Chereads / Twin Magi / Chapter 12 - Ch 12, Rituals.

Chapter 12 - Ch 12, Rituals.

"What ever, on another note I got the materials for your rituals." Lucius said just dropping the headache that was our previous conversation.

"That was fast it has only been a day." I had said while I stared at him with a look of bewilderment. It was only yesterday that I had asked for the materials, and a few of those materials were not easy to come by.

"Yes, well, when you have as scary of a reputation as I do then people tend to get you what you want." Lucius had said with barley concealed pride.

"Right. Ignoring the arrogance in the room." I had said getting an indignant 'hey' from Lucius.

"Thank you Lucius." I had thanked him throwing him and Draco off, and getting a look of pride from Narcissa.

"What kind of rituals are you planning on performing Azrael?" Narcissa had asked me with a small smile.

"Well most rituals and their materials are more symbolic than practical. With the mockingbirds we will gain the ability to speak, read, and write any mortal language." When Narcissa gave me a look I elaborated.

"There are mortal, and divine languages. A divine language needs a spark of divinity to even begin to learn it, and has power over the world." I quickly explained where Narcissa nodded in appreciation.

"Anyways, the ritual after that will be a ritual of ascension. We will perform it using phenix blood and tears, dragon blood, and our blood. We will put it all in a mixture then draw a ritual circle around a dragon heart, or as we know it a wyvern heart. The ritual is designed to draw as much magic into the heart to make it into a dragon heart." I had explained to Narcissa and she had a raised eyebrow for a mere moment when I mentioned that they were dragon hearts.

"I'm assuming that you will then perform a ritual where you replace your heart with a true dragon's heart?" She asked but it sounded more like a statement.

"Correct, while there is magic in our blood it isn't the same as even a wyvern, let alone a dragon. Replacing our hearts with dragon hearts would make our blood more magic than blood. Making our magic more dense than it would get otherwise." I had told her with a smile only to get a small frown in return.

"Are you sure you should do that? While you are young your magic can be quite chaotic, and a ritual that replaces your heart doesn't sound that safe for it." Narcissa asked her concern apparent to any one. Which got me thinking would it be safe? It is one of those things that will mess with your magic.

"I think you are right. It would probably destabilize my magic to a dangerous degree." I had agreed with Narcissa and continued thinking. Only for Draco to make a comment.

"Then why don't you make it attune to your magic?" He had said only for his parents to quirk an eyebrow at him. Aisha and I on the other hand were giving him looks of pride.

"Oh Draco, you do remember your lessons!" I exclaimed with condescension and false pride on my face. Only to get the sneer that he was known for. The one that was full of condescending hatred, and malleus, but his eyes were full of mischief and amusement. I stopped, paused, and stared at him with squinted eyes.

"That was almost too perfect. Work on your occlumency more, your eyes gave you away." I had scored him.

"Also, that was fast did you practice that sneer in the mirror or was it natural?" Aisha had asked Draco, inflating his pride.

"It came naturally." He said with as much arrogance that he could muster, which was enough you'd think he thought that he was better than Dumbledore when it came to magic.

"I'm so proud!" I said while giving him a grin that had promised hell.

"But he is right, I need to bind it to my magic and soul. It will be better anyway as it will take longer and is more attuned to me. the problem is that I don't know of a ritual that will do what we need." I said hand on my chin with a contemplative look.

"Well that is what research is for you can figure it out later. For now let's perform the all speak ritual." Aisha had said guiding us all to the ritual room. Which was hidden behind a secret door in the wall much like the one to Diagon Alley.

"It still is unnerving that you know this place better than me." Draco had said with a grimace and a shiver traveling down his spine.

"How do you even know where it is? Or how to get in for that matter." Lucius asked to which the only reply he got was four dead stares that screamed he was an idiot.

"Right sorry." He apologized for being an idiot.

Once in the chamber we mixed more dragon blood, mockingbird blood, and our blood in 2 separate bowls stirring 7 times clockwise, taking 4 seconds for each rotation. Two bowls for communication and cooperation, three different bloods for completeness and wholeness, four second stirs for stability, and seven stirs for understanding.

After creating the mixture we paint a circle on the ground with a triangle inside of it each corner touching the outer circle. At each corner we draw much smaller circles within the triangle, then in the middle we draw a circle just big enough to fit a person sitting cross-legged, the middle circle being big enough that it touches the center of each line but not touching the smaller circles.

