Chereads / Dragon Ball: Alternate Universe / Chapter 8 - Transforming Tides

Chapter 8 - Transforming Tides

While making her way back to the battlefield Risa looked on in horror at a giant ape rampaging around the desert. She quickly picked up her pace ignoring the pain biting at her heels. "I have to make it!" 

[Back on the Battlefield]

Kaito was watching as Vageta's form began to grow more feral. His teeth sharpened and he gained more canines. Steadily he started to grow taller and wider in size. His hair cascaded down his back and fur grew all over his head. Soon a giant monkey was staring down at the fighters with his red eyes. "This is perfect! You don't stand a chance, Kakarot!' Vageta let out a low guttural chuckle. "This is where you meet your end!" Vageta stomped down with his giant boot. 

Snapping out of his stupor, Kaito barely dodged in time. Backflipping Kaito prepared to do a Kamehameha wave, when he landed Kaito cupped his hands and focused pulling back his arms he was about to fire when Nappa appeared and clocked him in the face. Kaito rolled in the sand and bounced off a rock. Continuing his assault Nappa ran forward after the dazed Kaito.

"Cant escape me this time!" Nappa grabbed Kaito by the neck and slammed him into the rocks surrounding them. Kaito, thinking on his feet even in his confusion, rocked back and swung up hitting Nappa in the chin, freeing himself of Nappa's grip. Falling to his knees and coughing Kaito knew he had to catch his breath quickly. True to his assumption Nappa was back in action ready to kill him. "Thats it kid! Time to die!" Nappa's arm began to spark with purple lightning, throwing his arm back Nappa primed his attack. "Boomer…" Before he could finish his attack a blur of Black with white lightning kicked Nappa into the air.

"Risa!" Kaito felt so relaxed now that Risa was here and alive. Riza put out her arms and white lightning sparked off her body scorching the sand below turning it into pure glass. Her palms were facing outwards pointed up at Nappa. "Gamma Burst" Risa's aura exploded in a white blast of pure energy flying at Nappa in an instant. Soon all that remained was a few specks of ash across the sky. 

"Heya Pipsqueak" Risa relaxed her form before turning around to Kaito and using her thumb to point behind her at Vageta manhandling Goku and the gang. "We gotta help them kiddo" Risa took a step forward and fell into the sand, her body going into shock from the strain she put on it. 

"Risa!!" This time with alarm Kaito crouched down and assessed what was wrong. Risa was fast asleep and looked like she would be out for the rest of the fight.

"Kakarot! I finally have you in my grasp" Goku let out a scream of horrid pain. He was feeling his bones being ground to dust as Vageta's giant hands squeezed tightly around his body. Goku coughed up blood on Vageta's white gloves. "Thats it! Slip away!" Vageta laughed crazily as he was going to finally end Kakarot. 

"Kamehameha!" Kaito aimed at Vegeta's eye and hit true. Vageta screamed in pain and dropped Goku letting him fall limply to the sand below. Vageta turned his attention to Kaito who was still in the turtle school stance. 

"You fool, now you have to die first" Vageta opened his mouth as Purple energy gathered in large amounts. After a moment Vageta fired his mouth beam vaporizing everything where Kaito last was. "There, now back to getting rid of-" Vageta was cut off as he felt something grab his tail. "What?!" Kaito was holding on for dear life as he pulled lifting a great ape vegeta off the ground as he did. With a primal scream Kaito kicked Vageta in his spine sending him into the ground hard. 

At this moment Yajirobe made himself know to the group and cut off Vagetas tail returning him to normal size. Yajirobe scattered away as fast as he could not wanting to die. 

"You Insects! I'm gonna kill all of you! Starting with you!" Vageta pointed at Kaito and vanished before punching Kaito in the stomach causing Kaito to buckle to his knees. Coughing up some spit Kaito found he couldn't breathe. "Die." Vageta reeled back a fist and punched Kaito in the jaw, breaking it. Crumpling to the ground all Kaito could do from blacking out from the pain was scream.

Krillin came to Kaito's aid for a second time and yelled "Solar Flare!" blinding Vageta and allowing him to drag Kaito out of danger. "Stay here, You've already helped us enough" 

With that Kaito and Risa were transported back to the time nest where history went back on track. Corona rushed in and saw both the mangled bodies of her two favorite Patrollers. Gasping in horror she called in the medical team.

"What happened?" Kaito was laying in a bed looking up at a white ceiling, turning his head he saw Risa, his mentor at his side, it looked like she had been crying. Kaito turned back to the ceiling, recalling his failure to beat Vageta and cursing his own weakness.