planetoid of the solar system. The Cold world, where they rested. The planet known to them as Yuggoth.

"I wonder"