Outside of the largest circle we drew runes to prevent outside influence from affecting the ritual, and to keep all the magic contained within the whole circle. On the out side of the triangle were runes to connect each of the smaller circles and draw the magic from them. The small circles had runes on the inside of them to draw out the traits that we wanted from each item. One circle will have the voice box of the bird to speak any language, the second one will have the eyes to read any language, and the third will have the skull to understand any language. Then the center circle has runes to infuse the thing in the middle circle with said traits.

We then placed each part in the circle it belongs in and sat in the center and poured our magic into the runes and lines. Which caused the ritual circle to slowly light up in a red light. When the whole circle was lit up the body parts started to disintegrate into a blue light and was sucked into the circle slowly spreading through the triangle and into the center circle. Then leaving the lines reaching up into our nose, over our eyes, and into our ears.

Once the ritual was over the lines and rune started to dissipate into dust, leaving no signs of the ritual. Opening our eyes I looked over at Aisha to see she was in pain so I immediately got up and rushed to her.

Kneeling next to her I asked her what was wrong as I didn't feel the slightest bit of pain.

"It feels like I have a migraine, but it feels like I can understand more and more languages like the information is getting forced into my head." Aisha answered me through gritted teeth. Which had me calming down almost immediately, how could I forget Aisha didn't wish for her mind to be incapable of getting overwhelmed, to have an infinite capacity. Of coerce I wouldn't feel any pain.

"I'm sorry Aisha" I apologized to her softly while gently caressing her hair then gently picked her up bridle style and walked up to the Malfoys.

"Do you think we can barrow a guest room I think Aisha needs to rest for a bit." I asked them quietly only getting nods in response. They then turned around and showed us to a guest room, and upon entering we went to the bed and got in it. Laying Aisha on my lap and continuing to gently caress her hair.

"We will leave you two be. Come get me when you're both ready." Lucius gently whispered as to not bother Aisha and upon my nod of understanding he and Narcissa left. Draco stood in the door way a little longer with a small wistful smile on his face, then with a nod of his head he closed the door softly and left.


My name is Hermione Granger and for as long as I can remember I've been smarter than most of my peers, the only exceptions are the Moirai Twins. But because I'm smarter than the other kids my age I've been called names, things like 'book worm', 'teachers pet', among other things and it hurt but not as much as being rejected, being 'friendless'. But one day I met a pair of twins that could change their hair color at will, but when I asked a teacher why they only told me they couldn't do that. And when I confronted them about it the played the fools, I got so upset then they dived out of my line of sight and behind them a drawing had caught fire. I stood there in shocked silence watching as the fire burned in front of us, but I was the only one shocked. The twins just turned around saying they were missing lunch, and I likewise pretended that nothing happened.

But the weird things didn't end there, one time they created a bucket full of water from nothing and made it float up onto a door while it was cracked open. A classic prank sure but how did they create the bucket or levitate it. Then another time I saw one of them make a weird movement with their finger while pointing at someone during break while the other kid was playing soccer, the next moment the kids shoes were tied together and he tripped.

There were other cases but there are too many to count, but recently they have been saying the strangest thing, "we're going to meet our friend's godfather and manipulate him into helping us kill an army of undead zombies in order to get said friend a gem for the staff we are making him."

There are so many things wrong with what he said that I didn't want to believe him, and I acted like I didn't, but I did. Privately I knew he was telling me the truth because he never lies. They always have told me how they did the pranks they did and they always matched up with what I would see out of the corner of my eye. Where did you get the bucket? "I conjured it." How did you get it up there? "I levitated it up there." How did you tie his shoes? "I charmed them to." The only reason I don't bring up magic is because I get the feeling if I did it would be too early. And the reason I don't bring it up to the adults is because if anyone else asks them how, they give a smile that screams 'I know something you don't' and is full of smugness and arrogance.

It made me content to know they only tell me how they do it if not the magic behind it, but now it is just irritating that I don't know how they are doing magic.

Too long didn't read I've finally snapped and am now marching my way up to their door my parents joining me to meet up with the twin's parents.

"Dear, what is wrong you seem upset?" Mom asked me with worry in her voice as I knocked on the door.

"You'll see." Is all I said as the door opened and the twins mother opened the door.

"Jean! Derek! And little Hermione! Come in, come in, how are you?" Mrs. Moirai asked excidedly as we entered leading us to the living room.

"We are good, but it seems that your twins have upset Hermione some way." Dad had answered Mrs. Moirai. But when I was about to rant about how they have been doing magic and I am at the end of my rope on waiting for a answer as to how, the fire place lit up in a green flame and out stepped those bloody twins Aisha being held up by Azrael, while she massaged her temples. Azrael stopping in his tracks the moment he noticed us, not with horror, but with a pout of all things.

"Man and here I thought we could wait till her letter." He had complained quietly, clearly considering Aisha's condition as he did so.