[Near the opening back to Conton City]
"I cant believe they put us on guard duty!" Syoko huffed and crossed her arms tapping her foot on the ground impatiently. "Nothing cool ever happens back here".
"We should be grateful that nothing too crazy goes on back here" Nariko replied hoping to ease Syoko's impatient nature.
"Well Nico is out there risking his life! He probably already fell down.." Syoko adopted a far away gaze.
[We cut to Nico Vs. Salsa]
Nico ducked under Salsa's punch and grabbed his arm, flipping behind him Nico managed to break his arm. A clean snap was heard as Nico landed behind Salsa.
"You Filthy Mortal!" Salsa fell to a knee before snapping it back in place and healing the wound. "You'll pay for that" Salsa was back on the assault.
[We cut back to the Portal Opening]
"Poor Nico, Not even his wife believes in him.." Nariko sighed and remained on guard for anything. Noticing that Syoko was riddled with anxiety, she asked what was wrong. "You okay Syoko?" Syoko's head snapped in her direction and she spoke calmly, almost too calm.
"No that Idiot Nico, he always rushes into danger not thinking about anything but the person in front of him." Syoko's face softens a bit as she thinks about him. "Knowing him He's giving everything he's got." Syoko smiled.
[Xeno and Ray]
"Wow thats a big castle!" Xeno was impressed with the size of the building. "Maybe I'll live here after we win" Xeno hummed in thought.
"You're awfully confident we'll win" Ray wondered how someone so weak could talk so big.
"Well it's not like we;ve encountered any threats!" Xeno retorted quickly. "Besides there aren't many people that can face me in 1 on 1 combat" Xeno Laughed.
"You dont say…" Ray deadpanned when suddenly a wall on the side of the castle crumbled to dust and a large figure burst out in a flash of red.
"Kakarot!!" The large figure bellowed out, shaking the ground slightly. Noticing Xeno and Ray the large figures' eyes locked on and he charged at them.
"Oh shi-" Xeno barely got a word out before a large arm close lined him into a wall.
"So much for that big talk…" Ray deadpanned and flipped backwards avoiding a low swipe from the large figure. After a minute the dust settled and revealed a Super Sayian 4 Broly.
"Kakarot?" Broly looked pissed and was gonna rush at Ray when he found he couldn't move. Looking to what was stopping his assault he found Xeno in Super Sayian 4 holding him back.
"Not so fast big guy, we barely started our slow dance" Xeno said in a mocking tone, only pissing off Broly further.
"RAHHH!" Broly took a swing at Xeno only for him to block it and return the punch with 10 times the force, sending Broly reeling back in pain.
"You know how to punch, but you don't know how to fight" Xeno smiled maliciously and got into his battle stance. "I would get a better fight from Syoko."
[Syoko and Nariko]
"Well hello! Is this were you mortals are entering our domain?" Syoko and Nariko locked up at the sound of the voice slowly turning around they were met with a Demon with Light blue skin and aqua colored hair. "You guys look weak!" The demon chuckled almost a childish laugh.
"W-who are you?" Syoko managed to choke out. The air pressure around the demon was scary it was suffocating.
"Oh my bad! My name is Putine!" Putine twirled her staff and was ready to fight when she noticed the two seemed apprehensive. "Whats wrong? Don't want to die a worthless death?" Putine tapped her staff to her head trying to draw a conclusion.
"What do you mean worthless?" Syoko'd expression gained a sense of danger that went unnoticed by Putine.
"Oh I heard from one of my allies that this boy in white fell in battle" Syoko froze up and glared at Putine.
"Care to repeat that?" Syoko had a vein popping out of her head, her eye twitching at the news. (You would think she would be sad! But quite the opposite, she knows her husband and well she knows he's fine.)
"Did you know him?" Putine tilted her head to the side in wonder.
"Oh i know him alright, i'm gonna hurt him when I see him" Syoko's tone became murderous and scary. Nariko actually flinched because she knew what this meant.
"How? He's dead." Putine said flatly, she remained staring at Syoko in bewilderment. "That's just stupid" She tapped her staff on Syoko's head only serving to make her madder.
"You demon's are stupider than I thought" Syoko sighed and got in a martial arts stance. "My Nico is stubborn, he doesn't like to lose especially to jerks like you" Syoko chuckled under her breath before bursting with power and entering SSJ2!
"A nice power boost but-" Putine was cut off by screaming and looked at Syoko in astonishment, she was still powering up. With a primal yell the area fell silent except for the small buzz of lighting sparks that broke through the air.
"Xeno taught me this trick" Syoko's aura was overwhelming and could be felt across the entire demon realm. "Super Saiyan 4" Syoko locked eyes with the demon who was now cowering in fear. "What happened to all that bravado?" Syoko rushed forward so fast she almost blinked out of existence.
"What the hell?" Putine was looking around trying to find her opponent when she felt a hand grab her shoulder. Turning around a chill was sent down her spine as she gazed into the cold heartless expression that played in Syoko's yellow and black eyes.